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Changing your name after marriage? Use this name change checklist so you don’t miss a step, including the time required for each document.
How to Change Your Name After the Wedding: 2025 Guide Navigate the name-changing process after marriage seamlessly. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition.


bride and groom sitting in the backseat of car posing with marriage license

A Guide to Marriage Licenses


Your marriage license isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all.

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What to Look For in Wedding Planner Contracts


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zola couple plans for name change

How to Change Your Name After Marriage

How To

Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more.

Illinois Marriage Laws

Illinois Marriage Laws


Illinois marriage laws can be tricky, but Zola has everything you need to say “I do” in the Land of Lincoln.

How to Get a Marriage License in Ohio

How to Get a Marriage License in Ohio


Before you walk down the aisle in the Buckeye State, check out Zola’s guide to marriage licenses in Ohio.

All Legal articles

Wedding planning 101

What Happens If You Don’t Sign a Prenup?

Did you know you already have a prenup? Yes, believe it or not—your state legislature has already decided your fate in a divorce. Your “default prenup” is your state's divorce law. There are two divorce property division frameworks used in the U.S.: Community property and equitable distribution. And spousal support is based on a mix of statutory requirements and judicial discretion. These laws are what dictate your future. But guess what? You can override these laws with a prenup. You can go against what the state law says and tell a court how you want things done regarding property division, spousal support, debt, and other issues. With that said, let’s explore exactly what happens if you don’t sign a prenup.

zola couple plans for name change
Wedding planning 101

How to Change Your Name After Marriage

Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more.

Changing your name after marriage? Use this name change checklist so you don’t miss a step, including the time required for each document.
Wedding planning 101

How to Change Your Name After the Wedding: 2025 Guide

Navigate the name-changing process after marriage seamlessly. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition.

Montana Marriage Laws Outline
Wedding planning 101

Montana Marriage Laws + 6 Things To Keep In Mind

The great state of Montana is a gorgeous place to say your vows. But first, check out Zola’s guide to Montana marriage licenses.

How to Get a Marriage License in Maine
Wedding planning 101

How to Get a Marriage License in Maine

If your main event is happening in the Pine Tree State, Zola has everything you need to know about Maine marriage licenses

bride and groom sitting in the backseat of car posing with marriage license
Wedding planning 101

A Guide to Marriage Licenses

Your marriage license isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all.

How to Get a Marriage License in Oklahoma
Wedding planning 101

How to Get a Marriage License in Oklahoma

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Virginia Marriage Laws
Wedding planning 101

Virginia Marriage Laws

Rich, historical Virginia is a stunning place to celebrate your marriage. Be sure to check out Zola’s guide to Virginia marriage laws.

Arizona Marriage Laws
Wedding planning 101

Arizona Marriage Laws

Headed to the altar in AZ? Zola has your guide to Arizona marriage laws and how to get your Arizona marriage license.

Hawaii Marriage Laws
Wedding planning 101

Hawaii Marriage License—The Laws to Get Married on The Island

If you’ll be getting married in Hawaii, be sure to familiarize yourself with Hawaii’s marriage laws. Everything you need to know is right here.

How to Get a Marriage License in California
Wedding planning 101

How to Get a Marriage License in California

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Kentucky Marriage Laws
Wedding planning 101

Kentucky Marriage Laws

A Kentucky marriage is bound to be romantic, but to make sure that it’s also official, here’s Zola’s guide to Kentucky marriage license laws.

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\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n ","subtopicPage":{"articles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"what-happens-if-you-dont-sign-a-prenup","title":"What Happens If You Don’t Sign a Prenup? ","excerpt":"Did you know you already have a prenup? Yes, believe it or not—your state legislature has already decided your fate in a divorce. Your “default prenup” is your state's divorce law. There are two divorce property division frameworks used in the U.S.: Community property and equitable distribution. And spousal support is based on a mix of statutory requirements and judicial discretion. These laws are what dictate your future. But guess what? You can override these laws with a prenup. You can go against what the state law says and tell a court how you want things done regarding property division, spousal support, debt, and other issues. With that said, let’s explore exactly what happens if you don’t sign a prenup. ","author":"Cynthia Xiao","publishedAt":"2025-02-19T16:33:05.730Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"HelloPrenup"},"heroCredit":"HelloPrenup","tldr":"### Use code HELLOZOLA for $50 off.\n\nPaid ad. Prenup services are provided by HelloPrenup","body":"# Your property will be divided according to state law\n\nWithout a prenup, [property division]( will be determined by your state laws. Depending on your state, your property will either be divided under community property principles or equitable distribution principles. Nine states utilize community property laws (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin), and the rest are equitable distribution laws. \n\n__Community property__ laws generally say that your assets acquired during the marriage are split 50-50 with little to no exceptions. Assets you owned prior are separate. Sometimes, the appreciation of the pre-marital asset is also separate, but it depends. For example, if you start a business in a community property state without any input or help from your spouse, they are likely entitled to 50% regardless of their contributions towards it. \n\n__Equitable distribution__ states, on the other hand, divide assets according to what is fair, not necessarily what is equal. In these states, a list of factors helps a judge determine how to divide property, such as each spouse's contributions, age, health, and so on. This may result in a 50-50 split or another split (40-60, 30-70, etc.). \n\nAs you can see, there can be a lot of uncertainty if you live in an equitable distribution state. In community property states, you may not be okay with a 50-50 split. So, if you like certainty and making your own rules for your property division, you should consider a prenup. \n\n# Spousal support may or may not be required\n\nSpousal support (a.k.a., [alimony]( is financial support paid from one ex-spouse to the other either during the divorce proceedings or for a period of time after the divorce is finalized (sometimes forever). Spousal support is dictated by state laws. Generally, each state has statutory requirements for when spousal support is appropriate and a formula for determining how much spousal support should be awarded.\n\nIf this sounds scary or the uncertainty feels like too much, you both should consider a prenup to make your own rules. In a prenup, you may be able to waive spousal support altogether—meaning neither spouse is required to pay it in the event of a divorce. In fact, In most states, you can address spousal support in your prenuptial agreement. However, four states do not allow it (South Dakota, Mississippi, Iowa, and New Mexico). \n\n# One spouse may be on the hook for their partner’s debt\n\nWithout a prenup, one spouse could be on the [hook for their partner’s debt]( even if their name isn’t on it. Yes, that’s right. One partner can potentially take out debt without the other ever knowing about it and then could be responsible for paying back a portion of that debt in a divorce. Scary! \n\nWith a prenup, you both can ensure that debt in one person’s name stays with that person, and all of the debt correlated to their separate property stays their separate property. For example, if one of you owns a business, you can use a prenup to say all of that business debt is also theirs. \nYou may lose custody of your pet or be required to share custody\n\nIf either of you own a pet, you know how scary it can be to think of losing custody of them or being required to share them with your ex. There are a handful of states that, even without a prenup, will analyze your situation and award custody of the pet based on the animal’s well-being. However, the vast majority of states say that pets are property and will be divided according to property ownership principles, such as who purchased it. \n\nWith a prenup, you can include pet clauses that state who is responsible for the pet’s bills, like vet costs, food, etc., and you can also state who has custody of the animal in the event of a divorce.\n\n# Lengthier and more expensive divorce\n\nWithout a prenup, you both will need to negotiate property division, debt allocation, spousal support, and other issues during a divorce. This takes time, takes your attorneys’ time, and ultimately costs money. \n\nOn the other hand, determining property division, spousal support, debt, pet custody, and other matters in a prenup can make a divorce much quicker and cheaper. It removes the need to “argue” over these topics and allows you to go straight into child custody/support matters or other outstanding issues in the divorce.\n\n# Not signing a prenup means a potential outcome you disagree with \n\nYou both have the power to decide your fate with a prenup! A prenup can override state laws. Without it, your hands are tied, and you both are “forced” to follow the laws of your state regarding property division, debt, and spousal support. Either of you may end up paying for debt that you weren’t a part of or giving up half of your business to a future ex. Or even worse—losing custody of pets. These are all things that could be avoided via a prenup. Take your power back and consider a prenup!\n\n__Learn More About Prenups & Get Your Questions Answered - Free Consultation__\nReady to learn more about prenups and have your questions answered? Contact HelloPrenup for a free consultation: [](\nBook your free consultation today: [](\n","tag":"Advice","updatedAt":"2025-03-05T14:28:02.160Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"name-change-after-marriage","title":"How to Change Your Name After Marriage","excerpt":"Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more. ","author":"Monica Mercuri","publishedAt":"2019-06-05T00:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"zola couple plans for name change "},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- The big day is coming up but you have one more thing to consider--changing your last name.\n- If you decide to go ahead with changing your name, there are many other factors to consider such as bank accounts, driver’s license, and insurance.\n- There are many benefits to changing your last name but it is crucial to remember that it doesn’t just stop at your marriage license. Breakdown all the other areas where you will need to notify them of your name change to avoid any messy confusion in the future.\n","body":"---\n__*Sponsored Content. We may earn compensation if you click the links or buttons below.*__\n\n---\n","tag":"How To","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"sponsorCta":{"copy":"Get Started","url":""},"sponsorName":"Née Name Change","sponsorAbout":"It's simple. You want the name change without the hassle, without a headache, and let's face it, without the wait. We get it; you got better things to do than wait in a line for hours and fill out countless (and probably outdated) applications. Here at Née Name Change, we want you to rest assured. We've got you covered! Simply provide us with your basic information, and we provide the rest. The future of name change has evolved, and we're here to prove to you just how easy it can be.\n\nWith Née Name Change you can now change your name online, instead of in-line!","sponsoredBottomContent":"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a name change—if you want. [Changing your name]( to match your spouse is a common tradition and one that actually dates back to ninth-century English common law. Back then, women were required to ditch their maiden names and take their husband’s surname after marriage. Fast forward to more modern times: There’s no law in the U.S. that demands a name change after marriage, but many married couples still choose to come together under a single family name. \n\n[Zola’s First Look Report]( surveyed 3,309 couples getting married in 2022 and found out that while a majority are planning to change their names (approximately 78%), there is 16% of today's couples choosing to keep their original names. About 4.6% of couples are going the route of hyphenating their names, and there’s even a small group of couples (a mighty .87%) changing their names to something completely different than either of their surnames. \n\nIf you’re thinking about or decided to legally change your name after your wedding, here’s everything you need to know about how to do it—and why you might want to.\n\n## The Benefits of Changing Your Name After Marriage \nThese days, the reasons to change your name lean more personally and socially acceptable than legally beneficial. Here are a few good reasons to change your name:\n\n- It creates consistency throughout the family. Many people prefer to change their names to keep the same last name running throughout the entire unit. This is especially true when children are involved. One family name can make things easier on things like vacations or school trips.\n- You don’t like your current name. Here’s your excuse to finally shed the surname that makes you cringe.\n- It’s for a religious reason. Many people change their names if they’ve converted religions or simply want to honor their spouse’s traditions. Name changes for religious reasons are quite common.\n- You love a personal touch. This may seem like a shallow reason to legally change your name, but if you’re big on monogramming and personalization ([hand towels](, anyone?), one family name makes customization easy. \n\nNote: Changing your name doesn’t only have to mean taking your partner’s name, or vice versa. There are a few different ways to change your name. You could hyphenate both your names into a joint surname (Lopez-Rodriguez, for example). Or you could try combining your names into an entirely new one (Miller + Winston = Milton). There are a number of alternative approaches so think about what’s best for you as a married couple.\n\n## Name Change Laws\nWhile there’s no law requiring a name change after marriage, there are laws that come into play if you do decide to make the switch. It’s important to note that name change laws vary by jurisdiction so it’s crucial that you check which rules and regulations apply to your specific situation. In some cases, you may have to file a formal name change petition with the court.\n\nGenerally, though, most states simply require that you meet certain residency requirements. All states require the applicant to be a resident of the state—typically for six months, but this varies—before filing for a legal name change.\n\nDepending on your state, you may need a formal name change petition and court date for the following situations:\n- A man taking his wife’s last name\n- Both partners choosing a last name different from either of theirs\n- A same-sex marriage partner changing his or her last name\n\nChanging your name isn’t typically hard to do. Just be sure to review the laws in your state ahead of time so you don’t encounter any surprises and find yourself delayed during the change process.\n\n## How to Change Your Name After Marriage \nYou probably guessed that you need your [marriage license]( to change your name. And you’re right. In fact, you need several certified copies of your marriage license and marriage certificate (request these from the county clerk where your marriage license application was filed). Some states offer both short- and long-form marriage licenses—request the long forms. Once you have those copies from the county clerk’s office, you’re ready to start the name change process.\n\n### Social Security Card\nThe first step on your name change journey should be the Social Security Administration. In many states, you can’t change the name on your license without an updated Social Security card. Here’s how to do it.\n\nBad news: You can’t apply for a new card online. Good news: A new card is free.\n\nBefore heading to your local Social Security office, gather your marriage license, a valid driver’s license or ID, and [this Social Security form]( In some cases, you may also need to show proof of citizenship by providing a certified copy of your birth certificate or passport. [Check here]( to make sure you have all the right documents. \n\nTake or mail your legal name change application and copies of your documents to your local Social Security office. \n\n### Driver’s License\nNext, it’s time to update the name on your license. Driver’s license name change requirements vary pretty significantly state-to-state. So, do your research and make sure you know exactly what legal documents you need before you head to the DMV. In most cases, you’ll need your current driver’s license, marriage certificate, new Social Security card, a form of ID, and any forms required by your state. A quick Google search for your state’s requirements should lay out everything you need to bring to your local DMV.\n\n### Bank Accounts\nOnce your Social Security card and driver’s license are updated, you’ll want to head to the bank. Visit your local branch and bring your marriage license and your updated driver’s license. Ask the bank to change your name on all of your accounts—this will make a big difference if you decide to open joint bank accounts with your new spouse. Also, request new checks, credit cards, and debit cards. Note: You might get hit with a fee for the new cards.\n\n## Everything Else \nNow that you’ve covered the major name updates, it’s time to update your name on just about everything else. Here’s a list of places you may need or want to update with your name change.\n\n- Employer/Payroll Department\n- Post Office (especially if your address has changed)\n- Utility Companies\n- Schools/Alumni Organizations\n- Landlord or Mortgage Office\n- Insurance (Home, Auto, Life)\n- Doctor’s Offices\n- Voter Registration\n- Investment Account Providers\n- Attorney (to update legal documents, including your will)\n- Passport Office\n- Airlines (transfer your miles!)\n- Subscriptions (magazines, monthly boxes, etc.)\n\nDon’t let all the steps stress you out. Changing your surname after marriage is an age-old tradition—and it stuck for a reason. If you decide to make the switch, rest assured that you’ll be able to with ease, thanks to a little bit of research.","sponsorLogoImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Née Name Change"},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-11-22T19:03:15.674Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"name-change-checklist","title":"How to Change Your Name After the Wedding: 2025 Guide ","excerpt":"Navigate the name-changing process after marriage seamlessly. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition.","author":"Allison Cullman","publishedAt":"2024-09-22T08:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Changing your name after marriage? Use this name change checklist so you don’t miss a step, including the time required for each document."},"heroCredit":"Zola","heroCreditUrl":"","tldr":"Head straight to our printable name change checklist, or jump to a different section below:\n1. Get a copy of your marriage certificate\n2. Apply for a new Social Security card \n3. Apply for a new driver’s license \n4. Update your passport \n5. Update your car title and registration\n6. Notify your employer\n7. Notify the United States Postal Service (USPS)\n8. Update your voter registration information \n9. Update your bank accounts and other financial accounts\n10. Update other personal accounts ","body":"__TLDR:__\n- Get your marriage certificate before making any name changes.\n- You'll need to alert financial institutions, change your driver's license and passport, and also update your credit cards with your new name.\n- Changing your name isn't expensive, and it's something you can wait years to do if necessary.\n\nThere are more things to do after getting married than getting those [thank you cards]( mailed on time. (Kudos if you’ve already checked that off!) Changing your name after marriage might be one of them. While this may feel like a daunting task, it’s much simpler than you’d expect once you get the ball rolling. That’s where our handy guide comes in, compiling all the necessary steps to change your name after marriage and even the time commitment for each.\n\nFirst things first, you’ll need to have a certified copy of your [marriage certificate]( on hand. Once you have that, you can work your way through the steps listed below to cover the most important bases.\n\nNow, let's get into it!\n\n## 1. Get a copy of your marriage certificate \n\n__Time commitment:__ 20 minutes\n__Cost:__ varies by state\n\nChanging your name after marriage first requires a certified physical copy of your marriage certificate. Not to be confused with your [marriage license](, which is the legal document obtained prior to your ceremony, your marriage certificate is a different document that verifies when and where you were legally married. \n\nYou should’ve received your official certificate when your marriage license was issued. For name-changing purposes, however, you should use a certified copy so you can hold onto the original. \n\nA certified copy has a raised seal and can’t be created yourself. Instead, simply call the clerk’s office where your license was filed to request a copy (or two for good measure). Once you pay a small fee ($5-$20), your certified copy will be processed and mailed to you in a few business days. \n\n__Team Z tip:__ While you can technically use your original marriage certificate for name-changing purposes, have a few copies made instead so you can have the original on file. \n\n## 2. Apply for a new social security card \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ $0\n\n![Social Security Card Checklist](//\n\nBefore you can change your name anywhere else, you’ll need to apply for a new Social Security card. Head to the Social Security Administration (SSA) [website]( and fill out the [application for a new Social Security card.](\n\nYour Social Security number won’t change, but your legal name will. \n\nSince you can’t submit your application online, you’ll need to mail your completed form to your local Social Security office or apply in person to receive your new card within 10 business days. \n\nHere are the materials you’ll need to apply for a new Social Security card: \n\n- __Valid photo ID__ (driver’s license, state ID card, military ID, etc.) \n- __Proof of name change__ (certified copy of your marriage license)\n- __Proof of citizenship/residence__ (valid passport or birth certificate)\n- __Completed SS-5 form__ (your application) \n\nFor more information, view the [SSA’s official instructions]( for how to apply for a new Social Security card.\n\n__Team Z tip:__ Your passport fulfills both the proof of identity and proof of citizenship requirements, so you might only need one document. \n\n## 3. Apply for a new driver’s license \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ varies by state\n\n![How to Update Drivers License](//\n\nOnce you have your new Social Security card, head to your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to apply for an updated driver’s license (or state issued ID card). The documents you’ll need to apply vary by state, but plan to bring the following documents: \n\n- __Your new Social Security card__\n- __Current driver’s license__\n- __Proof of name change__ (a certified copy of your marriage certificate) \n- __Proof of address__ (bank statements or mortgage documents)\n\nBe sure to follow the instructions on your local DMV website to clarify which documents are required in your state. Also, be sure to save your receipt from the Social Security office, and take your license or state issued ID. Some DMVs are extremely strict about proof of address and what IDs they accept.\n\n## 4. Update your passport \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ $130\n\n![How to Update Passport After Wedding](//\n\nIf you’re planning to travel outside of the country ([destination honeymoon](, anyone?) you’ll need to update your passport. If you’ve had your passport for less than a year, you can do this for free—otherwise, expect to pay a fee of $130. \n\n__Here are the materials you’ll need to update your passport:__ \n\n__Completed application form:__ You'll need one of these three, depending on when your passport was issued or expired\n- __[Completed DS-82 form]( (if your passport was issued more than a year ago)\n- __Completed [DS-5504 form]( (if your passport was issued less than a year ago)\n- __Completed [DS-11 form]( (if your passport has been expired for over five years, you’ll use this form to apply for a new passport)\n- __Your current U.S. passport__\n- __Proof of name change__ (a certified copy of your marriage license) \n- __Valid passport photo__ (2”x2” color photograph of yourself stapled to your application) \n- __Applicable fee__ (make checks payable to “U.S. Department of State”) \n\nComplete the application form and mail it along with the required documents. If you’re applying for a brand-new passport with the DS-11 form, keep in mind this must be submitted in person at your local office. Find more thorough instructions on the [Travel.State.Gov website]( \n\n## 5. Update your car title and registration\n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ depends on your state\n\nIn some states, you may be able to update your car title and registration at the time you update your driver’s license, but most states require you to visit separate departments. Head to your state’s DMV website for accurate instructions on how to update your car title and registration. Each application is unique to the state you’re in, but be prepared to provide information on your vehicle and a certified copy of your marriage certificate. \n\n## 6. Notify your employer \n\n__Time commitment:__ 15 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nDon’t forget to let your employer know about your name change. Simply contact your company’s HR department to begin the process. \n\n## 7. Notify the United States Postal Service (USPS) \n\n__Time commitment:__ 20 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nWhile changing your name with the USPS isn’t required, you'll still want to update your new address if you’ve moved after marriage. You can do this easily [online]( This will help if you need to provide any proof of address.\n\n## 8. Update your voter registration information\n\n__Time commitment:__ 30 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nUpdating your voter registration is easy. Simply fill out and mail the [National Voter Registration Application]( and mail it to the address for your state listed in the State Instructions portion of the application. \n\nBe aware of these exceptions in the following states: \n\n- __New Hampshire__ doesn’t accept this application—you’ll need to visit your local election office in person.\n- __Wyoming__ doesn’t allow you to apply by mail—you must apply in person at your local election office.\n- __North Dakota__ doesn’t have voter registration, so no action is needed. \n\n## 9. Update your bank accounts and other financial accounts\n\n__Time commitment:__ 1-2 hours \n__Cost:__ $0\n\nMost banks will require you to visit your local branch office in person to update your name on your bank accounts and with your credit card companies. You’ll need to bring your updated driver’s license (or passport) and your marriage certificate. This appointment at your financial institutions is also a good time to request new credit cards reflecting your name change, along with a new book of checks if needed. \n\nIn addition to checking and savings accounts, take care of any other financial accounts you may need to update, including: \n\n- Retirement accounts\n- Investment accounts \n- Credit cards (if separate from where your savings and checking accounts are)\n- Mortgage loans\n- Auto loans\n- School loans \n\nIf you plan on adding your spouse to your account or [opening a joint bank account](, you’ll both need to appear at the appointment. \n\n__Team Z tip:__ Once you’ve changed your name with your bank, don’t forget to update any online payment accounts like PayPal, too. \n\n## 10. Update other personal accounts\n\n__Time commitment:__ Ongoing\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nOnce you’ve gotten the major name change updates out of the way, you can tend to any other updates you may want to make. Your name is listed in more places than you’d think, so it may take some time to remember what needs updating. That’s OK—just update as you go! \n\n__Here’s a quick look at other potential accounts to update:__ \n\n- __Utilities accounts__ \n- __Home mortgage information__\n- __Cell phone/TV/internet accounts__ \n- __Personal email and social media accounts__\n- __Alumni associations, professional clubs, and other organizations__\n- __Legal documents if you’re a business owner__ \n- __Health care providers__ \n- __Will and testament__ \n\n## Printable name change checklist\n\nNow that you know how to change your name after marriage, use our printable name change checklist to keep track of your progress!\n\n[![download-button-name-change](//](//\n\n[![download-button-name-change](//](//\n\n### Plus: name change instructions by state \nFind official name change instructions and forms by state below. \n\n- [Alabama name change](\n- [Alaska name change](\n- __Arkansas name change__: Name change takes place at time of marriage license application; no additional form required \n- [Arizona name change](\n- [California name change](\n- [Colorado name change](\n- [Connecticut name change](\n- [D.C. name change](\n- [Delaware name change](\n- [Florida name change](\n- [Georgia name change](\n- [Hawaii name change](\n- [Idaho name change](\n- [Illinois name change](\n- [Indiana name change](\n- [Iowa name change](\n- [Kansas name change](\n- [Kentucky name change](\n- [Louisiana name change](\n- [Maine name change](,Seeking%20to%20have%20Name%20Changed.)\n- [Maryland name change](\n- [Massachusetts name change](\n- [Michigan name change](\n- [Minnesota name change](\n- [Mississippi name change](,0,175,62.html)\n- [Missouri name change](\n- [Montana name change](\n- [Nebraska name change](\n- [Nevada name change](\n- [New Hampshire name change](\n- [New Jersey name change](\n- [New Mexico name change](\n- [New York name change](\n- [North Carolina name change](\n- [North Dakota name change](\n- [Ohio name change](\n- [Oklahoma name change](\n- [Oregon name change](\n- [Pennsylvania name change](\n- [Puerto Rico name change](,region%20in%20which%20they%20live.)\n- [Rhode Island name change](\n- [South Carolina name change](\n- [South Dakota name change](\n- [Tennessee name change](\n- [Texas name change](\n- [Utah name change](\n- [Vermont name change](\n- [Virginia name change](\n- [Washington name change](\n- [West Virginia name change](\n- [Wisconsin name change](\n- [Wyoming name change](\n\nWhile the steps to change your name after marriage aren’t complex, it can take some time to work your way through the process—but don’t let all the steps stress you out. Take advantage of our printable name change checklist to make changing your name after marriage a breeze!\n\n## FAQs about changing your name after marriage\nStill have questions about how to change your name? Find answers below. \n\n### What is the first thing to do when you change your name?\nFor changing your name after marriage, the first thing you should do is get a copy of your marriage certificate—you’ll need this legal document in order to change your name. \n\n### Is it expensive to change your name? \nMost steps of the name change process will require a small fee, and they can add up fast. The most expensive part of the process may be updating your passport, which typically costs $130 (or more if you need it expedited). \n\n### Is there a deadline for a name change after marriage?\nNo, there’s no deadline to change your name after marriage, and your marriage license doesn’t expire, either. You could wait five years before deciding to change your name after marriage, and the process would be the same. \n\nReady for other advice to make your post-marriage life easier? How about adding much-needed items to your [wedding registry]( or dreaming about [your honeymoon]( Zola's [expert advice]( section is here 24/7 to help!\n","tag":"How To","updatedAt":"2024-09-23T00:29:00.538Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"montana-marriage-laws-outline","title":"Montana Marriage Laws + 6 Things To Keep In Mind","excerpt":"The great state of Montana is a gorgeous place to say your vows. But first, check out Zola’s guide to Montana marriage licenses.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T16:46:50.487Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Montana Marriage Laws Outline"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- Montana couples must have their marriage license signed and returned to the clerk’s office that issued the license within 30 days of its issuance in order to be registered with the State.\n- The cost of a marriage license in the state of Montana is $53. There is no waiting period for a marriage license in the state of Montana and no appointment is needed to apply.\n","body":"When Douglas Chadwick coined Montana the Last Best Place, he may have been referring to the sprawling Bob Marshall wilderness—showcasing the most beautiful waterfalls, lakes, and thick forests in Big Sky country—but the phrase certainly extends to its station as the Just Plain Best Place to Get Married.\n\nIn one respect, Montana isn’t any different from the other states—it has marriage laws that are unique to its counties. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about [how to plan a wedding]( and get legally married in Montana:\n\n## Marriage Laws and Marriage Requirements in Montana \nThe steps taken to legally represent that commitment are very specific and there are more than a few requirements that have to be met before anything is written in stone. So don’t wait any longer. Before you send out your [stylish invitations from Zola](, make sure you’re checking all the boxes to get your Montana marriage signed and sealed.\n\n- __Marriage License:__ A marriage license is a document that authorizes a couple to marry. It is the essential piece of paper that denotes the approval of your union with your significant other in the eyes of the state and the country in which the service is performed. In Montana, marriage licenses can be obtained at the Clerk of District Court’s Office, and must be signed by the marrying parties as well as two witnesses.\n\n- __Residency Requirements:__ There is no residency requirement in order to be married in the state of Montana. The only necessary geographical specification in order to have a Montana wedding is to make sure that the wedding takes place in Montana. \n\n- __Witnesses:__ Two witnesses are required to complete your marriage license. Those witnesses will also need to sign the marriage license.\n\n- __Legal Age of Marriage:__ In the state of Montana, the legal age of marriage is 18 years. However, with parental consent, individuals aged 16 and 17 can marry. In order to complete this process legally, they must obtain:\n\n - Parental permission in the form of a signature on the application from the clerk’s office, not the online form.\n - Proof of the couple attending at least two counseling sessions prior to applying.\n - Judicial approval.\n - The proper paperwork from the clerk’s office and said clerk’s specific instructions on how to properly proceed.\n\n- __Officiant Qualifications:__ In order to be considered a legally binding ceremony, a Montana marriage must be solemnized by a qualified individual. Those holding an office or title that is considered qualifying are as follows:\n\n - A member of the clergy (out-of-state clergy need not be registered in Montana)\n - An active or retired Judge of a court of record\n - A public official whose powers include the solemnization of marriages\n - A mayor, city judge, of justice of the peace\n - A tribal judge\n - A notary public\n\n- __Note:__ The officiant does not need to provide his or her credentials to the Clerk of the District Court—and even if the person solemnizing the marriage was not legally qualified to do so, the marriage is still valid as long as one or both parties being married believed that person to be qualified.\n\n- __Common Law Marriage:__ A common law marriage regards a partnership that foregoes a legal ceremony or the signing of a marriage contract while still maintaining the emotional and legal implications of marriage. A couple that lives together may be common law married. The three qualifications of a common law marriage in the state of Montana are as follows: \n\n - Both parties must be competent to marry. Meaning, both parties are old enough to marry and are not already legally married to another individual.\n\n - Both parties must agree that they are married by an intention to be legally married later, and with proof of that commitment in the form of an oath or pledge of marriage, rings or other jewelry, or any other decorations or signs of marriage.\n\n - Both parties must live together and present themselves as married. This includes interacting with the community as a married couple, owning property together, filing taxes together, and whether others in their community believe that the couple is married.\n\n- __Domestic Partnerships:__ Although relatively limited in respect to the rights afforded by marriage, the state of Montana recognizes domestic partnership relationships that do grant some property rights above those afforded to undocumented couples, such as formal trust agreements.\n\n- __Marriage by Proxy:__ This service is only offered to couples where one or both parties are members of the armed forces, on federal active duty, or a resident of Montana at the time of application. One party or their legal representative must appear before the clerk of the court and pay the marriage license fee. If a party (or both) is unable to be present at the solemnization, they can authorize (in writing) a third person to act as proxy. If the person solemnizing the marriage has consented to the union, but is unable to be present, they may also solemnize the marriage by proxy.\n\n### Montana’s Marriage License Application Process \nEvery state in America has its own collection of government documents and properly completed paperwork that are deemed necessary in order to finalize the acquisition of a legally valid marriage contract. Listed below are those essential steps to make sure your Montana marriage moves forward without a hitch:\n\n#### 1. Documents Required\nMontana has plenty of documents you’ll need to submit in order to begin the marriage license procedure. The following list states precisely what each spouse must submit independently:\n\n- Picture ID\n- Proof of age\n- Valid driver’s license\n- Military ID (if applicable)\n- Passport (if applicable)\n- Social Security number\n- Birth certificate (In the absence of said document, each spouse must submit information regarding their birthplace; including the city, county, state, or foreign country.)\n\n#### 2. Fees\nIn the state of Montana, a marriage license fee is $53.\n\n#### 3. Waiting Period\nThere is no waiting period to observe after you receive your marriage license. Submit your application to the Clerk of District Court’s Office during its operating hours of 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.. No appointments are necessary; however, it should be stated that marriage license applications and declarations of marriage are not processed after 4:30 p.m., so plan accordingly.\n\n#### 5. Expiration of License\nMontana marriage licenses are effective immediately and remain valid for 180 days from the date of issuance.\n\n#### 6. Registering the Marriage License\nWithin 30 days after the ceremony, however, the license must be returned to the clerk’s office that issued the license in order to be officially registered with the state.\n\n### Special Marriage Considerations in Montana\nDespite sharing many elements of the marriage process with other states, there are still a litany of ways in which the Montana marriage process is unique. \n\n- __Getting Certified Copies:__ In Montana, certified copies of marriage certificates can be obtained in-person at the Clerk District Court’s Office, by written request, or emailed. A regular copy costs $5. A certified copy is $7.\n\n- __Invalid Marriages:__ There are certain unions that the state of Montana considers to be non-binding. The following list states the circumstances that define such unions:\n\n - A marriage entered into prior to the dissolution of an earlier marriage by either of the two parties.\n\n - A marriage between an ancestor and descendant or a brother and sister, including half-siblings and first cousins.\n\n - A marriage between an uncle and a niece or between an aunt and a nephew, including half-blood relations.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Married in Montana\nWhen it comes to [wedding planning logistics](, it’s normal to have plenty of questions. Fortunately, the wedding experts at Zola are always happy to help turn clouds of confusion into big, clear, sunny Montana skies:\n\n#### I’m Getting Married in Montana But I Live in a Different State. Where Do I File My License?\nIf you’re planning to marry in Montana, file for marriage in Montana. Your marriage is bound to the location of the ceremony and the county clerk’s office where you filed. And remember: The marriage license has to be returned to the same clerk’s office that issued the license in the first place.\n\n#### When Should I Start the Marriage Application Process?\nBecause a Montana marriage license is only valid for 180 days after its issuance, plan ahead—between two and three months before your wedding day—to make sure your application is still valid by the time your big day rolls around. \n\n#### How Soon Can You Get Married After Receiving Your Marriage License?\nAfter you receive your marriage license, you have 180 days until the license becomes invalid. As long as no one gets cold feet before the ceremony, a signed marriage license simply has to be returned to that same clerk’s office that issued it originally in order to be registered.\n\n#### What’s the Difference Between a Marriage License and a Marriage Certificate?\nA marriage license and a marriage certificate are two very different documents:\n\n- __Marriage License:__ The marriage license is the legally binding document that permits you by the power vested in the state (of Montana, in this case) to pronounce you married. This is the document that requires so many signatures and must be submitted to the clerk’s office. \n\n- __Marriage Certificate:__ The marriage certificate is more like a diploma—it shows that you have completed your marriage ceremony and stands to recognize your union in the eyes of the law as physical evidence that it took place.\n\n### Zola: The Secret to Your Dream Montana Wedding\nHere at Zola, it’s our mission to make planning a piece of (wedding) cake. From the engagement photos to walking down the aisle, our wedding experts are here for you every step of the way. \n\nWe offer a number of helpful wedding planning tools, like online guest lists and a [wedding registry]( Couples can also utilize our gorgeous [save-the-date]( designs to send to their loved ones. \n\nPlanning a wedding takes time, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard. Ditch the stress and jump straight to the celebration. Start planning your wedding the modern way—with Zola!","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Plan your ideal honeymoon with our curated destinations list. From breathtaking beaches to charming cities, discover the perfect romantic escape.","title":"34 Best Honeymoon Destinations for 2024","slug":"best-honeymoon-destinations","topic":"Honeymoons","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple holding hands walking on a beach"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Stay within your wedding budget! See average wedding cost breakdowns by state, guest size, and vendor service, plus money-saving tips from the experts.","title":"How Much Does the Average Wedding Cost in 2024?","slug":"whats-the-average-cost-of-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple sitting on steps in wedding attire, with text \"The First Look Report 2024\""},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Get creative with these fall wedding ideas for the outdoor celebration of your dreams! See our favorite 25 wedding ideas inspired by autumn here. ","title":"25 Outdoor Wedding Ideas for Fall We Can’t Get Enough Of","slug":"outdoor-wedding-ideas-for-fall","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Wedding Style","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Outdoor Wedding Ideas"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Finding the perfect wedding venue can be a challenge. We outlined a few popular types of wedding venues to help you find one that's right for you.","title":"Most Popular Types of Wedding Venues","slug":"which-type-of-wedding-venue-is-right-for-you","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Venues","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"types of wedding venues"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Planning a destination bachelorette party? Check out these ideas for the ultimate girls trip before you say “I do.” Read on to get inspired.","title":"Top 15 Places to Go to For a Bachelorette Party","slug":"top-15-places-to-go-to-for-a-bachelorette-party","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Top 15 Places to Go to For a Bachelorette Party"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Plan your ideal honeymoon with our curated destinations list. From breathtaking beaches to charming cities, discover the perfect romantic escape.","title":"34 Best Honeymoon Destinations for 2024","slug":"best-honeymoon-destinations","topic":"Honeymoons","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple holding hands walking on a beach"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Thinking of popping the question? Arrange the perfect proposal for your partner with these creative ideas. From romantic to adventurous, there's one for you!","title":"50 Unique Marriage Proposal Ideas [+ Printables]","slug":"proposal-ideas","topic":"Getting engaged","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"proposal idea hero image of person holding engagement ring box"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-08-21T20:46:57.989Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"how-to-get-a-marriage-license-in-maine","title":"How to Get a Marriage License in Maine","excerpt":"If your main event is happening in the Pine Tree State, Zola has everything you need to know about Maine marriage licenses","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T15:55:30.995Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"How to Get a Marriage License in Maine"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- To get your marriage license in Maine, gather the necessary documents and prerequisites—mainly a government recognized ID, and proof of divorce/death if there was a previous marriage.\n- Locate your local municipality’s city clerk office, or if you’re not a Maine resident, choose one. For convenience, it’s wise to choose a city clerk’s office close to any venues you may be checking out. \n- Pay $40 to your municipality, and you are all set. You can get married anywhere in the state within 90 days of receiving your license.","body":"Do you fantasize about holding a stunning seaside wedding overlooking mossy New England bluffs, complete with a picturesque lighthouse? Or perhaps your style is more a cozy barn affair with fairy lights, a rustic atmosphere, and the perfect dance floor. Either of these dream weddings (and more!) can become your reality if you’re planning to tie the knot in Maine.\n\nBut before you get to planning your venue, guest list, and [wedding caterer](, you’ll need to know how to acquire a marriage license. In this guide, we’ll answer all of your questions about obtaining a marriage license in Maine. Whether you’re a Maine local or planning a visit to make your dream wedding come true, read on for a comprehensive guide on Maine marriage licenses. \n\n### Why Do You Need a Marriage License?\nA marriage license allows you and your fiance to be legally wed in the state of your choice. It’s important to procure a marriage license in order to let the government know about potential future changes, such as:\n\n- A name change\n- New bank accounts (joint or otherwise)\n- Housing loans\n- Changing immigration status\n- Taxation purposes\n\nOn the day of the wedding, the marriage license must be signed by the couple, the officiant, and two witnesses.\n\nThe [wedding officiant]( then sends the signed license to the local government office that issued the license. After a couple of weeks, the new couple will be sent an official marriage certificate, and their marriage becomes public record. \n\n## What’s Required for the Application \n\nYou want to be prepared before you head out and begin your application. There’s nothing worse than arriving at your application spot and realizing you forgot something vital. \n\nSo what information and documents might you need? For Maine, the requirements list is relatively short.\n\n#### Documents\nDocuments are required to help verify your identities and your intention to wed. These include:\n\n- An official photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID, or passport.\n\n- If you were previously married and divorced, bring certified documentation, also known as “raised seal,” proving the divorce occurred. \n\n- If you were previously married and your spouse passed away, you must provide your spouse’s death certificate.\n\n#### Application and Certificate Fees\n\nYes, make room in your wedding budget for your marriage license fees. But unlike a tower of cream puffs or an ice sculpture of you and your partner, this expense won’t be too exorbitant. You’ll need to factor in:\n\n- The one-time $40 fee to obtain a Maine marriage license. \n- You will also be charged $15 for the first copy of your marriage certificate after the wedding. Any additional copies are $6 each. You must receive these copies from your local city clerk’s office to send to insurance companies, as photocopies are not considered binding documents. \n\n#### Other Requirements Specific to the State of Maine \n\nEach state has their own unique rules when it comes to marriage laws. For Maine these include:\n\n- Applicants must be over 18 years old. If an applicant is under 18, Maine requires written parental consent. If under 16, Maine requires written consent from parents and a judge. \n\n- Every municipality has slightly different regulations when it comes to obtaining a marriage license. Check with your local city clerk’s office to make sure you’re not missing any steps in filing. \n\n### Who Can Officiate a Maine Wedding?\nDo you have a community leader in mind who you’d love to officiate your wedding? Are you excited to have your best friend hold the ceremony, but worried because they were ordained online?\n\nHere’s a comprehensive list of people who can perform binding marriage ceremonies in Maine, according to the official website:\n\n- An ordained minister of the gospel\n\n- An minister who was ordained online (in this case, the state will require them to mail in a copy of the ordination certificate)\n\n- A licensed preacher or someone associated with a religious seminary, ecclesiastical body, or association of ministers\n\n- Maine notaries (the site provides a list of Maine Notaries to choose from by location)\n\n- For residents of Maine only:\n\n - A judge or justice\n - A lawyer accepted by the Maine Bar exam\n\n### Where to File for a Maine Marriage License\nOnce you’ve gathered all your prerequisites, you can head down to your municipality’s city clerk office to start your application. The town clerk will oversee and sign your application.\n\n- __If you are a Maine local:__ You can use the city clerk’s office in your town of residence to file for a marriage license. \n\n- __If you and your partner are Maine residents from different towns:__ You must choose which town you would like to receive your license from. You cannot obtain a license from both towns. \n\n- __If you are a non-resident:__ You may use any city clerk’s office in the state to file for a marriage license. \n\nOnce you obtain your license you may marry anywhere in Maine, regardless of what town the marriage license comes from. \n\n### What to Expect on Your Marriage Intentions Worksheet\nA Maine Marriage Intentions Worksheet will typically take 35 minutes to an hour for a couple to complete. Here is some information you and your partner need to have on hand in order to correctly fill out your worksheet.\n\n- Proposed date of marriage\n- Current name\n- Name before any previous marriages\n- Place of birth\n- Birthday\n- Both parents’ names\n- Parents’ places of birth\n- Current address\n- Mailing address\n- Phone number\n- Social Security number\n- Proposed new name after marriage\n- Number of this proposed marriage (first, second, etc.)\n- How the last marriage ended\n- Date the last marriage ended\n- Whether or not one is listed as a domestic partner\n\nParties A and B (both halves of the couple) will fill out identical Marriage Intentions Worksheets. A municipal clerk will witness both parties signing their sheets, plus add their own signature to certify that they witnessed the couple signing and turning in their applications. \n\n### How Long Will You Have to Wait for Your Maine Marriage License?\nThe application takes about an hour to complete. So how long is the waiting period between applying for and receiving the marriage license?\n\nHere comes one of the many advantages of Maine being a smaller state: things move more quickly. There is usually no waiting period between applying for and receiving your license. If you walk into your local city clerk’s office, licenses are available for issue as soon as your intentions are filed. \n\nThe only exceptions to Maine’s no-waiting period are due to the COVID-19 emergency. Some municipalities have taken these two main approaches to maintain public safety:\n\n- Some cities in Maine, such as Warren, currently require you to call in beforehand and schedule an appointment. You may fill out your Intentions Worksheet online and bring it to your appointment, although you must wait to sign the document in front of the town clerk.\n\n- Other Maine cities, such as York, are not open to the public. They currently only process Maine marriage licenses by mail, subjecting the wait time to the U.S. Postal Service.\n\n### Other Things to Know About Your Maine Marriage License\nHere’s everything else you need to know about your Maine marriage license.\n\n#### When Does a Maine Marriage License Expire?\nMaine marriage licenses expire 90 days after they are issued. \n\n#### Is a Blood Test Required to Marry in Maine?\nMaine does not currently require a blood test to acquire a marriage license. \n\n#### When Should I Start Applying for My Marriage License in Maine?\nYou can apply any time, as licenses are issued immediately. However, we recommend applying for a license well within 90 days of your wedding. Two to three weeks before the wedding is a safe bet—not too early to expire and not too close to the wedding to risk receiving the license late.\n\n#### Can I File for a Marriage License After the Wedding?\nMaine allows couples who were married a year or more previously to apply for a late-filed marriage certificate. If you completed a marriage license but your officiant never sent it in, this option is for you. \n\nTo file for a late marriage certificate, the couple must provide the signed marriage license and completed Intentions worksheet, and provide a certification statement.\n\nThe couple must file and pay the regular filing fee ($40) to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics. When a marriage certificate is issued this way, it will be labeled as “delayed.”\n\n### What Might Invalidate a Marriage License Application in Maine?\nMarriage licenses in Maine become invalid if they are not utilized after 90 days. However, there are other legal reasons (that apply to all 50 states) that your marriage license, or even marriage, may be voided. Some of these cases include:\n\n- A mistake is made on the license application and never corrected\n- A marriage license is forged\n- The license fee is not paid\n- One or both partners commit fraud in obtaining the license\n- Someone provides false information or documentation on the license application\n- A third party tries to marry someone who is already married\n- An underage couple does not get parental consent to wed\n- One of the parties is not mentally capable of understanding marriage\n- One party threatens the other into obtaining a license\n- The couple enters into a false marriage to enter the U.S. or gain residency\n- The couple does not admit to the city clerk that they are related\n\nIn essence, Maine marriage licenses are pretty hard to void unless you run out of time or explicitly break the law. \n\n### Marriage Laws Unique to Maine\nFor the most part, Maine does not subscribe to any obscure marriage laws (did you know in Kentucky, it’s illegal to remarry the same man four times?). But there are a few pieces of legislation you may not know about. \n\n- Maine does not recognize proxy marriages.\n- Maine does not recognize common-law marriages.\n- Marriages between cousins are legal, if the couple first gets approval from doctors and completes genetic counseling.\n\n### How to Get Married at City Hall\nSome couples prefer to get married at City Hall first, reap the benefits that marriage rights provide, and have a beautiful ceremony later. For example, perhaps a couple wants to get a head start on a housing loan. \n\nIf getting the legal items done fast appeals to you, call your chosen municipality to verify an appointment date and time. Wedding ceremonies usually cost $200 in Maine. The couple still needs to provide two of their own witnesses to the event.\n\n### Everything You Need to Know About Domestic Partnerships in Maine\nMaine implemented a Domestic Partnerships registry in 2004. Domestic partnerships are intended to allow partners similar rights to married couples, including when it comes to matters of:\n\n- Probate\n- Guardianships\n- Conservatorships\n- Inheritance\n- Protection from abuse\n- Adding a partner to a medical plan\n- Taking medical leave to care for your partner\n\n### What’s the Difference Between a Domestic Partnership and a Marriage?\nMarriage includes all of the benefits that a domestic partnership provides, but the reverse is not true. Couples in domestic partnerships are not allowed to transfer assets to one another without paying some sort of gift or estate tax. Married couples can achieve this tax-free. Certain insurance, pension, and social security benefits are also at risk for domestic partners. \n\nIn addition, not all states recognize domestic partnerships. Make sure you do your research if you’re planning to register for domestic partnership in Maine, but will reside somewhere else. Otherwise you may not have the same rights as you would in Maine.\n\n### Last-Minute Reminders\nWhether your guests are at home in the New England Area or visiting from afar, it never hurts to remind your guests of a few key factors before arrival. Communication will make for a safe, comfortable visit. \n\n- __Transportation Options:__ Maine is easy to get to, with two main airports to land in (Portland International Jetport and Bangor International Airport). Guests can also easily arrive by car or train if they’re close enough. However, most attractions outside the city are spread out past the scope of Maine public transport. Renting cars or a shuttle is the perfect way to do group trips.\n\n- __Weather:__ Winter on the east coast can result in some heavy snow, Maine included. Unless you’re aiming for a truly white wedding, we recommend holding your event in the pleasant heat that arrives June through August. But Maine weather can change in a flash, even in the summertime. Every guest should bring a light jacket and possibly an umbrella, just in case.\n\n### Perfect Your Maine Wedding Plans With Zola \nYou’re now a pro on all things concerning a Maine marriage license, from documentation, to town clerk signatures, to that gorgeous marriage certificate awaiting your future mailbox. If you’re not a local, you may certainly feel like one at this point. With a plan to get licensed and tons of rules and regulations under your belt, the only thing left to do is try one of Maine’s famous buttery lobster rolls. \n\nThe upcoming wedding should be the perfect reflection of you and your partner as a couple. Are you looking for a simple wedding with an intimate audience of close family and friends? Or will it be an all-night rager? Zola is here to create your inclusive (or exclusive) [guest list]( No wedding date yet? No problem—we get the need for flexibility and keeping your options open. \n\nConsider Zola your wedding fairy godmother. With our website building tools, vendor searches, and wedding advisors, planning your wedding will feel as easy as waving a magic wand.","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"If you’re having a wedding on the beach, having beachy centerpieces can be a great nod to your theme. Here's a list of centerpiece ideas for your beach wedding.","title":"20 Beach Wedding Centerpieces Ideas You’ll Want to Try","slug":"beach-wedding-centerpiece-ideas","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Beach Wedding Centerpieces"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"In this wedding style guide, find out why thinking about your wedding style early on will help you in your planning, and how to use Zola Inspiration to discover your own personal wedding vision. 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","title":"How to Choose The Best Wedding Month ","slug":"choosing-your-wedding-month","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Getting Started","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"best month for wedding"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"Here are some fun and creative transportation ideas that will match your wedding theme. ","title":"Transportation Ideas to Match Your Wedding Theme","slug":"transportation-ideas-to-match-your-wedding-theme","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Transportation Ideas to Match Your Wedding Theme"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"From romantic and classy, to earthy and rustic, over 3,000 couples weigh in on 2022’s top wedding themes.","title":"The Top Wedding Themes for 2022","slug":"couples-top-wedding-themes","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Top Wedding Themes for 2022"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We put together a guide to assist you in picking out just what to wear to any kind of beach wedding.\n","title":"Wedding Attire 101: Women's Beach Wedding Outfits","slug":"wedding-attire-101-womens-beach-wedding-outfits","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Womens Beach Wedding Outfits"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"It’s easy to pick an outfit for a formal wedding, but what about a casual attire wedding? Read on to get some pointers on what to wear to a casual attire wedding. ","title":"Casual Wedding Attire Guide","slug":"casual-wedding-attire-guide","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"how to dress for a casual wedding dress code"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:57.605Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"a-guide-to-marriage-licenses","title":"A Guide to Marriage Licenses","excerpt":"Your marriage license isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all. ","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2019-01-25T20:26:29.674Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"bride and groom sitting in the backseat of car posing with marriage license"},"heroCredit":"Mackler Studios","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"When you’re in the midst of planning all the details of your wedding day, it’s easy to forget the one thing that signifies that you are actually married: the marriage license. This bit of paperwork isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all below. \n\n## What Is a Marriage License?\nA marriage license is a document issued by the government that grants you permission to marry. It indicates that you are both legally eligible to enter into the union (i.e., neither of you are already married, underage, or otherwise ineligible for marriage). \n\n## What Is a Marriage Certificate?\nWhile a marriage license is a permit that legally allows you to get married, the marriage certificate is the official document you receive after your wedding has taken place. The certificate is granted after the marriage license has been returned to, and deemed valid by, the office where it was issued. In other words: \n- License = Permission to get married\n- Certificate = Proof that you are married\n \n## Why Do I Need a Marriage License? \nIf you do not obtain a marriage license, your marriage will be deemed illegal according to the law. While you can choose to be married in name only, or through a religious organization exclusively, the state will not permit you the rights typically reserved for legally married couples, such as certain tax breaks, social security benefits, joint healthcare plans, and inheritance rights. \n\n## Where to Get a Marriage License? \nWhere you get your marriage license depends on where you’re getting married—the office or location that handles them varies by state. Depending on your state, the location might be city hall, the clerk’s office, a designated marriage license bureau, or somewhere else unique to that area. \n\nTo learn more about your state’s marriage license requirements, check out [U.S. Marriage Laws]( \n\n## When to Get a Marriage License? \nWhen you should get your marriage license also depends on where your wedding will take place. Each state has its own set of rules for how long the license is valid (the license may expire if you do not get married and return the license to the state within a given number of days) and if there’s a waiting period. The waiting period is either the amount of time you have to wait between applying for and receiving the license, or a designated wait period between receiving the license and when you can tie the knot. \n\nAgain, [U.S. Marriage Laws]( is a great resource on this topic, but your local city hall will have the most up-to-date information. \n\n## How to Get Marriage License?\nThe process for obtaining a marriage license will vary by state (and sometimes city or county), but the process involves an submitting an application and paying a fee. Some states allow you to apply online, but most dictate that you apply in person and that both individuals be present that wish to be married. \n\n## What Do I Need to Apply for a Marriage License? \nThe exact requirements depend on the state’s individual laws, but there are a few things you can expect:\n\n- __Proof of identity (and that you are of legal age to marry)__\n - Birth Certificate\n - Social Security Card\n - Driver’s License\n - State ID\n - Military ID\n - U.S. Passport\n \n- __Proof that you are not currently married__\n - Divorce Decree, if you’re divorced \n - Death Certificate, if you are widowed\n- __Proof of citizenship (or residence)__\n - Birth Certificate\n - U.S. Passport\n - Certificate of Naturalization \n- __Payment for the application fee __\n\nConsult with your state for details on laws governing marriage age, blood test requirements, proxy, common law, and cousin marriages.\n\n*Pro Tip: Some applications may ask if you’re planning a [name change after marriage]( Make sure that you have come to a decision before you apply.* \n\n## How Much Is a Marriage License? \nFees for marriages licenses change range from $10 - $115 depending on the state, city or county where you apply. For accepted payment methods, check with your local licensing office. \n\n## Who Signs The Marriage License? \nMost states require that the marriage license be signed by both spouses, the officiant, and 1-2 witnesses, but, as we’ve mentioned before, every state is different. Be sure to ask for details when you apply for your marriage license. \n\n## Where Do I File for a Marriage License If I’m Planning a Destination Wedding?\nIf you’re planning to wed abroad, you can file for your marriage license two ways: \n\n__1. Apply in your home state and have a civil ceremony before or after the destination wedding.__ \n- Pros: \n - It’s cheaper\n - No need to file additional paperwork.\n - It’s less complicated.\n- Cons:\n - Your official wedding date will not be the day of your destination wedding.\n \n__2. Apply for a license in the country you’re getting married in, then have your marriage legally authenticated in your home state.__ \n- Pros: \n - Your official wedding date will be the same day as your destination wedding.\n- Cons:\n - It can be expensive.\n - You may have to hire translator (if the license isn’t in English).\n - It requires additional paperwork.\n - It can be complicated.\n","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Thinking about becoming a wedding officiant? Follow these 5 steps to make it official. ","title":"How to Become a Wedding Officiant","slug":"how-to-become-a-wedding-officiant","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"how to become a wedding officiant"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Find out everything you need to know about wedding officiant duties with this informative guide. 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Here’s everything you need to know about Oklahoma marriage licenses!","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-20T17:20:19.164Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"How to Get a Marriage License in Oklahoma"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨ \n\n- To apply for a marriage license in Oklahoma you need to book an appointment at the local county clerk’s office no sooner than 10 days before the scheduled date of your ceremony.\n- There is no waiting period for marriage licenses in Oklahoma, unless you are a minor applying for a license with parental consent, or you have not been legally divorced for longer than six months. \n- To apply for a marriage license, you and your partner must present valid forms of identification at your appointment and must pay a fee of $50. \n- After your ceremony, be sure that your marriage license is signed by the officiant and two witnesses. Return it to the county clerk’s office within 30 days of the date of issuance.","body":"Whether your [wedding planning]( is well underway or you’re just getting started, there’s a single piece of paper that’s at the center of it all: your marriage license. Without it, your rustic ceremony nestled in Oklahoma’s rolling plains will be stunning, tear-jerking, and bursting with love, but not legally binding. \n\nThere’s not exactly a one-size-fits-all approach to getting your marriage license either. Each state has its own set of marriage license requirements, rules, and procedures to follow. All this to say: You’re in the right place. Pour yourself a glass of bubbly, and read on. \n\n## Application Procedure\nFor many couples, the application procedure for obtaining a marriage license is entirely new. This stop along the road to marriage might not be nearly as fun as the cake tasting process—it’s a bit more tedious and requires strict attention to deadlines. To be sure that everything runs smoothly, here are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind. \n\n### What Kinds of Marriage Licenses Are Available in Oklahoma? \n\nSome states may provide both confidential and public marriage licenses. Confidential marriage licenses do not require any additional signatures except those of the officiant and the two engaged individuals. These types of licenses are also not available in public records. \n\nOklahoma offers __public marriage licenses__ requiring two witnesses that can be applied for through the county clerk’s office. Additionally, members of Native American tribes in Oklahoma can process a marriage license through their tribe’s district court. \n\n### What Is the Application Timeline? \nWhen you’re planning a wedding, you and your partner are responsible for staying on top of all kinds of deadlines. Knowing what to prioritize and when to complete each item on your to-do list can be challenging. Whether it’s sending email reminders to yourself or creating a spreadsheet of important dates, find an organizational system that works for you. \n\nTake a look at this application timeline, and be sure to plan accordingly. \n\n- __Start by booking an appointment at the county clerk’s office.__ Depending on how populated your county is, this may take longer for some couples than others. To avoid any last-minute hang-ups, start looking for an appointment well in advance. Remember: Both you and your soon-to-be spouse will need to attend.\n\n- __Gather all of the necessary documents__ (details on this in the next section) once your marriage ceremony appointment is booked, and set them aside in a folder that’s ready to go.\n\n- __Good news: There’s no waiting period__ in Oklahoma for marriage licenses. In most cases, requests can be processed on the day of application, which means that you should be able to walk out with it in your hand that day. \n\n## What’s Required in the Application? \n\nThe number of documents you’ll need to apply for a marriage license in Oklahoma is actually quite small. This means that you’ll be able to spend less time rummaging through dusty files of decades-old documents, and more time gushing about how the two of you met on your [wedding website]( \n\nOnce you’ve booked your appointment with the county clerk, here’s what you’ll need to have in hand to ensure that the application process goes smoothly:\n\n- __Identification –__ Both couples must present valid photo ID on the day of their appointment. The types of identification accepted include state ID, military ID, valid driver’s license, valid passport, and/or a certified copy of your birth certificate.\n\n \n- __Fee –__ A fee of $50 (Note: Some offices may accept cash or check payments only). A reduced fee of $5 is available to couples who have completed a premarital counseling program. \n\n- __Counseling Completion Certification –__ Couples who have participated in at least four hours of marriage counseling will need to present an original copy certifying that the counseling was completed in accordance with [Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. 5.1.](\n\n- __Officiant’s Credentials –__ To be approved, the minister, priest, rabbi, imam, or whomever you have selected to marry you and your partner must present their credentials to the county clerk’s office, too. No fee for this is required. Keep in mind that, unlike many other states, Oklahoma does not have a Justice of the Peace. \n\nThat’s nearly everything. Not too bad, right? There are just a few more details that you’ll need to consider regarding the application process and the validity of your marriage certificate. Find out more in the section below. \n\n## Things to Know About Your Oklahoma Marriage License\nGetting an Oklahoma marriage license is pretty clear-cut. But, when it comes to wedding planning, it’s important to be thorough. Review these items below, so that you’re not surprised by any additional requirements or exceptions at the last minute. \n\n### How Long Is the Waiting Period Between Applying for and Receiving the Marriage License? \n\nIn most cases in Oklahoma, there is no waiting period between applying for and receiving the marriage license. Many licenses are issued on the very same day as the appointment. However, if this is not you or your spouse’s first marriage, it’s important to note that Oklahoma requires residents to wait six months from the time that a divorce has been finalized to the time that a new marriage license is requested. \n\nAdditionally, if one or both individuals are 16 or 17 years of age and applying for a marriage license with parental consent, there is a waiting period of 72 hours. \n\n### When Does an Oklahoma Marriage License Expire?\nOklahoma marriage licenses are only valid for 10 days. This means that marriage licenses may not be issued more than 10 days prior to the date of the wedding ceremony. Be sure to keep this in mind when booking your appointment at the county clerk’s office, so that you don’t end up having to go through the process twice. \n\n### Is a Blood Test Required to Marry in Oklahoma?\nHistorically, states required individuals to undergo blood testing prior to marriage to check for diseases such as rubella and syphilis. The majority of states have removed this requirement, including Oklahoma. So, no—no need to face your fear of needles before your wedding day. \n\n### When Should I Start Applying for My Marriage License in Oklahoma?\nIt’s a fantastic feeling to check things off of your pre-wedding to-do list as early as you can (especially if you’re using Zola’s ultimate [wedding checklist](, but remember that marriage licenses in Oklahoma expire after just 10 days. To get ahead of the game, you can request that your officiant submit his or her credentials to the county clerk beforehand so that the state can keep them on file. \n\nOtherwise, consider scheduling an appointment to apply for the certificate seven to 10 days before the date of your wedding. Secure your time slot by calling ahead or booking online. Just in case you run into unexpected obstacles, avoid applying within a day or two of the ceremony. \n\n### What Might Invalidate a Marriage License Application in Oklahoma?\nAs long as you complete the necessary steps, pay the fee, and provide the right documentation, your request for a marriage license should have no trouble getting approved. However, falsifying information is generally a no-no when it comes to most things in life and could disqualify you rather quickly from obtaining permission to marry.\n\nTo be clear, here’s a list of what not to do in order to avoid invalidating your marriage license:\n\n- Do not provide false information on the marriage license application.\n\n- Don’t attempt to apply for a marriage license as a minor without consent from a parent or legal guardian.\n\n- Don’t submit an application without signatures from both applying parties.\n\n- Don’t forget that your marriage license must be used within 10 days of issuance. If it has expired before the date of your ceremony, you’ll have to reapply or the marriage itself could be declared invalid. \n\n## Marriage Laws Unique to Oklahoma\nEach state has its own set of laws pertaining to marriage. Did you know that it’s illegal in Kentucky to marry the same person four times? We’re not sure why you’d want to, but Kentucky is putting their foot down on the matter just in case.\n\nCurious to know if Oklahoma has anything equally as odd? Have a look over this list of Oklahoma marriage laws to be mindful of if you’re getting married in this state. \n\n- Because of the high population of Native Americans in Oklahoma, an application for a marriage license may be submitted through a tribe’s district court instead of the county clerk, if you or your partner are a member. In fact, Oklahoma’s Cherokee Nation has issued 412 marriage licenses since 1994.\n\n- This may not be unique just to Oklahoma, but minors under the age of 16 are prohibited from getting married even with consent from a parent or legal guardian.\n\n- As is the case in several other states, bigamy is illegal in Oklahoma. This means that, unless you [qualify for an exception](, you are not eligible to get married if you’re already legally married to someone else. \n\n- In 2017, Governor Mary Fallin [signed a bill]( that decriminalized the seduction of a virgin by promising marriage. \n\n## Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage in Oklahoma\nThere’s no such thing as a silly question—especially when it comes to marriage. You’re more than ready to take the life-long plunge with your partner, but there are still a number of legal questions that you’d like to get the facts on. Here are a few topics that you might be curious to know more about. \n\n### Are Proxy Marriages Allowed in Oklahoma?\nA proxy marriage is a wedding in which one of the two individuals to be wed is not physically present for the occasion. Instead, a sort of spouse substitute steps in to commit to the vows on their behalf. Proxy marriages are not allowed in Oklahoma. Both parties must be in attendance in order for the union to be considered legally valid. \n\n### Are Same-Sex Marriages Allowed in Oklahoma?\nYes. As of October 6, 2014 same-sex couples were granted equal rights to marriage when the US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit determined it was unconstitutional to deny same-sex partnerships the freedom to marry in Oklahoma. \n\n### Do I Have to Be a Resident of Oklahoma in Order to Get Married There? \nThere are no residency requirements to get married in Oklahoma. If you’re coming from out of state, you’ll be just as eligible to marry in the state as an Oklahoman is. There is also no need to apply for a marriage license in Oklahoma if you’ve already done so in your state of residency. \n\n### Is There a Difference Between Marriage Licenses and Marriage Certificates? \nGreat question! There is often a lot of confusion surrounding these two terms. Though they are quite similar in name, there’s an important distinction between them that you’ll need to know if you’re tying the knot. \n\nBefore you’re set to wed, you’ll need to apply for a marriage license to obtain legal permission to do so. \n\nAfter your ceremony, you’ll need to return your signed marriage license back to the county clerk’s office in order to receive your marriage certificate shortly thereafter. This document, unlike a marriage license, is proof that you and your partner are now legally married. \n\n### Why Is There a Waiting Period? \nThere is no waiting period between the date a marriage license is applied for and the date of the wedding for couples in Oklahoma. However, here are a handful of states that mandate a one, two, or three-day waiting period. Delaware, Illinois, and Texas still maintain this requirement to discourage couples from making rash decisions about getting married. \n\n## What to Do After You Get Your Marriage License\nIt’s almost time to say “I do,” because you’ve finally got your marriage license in hand. So, what’s next? You’ve just about jumped through all of the paperwork hoops, but there are a few more loose ends that you’ll need to tie up before you can claim official married status. \n\nHere’s how to proceed: \n\n- __Get it signed by all the right people in a timely fashion.__ Triple-check to make sure that you and your partner have both signed the marriage license. The other signatures you’ll need are one from your officiant, and one from each of your two required witnesses. \n\n- __Make sure that you send it to the right place.__ Whether you hand-deliver it or you send it by mail, your signed marriage license should be returned to the county clerk’s office—the same place you went to apply for it. Here’s an important deadline to remember: Return the marriage license within 30 days of issuance, not within 30 days of your wedding date. \n\n- __Don’t forget to ask for copies of your marriage license.__ Three certified copies should suffice. You’ll need these for insurance, social security, the IRS, and bank accounts. If you end up needing more, they can always be requested later from the county clerk’s office.\n\n## What Is the Difference Between a Domestic Partnership and a Marriage?\nFor couples deciding between marriage and a domestic partnership, understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each is helpful in choosing which path is right for them. Before the US Supreme Court ruling in 2015, domestic partnerships were common among same-sex couples. This type of union, however, is not limited just to same-sex partners. Many heterosexual pairs have opted for this alternative to marriage too. \n\nThough the benefits of domestic partnerships vary largely from state to state, here a few possible benefits to be aware of: \n\n- Access to a family health insurance policy\n- Exemption from the marriage tax penalty\n- Access to full legal rights of a child born in the domestic partnership\n- Rights to bereavement and sick leave \n\nThese are a few of the rights available only to married couples:\n\n- Immigration sponsorship for a spouse\n- Division of assets in the case of a divorce\n- Right to inherit a spouse’s estate\n- Access to social security and pension benefits through a spouse\n\n### Are Domestic Partnerships Recognized in Oklahoma?\nDomestic partnerships are not officially recognized in Oklahoma. Therefore the state does not provide any specific rights or benefits to couples registered as domestic partners. Other states listed as “No Rights” states include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.\n\n## Tips and Tricks for Getting Married in Oklahoma\nYou’re getting married in Oklahoma which means, aside from spending time celebrating love with your closest friends and family, you get to do so in one of the most beautiful states. From the red sandstone of the Red Bed Plains to the extensive Prairie Plains of the northeast, Oklahoma offers an array of idyllic locations perfect for a romantic wedding. \n\nHere are a few state-specific details that you’ll want to keep in mind before your big day in Oklahoma: \n\n- __Find Pre-Approved Vendors at Zola –__ If you’re coming from out of state, it can be difficult to find trusted vendors who will make your day special. Luckily, Zola has made the vendor search easy with our list of pre-screened [wedding vendors]( Sort through everything from catering companies to entertainment with just a few clicks. \n\n- __The Most Popular Months to Get Married –__ June, September, and October are the most popular times of year to get married in Oklahoma. It tends to be when the weather cooperates the most. October, in particular, puts on a show of colors with its fall foliage. Since these months can be in such high demand, you’ll want to be sure that you’ve booked your [wedding venue]( well in advance in order to secure your desired date. \n\n- __Weather –__ April and May are months with a history of high tornado risk in Oklahoma. Though there is never a guarantee when it comes to weather, this is something you may want to consider when it comes to travel and guest safety. If you’re planning to make it official in a typically rainy month, be sure that your venue has indoor options available. Additionally, if you’ve opted for a midsummer celebration, be mindful of high temperatures, and dress accordingly. \n\n- __Airports and Local Transportation –__ If you or your guests are flying in from outside of Oklahoma, Tulsa International Airport and Will Rogers World Airport are two of the major aviation hubs in the state. Public transportations can be limited in Oklahoma, so your out-of-state guests may want to consider renting a car for getting to and from their weekend accommodations. \n\n## Plan the Perfect Oklahoma Wedding at Zola \nIf you’re getting married, being knowledgeable about the marriage laws in your state is important. You don’t need to know all the statutes by heart for your Oklahoma wedding, but being aware of the requirements and timelines for marriage license application is an investment of time that could spare you from unexpected hassles down the road.\n\nBesides, you’d rather spend more time choosing your venue, matching your [wedding invitations]( to your [wedding theme](, and picking out your favorite items to add to your [wedding registry]( No signatures or trips to the county clerk necessary for this stage of wedding planning. Just a click or a tap over to [Zola]( \n\nFrom there you’ll be able to:\n\n- Search through an array of pre-screened and jaw-droppingly beautiful vendors.\n\n- Get free advice and personalized recommendations from your very own Zola advisor.\n\n- Share your love story and all of the important event information on an easy-to-build wedding website.\n\nZola is here to offset the slightly more bland legal aspects of getting married by adding a colorful array of tools to help you with everything else. Join the thousands of couples who are building a better-than-their-dream wedding at Zola [today]( ","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Learn how wedding insurance can protect you from unforeseeable mishaps or accidents. Read about different policies and decide what’s right for your wedding. \n","title":"Wedding Insurance Resources for the Happy Couple","slug":"wedding-insurance-resources-for-the-happy-couple","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple walking together in field"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This destination wedding checklist is the #1 resource you’ll need to plan your exotic celebration. Discover how to choose a destination wedding location, what to look for in a wedding venue, how to work with local vendors, and more. ","title":"The Ultimate Destination Wedding Checklist for Couples ","slug":"destination-wedding-checklist","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Trying to find the best destinations for a relaxing and restorative honeymoon? Check out our list of 10 vacation spots for peace and zen.","title":"Relaxing Honeymoon Destinations","slug":"relaxing-honeymoon-destinations","topic":"Honeymoons","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple embracing in front of ocean sunset"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Looking to go with affordable wedding centerpieces for your reception? Find out how to choose the right ones with this complete guide.","title":"22 Affordable Wedding Centerpiece Ideas","slug":"affordable-wedding-centerpieces","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding centerpiece"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"How are you and your guests going to travel from point A to point B on your big day? This guide has the 411 on wedding transportation.","title":"Wedding Transportation Ideas and Etiquette for Your Big Day","slug":"wedding-transportation-101","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bride and groom kissing outside of their wedding trolley"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Thinking of hosting a joint bachelor/bachelorette party? Check out these unique party ideas for an unforgettable event. ","title":"How to Throw a Joint Bachelor/Bachelorette Party","slug":"joint-bachelor-bachelorette-party-games","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"group-of-friends-clinking-wine-glasses"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Looking for bridesmaid dresses for your special day? Get familiar with the average cost of a bridesmaid dress, and your options to fit your budget. Read on.","title":"How Much Do Bridesmaid Dresses Cost on Average?","slug":"how-much-do-bridesmaid-dresses-cost","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"average bridesmaid dress cost "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Haven’t made a registry yet? Have no fear—Zola’s 2023 wedding registry checklist is full of the top registry items, helpful word choices, and etiquette tips!","title":"Wedding Registry Checklist","slug":"wedding-registry-checklist","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"An image shows a couple using a computer to potentially browse through their wedding registry checklist."},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:52.028Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"virginia-marriage-laws","title":"Virginia Marriage Laws","excerpt":"Rich, historical Virginia is a stunning place to celebrate your marriage. Be sure to check out Zola’s guide to Virginia marriage laws.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T16:19:33.180Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Virginia Marriage Laws"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- To get married in Virginia, you will need to obtain a marriage license. You can fill out a pre-application online and then make a virtual or in person appointment to receive your license.\n- There is no blood test, residency, or waiting period required for a Virginia marriage license. The marriage license expires after 60 days and costs $30.\n- You’ll need to make sure your officiant is legally authorized to perform your ceremony. Virginia does not require any witnesses. \n- After the ceremony, the officiant should return the signed marriage license to the clerk’s office within five days.","body":"Not everything about the [wedding planning]( process is lace and buttercream. Since marriage is a legal status, there are laws and regulations surrounding the process of getting married. Read on to familiarize yourself with the Virginia marriage laws, from how to get a marriage license to how to change your name, as well as everything else you need to know to plan your big day.\n\n### Marriage Laws and Requirements in Virginia\nEach state has its own patchwork of rules and regulations, which can make the process of getting married a headache. Whether you are new to Virginia or born and bred in Old Dominion, the marriage laws and requirements can be complex. \n\nHere’s a quick breakdown of some common terminology in the world of marriage laws and licenses:\n\n- __Marriage License:__ A marriage license is a legal document that you obtain before the wedding and sign after the ceremony. The marriage license serves as your application to legally get married. \n\n- __Marriage Certificate:__ After you return your signed marriage license, the government issues a marriage certificate, which proves that you are legally married. \n\n- __Marriage License Fees:__ There is generally an administrative fee to receive a marriage license. In Virginia, that fee is $30.\n\n- __Waiting Periods:__ Some states institute waiting periods that prevent you from getting married for a certain number of days or hours after receiving your marriage license. Virginia has no waiting period. That means that you can have your marriage ceremony and legally get married as soon as you receive the license.\n\n- __Blood Tests:__ Certain states require a blood test to receive a marriage license. These blood tests check for venereal diseases and sometimes genetic disorders. Virginia, however, does not require blood tests to obtain marriage licenses.\n\n- __Residency Requirements:__ Residency requirements refer to whether or not non-residents can legally get married in a certain state. Virginia has no residency requirements. \n\n- __Witnesses:__ Virginia, unlike many states, does not require witnesses to make a marriage legal.\n\n- __Legal Age of Marriage:__ The minimum age of marriage in Virginia is 18 years old. The only exception is minors who have been emancipated by court order. These emancipated minors must provide a certified copy of their emancipation court order with their marriage license application.\n\n- __Officiant Qualifications:__ The officiant is the person who will perform your marriage ceremony and sign your marriage license. Virginia has complicated officiant rules that we will discuss further in the next section. It’s important that your officiant is legally qualified to perform the ceremony. Illegally performing a marriage ceremony is a crime.\n\n### Virginia’s Marriage License Application Process \n\nAs you may have gathered, a marriage license is the under-appreciated hero of the marriage planning process. Take away the dresses, the flowers, the guests—at the end of the day, the marriage license is probably the most important item on your wedding to-do list.\n\nThat’s why we’ve compiled this (somewhat) quick and easy breakdown of everything you need to know to get a marriage license in Virginia. \n\n#### Online Marriage License Pre-Application\nApplicants should first submit an online marriage license pre-application before they schedule a virtual or in-person appointment to obtain their marriage license. Here are the steps for the pre-application:\n\n1. Select your preferred designation on the marriage license for each spouse: the options are groom, bride, spouse 1, or spouse 2. Any combination of these designations can be selected.\n\n2. Check a box to certify both partners are at least 18 years old.\n\n3. Provide the personal information for the first spouse.\n\n4. Confirm whether the first spouse has previously been married.\n\n5. Provide parental information for the first spouse.\n\n6. Provide the same information for the second spouse.\n\n7. Enter email address(es) to receive a confirmation message.\n\nAfter you click submit, you’ll receive a confirmation code and instructions for scheduling either a virtual or in-person appointment.\n\n#### Documents Required\nAt the appointment to receive your marriage license, you’ll need:\n\n- Both partners’ Social Security numbers\n- Valid photo identification for both partners\n- The online marriage license pre-application confirmation\n\n#### Fees \n\nAs we mentioned earlier, the fee to receive your marriage license is $30. In Fairfax County, this fee is payable by credit card, including Visa or MasterCard. MasterCard includes an additional four percent processing fee. Cash is only accepted if you obtain your license in person.\n\n#### Expiration of License\nAlthough there is no waiting period for a Virginia marriage license, it is not valid indefinitely. The marriage ceremony must be performed in Virginia and within 60 calendar days.\n\n#### Officiant Qualifications \n\nIn Virginia, the question of who can officiate a wedding is a little more complicated than you might prefer, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Do yourself a favor, and pay attention during this section. Knowingly performing a marriage ceremony without a lawful license or authorization can result in up to a year of jail time and up to a $500 penalty.\n\nFirst of all, who can officiate a wedding without authorization?\n\n- Active, senior, or retired federal judge who is a resident\n- Active, senior, or retired federal justice who is a resident\n- Current member of the Virginia General Assembly\n- Governor of Virginia\n- Lieutenant Governor of Virginia\n- Attorney General of Virginia\n\nDon’t have the governor at your disposal to officiate your wedding? Here are three other groups that can officiate Virginia weddings.\n\n#### *Local Clergy*\nLocal clergy members can receive authorization to perform a marriage by applying in the county where their house of worship or religious body is located. These authorizations are by appointment only and require a $26 filing fee and one of the following:\n\n- Copy of their license\n- Certificate of ordination\n- Documentation appointing them to their clerical position \n\nThey must also provide proof of their position within their religious organization. This document must be:\n\n- From someone else in a position of authority in the organization\n- On the organization’s letterhead\n\n#### *Civil Celebrant*\nA civil celebrant is a non-religious marriage officiant. Virginia does not allow non-residents who are not clergy to perform weddings. Civil celebrants who are Virginia residents should apply in the county where they reside. The application requires:\n\n- $56 filing fee\n- One-Time Ceremony Civil Celebrant Petition document\n- Two letters of reference from county residents\n\nAfter the county approves the application, the civil celebrant will need to post a $500 bond prior to the ceremony either via check or money order to the “Clerk of the Circuit Court.” Once they return the marriage license, they should bring a “request for return of bond” document form to the Public Services Division of the Clerk’s Office.\n\nIt is also possible to become a permanent civil celebrant within the state of Virginia. Individuals should submit a letter to their county clerk describing their interest in becoming a permanent Civil Celebrant and providing their email address and daytime phone number. The Clerk of the Circuit Court will review the letter and contact the individual to provide further information.\n\n#### *Out-of-State Minister*\nOut-of-state ministers should apply in the county where the marriage ceremony will take place. They will need to submit:\n\n- $86 filing fee\n- Out-of-State Minister Petition document\n- Copy of their certificate of ordination\n- Proof on official church letterhead of their position as a minister within a religious organization\n\nIt’s very important for couples to know that Virginia does not recognize any online ordinations such as The Universal Life Church.\n\nMake sure to budget for these various filing fees in your wedding plan.\n\n#### Registering the Marriage License \n\nAfter the ceremony, your officiant should return the completed marriage license to the clerk’s office within five days. Once the county has your completed marriage license, you can order certified copies for $2.50 each.\n\nThese certified copies will be necessary for any instance that requires proof of marriage, including when visiting the DMV, Social Security, Immigration, and when receiving shared benefits.\n\n### Special Marriage Timing Considerations in Virginia\nReady to dive further into the world of Virginia marriage laws? Timing is everything, especially when it comes to weddings. Consequently, you’ll want to start the marriage application process as soon as possible.\n\nBy that, we mean exactly what you’re doing now. Familiarize yourself with Virginia’s marriage laws, and make sure you have everything you need to actually file an application for a marriage license. Also look for your officiant sooner rather than later, so you can ensure they are authorized on your big day.\n\nSince Virginia marriage licenses are only valid for 60 days, you’ll want to actually apply and obtain the license within one to two months of your wedding day. Because there is no waiting period, you don’t have to worry about applying too close to your ceremony, however, it’s always better to get things done on the earlier side in case of bureaucratic red tape and slow downs. Just don’t apply for the marriage license more than 60 days before your ceremony. \n\nFinally, before you disappear into newlywed bliss, make sure that your officiant will return the marriage license within five days after the ceremony.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Married in Virginia\nNow that you're starting to understand the legal process behind marriage in Virginia, you probably have quite a few questions and clarifications. We’ve got a rundown of the top FAQs about Virginia marriage laws.\n\n#### Does Virginia Recognize Common Law Marriage?\nNo, Virginia marriage laws do not recognize common law marriages. A common law marriage is an agreement between two adults who consider themselves to be married and hold themselves to that agreement without any formal ceremony or license. However, Virginia will recognize common law marriages if:\n\n1. The common law marriage was entered into in a state where they are valid and\n2. The couple would have been eligible to marry under Virginia Law.\n\n#### Can My Marriage Be Performed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court?\nYes, usually the Clerk of the Circuit Court can perform marriages. This adds an additional $50 fee in addition to the cost of the license.\n\n#### What If My Marriage License Expires Before I Use It?\nUnused and expired licenses need to be returned to the Circuit Court.\n\n#### Where Can I Get a Marriage License in Virginia?\nYou can obtain a marriage license from the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court in any city or county in Virginia. These offices are generally open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m., except on holidays.\n\n#### Can I Obtain a Marriage License By Mail?\nDuring COVID, Virginia began issuing marriage licenses by mail. It’s unclear whether this practice will continue. To apply, couples should submit a notarized affidavit, an application, and a $30 cashier’s check payable to the Clerk of Circuit Court.\n\n#### Who Can’t Get Married in Virginia?\nVirginia prohibits the following categories of marriage:\n\n- A marriage if either of the partners were married and are not yet legally divorced. \n\n- A marriage between an ancestor and descendant, brother and sister, uncle and niece, and aunt and nephew—regardless of if the relationship is by half blood, whole blood, or adoption.\n\n- A marriage where either partner lacks the mental or physical capacity to consent to the union.\n\n- Common law marriages entered into in Virginia or other jurisdictions that do not permit them for residents. \n\n#### What if I Need a Translator?\nIf either you or your partner requires a translator, you will need to bring your own to receive your marriage license. Virginia does not allow partners to translate for each other.\n\n#### How Can I Obtain Certified Copies of My Marriage Record?\nCertified copies of marriage records are available in person or by mail from the Circuit Court Clerk’s office that issued the marriage license. Each copy is $2.50. You can also secure copies from the Virginia Division of Vital Records in Richmond.\n\nThe DMV also provides copies, however, there may be a delay of several months after your wedding before the DMV’s records update. You must provide the full names of both spouses, as well as the date and place of marriage to receive these copies.\n\n#### Are Marriage Applications Public Records?\nYes, both marriage applications and marriage certificates are public records that are available at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court in the county where they were filed.\n\n#### Does My Maiden Name Automatically Change After Marriage?\nNo, your maiden name will not automatically change after marriage. You must go through the process to [change your name after marriage](\n\n#### How Can I Change My Maiden Name or Hyphenate My Surname?\nVirginia provides detailed instructions for how to change your name in all the appropriate places:\n\n- __Social Security:__ You can change your name with the Social Security office in office or by mail by providing a completed copy of Social Security Administration Form SS-5 and a certified copy of your marriage record.\n\n- __Driver’s License:__ To change your name on your driver’s license, visit the DMV with your driver’s license, Social Security card, and a certified copy of your marriage license.\n\n- __Voter Registration:__ Contact the Registrar’s Office to notify them of your name change.\n\n- __Personal Property:__ Contact the Commission of the Revenue’s Office within 30 days to notify them.\n\n- __Address Changes:__ For address changes, you should notify the Registrar’s Office, the Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office, the U.S. Postal Service, and the Internal Revenue Service using IRS form 8822.\n\n#### What If I Have Been Previously Married?\nIf you’ve been previously married, you will need to get legally divorced or widowed before you can get married again in Virginia. To obtain your marriage license, make sure you bring:\n\n- The date of your divorce or\n- The date of your spouse’s death\n- A certified copy of the divorce decree or\n- A certified copy of the death certificate\n\n#### How Do I Obtain a Certified Copy of My Divorce Decree?\nYou can obtain a certified copy of your divorce certificates from the Thomas Jefferson Health District health departments or Virginia Department of Health, Division of Vital Records in Richmond.\n\nOnly immediate family can obtain a certified copy and make sure to bring a valid ID. The fee for each copy is $12 and payable by cash, check, money orders, VISA, or MasterCard.\n\n#### How Do I Obtain a Certified Copy of a Death Certificate?\nAny local Vital Records department in the state of Virginia can produce certified copies of a death certificate.\n\n#### What Can Void a Marriage in Virginia?\nReasons that can void a marriage in Virginia include:\n\n- Impotency\n- Felony conviction\n- Religious orders\n- If one partner is already the parent of someone else’s child\n\nAll of these details should be disclosed before marriage to avoid nullifying the marriage later.\n\n#### Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement?\nPrenuptial or premarital agreements are completed before marriage while marital or postnuptial agreements are completed after marriage. A prenup is a legally binding, voluntary contract that involves full disclosure and outlines the duties and obligations of each spouse as well as their rights to property and alimony in the event of a divorce.\n\nPrenuptial agreements are recommended for subsequent marriages if one spouse has children and obligations from a previous marriage. In this case, the prenuptial contract can ensure the children will share in their parent’s estate and nullify certain legal rights the law provides to their spouse. \n\nCouples who marry later in life also enter into these contracts to avoid the legal entanglements involved in marriage. Consult a lawyer if you believe a prenuptial agreement would benefit your family.\n\n### Everything Else You Need to Plan Your Virginia Wedding\nThat’s it—you’re officially a Virginia marriage law expert. Now you can get back to the fun part: the aforementioned lace and buttercream. Marriage laws and licenses may be bureaucratic, boring, and even a little stressful, but wedding planning shouldn’t be. \n\nZola makes wedding planning a breeze. Utilize our pre-screened [wedding vendor]( list inventory to find and book all of your vendors, including your:\n\n- Venue\n- Photographer\n- Videographer\n- Florist\n- Wedding band, musicians, or DJ\n- Hair and makeup artists\n- Caterers\n- Cake and dessert connoisseurs \n\nEach of these vendors has been pre-screened by our expert team, so you know you’ll be in good hands on your wedding day. It’s also easy to refine and customize your search. Want a chic, modern warehouse venue? A caterer who specializes in soul food? A florist who can deliver on your whimsical vision? Find it all with Zola.\n\nNeed a break from browsing vendors galore? Check out [Zola’s full-service wedding tools]( You can:\n\n- Create your [wedding registry](\n- Build a [free wedding website](\n- Craft [save the dates]( and [wedding invitations](\n- And more\n\nLet us help you make your wedding day special. With Zola, you can be your own wedding planner, minus the sweat and stress. Trust us: Guests will be raving about your big day forever.","tag":"How To","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Dreaming of saying your “I Do’s” in the nation’s capital city? From venue options and wedding costs to the best places for photos, here’s everything you need to know about getting married in Washington, DC.","title":"How to Get Married in Washington DC: A Complete Guide","slug":"how-to-get-married-in-dc","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"couple getting married in DC "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Incorporating seasonal flowers into your wedding day gets you the best quality blooms for a lower price tag. This guide can help you save big on your floral budget, no matter what time of year you plan to tie the knot.","title":"The Complete Guide of Wedding Flowers by Season","slug":"a-seasonal-guide-to-wedding-flowers","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Wedding Style","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"A Seasonal Guide to Wedding Flowers"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Getting ready to sign a wedding vendor contract? Learn about the important details to look for with this complete guide.","title":"What to Look for in a Wedding Vendor Contract","slug":"what-to-look-for-in-a-wedding-vendor-contract","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What to Look for in a Wedding Vendor Contract"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn about the history of wedding vows and other important information from the experts at Zola. Read on to find out more.","title":"History of Wedding Vows","slug":"history-of-wedding-vows","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What Is the History of Wedding Vows - flowers"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"Finding the perfect wedding venue can be a challenge. We outlined a few popular types of wedding venues to help you find one that's right for you.","title":"Most Popular Types of Wedding Venues","slug":"which-type-of-wedding-venue-is-right-for-you","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Venues","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"types of wedding venues"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Rustic weddings make the natural feel new again. Whether you’re opting for hand-drawn florals or festival prints, here are some ideas for rustic wedding invitations.","title":"12 Rustic Wedding Invitations Ideas to Inspire You","slug":"rustic-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"rustic wedding invitations"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Get creative with these fall wedding ideas for the outdoor celebration of your dreams! See our favorite 25 wedding ideas inspired by autumn here. ","title":"25 Outdoor Wedding Ideas for Fall We Can’t Get Enough Of","slug":"outdoor-wedding-ideas-for-fall","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Wedding Style","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Outdoor Wedding Ideas"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Want your wedding dress to stand the test of time? You can't go wrong with a simple gown. Check out Zola's guide to beautiful, simple wedding dresses.","title":"Simple Wedding Dresses That Are Elegant and Timeless","slug":"simple-wedding-dresses-that-are-elegant-and-timeless","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"couple kisses at wedding "},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:51.243Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"arizona-marriage-laws","title":"Arizona Marriage Laws","excerpt":"Headed to the altar in AZ? Zola has your guide to Arizona marriage laws and how to get your Arizona marriage license.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T16:54:30.770Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Arizona Marriage Laws"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- Arizona offers two types of marriage licenses: traditional marriage licenses and covenant marriage licenses.\n- There are no blood test requirements or mandatory waiting periods for couples set to wed in this state. \n- Marriage licenses are valid for 12 months after the date of issuance and must be registered at the local court clerk’s office within 30 days of the wedding ceremony. \n- According to Arizona state law, both residents and non-residents are eligible to be married in this state. \n- Marriage license applicants should expect to pay a fee of $83 in order to obtain their license.","body":"You and your significant other are planning the wedding of your dreams in Arizona. Whether you’ve opted for a Sedona soirée or an Antelope Canyon elopement, your special day is practically here. Now you just have to navigate through all of the marriage legalities.\n\nGetting to know your state’s marriage laws is important, indeed, but it doesn’t have to be as big of a headache as you might anticipate. Here, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Arizona marriage laws. \n\n### Marriage Laws and Requirements in Arizona\nWhat, exactly, is a marriage license? Who qualifies as an officiant or a witness at your ceremony?\n\nIf you’re drawing a blank on these questions, you’re not alone. A lot of this is completely new information for spouses-to-be. Keep reading for an overview of what you’ll need to consider as you move forward with your Arizona wedding. \n\n- __Marriage License:__ Marriage licenses are a requirement for couples wishing to wed. Not the same as marriage certificates (more on this below), this document is what grants couples legal permission to marry. Though traditional marriage licenses are most common, Arizona does grant an alternative type of license: a covenant marriage license. Keep reading to find out how to apply and what documentation you’ll need to present in order to be approved in Arizona. \n\n- __Marriage License Fees:__ Marriage licenses come at a price. Each state—and sometimes each county within each state—sets its own cost for filing for a marriage license. You’ll also want to find out what types of payment your local court clerk’s office accepts. Some states provide online payment options, while others require payment by cash or check only. \n\n- __Waiting Periods:__ You got your marriage license on a Friday, so that means you’re all set to get married on Saturday, right? Perhaps not. Some states require couples to wait a few days—or more—before making things official. \n\n- __Blood Tests:__ Premarital blood tests aren’t as common as they used to be, but they could be your ticket to marriage license approval. \n\n- __Residency Requirements:__ You’re from New England where weather can be notoriously finicky, so you’ve always dreamed of a destination wedding in sunny Arizona. Before booking a venue and planning out the ceremony, make sure there aren’t any special procedures required for out-of-state couples. More on Arizona’s residency requirements below.\n\n- __Witnesses:__ If you had your heart set on a private wedding just for you and your spouse-to-be, you’ll want to double check to make sure you won’t need any witnesses in addition to your officiant. Again, there’s no set standard across the board for this, so checking your state laws before proceeding with your wedding plans is a must. \n\n- __Legal Age of Marriage:__ The legal age of consent country-wide is 18 years old. Some states may make exceptions for minors who wish to marry—but not without consent from a parent, guardian, or court official. If you’re under the age of 18, find out what the laws of your state require of you before saying “I do.”\n\n- __Officiant Qualifications:__ State laws about who is legally permitted to officiate your ceremony vary. Oklahoma, for example, does not allow justices of the peace to act as wedding officiants. For civil ceremonies, in particular, you’ll want to refer to local state laws about what’s a go and what’s a no. \n\nNow that you’re familiar with these terms and expectations, let’s dive into Arizona state specifics. \n\n### Arizona’s Marriage License Application Process\nBefore your big day, you’ll need to give yourself enough time to apply for a marriage license. Even if you or your partner have been married before and are familiar with this procedure, it’s still a good idea to take another look into state protocols to find out what’s required and what’s not. \n\nSince you’re getting married in Arizona, here’s a look at what’s unique to this state’s application process. \n\n#### Types of Licenses Available\nThe state of Arizona offers two types of marriage licenses to applicants: a traditional marriage license and a covenant marriage license. A covenant marriage, often rooted in religious tradition, requires premarital counseling before applying for a license. In these types of unions, a divorce is only granted under specific circumstances deemed justifiable by state law. \n\nCouples seeking an alternative may simply apply for a traditional marriage license. Each type of license requires a different set of documents. Read on to see what you need to present in order to ensure your license is granted. \n\n#### Documents Required\nThe documents required for a __traditional marriage license__ include:\n\nSocial Security number and/or card\nGovernment-issued photo identification such as:\n\n- A passport\n- A driver’s license\n- A military ID\n- A REAL ID\n\nThe documents required for a __covenant marriage license__ include: \n\n- A signed affidavit confirming that the couple has met the premarital counseling requirements\n\n- A [written statement](, signed by both partners, that declares the intentions of the covenant marriage \n\n- A valid form of ID such as the ones listed above\n\nNote: Both parties must be in attendance when applying for a marriage license. \n\n#### Fees\nArizona law requires a filing fee of $83 to be paid when applying for a marriage license in this state. Check with the local Justice Court offices to determine the acceptable forms of payment. \n\nNote: There is also a fee of $30 for any couple who wishes to convert their traditional marriage license to a covenant marriage license. \n\n#### Waiting Period\nThere is no waiting period for couples choosing to get married in the state of Arizona. The license is considered valid immediately upon approval.\n\n#### Expiration of License\nAn Arizona marriage license is valid for up to __12 months__ after the date of issuance. \n\n#### Registering the Marriage License\nAfter the ceremony, your marriage license must be signed by both you and your partner, as well as the officiant and two additional witnesses. The signed copy must be returned by the officiant to the office in which it was granted __no later than 30 days__ after the date of the ceremony. \n\n### Special Marriage Considerations in Arizona\nAt this point, make sure you’ve entered all important dates and deadlines into your calendar to help you stay on top of it all. Or, if you’d rather keep important wedding-related dates separate from your work calendar, build your own customizable [wedding checklist]( Add or remove tasks as necessary, and turn on push notifications to get a heads-up when key deadlines are approaching. \n\nThe next task you’ll want to add to the list? Reviewing these special marriage considerations regarding Arizona state laws: \n\n- __Be sure you meet Arizona’s legal age requirements:__ All adults 18 years or older are eligible to be married without parental consent in the state of Arizona. Applicants between 16 and 17 years of age must present consent from a parent or legal guardian. The written consent must be notarized, signed by the individual providing consent, and submitted to the clerk’s office. Anyone under 16 years old who wishes to get married in the state of Arizona must provide a birth certificate, notarized consent from a parent or guardian, as well as a court order. \n\n- __Don’t forget to request certified copies of your marriage certificate:__ Many insurance companies and banks will request certified copies of your marriage certificate in order to add partners onto an insurance plan or a bank account. In Arizona, you’ll need to request copies from the local Justice Court office where you filed your license. In most cases, an additional fee of $30.50 per copy is required. Payment may be made by money order. \n\n- __Proxy marriages are not an option:__ There are a handful of states across the country that allow for proxy marriages. In this case, one of the individuals to be married may be replaced by a substitute who can accept the vows of marriage on their behalf. This may be the case for couples who are separated due to travel restrictions or military service. However, the state laws of Arizona prohibit proxy marriages from occurring. \n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Married in Arizona\nYou may not even know where to start when it comes to asking questions about legal matters. No problem. Here’s a look at some of the most common inquiries. \n\n#### I’m Getting Married in Arizona, But I Live in a Different State. Where Do I File My License?\nGood news for non-residents: There are no laws in this state that prohibit couples from out of state from getting married here. In some cases, non-residents must file their license in the county in which their out-of-state ceremony is set to take place. \n\nThe Arizona Bar Foundation, however, makes no particular mention of special procedures for non-resident couples. You’ll want to call to confirm this. Unless you hear otherwise, you should be able to follow the application procedure in your state of residency instead of making a special trip to one of the Justice Court offices in Arizona. \n\n#### When Should I Start the Marriage Application Process?\nWith so much to do before your wedding day, it’s easy to forget a few details here and there. Make sure applying for your marriage license is not one of them. Some states offer marriage licenses that are only valid within a short window of time. Oklahoma marriage licenses, for example, are valid for only 10 days. In this case, couples trying to get ahead of the game won’t be able to apply until 10 days or less before the scheduled date of their ceremony. \n\nFortunately, Arizona marriage licenses are valid for up to 12 months after the date of issuance. Our professional advice? Start applying as soon as you can—but wait until you’re within a year of your wedding, of course. \n\n#### What Is the Waiting Period and Why Is It Required (or Not)?\nThere are no laws in Arizona that require couples to wait before getting married. This means that as soon as your marriage license has been issued, you’re free to exchange vows on the spot. \n\nOther states, however, may impose a 24- to 48-hour waiting period from the time a marriage license has been granted and the time a couple is legally allowed to make things official. In fact, some states such as Minnesota and Wisconsin ask the spouses-to-be to wait five days. The reason being? To discourage hasty, elopement-style weddings that couples may later end up regretting. \n\n#### How Soon Can You Get Married After Receiving Your Marriage License?\nIn Arizona? As soon as the license reaches your hand. Well, technically, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got an officiant and two witnesses first. Otherwise, there are no laws preventing you from making things official right there and then. \n\n#### Are Marriage Licenses and Marriage Certificates the Same? \nThese two documents are commonly used as interchangeable terms, but marriage licenses and marriage certificates are not the same. Regardless of where you’re getting married, you’ll want to understand how they’re different.\n\nIn the days and weeks leading up to your big day, you’ll need to apply—and be approved for—a marriage license. Once acquired, this document gives you legal permission to go through with the ceremony. After the ceremony, it will need to be signed by you, your spouse, the ceremony officiant, and two witnesses. Upon returning it to the office that issued it to you, you’ll be sent a marriage certificate which, as the name suggests, certifies your legal status as married.\n\n#### Are Blood Tests Required? Why?\nGetting jabbed with a needle before your wedding day doesn’t exactly sound ideal, but it was considered standard procedure for years. (Just ask your parents or grandparents—they’ll confirm.) Premarital blood testing started in the 1930s when there were public health concerns about the spread of diseases such as rubella, syphilis, tuberculosis, and HIV. In order to prevent more people from contracting these diseases, states would regularly schedule blood tests for marrying couples. \n\nAs concerns lessened—and funding waned—states stopped requiring them. If you’re making things official in Arizona, there’s no need to worry. This state does not require you to undergo blood testing. \n\n#### Who Legally Qualifies as an Officiant in Arizona? \nThe qualifications for wedding officiants are often state-specific. To be sure the person you’ve put in charge of officiating the wedding ceremony is legally qualified to do so in Arizona, check the list below.\n\nSome of the officiants recognized by the state of Arizona are:\n\n- Justices of the peace\n- Ordained members of the clergy \n- Municipal court judges\n- Judges of the Arizona court of military appeals\n- United States magistrate judges\n\nCheck with the court clerk’s office before applying for a marriage license to be sure whoever you’ve chosen to marry you and your partner is legally allowed to do so in this state.\n\n### Tips and Tricks for an Arizona Wedding\nLegal matters aside, it’s time to make sure your celebration of love is one you and your guests will remember forever. Don’t let Arizona’s arid climate fool you. It’s a state that’s saturated with tricks to add to the romance and personality of your special. To add some local flair, or to make sure your day goes off without a hitch, consider the tips below.\n\n- __Keep the weather in mind:__ Summer, in most places, is hot. Summer in Arizona is smoldering. Temperatures in the summer months are often well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’ve got your heart set on marrying in the summer, take our advice and book a venue with indoor, air-conditioned accommodations. Spring and fall, on the other hand, would be a perfect time for an outdoor affair in Arizona. \n\n- __Apply for the necessary permits:__ How truly grand it would be to exchange vows with your soulmate at the rim of the Grand Canyon. There are no laws in Arizona that prohibit couples from marrying here, but you will need to apply for a permit and fork over a bit of cash for a national park fee. If you’re interested in holding your ceremony here or at one of Arizona’s other national parks, do some digging to see what you can find about permit requirements. Keep in mind, these natural wonders haven’t just caught your eye. Lots of visitors flock to these locations, so you may need to be flexible with dates. \n\n- __Embrace the local cuisine:__ Bursting with both indigenous and Latinx influence, Arizona has more to offer than idyllic scenery and diverse landscapes. The local cuisine has its own charm. What better way to eat your way around the state than to bring an assortment of dishes to you? If you want to add a local touch to the dinner menu or to cocktail hour snacks, consider things like the Hopi piki bread, chollas (edible, unopened cactus blossoms), or the ever-popular tamales. If you really want to shake things up, serve a signature cocktail made with summer sun tea. \n\n### Planning Your Dreamy Desert Wedding With Zola \nNow that you’re well informed about Arizona’s legal marriage jargon, it’s time to dive into the wedding design details. \n\nWhether your vision is already as clear as day, or you’re in need of a nudge in the right direction, [Zola]( is eager to help you along the way. \n\nHere’s what we’re experts at:\n\n- Pre-screening [wedding venues]( in your area and making recommendations based on your personal taste. \n\n- Helping you find the perfect desert-themed paper suite for your [wedding invitations](, [save the dates](, and other enclosure cards.\n\n- Managing your guest list and [wedding checklist]( to help you track important dates, guest counts, and prioritize tasks. \n\n- Your perfect Arizona wedding is starting to take shape. Browse the array of [wedding planning]( tools now and get started for free with [Zola]( today. ","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:50.410Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"hawaii-marriage-laws","title":"Hawaii Marriage License—The Laws to Get Married on The Island","excerpt":"If you’ll be getting married in Hawaii, be sure to familiarize yourself with Hawaii’s marriage laws. Everything you need to know is right here.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-25T15:50:06.060Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Hawaii Marriage Laws"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- If you’re planning to get married in Hawaii, it’s important to read up on the state marriage laws to be sure you and your partner meet all of the local requirements to make your nuptials official.\n- Hawaii offers traditional marriage licenses. Applicants need to pay a $60 fee in order to obtain one.\n- Marriage licenses may be applied for online, but couples will need to appear in person at an appointment made with one of Hawaii’s marriage license agents. \n- There are no residency restrictions in the state of Hawaii. Couples who reside in another state may hold a ceremony in this state with no legal limitations. ","body":"You’re [getting married in Hawaii](, which is already a wedding dream come true. From stunning seascapes, to majestic volcanoes, to vibrantly colored gardens, this state is bursting with a special kind of wedding day magic that’s hard to find anywhere else.\n\nAlong with the big island’s unique landscape and charm, Hawaii has a distinctive set of marriage laws that couples should be aware of as they approach their special day. Haven’t got a clue where to begin when it comes to legal matters? No problem. This post will lei (we couldn’t help ourselves) out the specifics of the local statutes so that you can stress less and sip on your tiny umbrella drink in the weeks leading up to your dream wedding. \n\n## Marriage Laws and Requirements in Hawaii \n\nIn regards to marriage, every state does things a bit differently. When you boil it all down, love is right smack dab at the center of it all. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to channel your inner Elle Woods when it comes to understanding the legal requirements (vital records, registration system, and more) of making things official.\n\nHere are a few terms you’ll want to get familiar with when preparing to get a marriage:\n\n- __Marriage License:__ Ah yes, the piece of paper standing between you, your spouse-to-be, and a legally binding union. A Hawaii marriage licenses—not to be confused with marriage certificates—are a must if you want your vows to count for anything more than a beautifully tearful exchange of intention and commitment. Each state has different protocols when it comes to this matter, so be sure you’ve done the research relevant to your ceremony and your place of residence. (Hint: If you’re getting married in Hawaii, you’ve come to the right place.) \n\n- __Civil Union License__: The primary difference between a marriage and civil union license is that that latter only provides legal protections at the state level. It’s important to emphasize that a civil union isn’t a marriage, therefore it doesn’t provide federal protections, benefits, or responsibilities to couples and may not be recognized by all states. That said, you can still acquire a civil union license in Hawaii and even fill out an online application in the registration system.\n\n- __Marriage License Fees:__ Everything comes at a cost, and [marriage licenses]( are no different. Don’t worry—you shouldn’t have to rearrange your entire wedding budget, but you should be prepared to pay some sort of fee in exchange for your marriage license. The exact amount will depend on the state in which you’re applying. Some fees are as low as $10, while others are as much as $115. The accepted methods of payments vary by state as well. If you hardly ever carry cash or a checkbook, it’s best to call ahead to confirm whether or not the fee is payable by card. \n\n- __Waiting Periods:__ Some states require couples to wait for a certain amount of time before issuing their marriage license. While spontaneous marriages are certainly romantic, some states are understandably wary of them and require couples to put on the brakes for a few days after receiving their marriage licenses just to be sure they’ve had time to think things over. \n\n- __Blood Tests:__ Premarital blood tests are mostly a thing of the past, but it’s something you may still be subject to depending on the state in which you plan to be wed. This kind of testing got its start in the 1930s when public health concerns about the spread of syphilis were on the rise. Other diseases on the radar at the time included HIV, tuberculosis, and rubella. Most states decided to scrap these laws as the cost of testing grew higher than the threat of disease, but the state of Montana still enforces this procedure.\n\n- __Residency Requirements:__ Most states in the United States have open border policies, welcoming couples from all over the country to celebrate their special day in the locale of their choice. However, some marriage license application procedures will differ for non-residents. \n\n- __Witnesses:__ Another detail to consider when [planning your big day]( is your state’s laws surrounding ceremony witnesses. For several states, two witnesses are required—not only to be present for the exchange of vows, but also to sign the marriage license after the ceremony takes place. So, if you’re planning a private elopement, double check to see if you’ll need witnesses in addition to the officiant. \n\n- __Legal Age of Marriage:__ For most states, the legal age of marriage is 18 years old. At this age, individuals have reached the age of consent and are free to marry without the need to obtain permission from a parent or guardian. This holds true across the country—with the exception of Nebraska, which requires a minimum age of 19 years old to marry without parental consent. Otherwise, any individual under the age of 18 will need to provide consent from a parent/guardian. Check your local state laws for more information about the minimum age requirements to marry without parental consent. \n\n- __Officiant Qualifications:__ You know that marriage licenses are the what when it comes to making it official, but what about the who? Specific details about who is recognized as a legal officiant vary from state to state. Civil ceremonies, in particular, may run into more legal obstacles than ceremonies with a religious affiliation. So, if an old friend becomes ordained as a justice of the peace just for you and your spouse-to-be, you may want to confirm that the state in which you’re set to get married allows it. \n\nHow do Hawaii’s state laws shape these requirements and the process of applying for a marriage license? Read on for the state-specific details.\n\n## Hawaii’s Marriage License Application Process\nThe marriage license application in Hawaii is pretty pain-free as long as it is precisely that—in Hawaii. (More on that soon.) But first, start by picking a dreamy [wedding venue]( along Hawaii’s lush coastline, pair it with Zola’s [Wedding Vendors]( search to find an array of pre-screened vendors in the area, and then meet us back here for licensing specifics.\n\nReady? Let’s dive into the ins and outs of Hawaii’s marriage application process. \n\n### Types of Licenses Available\nIn addition to traditional marriage licenses, some states offer licenses for individuals participating in a covenant marriage. Covenant marriages require premarital counseling, and the spouses-to-be enter into the union with the understanding that divorces will only be granted under certain circumstances deemed valid by the laws of the state. \n\nIn Hawaii, covenant marriages are not an option. Instead, couples will have to apply for a traditional marriage license through the State Department of Health. \n\n### Documents Required\nCouples holding their ceremonies in Hawaii need to present a few important documents in order to be granted a marriage license. \n\n*Important: Non-residents need to apply for a marriage license in Hawaii, not in the state they reside in.* \n\n- Both residents and non-residents must fill out an [application]( online. \n- Both parties must attend an appointment with a local marriage license agent in person in order to receive their marriage license.\n- Documentation of death or divorce must be provided by individuals who have been widowed or divorced within 30 days of applying for a new marriage license. \n- The couple must meet the state age requirements and present a valid ID as proof of their age. Examples of valid forms of identification include:\n\n- Passport\n- Driver’s license\n- Military ID\n- Birth certificate\n\n*Note: According to Hawaii state laws, individuals 19 years of age or older may provide any one of the above forms of ID. Individuals 18 years old or younger, however, must present a birth certificate.* \n\n### Fees \n\nHawaii requires a fee of $60 (plus a $5 administrative fee) in order for marriage licenses to be processed. It may be paid online or in person. \n\n### Waiting Period\nThere is no mandatory waiting period in the state of Hawaii. Couples who have been granted a marriage license are eligible to be married as soon as the license has been issued. \n\n### Expiration of License\nMarriage licenses in Hawaii are valid for 30 days. If not used within 30 days, the marriage license will be considered null and void, and couples will need to reapply. \n\n### Registering the Marriage License\nAfter the wedding ceremony, your officiant will handle the details regarding the registration of your marriage license within the state. Upon registering the signed license, couples can expect to receive their marriage certificate within four to six weeks after the date of your ceremony. The marriage will then be legally recognized across all states. \n\nYou’re almost ready to apply! Read over the special considerations in the next section to be sure you meet all of the specific requirements for the state of Hawaii. \n\n## Special Marriage Considerations in Hawaii\nBefore you get started with step one of applying for a marriage license in Hawaii, make sure you and your partner are eligible and prepared for marriage according to the considerations below. \n\n- __Age Requirements:__ Without parental consent, Hawaii imposes a minimum age of 18 years old in order to get married. With parental consent, individuals as young as 15 years of age are able to apply for a marriage license. At 15, individuals need written consent from parents or guardians and a judge. For those between 16 and 17 years old, only parental consent is required. \n\n- __Officiant Registration:__ Officiants, commonly known in this state as marriage performers, must be licensed by the state of Hawaii. Performers wishing to conduct a ceremony must register and be approved by the [State Department of Health]( If the officiant you had in mind is from out of state, be sure to factor this registration period into the overall [wedding planning timeline]( \n\n- __Copies of the Marriage Certificate:__ Copies of your marriage certificate will be needed for a number of things, such as insurance and bank accounts. Couples may request certified copies of their marriage certificate [online]( and should expect to pay $10 for the first copy and $4 for each additional copy after that. \n\n## Plan Your Hawaii Wedding With Zola\nYou’re a lean, mean [wedding planning]( machine. But no one can be expected to master marriage legal matters and keep track of every design detail before the big day. That’s where [Zola]( comes in. \n\nWe can help you:\n\n- Build a wedding website that’s as elegant as it is informational. \n\n- Connect with local photographers, videographers, florists, and caterers on Hawaii’s islands. (Bonus: They’ve all been pre-screened and primed for our [wedding Vendor Search](\n\n- Create a registry that offers free returns and shipping.\n\nCurious to know if we can help out with something that’s not on the list? [Just ask]( the experts at Zola. We love love, and we can’t wait to lend a hand in the process of celebrating yours. \n\nStart planning your dream Hawaii (or Kauai, Honolulu, Maui, Oahu...) wedding with [today]( ","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Finding the perfect wedding venue can be a challenge. 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Read on to learn what to include.","title":"Destination Wedding Website: Help Your Guests Prepare For Your Wedding","slug":"destination-wedding-website-help-your-guests-prepare-for-your-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Destination Wedding Website"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This destination wedding checklist is the #1 resource you’ll need to plan your exotic celebration. Discover how to choose a destination wedding location, what to look for in a wedding venue, how to work with local vendors, and more. ","title":"The Ultimate Destination Wedding Checklist for Couples ","slug":"destination-wedding-checklist","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Choosing your wedding month and date is a crucial first step in the wedding planning process. Here's how to decide on the best time of the year to get married. ","title":"How to Choose The Best Wedding Month ","slug":"choosing-your-wedding-month","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Getting Started","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"best month for wedding"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Guest books are traditionally part of every wedding. But through your planning, you may wonder if you really need one? Read on to get this answer and more. ","title":"Do You Need a Wedding Guest Book?","slug":"do-you-need-a-wedding-guest-book","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Wedding Guest Book"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:49.605Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"how-to-get-a-marriage-license-in-california","title":"How to Get a Marriage License in California","excerpt":"If you’re California dreaming of getting married in the Golden State, check out Zola’s guide to California marriage laws.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T16:37:10.417Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"How to Get a Marriage License in California"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- All California couples must obtain a legal marriage license from a County Clerk-Recorder’s office within the state. There is no waiting period for California couples. \n- The fees for a California marriage license can range from $46 to $112, depending on the county. This fee must be paid in cash at your County Clerk-Recorder’s office. \n- A California marriage license will expire if it’s not used within 90 days of the issue date. After the ceremony, your officiant has 10 days to file the marriage license with the County Clerk-Recorder. \n- Planning the other elements of your California wedding—like the guest list, vendors, and venue—is easy when you use Zola. ","body":"From the golden coast of SoCal to the stunning redwood hills of NorCal, the state of California is the perfect place for any and all wedding styles. While putting together the perfect California marriage ceremony is easy with Zola’s [free wedding websites](, other steps to planning your wedding may not be quite as effortless.\n\nThat’s right, today we’re talking about one of the most essential—and sometimes difficult to understand—steps to wedding planning: obtaining your marriage license. \n\nWhile submitting paperwork isn’t the most creative part of being engaged, it’s still a vital step to making it official with the love of your life. A Zola, we’re determined to make [wedding planning]( easier at every stage. That’s why we’ve put together this helpful guide on how to get a California marriage license. \n\n### Application Procedure\nIn California, all soon-to-be spouses must fill out an application for a marriage license prior to the ceremony. This application can be submitted in person at your local Clerk-Recorder’s office. \n\nA California marriage license from any county is valid throughout the state, and there are no restrictions on where your ceremony has to take place. Additionally, out-of-state couples may also apply for a marriage license within California, even if they don’t have proof of residence.\n\nMost marriage licenses require an in person appointment, but some California counties—like Los Angeles county—allow online applications. When you submit an online application, you and your partner have 15 days to appear at your local county Clerk-Recorder’s office in person. At this appointment, you’ll submit your physical documents and pay for the licensing fee in cash.\n\nUnlike some states, California does not impose a waiting period on couples seeking a marriage license. Instead, you’ll be able to get your marriage license on the same day you apply (if you arrive in-person and no delays occur). From there, you’ll be able to have your ceremony as soon as you obtain the license. \n\n### What’s Required in the Application\nApplication requirements are similar across the U.S., but each state may have slightly different protocols that couples should be familiar with. In California, here’s what you’ll need to submit with your application:\n\n- Proof of identity and age (a government-issued photo ID, such as a passport, driver’s license, or naturalization certificate will suffice)\n\n- Divorce decree, annulment decree, or death certificate for any previous spouses\n\n- In some counties, you’ll need to provide your parents’ place of birth (both state and city), along with your mother’s maiden name\n\nIn addition to these documents, California couples should also bring payment for the licensing fee. Cash, check, and debit, or credit card all work. Depending on the county, this fee can range from $45 to $112. Check with your local office prior to arrival to ensure you’ve got the correct amount on hand. \n\nAfter obtaining your marriage license, you’ll need to hire a certified officiant to perform the wedding ceremony and help you complete the licensing process. In the state of California, a [wedding officiant]( may be any of the following:\n\n- Clergy members\n- Religious officials\n- Current or retired justices, judges, magistrates, or marriage commissioners\n- Some county clerks\n- Current members of congress\n- A friend or family member—in certain counties, family or friends can be ordained through the Deputy for a Day program.\n\n### What Are the Different Types of California Marriage Licenses?\nIn California, the marriage licensing process is a bit different from other states. While most marriage licenses are considered public record in the U.S., the state of California gives residents a choice between two types of marriage licenses:\n\n- __Public:__ A public marriage license is the standard and most popular route in the state of California. This type of license has all of the aforementioned marriage license requirements and may be accessed by anyone, as it is public record. A public marriage license from any county remains valid throughout the state, and couples are free to host their ceremony in any area of California. \n\n- __Confidential:__ Confidential marriage licenses date back as early as the 1870s, when couples in rural areas often lived together without being married. The concept of a confidential marriage license was created to protect these individuals from scrutiny, as well as make the legal marriage process easier. In 2021, confidential marriage licenses still exist in California, but they do have a few additional requirements. First, couples seeking a confidential marriage license must attest to the fact that they already live together. Second, while a confidential marriage license may be a bit cheaper, ordering a certified copy costs an additional fee.\n\n### Things to Know About Your California Marriage License\nIn addition to the application process, there are some other factors that couples should take into account when obtaining a marriage license. Let’s take a look at the basics all Californians should know about their marriage license:\n\n- __The Expiration Date:__ Like many other U.S. states, California has a 90-day grace period before an unused marriage license will expire. This means you must perform a ceremony and have your license signed by an officiant within this time period. Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for a new one. \n\n- __Ceremony Location:__ With both a public and confidential marriage license, couples are free to marry in whichever California county they prefer. You can also obtain a California marriage license if you’re not a resident, so long as your ceremony takes place within the state.\n\n- __Blood Testing:__ Since 1995, California has not required blood testing as part of the marriage license application. \n\n- __Void Marriages:__ There are five common reasons why a California marriage license may be void before or after the ceremony:\n\n - Bigamy or polygamy\n - Incest\n - One or more spouses are under the age of 18 and do not have parental consent\n - Sham (marrying for the sole reason of gaining U.S. citizenship)\n - One or more spouse does not have the mental capacity to consent to the marriage\n\n### Marriage Laws Unique to California\nMarriage laws can vary depending on the state you live in, and these rules and regulations reach beyond the licensing process. Here are some of the most important California marriage laws that all prospective spouses should know about:\n\n- __Marriage By Proxy:__ Marriage by proxy is not allowed in the state of California unless one or both spouses are active military members who are currently stationed overseas.\n\n- __Witnesses:__ In California, couples are required to have at least one witness sign off on their wedding ceremony. This documentation does allow for a second witness to sign as well, if desired.\n\n- __Age Restrictions:__ The legal age of marriage in California is 18 years old, but minors under the age of 18 may marry if they obtain parental or court-ordered permission.\n\n- __Common-Law Marriage:__ The state of California does not recognize common-law marriages, no matter how long a couple has lived together. That being said, there are certain legal proceedings that may arise if a cohabiting couple breaks up—particularly if they share credit cards, own property together, or have a joint bank account. These assets may be divided up by a lawyer if a mutual agreement cannot be reached.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage in California\nThe paperwork and legality of marriage can be a little confusing, especially for couples who have a lot on their plate. To make this entire process easier, we’ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about California marriages. Here’s what you need to know:\n\n#### When Should I Apply for My California Marriage License?\nSince California has no waiting period for couples seeking marriage licenses, you could technically apply on the day of your ceremony. That being said, we would not recommend doing so. Long lines, legal issues, and human error may lead to unexpected delays that you won’t want to deal with on your wedding day.\n\nOf course, you don’t want to order your marriage license too far in advance, either. Since California has a 90-day grace period, we recommend submitting your license application much sooner than this in order to give you plenty of time to use it. \n\nIn order to maintain a balance of preparedness and convenience, California couples should apply for their marriage license a month or two prior to their ceremony date.\n\n#### What’s the Difference Between a Domestic Partnership and a Common-Law Marriage?\nDomestic partnership and common-law marriages are two similar types of relationships that often get confused with one another. Here’s the difference: domestic partners do not present themselves as spouses, but may reap some of the same benefits in certain areas of the country. These benefits include:\n\n- Shared health insurance (particularly from an employer)\n- Pension benefits\n- Bereavement leave\n- Visitation rights for hospitalization or incarceration\n\n### Does California Recognize Domestic Partnerships?\nWe already know that California does not recognize common-law marriages—but what about domestic partnerships? In 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill that all couples (both heterosexual and same-sex) may register as domestic partners. This process provides many of the same benefits as being married in the state of California, including:\n\n- Adoption rights within the U.S.\n- Taking your partner’s last name\n- Legal protections in the event of a partner’s death\n\nThe process of registering as a domestic partnership is fairly straightforward. All you have to do is fill out an online form and pay a $33 fee. If you are over the age of 62, this fee is reduced to only $10. \n\nSince domestic partnerships are not recognized on a federal level, couples may experience some issues with the following:\n\n- Filing taxes\n- Sponsoring a non-citizen for naturalization\n- Adopting a child from another country\n- Accessing the rights of married couples when traveling out of state\n\n#### How Do I Obtain a Copy of My California Marriage Certificate?\nThe process of getting a certified copy of your marriage certificate will depend on the type of license you’ve chosen. While copies of a public marriage certificate can be easily obtained, a confidential marriage certificate will require proof of identity and a $14 fee. \n\nIt’s important to have a few certified copies of your marriage certificate on hand for the following reasons:\n\n- If you plan on changing your surname, a copy will be required by the social security office, DMV, and bank\n- You may need a copy in order to add your spouse to your employee health insurance\n- A certified copy will help you file a joint tax return\n\n### What to Do After You Get Your California Marriage License\nCongratulations! You’ve secured your marriage license and the paperwork is finally over—well, almost. \n\nAfter you have your marriage license in hand, you’ll want to put it in a secure place until the wedding day. Avoid any risky situations where this document could get damaged or misplaced. If you can’t find your license or it gets damaged, you’ll have to submit a new application.\n\nOn the day of your marriage ceremony, the marriage license will need three signatures: you, your spouse, and your officiant. This can be done before, during, or shortly after the ceremony. From there, your officiant has 10 days to file the marriage license with the County Clerk-Recorder. \n\nAfter the ceremony, the newlyweds will receive another document known as a marriage certificate. This certificate can be kept as proof and commemoration of your actual wedding ceremony.\n\n### Getting Married in California: Everything Else You Need to Know\nCalifornia’s beautiful weather, picturesque beaches, and towering mountains are just a few reasons couples flock to the Golden State to get married. The hardest part about planning your California wedding? Choosing between all the options for venues, [wedding themes](, and more. That’s why we’re here to help you plan everything for your special day.\n\nNow that you know everything about marriage licenses, let’s get into the fun part of planning:\n\n- __Venues:__ From the colorful dancefloor of LA’s Loews Hollywood Hotel, to the woodsy, laid-back vibes of San Francisco’s Fortino Winery—California has a gorgeous venue for any wedding style. Zola’s pre-screened venue database even allows users to search for [wedding venues]( based on pricing, with options ranging from under $15,000 to $50,000 and above. \n\n- __Weather:__ California is known for its perfect weather, but the state is also home to a number of different climates. While Southern California tends to stay warm year-round, Northern California experiences a rainy season from December to March. Couples should keep weather in mind when planning an outdoor celebration. \n\n- __Vendors:__ If you’re planning your wedding in a California hotspot—like Los Angeles, San Diego, or San Francisco—keep in mind that [wedding vendors]( may be booked during peak wedding season. This is why we recommend finalizing your vendor contract long before the wedding day, and beginning your search for florists, caterers, and DJs at least a year in advance. \n\n- __Changing Your Name:__ California does not have any laws that require couples to have the same surname. With that in mind, some individuals may choose to pursue a name change as a personal preference. For this process, you’ll need a few certified copies of your signed marriage license. From there, you can submit an application for a new Social Security card with your updated name. After your Social Security card is updated, you’ll need to apply for a new license and passport, as well.\n\n### Plan Your California Wedding the Zola Way\nOkay, so maybe getting your marriage license isn’t the most interesting part of planning a wedding—but once you’ve done this you can start looking forward to the celebration!\n\nHere at Zola, we’re all about planning weddings. From start to finish, we’re here to help couples every step of the way. Our online planning tools are easy to use and help take the guesswork out of the wedding planning process.\n\nOur online [wedding guest list tool]( can help you keep track of everyone attending the wedding, access online RSVPs, and even set up a digital seating chart. Combine this with our free wedding websites, and you’ll quickly find that everything you need is all in one accessible place.\n\nPlanning a wedding takes time, but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. Ditch the stress and start planning your special day the modern way, with Zola. ","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Incorporating seasonal flowers into your wedding day gets you the best quality blooms for a lower price tag. This guide can help you save big on your floral budget, no matter what time of year you plan to tie the knot.","title":"The Complete Guide of Wedding Flowers by Season","slug":"a-seasonal-guide-to-wedding-flowers","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Wedding Style","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"A Seasonal Guide to Wedding Flowers"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Popping the big question on sandy shores can be both romantic and timeless. Read on to find out our favorite beach proposal ideas. 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Here's how and where you can plan your boat wedding.","title":"How to Get Married on a Boat and Where to Do It","slug":"how-to-get-married-on-a-boat-and-where-to-do-it","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"How to Get Married on a Boat and Where to Do It"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"Planning a wedding in the Bay Area? From best venues to local requirements, here’s everything you need to know about getting married in San Francisco.","title":"How to Get Married in San Francisco: A Complete Guide","slug":"how-to-get-married-in-san-francisco","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"married couple taking wedding photo on San Francisco bay coast"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"If you plan to get married in Los Angeles, make time for preparations. Learn about costs, wedding venues, COVID-19 updates, and more in our complete guide. 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To obtain a marriage license, you and your future spouse must apply in person at the local county clerk’s office.\n- Because Kentucky doesn’t implement any waiting periods, you’ll receive your marriage license the same day that you apply for it. You can even get married on the same day. \n- You must file your marriage license within the 30 day period following your wedding day to receive your marriage certificate.\n- If you’re getting married in Kentucky, consider hosting a classic barn wedding with a rustic chic or rustic vintage style during the spring or fall months when the weather is most temperate.","body":"When you imagine your wedding day, you likely picture the dreamy floral arrangements decorating your venue, the elegant dress that you’ll wear, and the look on your partner’s face as you walk down the aisle. While we’re all about these romantic, fairytale aspects of your wedding, the state that you’re planning on getting married in has a few less-than-enchanting requirements that you need to complete before your big day. \n\nIf you’re getting married in the state of Kentucky, you’ll want to be familiar with the state’s unique marriage laws to ensure that the day you’ve been waiting for goes along without a hitch. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Kentucky marriage license laws. \n\n## Marriage Laws and Requirements in Kentucky\nWhile the 50 states may be married under one flag, they all have their own unique laws and requirements surrounding legal marriage. \n\nFrom state to state, you’ll notice differences in certain aspects, such as: \n\n- __Marriage License –__ A marriage license is a document you’re required to obtain before your wedding in order to be legally married. During or after your wedding ceremony, you, your partner, your officiant, and your witnesses sign the license. Later, this license is submitted to the state in exchange for a marriage certificate—proof that you and your spouse are legally bound to each other. \n\nWhile a marriage license may not be as romantic as your hand-written vows, this document plays a vital role in your marriage. In the state of Kentucky, both you and your partner must be present to apply for a marriage license, which you can receive from any county clerk’s office. \n\n- __Marriage License Fees –__ Money can’t buy love, but it is necessary to buy a marriage. Every state charges a fee to apply for a marriage license. Fortunately, the fees in Kentucky are relatively low. While the exact fee varies depending on the county, you can expect to pay about $35.50 for your marriage license. \n\n- __Waiting Periods –__ You may feel as though you’ve waited your entire life to marry your partner, but some states want you to triple-check that you’re making the right decision. Enter, waiting periods. A waiting period is a state-mandated period of time you’re required to wait between applying for your marriage license and receiving your marriage license. \n\nWhile some states require a waiting period of between one and three days, other states, including Kentucky, don’t have a waiting period at all.\n\n- __Blood Tests –__ It may seem strange for a state to require a blood test to approve a marriage license, but this was previously the norm. Marriage license blood tests checked for the presence of venereal diseases, such as syphilis, and genetic disorders, such as sickle-cell anemia, to ensure that each partner was aware of the risk of contraction and/or birth defects before making their commitment. \n\nHowever, since 1980, all of the states except Montana have eliminated the marriage license blood test requirement. Therefore, if you’re getting married in Kentucky you don’t have to undergo a blood test to receive your marriage license. \n\n- __Residency Requirements –__ Most states in the US, including Kentucky, don’t require you or your partner to be a resident of the state in order to obtain your marriage license there. This allows couples the option to explore [wedding venues]( across the country to find the venue that best meets their needs, suits their style, and showcases their love. \n\n- __Witnesses –__ Whether you have a 200+ guest list for your wedding or you’re planning to elope, every state requires you to have witnesses at your marriage ceremony (not including you, your significant other, or your officiant). Acceptable witnesses could be your parents, your maid of honor and best man, or even complete strangers. Your witnesses are responsible for watching the marriage ceremony and signing your marriage license afterward. In doing this, they help prove to the state that a ceremony took place, you said your vows, and sealed the deal with a kiss. \n\nIn Kentucky, you’ll need at least two other people to be present at your ceremony in order to be legally married. \n\n- __Legal Age of Marriage –__ Each state imposes its own laws regarding the legal age of marriage, both with and without parental consent. In Kentucky, you must be at least 18 years old to be married without parental consent. \n\nFor those who are 16 or 17 years old, parental consent must be given, and the marriage license must be issued by the county of whoever is underage. If the bride and groom are both underage, the bride’s county of residence must issue the marriage license.\n\n- __Officiant Qualifications –__ To ensure that your marriage is official, you’ll need a qualified officiant to perform the ceremony. In all states, ordained ministers are authorized to officiate weddings, but in Kentucky, qualified officiants also include:\n\n- Justices of the Court of Justice\n- Judges of the Court of Justice\n- County judges \n- Retired justices and judges \n- Fiscal court commissioners \n\n## Kentucky’s Marriage License Application Process \n\nSaying yes to a lifetime with your partner is easy—while we can’t say that the marriage license application process will be as easy as that, we’ve broken it down into a few simple steps:\n\n### Book a Venue\nBefore you apply for your marriage license, it’s a smart idea to lock down your venue and set an official wedding date. Why? Your marriage license is only valid for 30 days after its issue date (but more on that later). Fortunately, Zola offers personalized, pre-screened [wedding venue]( recommendations to help narrow down your search based on your wedding style and budget. With miles of rolling hills and breathtakingly open blue skies, Kentucky is ideal for elegant, rustic barn weddings or beautiful botanical garden weddings. \n\n### Find Your Kentucky County Clerk’s Office\nIn Kentucky, both you and your future spouse must appear together at your local county clerk’s office to apply for your license. If neither of you are residents of Kentucky, you can choose any county office, but you might want to consider choosing the county in which you’re getting married. Before you go out of your way to apply, make sure that you’re prepared with all the necessary application documents. This is especially important if you live out of state and need to travel to Kentucky before the wedding to complete your application. \n\n### Marriage License Document Requirements \nTo apply for a Kentucky marriage license, you and your partner will need: \n\n- Your driver’s licenses or other proof of identification\n- Your birth certificates\n- Your social security cards\n- Payment (accepted in the form of cash, check, or credit card)\n\n### The Waiting Period \n\nAfter applying for a marriage license, some couples have to endure a waiting period, but not you. Do you want a marriage license? You got it. There’s no waiting period in this southern state. In Kentucky, you’ll receive your marriage license the same day that you apply for it. \n\nIf you can’t bear to wait any longer to commit yourself to your future spouse, you can even get married the same day that you receive your marriage license. (Just be sure that those important witnesses can make it to the ceremony.) \n\nNot ready to run down the aisle that quickly? Don’t worry—you’re not required to get married on the same day that you receive your marriage license. However, you do need to make it official before your license expires. \n\n### Marriage License Expirations\nIn Kentucky, a marriage license is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance, so it’s important to plan the date of your application accordingly. If your wedding day isn’t for another year, it’s not necessary to go through the hassle of applying for your marriage license right away. It’s best to wait to apply for your marriage license until your wedding date is within the window of your license’s validity. \n\nBecause Kentucky doesn’t impose a waiting period, you have exactly 30 days of wiggle room from the date of application (ie. the date you receive your license) to hold your wedding. If your marriage license expires before you officially tie the knot, you’ll have to apply for a new marriage license and repeat the process over again. \n\n### Registering Your Marriage License \n\nAfter you’ve said “I do,” signed your marriage license, and popped bottles to celebrate with family and friends, there are still a few legal requirements that you’ll need to check off your wedding to-do list. In particular, you’ll need to register your marriage license to receive your marriage certificate. To do this, return your signed license to the county clerk’s office that issued it within 30 days after the date of your wedding. You can either mail the signed license, or deliver it to the office in person. \n\nIn Kentucky, the cost of your marriage certificate is included in the cost of your marriage license, so there’s no need to make additional payments when you register your license, unless you’d like extra copies of your certificate. If you do need extra copies, you can request them from the county clerk’s office for $10.50 per certified copy. \n\nHaving a few copies of your marriage certificate on file can be helpful if you need to change your marital status or name for:\n\n- Health insurance \n- A new social security card\n- Your bank account \n- Your credit cards \n\n### Special Marriage Considerations in Kentucky \nIf you need to travel to Kentucky for your wedding because you live out of state, be sure to arrive several days before the big day. This will allow you and your soon-to-be spouse ample time to visit the local county clerk’s office, apply for and receive your marriage license, and hold your wedding within your license’s validity window. \n\nIf you’re leaving the state after your wedding, make sure to either return your signed license to the county clerk’s office, or take the license with you to mail to the office once you return home. Remember, the county clerk’s office must receive your signed license within the 30 days following your wedding day. It may be best to return the license in person before you leave the state to both prevent any mailing mishaps and ensure that they receive it in a timely manner. \n\nIf you return your marriage license in person, you’ll receive your marriage certificate the same day. If you choose to mail your license back, you’ll receive your marriage certificate in the mail soon after. Then, you can celebrate again! That piece of paper is legal proof that you and your beau are officially married. \n\nSpeaking of paper, have you chosen your wedding stationery yet? From gorgeous [Save the Dates]( to elegant wedding programs, [Zola’s wedding stationery]( selection will have something for every taste, plus customizable options along the way. \n\n## Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Married in Kentucky \n\nWith all the hustle and bustle surrounding your wedding day and the [wedding planning]( process, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or confused about marriage laws and requirements. Fortunately, we’re here to walk you through every step of the process. That way, when it’s time to walk down the aisle, you can soak up all that wedding day bliss without worrying about whether you correctly checked off all those legal boxes. \n\nTake a look at the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about getting married in Kentucky: \n\n### I’m Getting Married in Kentucky, but I Live in a Different State. Where Do I File My License? \nIf you’re saying “I do,” in Kentucky, but you aren’t a resident there, you should still file for your marriage license in Kentucky. You can choose to file your license at any county clerk’s office, but to save time, you may want to choose the county where you’re holding your wedding. \n\n### When Should I Start the Marriage License Application Process? \nIn Kentucky, marriage licenses are valid for 30 days after they’re approved. Because Kentucky doesn’t implement a waiting period, you’ll receive your marriage license the same day that you apply for it. This means that you should start the application process no more than 30 days before your wedding day. To prevent any mishaps, consider applying for your license one to two weeks before your wedding day. This will provide you and your partner plenty of time to receive the license, even if there are any hold-ups during the application process. \n\n### How Soon Can I Get Married After Receiving My Marriage License? \nKentucky is just as excited about your wedding day as you are. Because the state doesn’t make you wait between receiving your license and getting married, you can technically get married the same day that you receive your marriage license.\n\n### Are Proxy Marriages Legal in Kentucky?\nA proxy marriage—wherein the bride, the groom, or both—are absent for the ceremony is not legal in the state of Kentucky. If you want to be legally married to your forever partner, you have to physically be there to say “I do.” \n\n### Are Common Law Marriages Recognized in Kentucky?\nCommon law marriages recognize couples as married after they’ve lived together for a certain period of time and consider themselves married, even if they’ve never applied for a marriage license or held a wedding ceremony. In the state of Kentucky, these types of marriages are not recognized. \n\n## Getting Married in Kentucky: Everything Else You Need to Know\nWhen exploring Kentucky wedding venues, you may notice a recurring theme—barns, barns, and more barns; this is because barns are pure Kentucky ethos. A barn venue provides the sense of southern comfort and authenticity that defines the Kentucky attitude, while incorporating traditional wedding elegance. \n\nA barn venue also naturally lends itself to the increasingly popular rustic [chic wedding style]( To decorate your venue in this style, you can:\n\n- Cover your reception tables with lace tablecloths.\n- Hang delicate fairy lights across ceiling rafters.\n- Use slices of wood or mason jars filled with natural wildflowers as rustic centerpieces. \n\nYou can even create a sense of rusticness through Zola’s [free wedding website]( builder to set the tone of your wedding before your guests experience the magic for themselves on the day. Plus, at Zola, you can pair your wedding website design with your paper suite so that your [Save the Dates](, [wedding invitations](, and website will match and will also perfectly capture the charm of your barn wedding. \n\nBefore you pick your wedding date, you may also want to consider the state’s weather. Spring and fall bring the most temperate weather to Kentucky, as summers can become sweltering and winters are fairly cold. However, storms are also common in the spring, so it’s important to create a backup plan for your ceremony and reception if you’re holding an [outdoor wedding]( \n\nYou can also try your luck with this fun Kentuckian wedding tradition: Because bourbon is made in Kentucky, people believe that if the bride and groom bury a bottle of bourbon at the wedding venue, rain won’t ruin their wedding day. However, there are a few stipulations: \n\n- The bottle of bourbon must be unopened and buried upside down. \n- The bottle must be fully covered (not popping out of the ground).\n- The bride and groom must bury the bottle on a day where the weather matches the weather they’re dreaming of for their wedding day.\n\nAfter the ceremony, you and your spouse can dig up the bottle and share it amongst your family and friends (to celebrate your lack of rain, of course). \n\nAnother way to beat the Kentucky heat is to consider choosing lightweight, light-colored suits for the groom and groomsmen. In fact, it’s customary for men to wear light-colored suits during Kentucky weddings, as weddings are typically held outdoors and at the mercy of the southern sun. \n\nAside from the weather, if you’re getting married in Kentucky, you’ll also want to be aware of popular events that can drive excess tourists to the area, increase the cost of your wedding venue, and create a tricky traveling experience for your guests. \n\nEvents you may want to avoid are: \n\n- __The Kentucky Derby,__ which is typically held the first Saturday in May. \n- __The Kentucky State Fair,__ which takes place mid to late August. \n- __The Kentucky Bourbon Festival,__ which draws tourists in mid-September. \n\n## Make the Most of Your Memorable Day at Zola \nBy understanding Kentucky marriage laws and requirements, you can ensure a memorable and stress-free wedding day that places the focus on the most significant aspect of marriage—the love between you and your significant other. \n\nTo guarantee a wedding that’s held in the venue of your dreams, with stunning, themed decor, and a [wedding registry]( fit for a queen, choose Zola. Through our comprehensive, yet easy-to-use website, you can:\n\n- Fast-track your venue and [wedding vendor]( search with prescreened recommendations.\n- Create a curated wedding registry that features classic gifts, unique experiences, and honeymoon funds. \n- Design customized save the dates and invitations that fit your [wedding style]( (and with free shipping, free guest addressing, and free envelopes, they’ll fit your budget too).\n\nNo matter where you’re getting married, [Zola]( is there for all your wedding needs. ","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Putting together party favors for your wedding or bachelorette party can quickly get overwhelming. These mason jar cocktail kits are the perfect solution to showing you care without too much fuss. \n","title":"DIY Mason Jar Cocktail Kits Your Guests Will Adore","slug":"mason-jar-cocktail-kits","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Food + Drink","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Mason-jar-cocktails"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Discover the 60 best bachelorette party themes of 2024 with ideas for activities, drinks, and food. Find the perfect party for every bride!","title":"60 Best Bachelorette Party Themes of 2024","slug":"bachelorette-party-themes","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Bride's Crew","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bachelorette Party Themes & Party Names"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Nervous about choosing your wedding colors? Don’t be: we’ve outlined some basic steps you can take to choose a wedding color palette that matches your vision and expresses your personality as a couple. ","title":"How to Choose Your Wedding Colors (+ Color Palette Ideas)","slug":"how-to-choose-your-wedding-colors","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding color palettes"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Fall wedding flowers come in all shapes and sizes for you to incorporate into your wedding. Here's your complete guide.","title":"30 Beautiful Flowers for A Fall Wedding","slug":"everything-you-need-to-know-about-fall-wedding-flowers","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Everything You Need to Know About Fall Wedding Flowers"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"If there’s one fashion trend that’s rising to the top in popularity right now, it’s the bridal cape. What exactly is a bridal cape? Keep reading to find out. ","title":"Top Wedding Fashion Trend: The Bridal Cape","slug":"top-wedding-fashion-trend-the-bridal-cape","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bridal wedding cape"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Can't decide on how you want your wedding invites to look? Check out the most popular wedding invitation themes at Zola today.","title":"Most Popular Wedding Invitation Themes","slug":"most-popular-wedding-invitation-themes","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"invite on table"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"From romantic and classy, to earthy and rustic, over 3,000 couples weigh in on 2022’s top wedding themes.","title":"The Top Wedding Themes for 2022","slug":"couples-top-wedding-themes","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Top Wedding Themes for 2022"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Want a little romance, mystique, moonlight, and magic on your big day? Read on to see how you can make your enchanted forest wedding come to life.","title":"How to Create an Enchanted Forest Wedding Theme","slug":"how-to-create-an-enchanted-forest-wedding-theme","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"couple in forest with horse"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:48.013Z"}],"pagination":{"currentPage":1,"total":32},"subtopic":{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"name-change-checklist","title":"How to Change Your Name After the Wedding: 2025 Guide ","excerpt":"Navigate the name-changing process after marriage seamlessly. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition.","author":"Allison Cullman","publishedAt":"2024-09-22T08:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Changing your name after marriage? Use this name change checklist so you don’t miss a step, including the time required for each document."},"heroCredit":"Zola","heroCreditUrl":"","tldr":"Head straight to our printable name change checklist, or jump to a different section below:\n1. Get a copy of your marriage certificate\n2. Apply for a new Social Security card \n3. Apply for a new driver’s license \n4. Update your passport \n5. Update your car title and registration\n6. Notify your employer\n7. Notify the United States Postal Service (USPS)\n8. Update your voter registration information \n9. Update your bank accounts and other financial accounts\n10. Update other personal accounts ","body":"__TLDR:__\n- Get your marriage certificate before making any name changes.\n- You'll need to alert financial institutions, change your driver's license and passport, and also update your credit cards with your new name.\n- Changing your name isn't expensive, and it's something you can wait years to do if necessary.\n\nThere are more things to do after getting married than getting those [thank you cards]( mailed on time. (Kudos if you’ve already checked that off!) Changing your name after marriage might be one of them. While this may feel like a daunting task, it’s much simpler than you’d expect once you get the ball rolling. That’s where our handy guide comes in, compiling all the necessary steps to change your name after marriage and even the time commitment for each.\n\nFirst things first, you’ll need to have a certified copy of your [marriage certificate]( on hand. Once you have that, you can work your way through the steps listed below to cover the most important bases.\n\nNow, let's get into it!\n\n## 1. Get a copy of your marriage certificate \n\n__Time commitment:__ 20 minutes\n__Cost:__ varies by state\n\nChanging your name after marriage first requires a certified physical copy of your marriage certificate. Not to be confused with your [marriage license](, which is the legal document obtained prior to your ceremony, your marriage certificate is a different document that verifies when and where you were legally married. \n\nYou should’ve received your official certificate when your marriage license was issued. For name-changing purposes, however, you should use a certified copy so you can hold onto the original. \n\nA certified copy has a raised seal and can’t be created yourself. Instead, simply call the clerk’s office where your license was filed to request a copy (or two for good measure). Once you pay a small fee ($5-$20), your certified copy will be processed and mailed to you in a few business days. \n\n__Team Z tip:__ While you can technically use your original marriage certificate for name-changing purposes, have a few copies made instead so you can have the original on file. \n\n## 2. Apply for a new social security card \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ $0\n\n![Social Security Card Checklist](//\n\nBefore you can change your name anywhere else, you’ll need to apply for a new Social Security card. Head to the Social Security Administration (SSA) [website]( and fill out the [application for a new Social Security card.](\n\nYour Social Security number won’t change, but your legal name will. \n\nSince you can’t submit your application online, you’ll need to mail your completed form to your local Social Security office or apply in person to receive your new card within 10 business days. \n\nHere are the materials you’ll need to apply for a new Social Security card: \n\n- __Valid photo ID__ (driver’s license, state ID card, military ID, etc.) \n- __Proof of name change__ (certified copy of your marriage license)\n- __Proof of citizenship/residence__ (valid passport or birth certificate)\n- __Completed SS-5 form__ (your application) \n\nFor more information, view the [SSA’s official instructions]( for how to apply for a new Social Security card.\n\n__Team Z tip:__ Your passport fulfills both the proof of identity and proof of citizenship requirements, so you might only need one document. \n\n## 3. Apply for a new driver’s license \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ varies by state\n\n![How to Update Drivers License](//\n\nOnce you have your new Social Security card, head to your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to apply for an updated driver’s license (or state issued ID card). The documents you’ll need to apply vary by state, but plan to bring the following documents: \n\n- __Your new Social Security card__\n- __Current driver’s license__\n- __Proof of name change__ (a certified copy of your marriage certificate) \n- __Proof of address__ (bank statements or mortgage documents)\n\nBe sure to follow the instructions on your local DMV website to clarify which documents are required in your state. Also, be sure to save your receipt from the Social Security office, and take your license or state issued ID. Some DMVs are extremely strict about proof of address and what IDs they accept.\n\n## 4. Update your passport \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ $130\n\n![How to Update Passport After Wedding](//\n\nIf you’re planning to travel outside of the country ([destination honeymoon](, anyone?) you’ll need to update your passport. If you’ve had your passport for less than a year, you can do this for free—otherwise, expect to pay a fee of $130. \n\n__Here are the materials you’ll need to update your passport:__ \n\n__Completed application form:__ You'll need one of these three, depending on when your passport was issued or expired\n- __[Completed DS-82 form]( (if your passport was issued more than a year ago)\n- __Completed [DS-5504 form]( (if your passport was issued less than a year ago)\n- __Completed [DS-11 form]( (if your passport has been expired for over five years, you’ll use this form to apply for a new passport)\n- __Your current U.S. passport__\n- __Proof of name change__ (a certified copy of your marriage license) \n- __Valid passport photo__ (2”x2” color photograph of yourself stapled to your application) \n- __Applicable fee__ (make checks payable to “U.S. Department of State”) \n\nComplete the application form and mail it along with the required documents. If you’re applying for a brand-new passport with the DS-11 form, keep in mind this must be submitted in person at your local office. Find more thorough instructions on the [Travel.State.Gov website]( \n\n## 5. Update your car title and registration\n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ depends on your state\n\nIn some states, you may be able to update your car title and registration at the time you update your driver’s license, but most states require you to visit separate departments. Head to your state’s DMV website for accurate instructions on how to update your car title and registration. Each application is unique to the state you’re in, but be prepared to provide information on your vehicle and a certified copy of your marriage certificate. \n\n## 6. Notify your employer \n\n__Time commitment:__ 15 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nDon’t forget to let your employer know about your name change. Simply contact your company’s HR department to begin the process. \n\n## 7. Notify the United States Postal Service (USPS) \n\n__Time commitment:__ 20 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nWhile changing your name with the USPS isn’t required, you'll still want to update your new address if you’ve moved after marriage. You can do this easily [online]( This will help if you need to provide any proof of address.\n\n## 8. Update your voter registration information\n\n__Time commitment:__ 30 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nUpdating your voter registration is easy. Simply fill out and mail the [National Voter Registration Application]( and mail it to the address for your state listed in the State Instructions portion of the application. \n\nBe aware of these exceptions in the following states: \n\n- __New Hampshire__ doesn’t accept this application—you’ll need to visit your local election office in person.\n- __Wyoming__ doesn’t allow you to apply by mail—you must apply in person at your local election office.\n- __North Dakota__ doesn’t have voter registration, so no action is needed. \n\n## 9. Update your bank accounts and other financial accounts\n\n__Time commitment:__ 1-2 hours \n__Cost:__ $0\n\nMost banks will require you to visit your local branch office in person to update your name on your bank accounts and with your credit card companies. You’ll need to bring your updated driver’s license (or passport) and your marriage certificate. This appointment at your financial institutions is also a good time to request new credit cards reflecting your name change, along with a new book of checks if needed. \n\nIn addition to checking and savings accounts, take care of any other financial accounts you may need to update, including: \n\n- Retirement accounts\n- Investment accounts \n- Credit cards (if separate from where your savings and checking accounts are)\n- Mortgage loans\n- Auto loans\n- School loans \n\nIf you plan on adding your spouse to your account or [opening a joint bank account](, you’ll both need to appear at the appointment. \n\n__Team Z tip:__ Once you’ve changed your name with your bank, don’t forget to update any online payment accounts like PayPal, too. \n\n## 10. Update other personal accounts\n\n__Time commitment:__ Ongoing\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nOnce you’ve gotten the major name change updates out of the way, you can tend to any other updates you may want to make. Your name is listed in more places than you’d think, so it may take some time to remember what needs updating. That’s OK—just update as you go! \n\n__Here’s a quick look at other potential accounts to update:__ \n\n- __Utilities accounts__ \n- __Home mortgage information__\n- __Cell phone/TV/internet accounts__ \n- __Personal email and social media accounts__\n- __Alumni associations, professional clubs, and other organizations__\n- __Legal documents if you’re a business owner__ \n- __Health care providers__ \n- __Will and testament__ \n\n## Printable name change checklist\n\nNow that you know how to change your name after marriage, use our printable name change checklist to keep track of your progress!\n\n[![download-button-name-change](//](//\n\n[![download-button-name-change](//](//\n\n### Plus: name change instructions by state \nFind official name change instructions and forms by state below. \n\n- [Alabama name change](\n- [Alaska name change](\n- __Arkansas name change__: Name change takes place at time of marriage license application; no additional form required \n- [Arizona name change](\n- [California name change](\n- [Colorado name change](\n- [Connecticut name change](\n- [D.C. name change](\n- [Delaware name change](\n- [Florida name change](\n- [Georgia name change](\n- [Hawaii name change](\n- [Idaho name change](\n- [Illinois name change](\n- [Indiana name change](\n- [Iowa name change](\n- [Kansas name change](\n- [Kentucky name change](\n- [Louisiana name change](\n- [Maine name change](,Seeking%20to%20have%20Name%20Changed.)\n- [Maryland name change](\n- [Massachusetts name change](\n- [Michigan name change](\n- [Minnesota name change](\n- [Mississippi name change](,0,175,62.html)\n- [Missouri name change](\n- [Montana name change](\n- [Nebraska name change](\n- [Nevada name change](\n- [New Hampshire name change](\n- [New Jersey name change](\n- [New Mexico name change](\n- [New York name change](\n- [North Carolina name change](\n- [North Dakota name change](\n- [Ohio name change](\n- [Oklahoma name change](\n- [Oregon name change](\n- [Pennsylvania name change](\n- [Puerto Rico name change](,region%20in%20which%20they%20live.)\n- [Rhode Island name change](\n- [South Carolina name change](\n- [South Dakota name change](\n- [Tennessee name change](\n- [Texas name change](\n- [Utah name change](\n- [Vermont name change](\n- [Virginia name change](\n- [Washington name change](\n- [West Virginia name change](\n- [Wisconsin name change](\n- [Wyoming name change](\n\nWhile the steps to change your name after marriage aren’t complex, it can take some time to work your way through the process—but don’t let all the steps stress you out. Take advantage of our printable name change checklist to make changing your name after marriage a breeze!\n\n## FAQs about changing your name after marriage\nStill have questions about how to change your name? Find answers below. \n\n### What is the first thing to do when you change your name?\nFor changing your name after marriage, the first thing you should do is get a copy of your marriage certificate—you’ll need this legal document in order to change your name. \n\n### Is it expensive to change your name? \nMost steps of the name change process will require a small fee, and they can add up fast. The most expensive part of the process may be updating your passport, which typically costs $130 (or more if you need it expedited). \n\n### Is there a deadline for a name change after marriage?\nNo, there’s no deadline to change your name after marriage, and your marriage license doesn’t expire, either. You could wait five years before deciding to change your name after marriage, and the process would be the same. \n\nReady for other advice to make your post-marriage life easier? How about adding much-needed items to your [wedding registry]( or dreaming about [your honeymoon]( Zola's [expert advice]( section is here 24/7 to help!\n","tag":"How To","updatedAt":"2024-09-23T00:29:00.538Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"a-guide-to-marriage-licenses","title":"A Guide to Marriage Licenses","excerpt":"Your marriage license isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all. ","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2019-01-25T20:26:29.674Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"bride and groom sitting in the backseat of car posing with marriage license"},"heroCredit":"Mackler Studios","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"When you’re in the midst of planning all the details of your wedding day, it’s easy to forget the one thing that signifies that you are actually married: the marriage license. This bit of paperwork isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all below. \n\n## What Is a Marriage License?\nA marriage license is a document issued by the government that grants you permission to marry. It indicates that you are both legally eligible to enter into the union (i.e., neither of you are already married, underage, or otherwise ineligible for marriage). \n\n## What Is a Marriage Certificate?\nWhile a marriage license is a permit that legally allows you to get married, the marriage certificate is the official document you receive after your wedding has taken place. The certificate is granted after the marriage license has been returned to, and deemed valid by, the office where it was issued. In other words: \n- License = Permission to get married\n- Certificate = Proof that you are married\n \n## Why Do I Need a Marriage License? \nIf you do not obtain a marriage license, your marriage will be deemed illegal according to the law. While you can choose to be married in name only, or through a religious organization exclusively, the state will not permit you the rights typically reserved for legally married couples, such as certain tax breaks, social security benefits, joint healthcare plans, and inheritance rights. \n\n## Where to Get a Marriage License? \nWhere you get your marriage license depends on where you’re getting married—the office or location that handles them varies by state. Depending on your state, the location might be city hall, the clerk’s office, a designated marriage license bureau, or somewhere else unique to that area. \n\nTo learn more about your state’s marriage license requirements, check out [U.S. Marriage Laws]( \n\n## When to Get a Marriage License? \nWhen you should get your marriage license also depends on where your wedding will take place. Each state has its own set of rules for how long the license is valid (the license may expire if you do not get married and return the license to the state within a given number of days) and if there’s a waiting period. The waiting period is either the amount of time you have to wait between applying for and receiving the license, or a designated wait period between receiving the license and when you can tie the knot. \n\nAgain, [U.S. Marriage Laws]( is a great resource on this topic, but your local city hall will have the most up-to-date information. \n\n## How to Get Marriage License?\nThe process for obtaining a marriage license will vary by state (and sometimes city or county), but the process involves an submitting an application and paying a fee. Some states allow you to apply online, but most dictate that you apply in person and that both individuals be present that wish to be married. \n\n## What Do I Need to Apply for a Marriage License? \nThe exact requirements depend on the state’s individual laws, but there are a few things you can expect:\n\n- __Proof of identity (and that you are of legal age to marry)__\n - Birth Certificate\n - Social Security Card\n - Driver’s License\n - State ID\n - Military ID\n - U.S. Passport\n \n- __Proof that you are not currently married__\n - Divorce Decree, if you’re divorced \n - Death Certificate, if you are widowed\n- __Proof of citizenship (or residence)__\n - Birth Certificate\n - U.S. Passport\n - Certificate of Naturalization \n- __Payment for the application fee __\n\nConsult with your state for details on laws governing marriage age, blood test requirements, proxy, common law, and cousin marriages.\n\n*Pro Tip: Some applications may ask if you’re planning a [name change after marriage]( Make sure that you have come to a decision before you apply.* \n\n## How Much Is a Marriage License? \nFees for marriages licenses change range from $10 - $115 depending on the state, city or county where you apply. For accepted payment methods, check with your local licensing office. \n\n## Who Signs The Marriage License? \nMost states require that the marriage license be signed by both spouses, the officiant, and 1-2 witnesses, but, as we’ve mentioned before, every state is different. Be sure to ask for details when you apply for your marriage license. \n\n## Where Do I File for a Marriage License If I’m Planning a Destination Wedding?\nIf you’re planning to wed abroad, you can file for your marriage license two ways: \n\n__1. Apply in your home state and have a civil ceremony before or after the destination wedding.__ \n- Pros: \n - It’s cheaper\n - No need to file additional paperwork.\n - It’s less complicated.\n- Cons:\n - Your official wedding date will not be the day of your destination wedding.\n \n__2. Apply for a license in the country you’re getting married in, then have your marriage legally authenticated in your home state.__ \n- Pros: \n - Your official wedding date will be the same day as your destination wedding.\n- Cons:\n - It can be expensive.\n - You may have to hire translator (if the license isn’t in English).\n - It requires additional paperwork.\n - It can be complicated.\n","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Thinking about becoming a wedding officiant? Follow these 5 steps to make it official. ","title":"How to Become a Wedding Officiant","slug":"how-to-become-a-wedding-officiant","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"how to become a wedding officiant"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Find out everything you need to know about wedding officiant duties with this informative guide. Read on for more.","title":"The Duties of a Wedding Officiant","slug":"the-duties-of-a-wedding-officiant","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Wedding Officiant Duties"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Don’t miss a wedding planning detail with our complete, expert-crafted wedding checklist and timeline. Free, printable version inside!","title":"2024/25 Printable Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline - Zola","slug":"your-ultimate-wedding-planning-checklist","topic":"Wedding planning 101","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding planning checklist"},"type":"checklistPage"},{"excerpt":"Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more. ","title":"How to Change Your Name After Marriage","slug":"name-change-after-marriage","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"zola couple plans for name change "},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"A wedding registry is a personalized collection of gifts that an engaged couple has specifically chosen for their guests to shop from in order to make the wedding gifting experience simpler, easier, and more satisfying for everyone.","title":"What Is a Registry (And Why Do You Need One)?","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-registry","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding gifts from a Zola registry including copper Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Le Creuset turquoise ramekins, and a copper Vitamix blender"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn the how-to's of wedding invitation wording, plus formal and casual wedding invitation examples from the experts.","title":"Wedding Invitation Wording: A Complete How-To Guide","slug":"how-to-word-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"green and white wedding invitation on green background"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This bridal shower guide will introduce you to the basics of bridal showers: traditional bridal shower etiquette (and which of those “rules” you can break), whom to invite, what to do, and who pays for it all.","title":"A Guide to Bridal Showers","slug":"a-guide-to-bridal-showers","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"a bridal shower card labeled \"soon to be mrs.\" on the grass next to a few pastel-colored bridal shower cookies"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:52.830Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"what-to-look-for-in-wedding-planner-contracts","title":"What to Look For in Wedding Planner Contracts ","excerpt":"Everything you need to know before signing your wedding planner contract. ","publishedAt":"2021-09-29T16:03:41.079Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What to Look For in Wedding Planner Contracts"},"heroCredit":"Zola","body":"A wedding planner can be an extraordinary help to a couple planning for their wedding, but not all wedding planners are created equal! There can be tremendous variation in what exactly counts as the duties and responsibilities of a wedding planner. This is why it is important to sign a contract before you move forward with a wedding planner. The wedding planner contract will ensure that you and your wedding planner are aligned on what to expect on your big day, and that there will be no big surprises along the way.\n\n## What Wedding Planner Arrangement Do You Want\n\nThere are many different roles for a wedding planner. Some couples choose to book a wedding planner who is hired to oversee the entire event, from finding a wedding vendor to confirming the guest list. This is not the only option, though. A less encompassing arrangement might be with a wedding planner who is hired to oversee the logistics of the wedding day itself, but who is otherwise not actively part of decision making throughout the [wedding planning]( process. \n\nThe wedding planner contract is where this information is laid out, and made clear. Before you reach out to wedding planners, it might be helpful to think through what sort of arrangement would best suit your needs, and what aspects of their services you want to ensure are noted in an event planning contract.\n\n## What To Look Out For In Wedding Planner Contracts\n\nBefore you sign an event planning contract, make sure it includes the following critical pieces of information.\n\n- The time and date of the wedding\n- The signature of both partners and the wedding planner. \n\nWhile some couples might only have one person sign the contract with the wedding planner, it can be helpful to have both partners enter into the agreement, as it might stave off confusion in the event that one partner has to negotiate with the wedding planner independently.\n\nYou also want to make sure you can answer some basic questions about how the arrangement will work. These questions should be addressed in the contract:\n\n- What aspects of wedding planning are you and your partner responsible for? - Who is booking the photographer, the music, [wedding venues](, catering, florist, block of hotel rooms for your guests, and who is confirming with all the [wedding vendors]( a few weeks before? \n- Who is responsible for finding a replacement if a vendor unexpectedly cancels?\n- How many consultations, follow-ups, and revisions to the plan are included in the arrangement with the wedding planner?\n- What happens if you are unsatisfied with the event planner’s services and want to cancel the arrangement before the wedding date? \n- What happens if, for some reason, the wedding is canceled? \n- Is there an amount of notice time in which you will receive a refund, and if so, how much?\n- What is the schedule of payment, and how is the fee structured? \n- Are there any services that are not included in the fee, and are noted in the contract as additional charges? (The inclusion of surprise hidden fees is one reason why it is so important to read through any contract very carefully!)\n- Will the wedding planner be present at the wedding itself, or only be available by phone? Will he or she send an assistant?\n- By when does the contract stipulate that various aspects of the wedding planning will be confirmed? What happens if these deadlines are not met?\n\nThe wedding planner might want to include images of your wedding in their own promotional materials. While many people are comfortable with that, you can check the contract to see if this is included, and you can let them know if that is not something you are comfortable with.\n\n## Terms To Know\n\nThe wedding planner contract will likely include a few legal terms. This guide helps you understand what they mean.\n\n### Force majeure \n\nAlso known as an ‘act of God’ clause, this is the term for when circumstances prevent the fulfillment of the contract in ways completely beyond the control of either party. The force majeure clause includes natural disasters, fires, or medical emergencies.\n\n### ‘Indemnity’ and ‘Hold harmless’ \nThis is the clause that stipulates that the wedding planner is not legally responsible for the events of the wedding. If a guest, for example, eats food to which they are allergic, or runs into a glass wall, the wedding planner cannot be sued. Many couples consult with a lawyer to ensure this clause is the right choice for them, and some choose to purchase wedding insurance to cover any potential mishaps on the day.\n\n### Confidentiality \nThis clause is intended to ensure that the wedding planner agrees to keep information about your wedding private, including where it is located and how many guests are arriving.\n\nThe decision to hire a wedding planner is the right one for many couples. When booking a wedding planner, however, it is important to make sure you sign—and read—a wedding planning contract stipulates the services provided, the fee to be paid, and the timeline for such services. This guide will give you the information you need to sign your wedding planner contract with confidence.","tag":"List","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:39.547Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"name-change-after-marriage","title":"How to Change Your Name After Marriage","excerpt":"Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more. ","author":"Monica Mercuri","publishedAt":"2019-06-05T00:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"zola couple plans for name change "},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- The big day is coming up but you have one more thing to consider--changing your last name.\n- If you decide to go ahead with changing your name, there are many other factors to consider such as bank accounts, driver’s license, and insurance.\n- There are many benefits to changing your last name but it is crucial to remember that it doesn’t just stop at your marriage license. Breakdown all the other areas where you will need to notify them of your name change to avoid any messy confusion in the future.\n","body":"---\n__*Sponsored Content. We may earn compensation if you click the links or buttons below.*__\n\n---\n","tag":"How To","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"sponsorCta":{"copy":"Get Started","url":""},"sponsorName":"Née Name Change","sponsorAbout":"It's simple. You want the name change without the hassle, without a headache, and let's face it, without the wait. We get it; you got better things to do than wait in a line for hours and fill out countless (and probably outdated) applications. Here at Née Name Change, we want you to rest assured. We've got you covered! Simply provide us with your basic information, and we provide the rest. The future of name change has evolved, and we're here to prove to you just how easy it can be.\n\nWith Née Name Change you can now change your name online, instead of in-line!","sponsoredBottomContent":"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a name change—if you want. [Changing your name]( to match your spouse is a common tradition and one that actually dates back to ninth-century English common law. Back then, women were required to ditch their maiden names and take their husband’s surname after marriage. Fast forward to more modern times: There’s no law in the U.S. that demands a name change after marriage, but many married couples still choose to come together under a single family name. \n\n[Zola’s First Look Report]( surveyed 3,309 couples getting married in 2022 and found out that while a majority are planning to change their names (approximately 78%), there is 16% of today's couples choosing to keep their original names. About 4.6% of couples are going the route of hyphenating their names, and there’s even a small group of couples (a mighty .87%) changing their names to something completely different than either of their surnames. \n\nIf you’re thinking about or decided to legally change your name after your wedding, here’s everything you need to know about how to do it—and why you might want to.\n\n## The Benefits of Changing Your Name After Marriage \nThese days, the reasons to change your name lean more personally and socially acceptable than legally beneficial. Here are a few good reasons to change your name:\n\n- It creates consistency throughout the family. Many people prefer to change their names to keep the same last name running throughout the entire unit. This is especially true when children are involved. One family name can make things easier on things like vacations or school trips.\n- You don’t like your current name. Here’s your excuse to finally shed the surname that makes you cringe.\n- It’s for a religious reason. Many people change their names if they’ve converted religions or simply want to honor their spouse’s traditions. Name changes for religious reasons are quite common.\n- You love a personal touch. This may seem like a shallow reason to legally change your name, but if you’re big on monogramming and personalization ([hand towels](, anyone?), one family name makes customization easy. \n\nNote: Changing your name doesn’t only have to mean taking your partner’s name, or vice versa. There are a few different ways to change your name. You could hyphenate both your names into a joint surname (Lopez-Rodriguez, for example). Or you could try combining your names into an entirely new one (Miller + Winston = Milton). There are a number of alternative approaches so think about what’s best for you as a married couple.\n\n## Name Change Laws\nWhile there’s no law requiring a name change after marriage, there are laws that come into play if you do decide to make the switch. It’s important to note that name change laws vary by jurisdiction so it’s crucial that you check which rules and regulations apply to your specific situation. In some cases, you may have to file a formal name change petition with the court.\n\nGenerally, though, most states simply require that you meet certain residency requirements. All states require the applicant to be a resident of the state—typically for six months, but this varies—before filing for a legal name change.\n\nDepending on your state, you may need a formal name change petition and court date for the following situations:\n- A man taking his wife’s last name\n- Both partners choosing a last name different from either of theirs\n- A same-sex marriage partner changing his or her last name\n\nChanging your name isn’t typically hard to do. Just be sure to review the laws in your state ahead of time so you don’t encounter any surprises and find yourself delayed during the change process.\n\n## How to Change Your Name After Marriage \nYou probably guessed that you need your [marriage license]( to change your name. And you’re right. In fact, you need several certified copies of your marriage license and marriage certificate (request these from the county clerk where your marriage license application was filed). Some states offer both short- and long-form marriage licenses—request the long forms. Once you have those copies from the county clerk’s office, you’re ready to start the name change process.\n\n### Social Security Card\nThe first step on your name change journey should be the Social Security Administration. In many states, you can’t change the name on your license without an updated Social Security card. Here’s how to do it.\n\nBad news: You can’t apply for a new card online. Good news: A new card is free.\n\nBefore heading to your local Social Security office, gather your marriage license, a valid driver’s license or ID, and [this Social Security form]( In some cases, you may also need to show proof of citizenship by providing a certified copy of your birth certificate or passport. [Check here]( to make sure you have all the right documents. \n\nTake or mail your legal name change application and copies of your documents to your local Social Security office. \n\n### Driver’s License\nNext, it’s time to update the name on your license. Driver’s license name change requirements vary pretty significantly state-to-state. So, do your research and make sure you know exactly what legal documents you need before you head to the DMV. In most cases, you’ll need your current driver’s license, marriage certificate, new Social Security card, a form of ID, and any forms required by your state. A quick Google search for your state’s requirements should lay out everything you need to bring to your local DMV.\n\n### Bank Accounts\nOnce your Social Security card and driver’s license are updated, you’ll want to head to the bank. Visit your local branch and bring your marriage license and your updated driver’s license. Ask the bank to change your name on all of your accounts—this will make a big difference if you decide to open joint bank accounts with your new spouse. Also, request new checks, credit cards, and debit cards. Note: You might get hit with a fee for the new cards.\n\n## Everything Else \nNow that you’ve covered the major name updates, it’s time to update your name on just about everything else. Here’s a list of places you may need or want to update with your name change.\n\n- Employer/Payroll Department\n- Post Office (especially if your address has changed)\n- Utility Companies\n- Schools/Alumni Organizations\n- Landlord or Mortgage Office\n- Insurance (Home, Auto, Life)\n- Doctor’s Offices\n- Voter Registration\n- Investment Account Providers\n- Attorney (to update legal documents, including your will)\n- Passport Office\n- Airlines (transfer your miles!)\n- Subscriptions (magazines, monthly boxes, etc.)\n\nDon’t let all the steps stress you out. Changing your surname after marriage is an age-old tradition—and it stuck for a reason. If you decide to make the switch, rest assured that you’ll be able to with ease, thanks to a little bit of research.","sponsorLogoImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Née Name Change"},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-11-22T19:03:15.674Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"illinois-marriage-laws","title":"Illinois Marriage Laws","excerpt":"Illinois marriage laws can be tricky, but Zola has everything you need to say “I do” in the Land of Lincoln.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T17:03:53.400Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Illinois Marriage Laws"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- To get married in Illinois, you’ll first need to procure a marriage license through the state’s marriage license application process.\n- Illinois marriage licenses have a 24-hour waiting period and expire after 60 days. Your license will only be valid if you’re married within 60 days of the date your license is issued.\n- You do not have to be a resident to get married in Illinois, but you must get your license from the county you’re getting married in.\n- You must be at least 18 years old in order to get married in Illinois. If you’re at least 16 years old, you can get married with parental consent.","body":"Couples preparing for their upcoming nuptials in Illinois know that the world is their oyster. The diverse landscape of the state provides a cornucopia of [wedding venue]( options and wedding styles for your consideration. But before you start booking and planning, you’ll want to make sure you’re familiar with Illinois’s marriage laws. The last thing you need is an unforeseen technicality to bring your wedding daydreams to a halt.\n\nThis simple guide will help steer you through thick and thin, so you’ll be prepared for your Illinois wedding.\n\n### Marriage Laws and Requirements in Illinois\nDepending on where you tie the knot, you may have to meet different legal requirements for marriage for it to be valid. Marriage laws differ from state to state, and if you’re not familiar with the local requirements, you might find yourself in hot water. With timing and preparation being so important to most weddings, making sure you’re qualified under the government is key.\n\nLet’s review some of the familiar requirements and phrases you may come across while preparing to get married in Illinois:\n\n- __Marriage License:__ In order for your marriage to be legally binding, you’ll both need to apply for a marriage license. Without this document, you won’t be formally wed in the eyes of the law. In Illinois, you’ll need to apply to the local clerk in the county you’re getting married in to receive a valid license (we’ll go over the process in more detail later). After your wedding is officiated and your license signed and filed with the county clerk, you’ll receive a marriage certificate in return as proof of your marriage.\n\n- __Marriage License Fees:__ To apply for your license, you’ll need to pay a small processing fee to the clerk’s office. The amount varies depending on which county you’re in, but it can range from $15 to $75. Make sure you bring payment in a form the office can accept.\n\n- __Legal Age:__ You’ll both need to be at least 18 years old to get married in Illinois without parental consent. If you’re at least 16 years old and have consent from both parents to tie the knot, you can still get married in the state. In cases where there are no available parents to consent to your wedding, you can appeal to the court for judicial consent to your marriage.\n\n- __Waiting Periods:__ Many states require a waiting period between when you apply for a marriage license and when you’re actually issued one. In Illinois, you’ll need to wait 24 hours to get married.\n\n- __Expiration Dates:__ Your marriage license gives you legal approval to wed, but that permission has an expiration date. In the case of Illinois marriage licenses, you’ll have 60 days from receipt of the license to say your “I dos”—otherwise, the license will no longer be valid. Once you’ve picked a date for your wedding, you can plan a trip to the county clerk’s office with enough time to spare to walk down the aisle. \n\n- __Blood Tests:__ Many states used to require blood tests in marriage license applications in an effort to prevent venereal disease transmissions. However, that’s not the case in Illinois. So if you’re afraid of needles, you don’t have to worry about this hurdle when getting married in Illinois.\n\n- __Residency Requirements:__ You do not need to be a resident in the state of Illinois to get married there. \n\n- __Witnesses:__ Some marriage licenses require one or two witnesses to validate the union, but in Illinois, it’s not a requirement.\n\n- __Officiant Qualifications:__ Your marriage needs to be solemnized for it to be valid. All that means is that someone, usually an officiant, needs to perform the marriage ceremony marrying you to your spouse. state and federal judges (active or retired), religious officials or ministers, or even the circuit clerk can all serve as an officiant. \n\nIllinois is unique in that it doesn’t regulate officiant qualifications, so if you want your best friend to officiate your wedding, you can do it without worrying about any legal hiccups.\n\n- __Previous Marriages:__ If this isn’t the first time you’ve walked down the aisle, you’ll need to add a few more items to your to-do list to legally wed in Illinois. You’ll need to make sure any previous marriages are legally dissolved before embarking on your next. You’ll also need to provide the date your divorce was finalized when applying for a license. If you were divorced or widowed in the last six months, you may need to bring a certified copy of your divorce decree or the death record of your former spouse.\n\nFollowing all of Illinois’s laws and requirements is important if you want to avoid accidentally invalidating your marriage. After all, needing to exchange your vows again a week after your wedding because of a technicality isn’t nearly as romantic. Making sure you have all your documents in order, such as your marriage license, is essential to guaranteeing your path to happily ever after is as smooth and seamless as possible.\n\n### Illinois’s Marriage License Application Process\nUnderstanding legal processes can be mystifying for many people, but you’ll need a marriage license to get married in Illinois. The application procedure is relatively simple, and we’re here to guide you step by step so you have everything you need to wed.\n\nHere’s what you need to know to apply for a marriage license in Illinois:\n\n- __Decide Where You’re Getting Married:__ In order to get a valid marriage license, you’ll need to apply for it from the county you intend to get married in. That means that the first part of the process is actually deciding where your wedding will take place.\n\nFor any couples having trouble locking down a spot, Zola’s [wedding venue]( search is a game-changer. It makes it easy to browse by location, capacity, availability, and venue type, so you can find the perfect location within budget.\n\n- __Visit the County Clerk’s Office:__ Once you’ve landed on the location, you can look for your local county clerk [here]( Most offices don’t require appointments, but call ahead of time to confirm hours and availability before you go. Both you and your partner will need to apply in person together.\n\n- __Apply for Your Marriage License:__ Pay the marriage license fee and fill out the application. It’ll ask for some basic information, such as your names, addresses, and date of birth, as well as the names and addresses of your parents or guardians. If either of you has been married before, now’s the time to disclose that.\n\n- __Wait:__ Good things come to all who wait, and this is no different. You’ll need to wait at least 24 hours after your application to get married.\n\n- __Get Married:__ The part you’ve been waiting for. Celebrate your wedding your way—just make sure you have an officiant to conduct the ceremony. Afterward, you, your new spouse(!), and your officiant can sign the marriage license. \n\n- __File Your Signed Marriage License with the County Clerk:__ Luckily the hard part’s over for you. It’s typically your officiant’s responsibility to return the signed license to the county clerk (by hand or by mail), so your marriage can be officially registered.\n\nAnd with that, you’re all set! If your county doesn’t automatically send you a certificate after receiving your license, make sure you formally request a copy—you may need it.\n\n#### Marriage License or Marriage Certificate? Which Do I Need?\nSo what’s the difference between a marriage license and a marriage certificate? You might be confused hearing them discussed in the same breath, but that’s because you’ll need one to get the other.\n\nThink of it this way: \n\n- __Your license__ allows you to get married in the first place, so it’s for before your wedding.\n- __Your certificate__ is proof that you got married, and you receive it after you’re registered.\n\n#### Documents Required for Your Marriage License\nBefore you head over to the county clerk’s office, save yourself a second trip and make sure you have everything you need.\n\nYou’ll need:\n\n- Your names, addresses, sex, and date of birth\n- The names and addresses of your parents or guardians\n- Whether you are related to each other in any way\n- Information on any previous marriages (including proof of divorce or a death certificate in case of widowhood)\n- Valid photo ID with proof of age\n\nAcceptable forms of identification include:\n\n- Your state driver’s license\n- A state-issued identification\n- Your passport\n- Your permanent resident card\n- U.S. Armed Forces identification card\n\nDon’t forget to bring payment for the application fee. Consider calling the office beforehand to find out if they can accept cash, credit card, money orders, or checks.\n\n### Special Marriage Considerations in Illinois\nBy now you’re probably an expert on how to apply for a marriage license, but what else do you need to keep in mind when you’re getting married in Illinois? When it comes to your wedding day, it’s always a smart idea to know what’s expected. \n\nFamiliarize yourself with local regulations during the [wedding planning]( process, especially if you’re from out of town. We’ll go over some of the things you should take into consideration while planning your Illinois wedding so you can always be prepared.\n\n#### Timing Your Marriage License Application\nYou may know all the ins and outs of the marriage license process, but when should you plan to actually apply for it? \n\nSince Illinois has a 24 hour waiting period for marriage licenses, that means you’ll need to wait at least a day after the application before you’re legally allowed to wed. In some counties, you can begin the application process online, but you’ll still need to go into the physical office to complete the application.\n\nUntil you’re issued a license, your marriage won’t be legally binding. If you truly can’t wait it out, you can try appealing the court to waive the waiting period. They might make an exception if there’s a good reason.\n\n#### Timing Your Wedding Within the License’s Validity Window\nBecause Illinois’s marriage licenses have an expiration date, you’ll need to time your wedding so it takes place after the waiting period but before the license expires. Illinois’s licenses are valid for 60 days after they’re issued, so you’ll have at least two months to tie the knot. If you miss your window, you’ll need to reapply for a new license. Ideally, you should get your license about a month before your wedding.\n\nAre you struggling to juggle all the different dates and deadlines? Here at Zola, we’re big believers in being prepared for your big day. That’s why we recommend using our [free wedding checklist and timeline]( to keep track of everything that needs to get done when it needs to be done.\n\n#### You May Need to Apply for a Wedding Permit\nIllinois is home to many gorgeous historic sites and stunning skylines, so it’s no wonder some couples are tempted to take advantage of the view. If your wedding activities are taking place on public land, though, you may need to look into whether you’ll need a wedding permit. This can range from [bridesmaids’ photo]( shoots to the ceremony itself.\n\nIf you plan on making use of Illinois’s stunning public locations, make sure you do your research beforehand to avoid interruptions.\n\n#### How to File Your Marriage License After Your Vows\nAfter your officiant performs the ceremony, both you, your new spouse, and the officiant complete and sign the marriage license. Illinois doesn’t require witnesses for weddings, so that’s one less thing you have to worry about on your special day.\n\nAfter the license is completed, it's your officiant’s duty to return it to the office of the county clerk where it was issued within 10 days of your marriage. Once it’s filed with the county clerk, your marriage is officially registered, and you can request a copy of your marriage certificate. \n\nIllinois doesn’t have any special qualifications for who can serve as an officiant, so it can be anybody from your minister to your best friend. We recommend you choose someone responsible whom you can rely upon to file your marriage license promptly. Your little niece might make an adorably photogenic officiant, but she’s probably not an acceptable stewardess of a legal document.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Married in Illinois\nIf you feel like you have question after question when it comes to getting married, you’re not alone. It’s a major life event, so it makes sense you want to make sure you’re dotting Is and crossing your Ts.\n\nThat’s why we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions about Illinois marriage laws so that you’ll be able to put all your worries to rest. \n\n#### I’m a Non-resident Getting Married in Illinois. Where Should I File My Marriage License?\nAll marriage licenses in Illinois should be filed at the county clerk’s office where you got your license. It should also be the same county that you got married in, not where you live.\n\n#### When Should I Start the Marriage Application Process?\nIdeally, you should time your marriage license application about a month to six weeks before your wedding to give yourself some wiggle room. That said, the waiting period is only 24 hours, so you can wait until the last day if you’re stretched for time. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to get married within 60 days before the license expires. \n\n#### How Soon Can You Get Married After Receiving Your Marriage License?\nIllinois’s waiting period for marriage licenses is 24 hours, so you can get married as soon as that time is up.\n\n#### Why Do Marriage Licenses Expire?\nIn some states, such as Mississippi, they don’t expire, but in Illinois, you have 60 days before you’ll need to get a new license. Marriage licenses expire, so that the county can more easily keep track of new marriage records. It’s also a good idea in case the information on your license gets outdated over time, such as your age or addresses.\n\n#### Are Same-Sex Marriages Recognized in Illinois?\nYes. As of 2014, the state of Illinois has embraced love and legal marriages between all genders. Same-sex marital unions are recognized in Illinois.\n\n#### What Are Proxy Marriages, and Are They Allowed in Illinois?\nProxy marriages take place when one or both parties in the marriage are not physically present for the wedding. Sometimes they are represented by other parties. The state of Illinois does not recognize proxy weddings.\n\n#### Are Cousin Marriages Allowed in Illinois?\nWhile closely related individuals may not wed one another, first cousins can get married in Illinois if they are older than the age of 50. They could also get married if one person can prove that they are permanently sterile.\n\n#### If I am in a Civil Union, Can It Automatically Be Converted Into a Marriage?\nNo, but you can apply for a marriage license free of charge if you’re already in a civil union. You’ll be recognized as a married couple on the date of your marriage certificate though, not the date you entered the civil union.\n\n#### How Do I Get a Copy of My Marriage Certificate? \nYou can request a copy of your marriage certificate from the county clerk’s office. There may be different types of certificates available. In Chicago, for example, there are three. You could order a standard certificate or a wallet-sized one for $15. There’s also an art-quality commemorative certificate printed on canvas available for $65.\n\nYou should order at least one copy of a standard certificate for emergencies. It can act as proof of your marriage in any legal situation.\n\nThat said, a commemorative certificate is a fantastic piece for a scrapbook or wedding album. If you’re interested in making a beautiful keepsake of your wedding, [Zola’s album wizard]( can help you effortlessly design and arrange your photos and certificate into an elegant album.\n\n### With Zola, Planning Your Illinois Wedding Will Be a Breeze\nAmidst the hustle and bustle of planning a wedding, it can be easy to forget that marriage is a legal contract between you and your partner. That’s why we’re here—to help make sure that your union is legally binding and so that everything runs as smoothly as possible.\n\nBut we’re not just all about the paperwork—we enjoy linen patterns and floral arrangements as much as the next person. At Zola, we strive to be your go-to spot for all things weddings. From sending your [save the dates]( to managing your RSVPs through our [Wedding Guest List Manager](, Zola has all the tools to help you navigate your way to your beautiful wedding.","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:28.791Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"how-to-get-a-marriage-license-in-ohio","title":"How to Get a Marriage License in Ohio","excerpt":"Before you walk down the aisle in the Buckeye State, check out Zola’s guide to marriage licenses in Ohio. ","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T16:26:22.387Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"How to Get a Marriage License in Ohio"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- To legally get married in Ohio, you’ll first need to obtain a marriage license. Ohio couples can do this at the probate court within each county. \n- Most counties allow you to pre-register your application online to save time. Both individuals will need to be present at the court in person to receive the marriage license. \n- Applicants need to bring their social security number and a valid photo ID. The application fee differs between counties, but is generally $40 to $75. \n- There is no waiting period after you receive the license, but it is only valid for 60 days. After the ceremony, the marriage license must be returned within 30 days.","body":"In months or even days, you’ll be making your way down the aisle towards the next wonderful chapter in your life. First of all, congratulations! You’ve probably begun browsing buttercream and bouquets. Your engagement is an exciting time in your life.\n\nThere is, however, an often forgotten aspect of the [wedding planning]( process: obtaining a marriage license. You know you have to do it, but you might not know how to do it. That’s why we’ve compiled this complete guide to how to get a marriage license in Ohio. Learn about all the need-to-know Ohio marriage laws and everything else you need to add to your [courthouse wedding checklist]( to make your big day special.\n\n### Marriage License Ohio: Application Procedure\nLet’s break down how to get a marriage license in Ohio, step-by-step. The first thing to know is that both individuals in a couple must be present to receive their marriage license. What else?\n\n#### What is a Marriage License?\nA marriage license serves as your application to get married. It is a legal document that you need to obtain before marriage. When the license is signed and returned, the county will issue a marriage certificate, which serves as legal proof of marriage.\n\n#### Where Do We Get Our Marriage License in Ohio?\nOhio has 88 counties, and each of these counties has a probate court. These 88 probate courts are the only state agencies authorized to issue a marriage license. Ohio residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county in which either applicant resides, but they can get married anywhere in Ohio. Out-of-state residents must obtain their license in the county where their ceremony will take place.\n\n#### What Documents Do We Need to Get Our Marriage License in Ohio?\nYou will need several forms of documentation to apply for your marriage license. Here’s what you definitely, might, and won’t need:\n\n__You definitely need:__\n\n- A valid photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID, or visa\n\n- Social Security numbers (but not social security cards usually) \n\n__You might need:__\n\n- An affidavit from your physician stating your physical disability if you are physically incapacitated\n\n- Proof of residence in the form of a utility bill, lease, pay stub, car registration, etc. if your ID does not have your current Ohio address \n\n- A copy of a divorce decree or death certificate if you were previously married\n\n__You won’t need:__\n\n- Birth certificates\n\n#### How Much Does a Marriage License Cost in Ohio?\nThe fee for an Ohio marriage license differs between various counties. Here are the fees for several counties:\n\n- __Montgomery County:__ $75\n\n- __Miami County:__ $50\n\n- __Stark County:__ $42\n\n- __Lucas County:__ $60\n\n- __Cuyahoga County:__ $60\n\n- __Hamilton County:__ $75\n\n- __Franklin County:__ $65.\n\nBasically, budget between $40 and $80 for your marriage license fee. Is that all? Not quite. Some counties, including Miami County, Stark County, and Lucas County only accept cash. Other counties, such as Franklin county, only accept credit cards. Other counties accept a wider range of payments, including cash, money orders, cashier’s checks, and credit and debit cards. Generally, there is an additional two to three percent service fee for credit cards.\n\nSo what’s a couple to do? You can check your county’s website to confirm their fee and payment options or just bring both cash and card so all your bases are covered. You should also know that the marriage license fee is nonrefundable.\n\n#### Does Ohio Require a Blood Test to Receive a Marriage License?\nSome states require premarital blood tests to check for venereal diseases. These tests also sometimes check for serious genetic disorders. In the past, couples might not be able to get married depending on the results or would just have to disclose their results to each other. Ohio, however, doesn’t require blood tests.\n\n#### Can I Apply for My Marriage License Online?\nMost counties will allow you to start your marriage license application online by pre-registering. You’ll provide necessary personal information and receive a confirmation to bring to your in-person appointment. Applying online first will save you a lot of time.\n\n#### How Long Will It Take to Get My Ohio Marriage License?\nAccording to Miami County in Ohio, if you apply online before, you should expect to wait 20 minutes at the court to receive your marriage license. If you apply in person only, you should expect to wait up to 60 minutes.\n\n#### What Are The Probate Court Hours?\nOhio probate courts are generally open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Some courts might open 30 minutes later or close earlier on Fridays, so confirm the hours online for your respective county.\n\n#### Do I Need to Make an Appointment?\nSome counties, such as Lucas County, give marriage licenses on a first-come, first-served basis. Other counties like Miami County require an appointment, which can be made online.\n\n#### What Documents Will I Receive?\nAfter you complete your appointment, you will receive several documents:\n\n- Two forms for the officiant\n- A decorative, non-legally binding souvenir marriage license\n- General information forms \n\nThe two forms for the officiant are the most important. You will give the officiant these forms before the ceremony. The first form confirms you’ve received your marriage license. The second form is for the officiant to fill out to confirm they performed the wedding ceremony. The second form is the one that will be eventually returned. The court will provide a pre-addressed envelope to return the license in.\n\n#### Is There a Waiting Period Once I Receive My Ohio Marriage License?\nIn the past, Ohio enforced a five-day waiting period between issuing the marriage license and when the couple could officially get married, but as of 2021, there is no longer a waiting period.\n\n#### Will My Ohio Marriage License Expire?\nYes, your Ohio marriage license will expire after 60 days. If you don’t get married within 60 days of receiving it, you’ll need to restart the process and get a new license.\n\n#### How Do I File My Ohio Marriage License?\nAfter the ceremony, the officiant will need to return the marriage license to the court by mail within 30 days of performing the ceremony to verify the marriage was legally performed. Not returning a marriage license is a misdemeanor punishable by a $50 fine for officiants.\n\nOnce the license is filed, you’re legally married in the eyes of the state of Ohio. Congratulations! You will receive a certified copy of the license by mail. You can also request additional copies.\n\n#### What Can Invalidate an Ohio Marriage License Application?\nAs part of the marriage license application process, both individuals will affirm that all the information they provided is true, correct, and complete. If the license is issued based on any false information, the probate court can declare the license void.\n\n### Things to Know About the Timing of Your Ohio Marriage License\nWhen it comes to a marriage license, it’s all about the timing. In case your head is spinning with information overload, here is a brief breakdown of the timing to get and file your marriage license in Ohio.\n\n#### 120 Days Before the Ceremony\nYour wedding is four months away! Now is the perfect time to make sure you have all of the documents you will need to complete your marriage application. It’s also a good time to start perfecting your [save the dates]( or custom [wedding invitations]( with Zola. \n\n#### 60 Days Before the Ceremony\nSince an Ohio marriage license is valid for 60 days, you should obtain it about two months before the ceremony. Since there is no waiting period, you can even get your marriage license the day before or the day of your wedding, but we don’t recommend it.\n\nGive yourself a little buffer room within that 60-day window just in case you’re missing a document or it’s difficult to get an appointment.\n\n#### 30 Days After the Ceremony\nBefore you sail away into your life as a newlywed, make sure that your officiant returns the signed marriage license within 30 days of the ceremony. Ask them to turn it in as soon as possible after the ceremony to avoid any issues.\n\n### Marriage Laws Unique to Ohio\nSince every state has different marriage laws and these laws are constantly changing, it’s important to get a refresher, even if you’re confident in your nuptial knowledge.\n\n#### The Legal Age of Marriage in Ohio\nAs of 2019, the legal age of marriage in Ohio is 18 years old. Before then, girls could marry at the age of 16, and men could marry at the age of 18. Teenagers even younger could marry with judicial and parental consent.\n\nNow, there is only one exception to the minimum age of marriage. Seventeen-year-olds can marry if they meet the following requirements:\n\n- The age difference between the couple cannot be more than four years\n- The couple must undertake a 14-day waiting period\n- A juvenile court must consent to the marriage\n\n#### Who Can’t Get Married in Ohio\nLike most states, there are several groups of people who cannot legally be married in Ohio. These categories include:\n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if either applicant is under the influence of alcohol or narcotics when they appear to obtain the license.\n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if either applicant is infected with syphilis that is currently communicable or will be so in the future. \n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if the couple are nearer of kin than second cousins.\n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if either individual is still legally in a previous marriage.\n\n#### Who Can Officiate a Wedding in Ohio\nThe following persons or groups can officiate a marriage in Ohio:\n\n- An ordained or licensed minister of any religious society or congregation within Ohio who is licensed to solemnize marriages\n\n- A judge of a county court in accordance with section 1907.18 of the Revised Code\n\n- A judge of a municipal court in accordance with section 1901.14 of the Revised Code\n\n- A probate judge in accordance with section 2101.27 of the Revised Code\n\n- The Mayor of a municipal corporation in any county in which the municipal corporation wholly or partly lies\n\n- The superintendent of the state school for the deaf\n\n- Any religious society in accordance with the rules of its church\n\nMinisters can become licensed through the secretary of state by presenting their credentials from their religious society or congregation. It’s important that your officiant is legally authorized. Performing a marriage without a license or authorization is a crime in Ohio.\n\nYou can access a list of authorized civil officiants through your county.\n\n#### Common-Law Marriage in Ohio\nA common-law marriage is a union in which a couple has lived together for a certain period of time and considers themselves married without going through the process of a ceremony or obtaining a marriage license. \n\nOhio stopped recognizing common-law marriage in 1991. Couples can no longer enter into common-law marriage, except under two conditions:\n\n- If the common-law marriage was validly entered into before October 1991 or\n\n- If the common-law marriage was validly entered into in another state that allows such unions\n\n#### Proxy Marriage in Ohio\nA proxy marriage is a way to legally become married if either or both individuals aren’t present. These marriages are available if an individual is in the military, out of state, or incarcerated in certain states. Ohio does not allow proxy marriages.\n\n#### Domestic Partnerships in Ohio\nA domestic partnership is another type of legally recognized union for couples who live together but are not married. Domestic partnerships were common before the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage. Ohio has no state laws regarding domestic partnerships, but certain cities allow couples to register their domestic partnership.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage in Ohio\nWe know the world of marriage licenses and laws can be confusing. Hopefully, these FAQs will answer anything and everything you want (or need) to know.\n\n#### Does Ohio Require Witnesses?\nNo, Ohio does not require witnesses for the marriage ceremony.\n\n#### Do Both Applicants Need to Visit the Probate Court to Obtain the Marriage License?\nYes, both applicants will need to be present to receive their marriage license. If one of the applicants is sick or disabled, they can apply using an affidavit signed by a practicing physician within the same county where the court is located.\n\n#### Which County Should We Obtain Our Marriage License In?\nOhio residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county where either or both applicants live. Non-residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county where their wedding will take place.\n\n#### What if Either Individual Has Been Married Before?\nIf your previous marriage ended in either a divorce or annulment, you must provide:\n\n- A certified copy of the most recent divorce/annulment/dissolution decree\n- The case number of all previous marriages\n- The dates of all previous marriages\n- The county, state, and country of all previous marriages\n- The names of previous spouses\n- The names of all current children under the age of 18\n\nIf your spouse is deceased, you are not required to provide a copy of the death certificate in some counties. Other counties do require a copy of the death certificate, so confirm with your county.\n\n#### Where Can I Obtain a Copy of My Divorce Decree?\nThe Ohio Bureau of Vital Statistics does not keep marriage and divorce records. You should request a copy of your divorce decree from the county clerk in the county where your divorce was finalized.\n\n#### Where Can I Obtain a Copy of a Death Certificate?\nCertified copies of death certificates are available through the Ohio Bureau of Vital Statistics. The cost is $21.50, and these copies are available in person, online, or by mail.\n\n#### Where Can I Obtain a Copy of My Marriage Certificate?\nYou can obtain copies of your marriage certificate through the county where you filed your marriage license.\n\n#### What Happens if My Marriage License is Lost or Damaged?\nOhio will not replace a lost or damaged marriage license, so you will need to restart the application process.\n\n#### What if We Require an Interpreter?\nIf you require an interpreter because you are hearing impaired, contact your county’s probate court.\n\n#### What if We Require a Translator?\nIf either applicant does not speak English, they will need to bring a translator to acquire their marriage license. This translator must be:\n\n- At least 18 years old\n- Not related to either applicant\n- Able to provide a valid, government-issued picture ID\n\n#### What if Any of My Documents Are in a Foreign Language?\nIf any of your documents are in a foreign language, you will be required to provide a translation on the business letterhead of a professional translator in addition to the original foreign document.\n\n#### Do We Have to Change Our Surnames?\nYou are not required to [change your name]( Either spouse can:\n\n- Keep their name\n- Assume their spouse’s name\n- Adopt a new surname\n- Combine surnames\n\n#### How Do I Change My Name?\nYou should visit your county probate court in person to change your name. You will need to provide a photo ID and pay a filing fee. You will fill out a petition and then publish your name change in a local newspaper at least 30 days before your hearing.\n\nAt your hearing, the judge will ask a few questions to determine if they will accept your request. If your petition is accepted, you’ll receive a court order that you can use to notify other government agencies like the DMV or Social Security office.\n\n#### What If We Don’t Have a Wedding Date Set Yet?\nThe marriage license application might require that you provide your intended wedding date. If you don’t have an exact date, just provide an approximate date within the 60-day validity window. However, it’s always helpful to book your venue before you apply for your license (Hint: Zola’s [wedding venue]( database offers pre-screened venues in your area so you can find your dream place that’s within your budget). \n\n#### Do You Have to Be a Citizen to Get Married in Ohio?\nNo, you don’t have to be a citizen to get married in Ohio. However, you will need to provide your foreign passport and American visa.\n\n#### Are There Discounts or Waivers for the Marriage License Fee?\nNo, there are no discounts, waivers, or installment plans for the marriage license fee. You must pay in full immediately.\n\n#### Can I Get a Refund on an Expired or Unused Marriage License?\nNo, you cannot get a refund for your marriage license, even if it is expired or unused.\n\n### Everything You Need to Plan Your Ohio Wedding\nNow that you’ve figured out how to get a marriage license, it’s time to return to the fun part of wedding planning. Have you booked your [wedding vendors]( yet? \n\nZola makes the process stress-free. Find trustworthy, pre-screened vendors in our easy-to-use online inventory of vendors. Need a venue? We got you. A florist? We got you. A makeup artist? We got you.\n\nApplying for a marriage license may be confusing and even a little boring, but planning your wedding is sure to be a joy with a little help from Zola.","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Outdoor weddings are beautiful and super common. They also come with their challenges. Take on any issue with our rundown of common outdoor wedding problems and how to fix them all.","title":"How to Plan an Outdoor Wedding: 32 Tips to Avoid Hitches","slug":"10-common-outdoor-wedding-problems-and-how-to-solve-them","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"couple has outdoor wedding "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Finding the perfect wedding venue can be a challenge. We outlined a few popular types of wedding venues to help you find one that's right for you.","title":"Most Popular Types of Wedding Venues","slug":"which-type-of-wedding-venue-is-right-for-you","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Venues","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"types of wedding venues"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"For couples in search of a unique setting for their nuptials, caves can be the perfect venue. Read our guide to learn how to pull a cave wedding.","title":"Extreme Wedding Venues: Cave Wedding","slug":"extreme-wedding-venues-cave-wedding","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":" Cave Wedding"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Your wedding centerpieces don't have to feature dramatic florals in order to be beautiful. Save money and get creative with these 29 unique centerpiece ideas for your wedding reception. ","title":"29 Unique Wedding Centerpiece Ideas You'll Say \"Yes\" To","slug":"wedding-centerpiece-ideas","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Wedding Style","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Unique Wedding Centerpiece Ideas"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"In this wedding style guide, find out why thinking about your wedding style early on will help you in your planning, and how to use Zola Inspiration to discover your own personal wedding vision. ","title":"What's Your Wedding Style? + 130 Decor Ideas","slug":"whats-your-wedding-style","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What's Your Wedding Style? "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Not quite sure who should be paying for the bridesmaid's dresses at your wedding? Read our guide to our expert advice.","title":"Who Pays for Bridesmaid’s Dresses? ","slug":"who-pays-for-bridesmaids-dresses","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Who Pays for Bridesmaid’s Dresses"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:42.113Z"}],"name":"Legal","slug":"legal","description":"Find guidance on legal aspects of getting married and planning a wedding like changing your name, marriage certificates, wedding venue insurance, wedding vendor contracts and more."},"topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101","description":"Your complete guide to wedding planning from start to finish. Get practical advice and insider tips for planning your dream wedding from staying within your budget to creating your gift registry to all the little details in between saying \"Yes!\" and \"I do\". Find answers to all your wedding planning questions here.","subtopics":[{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Real weddings","slug":"real-weddings"},"slug":"the-best-parts-of-wedding-planning","title":"The Best Parts of Wedding Planning, According to Real Couples","excerpt":"Planning a wedding can feel like a rollercoaster, so we asked 2023 engaged couples to share the best parts of making it to the big day ","publishedAt":"2022-12-05T16:17:09.094Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"The Best Parts of Wedding Planning, According to Real Couples"},"heroCredit":"Geovana Andrade Photography","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- The number one thing that couples love most about the wedding planning process is getting engaged. \n- Creating a budget is one of the least desirable items on the list, but it’s a must in order to plan the big day. \n- Couples are relieved when all the wedding planning is done and it’s time to get married and start their lives together.","body":"2023 couples have been engaged for on average 2 years – longer than any generation before. Through the years, they’ve been overloaded with inspiration from the constant stream of their social media feeds, not to mention the 10-plus weddings couples say they’ve attended, on average, over the past two years alone.\n\nWith so much noise, it’d be easy for these couples to feel overwhelmed and stressed, and to some degree they are. But these couples are also enjoying the wedding planning process. Here’s a look at what Gen Z, Millennials, and Zillennials ranked as their favorite parts of wedding planning, according to [Zola’s 2023 First Look Report]( \n\n## Couples' Favorite Wedding Planning Moments Ranked\n\n### 1. Getting Engaged \nWhether it was an over-the-top romantic gesture or an intimate moment, 39.57% of couples say getting engaged has been their favorite part of wedding planning. It makes sense, too—it’s the kickoff to the main event.\n\n### 2. Feeling Done With All of the Planning \nWhether they hired a planner or did all the planning themselves, 29.43% of couples were happy when the planning stage was over—they considered the milestone a huge stress reliever. What’s more, it was an exciting time, since all that remained ahead was the fun of walking down the aisle, tying the knot, and celebrating with your loved ones.\n\n### 3. Saying “Yes” to Wedding Attire\nSaying “yes” to the dress—and the entire wedding party attire, for that matter—is a sigh of relief for most couples. It’s stressful looking for the perfect attire to complement the wedding theme and venue, not to mention there are pictures to think about. 31.23% of Zillennials were relieved once they found the perfect wedding attire. Gen Z was right behind them with 30.96% of couples agreeing. \n\n### 4. The Engagement Photoshoot\nEngagement photos are a rite of passage before sailing into the rest of the pre-wedding festivities. While the session isn’t a must do, the resulting photos are something to cherish forever, so for 31.67% of Gen Z couples, it ranks high on their list of the best parts of wedding planning; only 22.14% of Millennial couples agreed.\n\n### 5. Sharing the News With Family & Friends\nIt’s exciting to share your engagement news with your loved ones, whether it’s in person, via text, or even social media. Couples even get creative with how they announce the news.\n\n### 6. Food Tasting\nFor about 15.82% of couples, food tasting is one of the most fun and memorable parts of the whole wedding planning process. A wedding tasting is when couples taste the menu items with the caterer for the reception, and it’s usually done weeks or even months ahead of time to allow for adjustments for the finalized menu.\n\n### 7. Choosing the Venue\nDestination wedding, beach wedding, farm wedding, or even a ballroom wedding, no matter the location, choosing a venue is a fun part of wedding planning. The venue is the backdrop for the entire wedding day, from the budget to the wedding attire.\n\n### 8. Picking Out Wedding Decor (Flowers, Balloons, Etc.)\nWeddings are all about highlighting who you are as a couple and your personal style. 16.37% of Gen Z couples thought this was the best part of wedding planning, while 11.21% of Millennials, and 14.44% of Zillennials agreed that picking out and/or designing the wedding decor is something they enjoyed.\n\n### 9. Practicing the First Dance\nThe first dance is your premiere as a married couple, so practicing ahead of time will help you shine. Some opt for dance lessons, others choose to practice at home, but no matter how you plan to two step, the first dance allows you to kick off the reception and open the dance floor to your guests. For 12.02% of all couples, this is one of the best parts of wedding planning.\n\n### 10. Getting the Marriage License\nThings start to feel really real once you have the official marriage license in hand. It’s a must-have before the wedding. Depending upon the state you live in, couples only have a couple of months to get married after obtaining the license.\n\n### 11. Creating a Playlist\nEvery couple’s wedding soundtrack is different, and that’s where the fun comes in. From up-tempo songs to romantic ballads, you get to be the DJ. 13.91% of Zillennials were ready to get the party started by creating the playlist, while 7.83% of Gen Z couples said this task was the best part of wedding planning. \n\n### 12. Cake/Dessert Tasting\nCake and dessert tasting is a little more involved than just spending a couple hours eating cake and combining frosting and cake to create the perfect accent to your wedding day. You’ll need to be able to provide logistics, budget, and even the appearance of the cake. Will there be a dessert table? What kinds of desserts will you put there? Some couples love this part of the process, but in the survey, only a total of 7.95% of couples enjoyed this part of the planning. \n\n### 13. Designing Save-the-Dates or Invites\nDesigning the stationary is another way to show off your style as a couple. Save-the-dates are less formal than wedding invitations and don’t have to match each other or the wedding theme. They go out early enough that you can change your design when it comes to the wedding invitations. 7.79% of couples surveyed said this was one of the best parts of wedding planning. \n\n### 14. Putting Invites in the Mail\nOnce the envelopes are stuffed, addressed, and posted, your wedding invites are ready to be sent out. Putting them in the mail will give you and your future spouse peace of mind once your invites start their journey to guests' mailboxes.\n\n### 15. Registering\nBrainstorming unique wedding registry gifts as a couple can be one of the most fun parts of the wedding planning process. It’s where you find gifts to start your new life together, and you can create your registry right here on [Zola]( \n\n### 16. Getting the First RSVP\nYou’ve mailed out the invitations, now it’s a waiting game until the RSVPs start rolling in. Receiving the first RSVP can be exciting, and 6.80% of couples surveyed said this was one of the best parts of the wedding planning process.\n\n### 17. Creating a Wedding Website\nDeciding what should go on your wedding website can be a fun part of the wedding planning process. Consider adding all the wedding details guests may call you about, like accommodations, dress code, directions, registry, and more. A custom wedding website allows you to include everything you couldn’t put on the save-the-date or wedding invitations. You can create a custom wedding website right here on [Zola]( within minutes. You can even add photos, share your registry, and let guests RSVP online. \n\n### 18. Picking a Date\nAvailability of your venue can determine if you get your dream wedding date, but when you finally nail down the date, the wedding planning ball starts rolling faster. 5.32% of couples say picking the wedding date is the best part of the wedding planning process. Some couples pick dates that are symbolic, others pick a date that a venue has available. \n\n### 19. Practicing the First Kiss\nYou don’t want an awkward moment after you’ve said your vows in front of everyone. Just like you would practice your first dance, practice the first kiss to avoid any fumbling or bumping heads when the moment comes. \n\n### 20. Posting About the News on Social Media\nIt’s exciting to share your engagement news with thousands of your social media friends, but only 3.36% of couples thought that sharing the news on social media was one of the best parts of wedding planning. \n\n### 21. Getting the First Wedding Gift\nReceiving the first wedding gift is an exciting prelude to the wedding day, but only 2.74% of couples found this to be the part of the wedding planning process. \n\n### 22. A Special Cultural Moment\nWhether it’s sticking to the traditional something borrowed or incorporating a cultural moment like jumping the broom, this moment is bound to have a special place in your heart and the memories you’ll cherish forever. \n\n### 23. Creating a Budget \nHow much can you comfortably afford to spend? Money can be a tension trigger, so it’s important to have that honest and open conversation about everything from the wedding size, number of invited guests, catering, and more. This was the least favorite thing for couples—only .99% found it as the best part of the wedding planning process. \n\nCouples love the start of the journey—“getting engaged” is the overwhelmingly favored wedding moment for couples of all ages. Next on the list? Being done with all of the planning. But that doesn’t mean there’s not moments of fun to be had along the way. Couples are learning that planning a wedding is about more than just the wedding day. From picking out a venue to choosing attire, there are many days along the way that couples can enjoy.","tag":"List","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Zola’s annual guide to wedding trends and budgets. Here's what's new in 2023...","title":"The First Look Report 2023","slug":"the-first-look-report-2023","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"The First Look Report 2023 Hero"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"It takes a village to plan a wedding, so there’s no shame in asking for support in whatever form you may need it. ","title":"Everyone That Can Help You Plan Your Wedding","slug":"who-should-help-you-plan-your-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Everyone That Can (and Should) Help You Plan Your Wedding"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:55:52.440Z"}],"name":"Real weddings","slug":"real-weddings","description":"Learn from real couples as they break down exactly how they planned and budgeted for their weddings. Find weddings similar to what you're planning and get inspired by these weddings across a varitey of locations and budgets."},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Creating a budget","slug":"creating-a-budget"},"slug":"whats-the-average-cost-of-a-wedding","title":"How Much Does the Average Wedding Cost in 2024?","excerpt":"Stay within your wedding budget! See average wedding cost breakdowns by state, guest size, and vendor service, plus money-saving tips from the experts.","author":"Jane Chertoff and Georgie Darling","publishedAt":"2023-12-28T00:00-05:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple sitting on steps in wedding attire, with text \"The First Look Report 2024\""},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## Inside this article\n\n- How much do weddings cost in 2024?\n- How expensive are weddings really?\n- Which wedding expenses cost the most?\n- Average wedding cost by state\n- What does the average wedding cost by number of guests?\n- Average wedding cost in the largest metro areas\n- How couples are paying for their weddings\n","body":"Nothing can dull your excitement at planning your wedding right now. Until you start telling family and friends. And they start dropping those scary figures on you.\n\nPrices for weddings might be on the up, but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank when walking down the aisle with your other half. So, how much does a wedding cost in 2024? We’ve got you, complete with a full breakdown of state-by-state and expense-by-expense average wedding costs.\n\nWant to keep track of your wedding budget? [Try our free budget tool]( with payment reminders and tips on how much to spend.\n\n## How much do weddings cost in 2024? \n\nThe [average wedding expense]( for couples getting married in 2024 totals around $33,000, up slightly from $29,000 in 2023. The most expensive state to get married in is Rhode Island with an average cost of $49,207. The cheapest state to get married in is Alaska with an average cost of $14,444.\n\n## How expensive are weddings really? \n\nEstimating the average cost of a wedding is both art and science. It’s important to keep in mind that average wedding costs are just that — averages. While helpful, a wedding budget doesn’t need to follow any set amount. While some people spend $100,000 on a wedding and the average is $33,000, plenty of couples spend $10,000 or even $5,000 or less.\n\nAverage wedding costs vary for several reasons: the number of guests, location, day of the week, and even the seasonality of food served and flowers displayed. It helps to picture the day and think about what matters most to the two of you. Think of the wedding budget in pieces and priorities, rather than imagining the whole thing at once.\n\nYou don’t have to spend at the high end of the range. \n\n## Which wedding expenses cost the most? \n\nOn average, the most expensive wedding expenses are the wedding venue ($6,500–$12,000), the catering ($6,500–$10,000), the band or DJ ($2,000–$7,000), and the photographer ($3,500–$6,500). The cheapest wedding expenses tend to be the cake, the ceremony music, and the hair and makeup services.\n\n### Average wedding cost per service in 2024\n\nOnce you nail down the major requirements — where, when, and who — you’re ready to start talking to [vendors]( and decide how much to spend on each service. Your vendors can help you make budget-conscious decisions, such as selecting food and flowers that are in season or recycling ceremony decor for the reception. \n\nWhile you might not be able to splurge on every [checklist]( item, what’s important is that your wedding still feels like a reflection of your relationship and future together.\n\nTo help you and your soon-to-be spouse plan ahead, here are the national average wedding expenses for services in 2024, based on a total budget of around $33,000 and a guest list of 100 people:\n\n### How much does a wedding cost, expense by expense?\n\n- Wedding venue: $6,500-$12,000\n\n- Catering: $6,500-$10,000 \n\n- Band or DJ: $2,000-$7000\n\n- Wedding planner: $1,500–$4,750\n\n- Photographer: $3,500–$6,500\n\n- Videographer: $3,000–$6,000\n\n- Flowers: $2,500–$6,000\n\n- Transportation: $700–$1,200\n\n- Cake: $600–$900\n\n- Ceremony music: $500–$800\n\n- Hair and makeup: $550–$850\n\n## Average wedding cost by state in 2024 \n\nHere’s a complete breakdown of more than 4,000 couples and their projected average spending on [weddings in 2024 by state](\n\n![Avg. Cost by State v2](//\n\n## What does the average wedding cost by number of guests? \n\nZeroing in on your [estimated number of guests]( and the size of your wedding party early on in the wedding planning process helps when evaluating everything from venue size to catering.\n\nIf you’re unsure how many people you'll invite, our team found the average wedding guest list in 2024 is 145 people, and about 75% of guests usually RSVP yes.\n\nThis is a good starting point for budget conversations if you’re unsure where to begin when it comes to the cost of weddings. Have open and honest discussions with vendors about how your guest count may impact the pricing of their services, such as how the price of fifteen table centerpieces might \ndiffer from the price of ten. \n\nSome wedding cost line items, like photography, are less dependent on guest count and more on other factors, such as services provided and time. But other line items, such as catering and decor, are greatly impacted by the size of the wedding.\n\nVendors are there to support you and help you get the information you need to make decisions, after all!\n\nAs with all things, the average cost per person for a wedding has a lot of variables. But we can derive some [data]( based on the size of your guest list.\n\n### Average wedding cost by guest size in 2024\n\n- 500+ guests: $54,500\n\n- 200-300 guests: $42,751\n\n- 150–200 guests: $41,286\n\n- 100–150 guests: $33,957\n\n- 75–100 guests: $24,769\n\n- 50–75 guests: $20,581\n\n- 30-50 guests: $18,768\n\n- 10-30 guests: $17,048\n\n- Fewer than 10 guests: $11,667","body2":"## Average wedding cost in the largest metro areas \n\nYes, big-city weddings often come with higher price tags than weddings in rural areas. Still, for the possible tradeoff of some budget items, you can get the urban sophistication of a New York City, Houston, Phoenix, or other metro area wedding. \n\nMetro areas are also travel hubs, meaning they’re accessible and offer cheaper flights and accommodations than remote locations. It’s all about what matters to you.\n\nYou’ll have to balance out your wants with your needs of sticking to a budget and [reducing the guest list](\n\n### How much do weddings cost on average in 2024, in the largest American metros?\n\n![Avg. Cost by Metro Area (1)](//\n\n## How couples are paying for their weddings \n\nThe most important thing to remember is that an amazing wedding can happen on any budget, and along with your team of vendors, Zola is here to guide you along every part of the journey. And there is more than one way to pay for a wedding. Today, the majority of couples contribute to their wedding expenses in some way, and we’ve found that in 2024:\n\n- 31.95% will utilize credit cards\n- 50.37% have saved for years to prepare\n- 16.69% are including cash funds on their registries to cover wedding costs\n\nSo remember that, although the average budget for weddings may seem pretty high, there are many ways to finance your big day!\n\n### 6 ways to save money on your wedding\n\nWith so many considerations, it helps to start with a wedding budget breakdown. Here you’ll decide what you want to spend in specific categories or what dollar amount you’d earmark for expenditures. To help get you started, we’ve got six tips to help save money on your big day.\n\n1. Zola’s budget tool\n\nCouples told us they wanted an easy way to track their budget… so we created one! It’s simple to use. In [Zola’s wedding budget tool](, enter your maximum budget and how much you plan to spend on everything from your venue to your videographer. Our handy tool helps you keep tabs on your spending, get payment reminders, and see expert tips on budgeting.\n\n2. Decide what’s most important\n\nEvery couple's “dream” vision is different. For most, the priority is having all of their loved ones in attendance, and often other details fall into place. Sit down as partners and decide on the top three must-haves and go from there, whether it be a live band, top-shelf open bar, videographer, or an unforgettable meal. There are no wrong answers.\n\n3. Explore Zola’s wedding planning tools and expert advice guides\n\nExplore the rest of our [Expert Advice]( articles covering even more tips and tricks on everything from wedding dresses to honeymoon planning to gift registry. After prioritizing the essential pieces of your big day, search Zola for [wedding vendors and venues]( based on price and other factors.\n\n4. Send digital save-the-dates\n\nSending digital save-the-dates is an easy way to save. Zola’s [digital save-the-dates]( are completely free! If the cost of the average wedding looks a little scary, remember there are lots of little ways like this to save money.\n\n5. Thrift wedding attire\n\nUpcycling and thrifting have become second nature for many people in their everyday lives, but shopping secondhand is also a great way to save on wedding attire and decor. After all, doesn’t everyone need to find their perfect [something borrowed](\n\nIn fact, we found that 19% of today’s couples upcycle to avoid excessive spending on tuxedos, wedding dresses, other white outfits, wedding party attire, and more.\n\n6. Include cash funds in your registry\n\nThe vast majority of couples today — over 80% — add [personalized cash funds]( to their registry. And, like we mentioned above, 16.69% are including cash funds on their registries to cover wedding costs. Not only does this help the happy couple start their life together, but it also helps them afford other major expenses — the dream home, a home renovation, or a future family.\n\n__Let Zola take the stress out of wedding planning__\n\nYour wedding day should be one of the best days of your life, and budget stress shouldn't take away from that. The average wedding cost breakdown figures above are averages, and planning your big day comes down to prioritization and must-haves.\n\nFor budget tools and everything else you need for your big day, Zola is here to help. Start by checking out our full suite of free wedding planning tools.","tag":"Advice","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"widget2":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Planning a wedding can feel like a rollercoaster, so we asked 2023 engaged couples to share the best parts of making it to the big day ","title":"The Best Parts of Wedding Planning, According to Real Couples","slug":"the-best-parts-of-wedding-planning","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"The Best Parts of Wedding Planning, According to Real Couples"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Zola’s annual guide to wedding trends and budgets. Here's what's new in 2023...","title":"The First Look Report 2023","slug":"the-first-look-report-2023","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"The First Look Report 2023 Hero"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We know that many couples go into wedding planning without knowing exactly what goes into organizing one. Here's a list of everything you need to factor in when making your wedding budget.","title":"Wedding Budget Checklist—From Venues and Vendors to Tips and Favors","slug":"all-the-items-that-make-up-a-wedding-budget","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"All the Items That Make Up a Wedding Budget"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"It takes a village to plan a wedding, so there’s no shame in asking for support in whatever form you may need it. ","title":"Everyone That Can Help You Plan Your Wedding","slug":"who-should-help-you-plan-your-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Everyone That Can (and Should) Help You Plan Your Wedding"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-04-22T19:14:58.360Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Creating a budget","slug":"creating-a-budget"},"slug":"how-to-set-your-wedding-budget","title":"How to Set Your Wedding Budget Step by Step","excerpt":"While it may not be the most exciting item on your to-do list, setting your wedding budget is essential. We’ll break down the typical expenses, guide you through the entire process from start to finish, and tell you where you can save money. ","publishedAt":"2024-10-02T08:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Green/bluescale image of jar of money tipped over with change spilling out"},"heroCredit":"Unsplash","tldr":"__Inside this Article:__\n\n- What is a good budget for a wedding?\n- What is a realistic wedding budget?\n- Wedding budget breakdown and cost-saving tips\n- Things to consider when setting your wedding budget\n- Wedding budget mistakes to avoid\n- Use Zola’s calculator for budgeting","body":"When you’re enjoying being [newly engaged](, the last thing you want to think about is your wedding budget. In fact, almost half of all [Zola couples report]( that setting and sticking to a budget was the most stressful part of wedding planning. \n\nWe can’t promise you a completely stress-free experience leading up to your wedding day. However, we can help you avoid financial headaches as much as possible by tackling one of the most confusing questions for many couples: how to set your wedding budget. And Zola has answers.\n\n## What is a good budget for a wedding? \n\nThe [average wedding budget]( is $30,000. If that seems high, don’t panic. There are hundreds of ways to whittle that cost down to size. Plus, some people who have micro-weddings spend as little as $500 on their wedding and still enjoy a picture-perfect day. The cost of your wedding day is really up to you. \n\n## What is a realistic wedding budget? \n\nDetermining how much to spend on each part of your wedding costs isn’t exactly simple, as wedding costs vary by location and time of year. That said, there are a few straightforward steps you can take to help you get.\n\nMany couples ask, \"Is $10,000 a good wedding budget?\" The answer is: It depends. If you're having a backyard wedding with simple florals and catering, that amount is feasible. However, if you want to get married at an upscale hotel or winery, some wedding venues charge $10,000 just for rental. \n\nA realistic wedding budget is one that works for you and your partner, the size of your guest list, and the type of big day you envision.\n\n__Expert Advice:__ Easily set and keep track of your wedding budget from anywhere: try Zola’s [free budget tool]( with payment reminders and tips on how much to spend.\n\n![Wedding Couple Bride Groom](// Photo by [Trulove Studios](\n\n## Wedding budget breakdown and cost-saving tips \n\nIt’s important to note that wedding expenses and wedding budgets are extremely individual—it’s part of what makes researching all things ‘wedding budget’ so frustrating. Here’s how most couples divide up their wedding budget breakdown. (Note that this totals over 100%, as not everyone will include every category in their wedding expenses).\n\n### Wedding venue: 24% \n\nWhat is the biggest expense in a wedding? Typically the venue, but you can save money on your venue a few different ways:\n\n- __Choose off-peak days and times.__ Saturday is the most popular day of the week for weddings and therefore almost always the most expensive. Consider a Friday evening or Sunday or, if it won’t wreck plans for your nearest and dearest, another weekday. \n- __Consider less popular seasons.__ This depends on where in the world you’re planning on tying the knot. Generally, winter months are more affordable than summer months. \n- __Look for all-inclusive packages.__ Particularly if you’re having a destination wedding, some wedding venues will offer [all-inclusive packages]( Generally, this includes food and drink packages which can help save costs on a big expense. \n\nFind the [perfect wedding venue]( on Zola’s marketplace.\n\n### Catering: 18%\n\nThe easiest avenue to saving money on your catering is to opt for a buffet rather than a sit-down meal. You can also look into a morning or afternoon wedding, as brunch, breakfast, or lunch packages tend to be cheaper (and less alcohol-focused!) than late afternoon or evening weddings. Your guest list size will also be a factor. You’ll need more food for a 100-person wedding versus one with only 20. \n\nSearch for a [caterer that fits your wedding budget]( on Zola.\n\n### Photography: 7%\n\nWe’ll be honest: if there’s one area you shouldn’t skimp on when wedding planning, it’s your photography. After all, there’s nothing more crushing than looking back at photos from your special day that aren’t up to scratch. However, if you’re looking to cut costs, see if anyone in your personal network can offer a reduced photography fee as a wedding present to you and your partner. \n\nFind [professional wedding photographers on Zola](\n\n### Videography: 5%\n\nNot every couple includes videography in their wedding planning budget. If you’re trying to cut costs, leave this one out altogether. Or, see if you can find a student or amateur videographer (as long as you’ve got photography from a pro!)\n\nSeach your area for qualified [videographers on Zola](\n\n### Flowers: 8%\n\nYou’ll need to be strategic if you’re hoping to restrict your wedding budget with your flowers. A few of the best ways include choosing seasonal blooms, bulking out your bouquets with greenery and foliage, choosing single-bloom bouquets, and looking for local or wholesale florists. You can also just opt for artificial flowers if you’re on a tight wedding budget. \n\n[Find florists]( within your budget on our marketplace.\n\n![Floral Ceremony Ring](// Photo via [Belle of the Ball Designs\n](\n### Entertainment: 9%\n\nChoose a band or DJ rather than both. Or, to cut costs even more, ask someone musically-minded in your network to put together a wedding soundtrack that you can play yourself. If you know you want some kind of live entertainment, limit the hours they’ll play, book far in advance, and consider local artists who won’t have to charge transport fees. \n\n[Choose a band or a DJ]( from Zola’s list of vendors.\n\n### Hair and makeup: 2%\n\nOne of the best ways to save money on your hair and makeup? Do them yourself or enlist a friend’s help. If you’re looking for pro support, look into beauty schools (students are often super talented and have a great range of tools) or look for mobile stylists. When it comes to the actual work, choose simple styles rather than overly elaborate designs. \n\n[Find hair and makeup stylists]( within your budget on Zola.\n\n### Cake and/or dessert: 2%\n\nFor starters, opt for something fun like a donut wall or dessert bar rather than a sit-down dessert. Cakes with fewer layers tend to be less expensive than those with multiple tiers. Buttercream is cheaper than fondant, and common flavors are usually cheaper and more accessible than unique ingredients. The “naked cake” trend is another popular way to save money here. \n\nSearch for [cake and dessert bakers]( here. \n\n### Officiant: 1%\n\nIf you have a close friend or family member who's comfortable speaking in public, you could ask them to officiate your wedding. In many places, they can become ordained online for free or at low cost, although you'll want to check local and state laws first. \n\nSome couples choose to have a simple civil ceremony at the courthouse or city hall. The fees for these services are usually a fair bit lower than hiring a separate officiant.\n\n### Stationery: 3%\n\nThe easiest way to save money on your wedding stationery (save the dates, wedding invitations, thank you cards) is to go digital, and Zola has several [digital wedding stationery options]( If that’s not to your taste, opt for standard-size envelopes, print in bulk, design the stationery yourself (check out our popular [DIY wedding invites](, and use simple designs that don’t require fancy embellishments. \n\n![Wedding Stationery Flatlay](// Photo by [Candace Shiflet Photo](\n\n### Wedding attire: 7%\n\nDon’t feel like you have to spend thousands on a wedding outfit for your special day. David's Bridal, Lulus, ASOS, and Azazie all offer great options at lower prices. You can also consider renting your [wedding dress]( from brands like Rent the Runway. \n\nWhen it comes to [accessories](, skip the bridal stores and head straight to your favorite fashion brands. Look for white (or your chosen color) accessories without the wedding mark-up. \n\n### Wedding planner: 6%\n\nA wedding planner is totally optional. But if you’re prioritizing one in your wedding budget, consider a “day of” or a \"month of” planner rather than full-service wedding planning. We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know when it comes to [choosing a wedding planner in this article]( \n\n### Rentals: 5%\n\nYou’ve already ticked the budget-friendly box by renting rather than buying certain elements of your wedding. There are rental options for pretty much anything you might need for your wedding besides edible items. From vintage tableware and lounge seating to attire and silk florals, you can rent just about anything nowadays.\n\n### Transportation: 2%\n\nWhile no one expects you to hop on the bus to your wedding venue, there are still a few easy ways you can cut costs. Instead of renting multiple vehicles, consider using a single, larger vehicle for the bridal party or immediate family. \n\nOr, if you’ve got friends or family members with stylish cars, ask if you can borrow (or rent) their vehicle for your wedding day. If you have a large group to transport from A to B (like the ceremony venue to the reception), it's worth looking into shuttles rather than paying for individual cars. Check out our article on [wedding transportation](, for more details.\n\n## Things to consider when setting your wedding budget \n\nNow you’re equipped with everything you need to know regarding saving money on your wedding, cost by cost. But don’t forget the admin side of things, too. \n\n### 1. Determine who's contributing\n\nFigure out who pays for the wedding and what each person or couple contributes. Many couples pay for the wedding themselves, while some couples’ families cover all or some of the expenses. See our guide on [who pays for the wedding](,wedding%20costs%20on%20their%20own.) for a full breakdown of the best ways to broach the subject of asking for wedding budget contributions.\n\n### 2. Finalize your numbers\n\nOnce you know who is chipping in and how much they’ll be adding to the budget, it’s time to finalize your totals. \n\nTo determine your total wedding budget, add together how much each person is contributing. It sounds simple, but there are a few mistakes that some couples make during this wedding budget breakdown stage:\n\n- Assuming that family and/or friends can or will contribute without discussing it with them first.\n- Factoring in lines of credit, such as credit cards or loans, rather than creating a budget based on readily available funds like cash, savings, and income. \n\n__Pro Tip:__ Never acquire more wedding debt than you can repay within a few months.\n\n![Wedding Venue Brick Walls Indoor](// Photo via [Melrose Knitting Mill](\n\n### 3. Do your research\n\nAfter you have finalized your totals, we recommend researching typical wedding costs in your wedding location to figure out how much you can expect to spend on wedding vendors specific to your area.\n\nRemember, beautiful weddings are planned on budgets of all sizes every year, so don’t get discouraged if prices are more than you initially expected. \n\nThere is always [room to negotiate](\n\n### 4. Prioritize your spending\n\nYour research should give you a sense of what to expect and will help you set your priorities for your wedding. Sit down with your partner to discuss your visions for the day and what vendors and details are most important to you both. \n\nFor example, if a packed dance floor is one of your goals, consider setting aside a larger portion of your budget for a great live band or DJ. Keep your vision in mind as you plan, and use it as a guide when deciding when to splurge and when to save.\n\nTo help set your priorities, here’s a great exercise for you and your partner to do:\n\n*Answer the questions below individually at first, then come together to discuss why you each chose your answers and to reach an agreement on your mutual priorities.*\n\n1. What is my ideal engagement length (1 year, 6 months, etc.)?\n2. What is my ideal number of guests?\n3. What is my ideal wedding location (city, state, country)?\n4. What is my ideal wedding season?\n5. What is my ideal wedding ceremony and/or wedding reception environment (indoor, beach, church, etc.)?\n6. What is my ideal wedding dress code (black tie, casual, cocktail, etc.)?\n7. What is my ideal wedding budget?\n8. What is my ideal wedding vibe (laid-back, formal, intimate, etc.)?\n9. What is my ideal wedding theme or style (glam, boho, rustic, etc.)?\n10. What are three things I want my wedding to include (lots of dancing, great food, beautiful invitations, etc.)?\n11. What vendors do I not want to go without (videographer, wedding planner, etc.)?\n12. How do I want my guests to feel at the wedding (entertained, loved, excited, etc.)?\n13. What details do I want to prioritize for the biggest portions of the wedding budget (wedding flowers such as bouquets and centerpieces, reception venue, etc.)?\n14. What details, if any, am I interested in DIYing?\n15. Who would be my ideal pick to officiate the wedding?\n16. What do I want to do for wedding favors and gifts for the wedding party?\n17. Would I prefer an open or cash bar (or something else)?\n\n## Wedding budget mistakes to avoid \n\nThe following are a handful of budgeting mistakes you should look for as you navigate budget and [wedding planning]( Getting ahead of them now means you won’t have to handle them later.\n\n### Setting aside less money than needed\n\nIt’s better to save more money than you believe you’ll need than to set aside too little and think you’ll ultimately be okay. Even if you might be, certain expenses can catch you off guard up until and even through your big day. Prepare not just for what’s needed—but that and then some, just in case.\n\n### Spending money without keeping expense records\n\nIt becomes difficult to stick to a wedding budget when you aren’t vigilant about tracking expenses. When you agree to an expense or purchase something, put the total spent into your wedding records. Keep this current and reflect often on how much you’ve spent and how much wedding money you have left.\n\n![Outdoor Fall Wedding Bride and Groom Lauughing](// Photo by [Rock & Love Weddings](\n\n### Not considering the extras in your budget\n\nThere are a number of things you might not initially consider when creating your budget, from little things like linens, ceremony programs, and your marriage license to larger items, such as wedding attire, gratuities, and your rehearsal dinner. Up front, take the time to create an exhaustive list of everything you might spend money on to avoid overlooking anything. \n\n### Not saving for emergency purchases\n\nAlongside miscellaneous spending, you need to include an emergency purchases budget amount. This allocated money can be put toward just about anything leading up to your wedding, from forgotten and needed expenses to actual emergencies. Not accounting for this from the beginning can eventually put you in a difficult situation.\n\n### Not using any rewards program you may have access to\n\nIf possible, we highly recommend putting expenses on a rewards credit card you’re familiar with and understand. Ideally, you can put charges on this card, immediately pay them off, and then utilize the rewards points towards things like your honeymoon.\n\n## Use Zola’s calculator for budgeting \n\nIf you’re having—or anticipate having—trouble keeping track of your expenses, try using our [wedding budget calculator]( In the Zola app, simply tap on “start budgeting.” This will take you to a fully customizable budget sheet you can update throughout your wedding planning. No stress, no mysterious expenses.\n\nNow that you know how to budget for a wedding, you may have other questions. That's where Zola's [expert advice]( section can help. From [getting engaged]( to planning your [honeymoon](, we have tons of advice at your fingertips. ","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"The cost of a wedding cake will depend on factors like size, shape, & decor. Read our guide to gain insights on the average cost of a wedding cake this year.","title":"How Much Does the Average Wedding Cake Cost in 2025?","slug":"a-guide-to-wedding-cake-costs","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Graphic of pink wedding cake with heart cake topper and price tag"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":" ","title":"Who Pays For The Wedding? Everything You Need To Know","slug":"who-should-pay-for-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Asian family with bride and groom looking down at a paper and smiling"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Confused on how much to tip wedding vendors, which vendors to tip, and when to distribute tips? Fear not: explore our guide for tipping wedding vendors.","title":"How Much To Tip Wedding Vendors","slug":"a-guide-to-tipping-wedding-vendors","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"how much to tip wedding vendors and venue coordinator"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"A wedding registry is a personalized collection of gifts that an engaged couple has specifically chosen for their guests to shop from in order to make the wedding gifting experience simpler, easier, and more satisfying for everyone.","title":"What Is a Registry (And Why Do You Need One)?","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-registry","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding gifts from a Zola registry including copper Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Le Creuset turquoise ramekins, and a copper Vitamix blender"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn the how-to's of wedding invitation wording, plus formal and casual wedding invitation examples from the experts.","title":"Wedding Invitation Wording: A Complete How-To Guide","slug":"how-to-word-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"green and white wedding invitation on green background"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This bridal shower guide will introduce you to the basics of bridal showers: traditional bridal shower etiquette (and which of those “rules” you can break), whom to invite, what to do, and who pays for it all.","title":"A Guide to Bridal Showers","slug":"a-guide-to-bridal-showers","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"a bridal shower card labeled \"soon to be mrs.\" on the grass next to a few pastel-colored bridal shower cookies"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-10-03T03:29:50.693Z"}],"name":"Creating a budget","slug":"creating-a-budget","description":"Learn how to create a wedding budget that works for you. Find practical advice and expert tips on how to stay within your budget while creating the wedding you want."},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding websites","slug":"wedding-websites"},"slug":"5-creative-wedding-website-about-us-examples","title":"5 Creative “Our Story” Wedding Website Examples","excerpt":"Take a trip down memory lane together and read through our wedding website About Us examples to help guide and inspire you as you tell your own love story as you plan for your special day.","author":"Ruksana Hussain","publishedAt":"2024-09-25T13:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Couple outside smiling and dancing in front of a heart wall mural"},"heroCredit":"Stephanie Dee Photography","tldr":"__Inside this article:__\n\n- Our story examples for your wedding website \n- Tips for writing your own story \n- Letting your wedding website design guide your words ","body":"__TLDR__\n- Showcasing your story can include things like how you met, who popped the question, and how much you love each other.\n- Take your time writing your story, and allow yourself a few drafts before you finalize what you want to say.\n- Let the look and feel of your website help guide your words.\n\nWriting your \"about us\" story is a meaningful part of creating your beautiful __[wedding website]( It gives you a chance to reminisce about your relationship journey and gives you yet another reason to be excited for your wedding ceremony and celebration. While your website will include essential wedding details about your venue, dress code, and information about the spouses-to-be, it also provides the perfect opportunity to add a custom touch. \n\nThat's why including a beautiful story section about how the two of you met is highly recommended. It’s one of the most popular parts of a [wedding site]( and in wedding planning overall. Your guests and member in your wedding party want to read it, so why not try to make it enjoyable and engaging for them?\n\nA common way to approach writing an ‘about us’ story is to write the story of how you met from your point of view. This approach helps relatives and friends from both sides who may not know you as a couple or may have met your significant other only a few times more insight into your relationship.\n\nHowever, some couples opt out of telling the story of how they met. Maybe your friends and family already know the details of your love story. Maybe you’re childhood sweethearts and everyone who is attending your wedding has watched your relationship grow. You can still have an about us story and skip over the __[wedding website bios]( \n\nFor example, people want to know the story of the proposal. It’s probably the first question people ask when they learn about your engagement. You can share this moment instead of, or in addition to, a how we met story. Other ideas include sharing a memorable date or milestone that you’ve experienced as a couple. Give information about each of your personalities and what you love about each other. It's like a trip down memory lane. \n\nYou could also talk about your love for each other and how you feel about getting married. [The best wedding website builders]( will also offer an FAQs section where you can share some of the nitty gritty details, such as logistics and transportation, or arrangements for special dietary or mobility restrictions, etc. \n\n[![Zola QR Code Promo](//](\n\n## “Our story” examples for your wedding website \n\nWhen coming up with your own [wedding website](’s about us, think of a favorite moment from your relationship and share it with your loved ones. Here are five [wedding website]( examples inspired by Hollywood love stories to spark your creativity and inspiration for how to write your own story.\n\n### 1. Tell how you met\n![Love Story Wedding Website Example 1](//\n\n*\"We were introduced through Sally’s college friend. We were both moving to New York (separately) from Chicago after graduation and Harry sat shotgun as Sally drove. We talked a lot on that road trip but parted ways as soon as we arrived in the city.\"* \n\n*\"Throughout the years, though, we’d run into each other randomly and eventually, we started hanging out and became close friends.\"*\n\nThis example follows the classic guideline of answering who, what, where, and when. Fill in the blanks of the questions for yourself and think about who introduced you as a couple, what you were doing when you met, where the first meeting happened, and when you realized that a relationship might be a possibility. Put it all in an easy to read format leading up to your special day.\n\n### 2. Focus on the proposal\n\n![Engagement Session on Wedding Website](//\n\n*\"Michael was leaving on another extended business trip and as his train was pulling away, he rushed to the back and yelled out “Marry me!” to Kimmy who was standing on the platform.\"*\n\n*\"It was exhilarating and spontaneous and we both knew right then that no matter how many miles were between us or however many days we had to be apart. We wanted to be together for the rest of our lives.\"*\n\nWas your proposal a well-planned out affair or a spontaneous moment based on a rush of love and emotions? Let your proposal story be guided by the details of how it happened and the feelings that surrounded it. When writing your proposal story, let it provide a glimpse into your life. This example shows the distance challenges the couple faced and how it worked itself into the actual proposal and setting of a wedding date. Add an engagement photo gallery as pictures do speak louder than words. After all, everyone wants to know how he (or she!) popped the question and see your [engagement photos](\n\n### 3. Share a memorable date or milestone\n\n![Proposal idea recreate first date](//\n\n*\"We wouldn’t call it a date necessarily. But we started spending a lot of time together when Kevin was assigned to write a story on Jane.\" *\n\n*\"Her always-a-bridesmaid-never-a-bride tale was intriguing to Kevin’s newspaper and he followed Jane closely as she prepared for the upcoming wedding season, including her sister’s semi-impromptu nuptials.\"* \n\nInject humor when possible or specific details many may not know such as your first date or how you chose your destination wedding. It allows guests to feel like they have personal insight into what makes your love so special and will get everyone geared up for the big day. We know you can't wait to celebrate!\n\n### 4. Show your personalities\n\n![Love Story Wedding Website Example](//\n\n*\"Anna has lived in the spotlight her whole life. She likes jet-setting around the world and experiencing the finer things in life. William prefers his own quiet part of the world surrounded by only his closest friends and family. You’ll likely find his nose buried in a book.\" *\n\n*\"At first, our worlds collided serendipitously but not necessarily in a good way. But in the end, a change of pace is exactly what we both needed and we got to a place where we could completely be ourselves together. We found that we balance each other out in all the right ways.\" *\n\nShowing parts of your personality individually also illustrates how you work together as a couple. It gives your wedding party and guests a chance to know more about both of you since the bride’s side may not know too much about the groom’s and vice-versa. It is also a great way for family members and best friends to learn more about you and your special other in this section of your wedding website.\n\n## 5. Reflect on your love for each other\n![Love Story Wedding Website Example 2](//\n\n*Sara: When I met Alex, he seemed like another smooth talker trying to pick me up in a bar. While I must admit his suave demeanor was attractive, it was his sweet and thoughtful side that really drew me in, and the rest is history.*\n\n*Alex: I was immediately awestruck when I first laid my eyes on her but knew I had to be creative to win her over. She was someone special; I could just tell.*\n\nAn about us story can be short and sweet. Speak from the heart from your individual perspectives to keep it authentic and fill in the space by sharing your excitement about getting married. This will get your guests excited, too.\n\n## Tips for writing your own story \nThe about us section is one of the first parts you'll fill out on [your website]( Take your time when you create it. Write a few drafts before settling on the final story. Read your words aloud to each other and have fun laughing and reminiscing about fond memories before your wedding ceremony. Keep it to a few short paragraphs and add levity and authenticity when you write it. A few tips to keep in mind as you’re writing are:\n\n- __Tip 1:__ Write it like a casual conversation, not a professional bio. It should read like you’re telling the tale in person to a guest. You want it to feel warm and inviting. Skip writing inside jokes but freely share the humor of a story. Guests want to feel like they have a bit of insider knowledge about the spouses-to-be.\n\n- __Tip 2:__ Don’t overthink it. While most about us stories are about the length of a paragraph, if you want to sum it up in two or three sentences, do as you please. It’s about sharing your story in the way you want guests to receive it.\n\n- __Tip 3:__ Make sure the story flows. If you are each writing from your own perspective, make sure each part is similar in length. You don’t want one of you to extend the writing to several lines while the other person only contributes one or two.\n\nFollowing the Hollywood formula is useful as it answers the questions of who, what, when, where, and how. It also shows how to focus on the important details and select private moments.\n\n![Zola Wedding Website Photo](//\n*Photo Credit* // Simply Adri Photography\n\n## Let your wedding website design guide your words \n\nChoose from one of hundreds of [wedding website templates]( Each will guide you to where and how much you should add to your wedding website’s About Us story. Using templates helps you decide __[what to put on your wedding website]( You’re able to preview how it looks on the screen and decide if you want to add or delete words to make it easier to read. The design enhances the story by also reflecting your personalities and style of your upcoming nuptials. \n\nMatch your website to your wedding theme. Whether it’s an elegant evening affair, an afternoon countryside ceremony, or one of the many other aesthetics and locations in between, you’ll find one that sets the tone for your big day. This can also be extended to your RSVP, guest list, wedding registry, and wedding invitations. \n\nPart of creating your wedding website means taking a walk down memory lane while at the same time preparing for the future. It’s a special time so make sure you savor the moment when getting ready for your wedding day!\n\n## Zola, your best wedding website option\n\nWith Zola, you not only get a free [wedding website template]( but also a unique and customizable one with many features. Not only is there an exhaustive wedding registry to choose from, but the variety of designs and templates to add your personality to your wedding website design is huge. \n\nYou also receive a completion discount for items pending in your wedding registry past your wedding date so go ahead and set up your own [wedding website]( and [wedding registry]( at Zola to see how easy and convenient a platform it is as you plan for your big day.","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Your wedding website provides your wedding guests with all the necessary info about your wedding. Here's exactly what to include and what to skip on your wedding website.","title":"11 Dos and Don'ts for Your Wedding Website","slug":"dos-and-donts-wedding-website","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"zola wedding website"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Create a beautiful, shareable free wedding website that will keep all your information in one place and make you and your SO's life easier.","title":"How to Build a Wedding Website: Guide + Tips","slug":"make-wedding-website","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"free wedding websites on"},"type":"articlePage"}],"cta":{"copy":"Start Your Wedding Website","url":""},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-09-26T01:05:31.856Z"}],"name":"Wedding websites","slug":"wedding-websites","description":"What is a wedding website? Do you need one? Learn all about wedding websites, why they make wedding planning so much easier for you and your guests, and finally, how to create the perfect website for your wedding!","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_WeddingWebsite"}}},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"name-change-checklist","title":"How to Change Your Name After the Wedding: 2025 Guide ","excerpt":"Navigate the name-changing process after marriage seamlessly. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition.","author":"Allison Cullman","publishedAt":"2024-09-22T08:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Changing your name after marriage? Use this name change checklist so you don’t miss a step, including the time required for each document."},"heroCredit":"Zola","heroCreditUrl":"","tldr":"Head straight to our printable name change checklist, or jump to a different section below:\n1. Get a copy of your marriage certificate\n2. Apply for a new Social Security card \n3. Apply for a new driver’s license \n4. Update your passport \n5. Update your car title and registration\n6. Notify your employer\n7. Notify the United States Postal Service (USPS)\n8. Update your voter registration information \n9. Update your bank accounts and other financial accounts\n10. Update other personal accounts ","body":"__TLDR:__\n- Get your marriage certificate before making any name changes.\n- You'll need to alert financial institutions, change your driver's license and passport, and also update your credit cards with your new name.\n- Changing your name isn't expensive, and it's something you can wait years to do if necessary.\n\nThere are more things to do after getting married than getting those [thank you cards]( mailed on time. (Kudos if you’ve already checked that off!) Changing your name after marriage might be one of them. While this may feel like a daunting task, it’s much simpler than you’d expect once you get the ball rolling. That’s where our handy guide comes in, compiling all the necessary steps to change your name after marriage and even the time commitment for each.\n\nFirst things first, you’ll need to have a certified copy of your [marriage certificate]( on hand. Once you have that, you can work your way through the steps listed below to cover the most important bases.\n\nNow, let's get into it!\n\n## 1. Get a copy of your marriage certificate \n\n__Time commitment:__ 20 minutes\n__Cost:__ varies by state\n\nChanging your name after marriage first requires a certified physical copy of your marriage certificate. Not to be confused with your [marriage license](, which is the legal document obtained prior to your ceremony, your marriage certificate is a different document that verifies when and where you were legally married. \n\nYou should’ve received your official certificate when your marriage license was issued. For name-changing purposes, however, you should use a certified copy so you can hold onto the original. \n\nA certified copy has a raised seal and can’t be created yourself. Instead, simply call the clerk’s office where your license was filed to request a copy (or two for good measure). Once you pay a small fee ($5-$20), your certified copy will be processed and mailed to you in a few business days. \n\n__Team Z tip:__ While you can technically use your original marriage certificate for name-changing purposes, have a few copies made instead so you can have the original on file. \n\n## 2. Apply for a new social security card \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ $0\n\n![Social Security Card Checklist](//\n\nBefore you can change your name anywhere else, you’ll need to apply for a new Social Security card. Head to the Social Security Administration (SSA) [website]( and fill out the [application for a new Social Security card.](\n\nYour Social Security number won’t change, but your legal name will. \n\nSince you can’t submit your application online, you’ll need to mail your completed form to your local Social Security office or apply in person to receive your new card within 10 business days. \n\nHere are the materials you’ll need to apply for a new Social Security card: \n\n- __Valid photo ID__ (driver’s license, state ID card, military ID, etc.) \n- __Proof of name change__ (certified copy of your marriage license)\n- __Proof of citizenship/residence__ (valid passport or birth certificate)\n- __Completed SS-5 form__ (your application) \n\nFor more information, view the [SSA’s official instructions]( for how to apply for a new Social Security card.\n\n__Team Z tip:__ Your passport fulfills both the proof of identity and proof of citizenship requirements, so you might only need one document. \n\n## 3. Apply for a new driver’s license \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ varies by state\n\n![How to Update Drivers License](//\n\nOnce you have your new Social Security card, head to your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to apply for an updated driver’s license (or state issued ID card). The documents you’ll need to apply vary by state, but plan to bring the following documents: \n\n- __Your new Social Security card__\n- __Current driver’s license__\n- __Proof of name change__ (a certified copy of your marriage certificate) \n- __Proof of address__ (bank statements or mortgage documents)\n\nBe sure to follow the instructions on your local DMV website to clarify which documents are required in your state. Also, be sure to save your receipt from the Social Security office, and take your license or state issued ID. Some DMVs are extremely strict about proof of address and what IDs they accept.\n\n## 4. Update your passport \n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ $130\n\n![How to Update Passport After Wedding](//\n\nIf you’re planning to travel outside of the country ([destination honeymoon](, anyone?) you’ll need to update your passport. If you’ve had your passport for less than a year, you can do this for free—otherwise, expect to pay a fee of $130. \n\n__Here are the materials you’ll need to update your passport:__ \n\n__Completed application form:__ You'll need one of these three, depending on when your passport was issued or expired\n- __[Completed DS-82 form]( (if your passport was issued more than a year ago)\n- __Completed [DS-5504 form]( (if your passport was issued less than a year ago)\n- __Completed [DS-11 form]( (if your passport has been expired for over five years, you’ll use this form to apply for a new passport)\n- __Your current U.S. passport__\n- __Proof of name change__ (a certified copy of your marriage license) \n- __Valid passport photo__ (2”x2” color photograph of yourself stapled to your application) \n- __Applicable fee__ (make checks payable to “U.S. Department of State”) \n\nComplete the application form and mail it along with the required documents. If you’re applying for a brand-new passport with the DS-11 form, keep in mind this must be submitted in person at your local office. Find more thorough instructions on the [Travel.State.Gov website]( \n\n## 5. Update your car title and registration\n\n__Time commitment:__ 1 afternoon\n__Cost:__ depends on your state\n\nIn some states, you may be able to update your car title and registration at the time you update your driver’s license, but most states require you to visit separate departments. Head to your state’s DMV website for accurate instructions on how to update your car title and registration. Each application is unique to the state you’re in, but be prepared to provide information on your vehicle and a certified copy of your marriage certificate. \n\n## 6. Notify your employer \n\n__Time commitment:__ 15 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nDon’t forget to let your employer know about your name change. Simply contact your company’s HR department to begin the process. \n\n## 7. Notify the United States Postal Service (USPS) \n\n__Time commitment:__ 20 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nWhile changing your name with the USPS isn’t required, you'll still want to update your new address if you’ve moved after marriage. You can do this easily [online]( This will help if you need to provide any proof of address.\n\n## 8. Update your voter registration information\n\n__Time commitment:__ 30 minutes\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nUpdating your voter registration is easy. Simply fill out and mail the [National Voter Registration Application]( and mail it to the address for your state listed in the State Instructions portion of the application. \n\nBe aware of these exceptions in the following states: \n\n- __New Hampshire__ doesn’t accept this application—you’ll need to visit your local election office in person.\n- __Wyoming__ doesn’t allow you to apply by mail—you must apply in person at your local election office.\n- __North Dakota__ doesn’t have voter registration, so no action is needed. \n\n## 9. Update your bank accounts and other financial accounts\n\n__Time commitment:__ 1-2 hours \n__Cost:__ $0\n\nMost banks will require you to visit your local branch office in person to update your name on your bank accounts and with your credit card companies. You’ll need to bring your updated driver’s license (or passport) and your marriage certificate. This appointment at your financial institutions is also a good time to request new credit cards reflecting your name change, along with a new book of checks if needed. \n\nIn addition to checking and savings accounts, take care of any other financial accounts you may need to update, including: \n\n- Retirement accounts\n- Investment accounts \n- Credit cards (if separate from where your savings and checking accounts are)\n- Mortgage loans\n- Auto loans\n- School loans \n\nIf you plan on adding your spouse to your account or [opening a joint bank account](, you’ll both need to appear at the appointment. \n\n__Team Z tip:__ Once you’ve changed your name with your bank, don’t forget to update any online payment accounts like PayPal, too. \n\n## 10. Update other personal accounts\n\n__Time commitment:__ Ongoing\n__Cost:__ $0\n\nOnce you’ve gotten the major name change updates out of the way, you can tend to any other updates you may want to make. Your name is listed in more places than you’d think, so it may take some time to remember what needs updating. That’s OK—just update as you go! \n\n__Here’s a quick look at other potential accounts to update:__ \n\n- __Utilities accounts__ \n- __Home mortgage information__\n- __Cell phone/TV/internet accounts__ \n- __Personal email and social media accounts__\n- __Alumni associations, professional clubs, and other organizations__\n- __Legal documents if you’re a business owner__ \n- __Health care providers__ \n- __Will and testament__ \n\n## Printable name change checklist\n\nNow that you know how to change your name after marriage, use our printable name change checklist to keep track of your progress!\n\n[![download-button-name-change](//](//\n\n[![download-button-name-change](//](//\n\n### Plus: name change instructions by state \nFind official name change instructions and forms by state below. \n\n- [Alabama name change](\n- [Alaska name change](\n- __Arkansas name change__: Name change takes place at time of marriage license application; no additional form required \n- [Arizona name change](\n- [California name change](\n- [Colorado name change](\n- [Connecticut name change](\n- [D.C. name change](\n- [Delaware name change](\n- [Florida name change](\n- [Georgia name change](\n- [Hawaii name change](\n- [Idaho name change](\n- [Illinois name change](\n- [Indiana name change](\n- [Iowa name change](\n- [Kansas name change](\n- [Kentucky name change](\n- [Louisiana name change](\n- [Maine name change](,Seeking%20to%20have%20Name%20Changed.)\n- [Maryland name change](\n- [Massachusetts name change](\n- [Michigan name change](\n- [Minnesota name change](\n- [Mississippi name change](,0,175,62.html)\n- [Missouri name change](\n- [Montana name change](\n- [Nebraska name change](\n- [Nevada name change](\n- [New Hampshire name change](\n- [New Jersey name change](\n- [New Mexico name change](\n- [New York name change](\n- [North Carolina name change](\n- [North Dakota name change](\n- [Ohio name change](\n- [Oklahoma name change](\n- [Oregon name change](\n- [Pennsylvania name change](\n- [Puerto Rico name change](,region%20in%20which%20they%20live.)\n- [Rhode Island name change](\n- [South Carolina name change](\n- [South Dakota name change](\n- [Tennessee name change](\n- [Texas name change](\n- [Utah name change](\n- [Vermont name change](\n- [Virginia name change](\n- [Washington name change](\n- [West Virginia name change](\n- [Wisconsin name change](\n- [Wyoming name change](\n\nWhile the steps to change your name after marriage aren’t complex, it can take some time to work your way through the process—but don’t let all the steps stress you out. Take advantage of our printable name change checklist to make changing your name after marriage a breeze!\n\n## FAQs about changing your name after marriage\nStill have questions about how to change your name? Find answers below. \n\n### What is the first thing to do when you change your name?\nFor changing your name after marriage, the first thing you should do is get a copy of your marriage certificate—you’ll need this legal document in order to change your name. \n\n### Is it expensive to change your name? \nMost steps of the name change process will require a small fee, and they can add up fast. The most expensive part of the process may be updating your passport, which typically costs $130 (or more if you need it expedited). \n\n### Is there a deadline for a name change after marriage?\nNo, there’s no deadline to change your name after marriage, and your marriage license doesn’t expire, either. You could wait five years before deciding to change your name after marriage, and the process would be the same. \n\nReady for other advice to make your post-marriage life easier? How about adding much-needed items to your [wedding registry]( or dreaming about [your honeymoon]( Zola's [expert advice]( section is here 24/7 to help!\n","tag":"How To","updatedAt":"2024-09-23T00:29:00.538Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"a-guide-to-marriage-licenses","title":"A Guide to Marriage Licenses","excerpt":"Your marriage license isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all. ","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2019-01-25T20:26:29.674Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"bride and groom sitting in the backseat of car posing with marriage license"},"heroCredit":"Mackler Studios","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"When you’re in the midst of planning all the details of your wedding day, it’s easy to forget the one thing that signifies that you are actually married: the marriage license. This bit of paperwork isn’t the most exciting task on your road to married life, but it is a requirement for your union to be deemed legal. So how do you go about getting a marriage license? Our guide covers it all below. \n\n## What Is a Marriage License?\nA marriage license is a document issued by the government that grants you permission to marry. It indicates that you are both legally eligible to enter into the union (i.e., neither of you are already married, underage, or otherwise ineligible for marriage). \n\n## What Is a Marriage Certificate?\nWhile a marriage license is a permit that legally allows you to get married, the marriage certificate is the official document you receive after your wedding has taken place. The certificate is granted after the marriage license has been returned to, and deemed valid by, the office where it was issued. In other words: \n- License = Permission to get married\n- Certificate = Proof that you are married\n \n## Why Do I Need a Marriage License? \nIf you do not obtain a marriage license, your marriage will be deemed illegal according to the law. While you can choose to be married in name only, or through a religious organization exclusively, the state will not permit you the rights typically reserved for legally married couples, such as certain tax breaks, social security benefits, joint healthcare plans, and inheritance rights. \n\n## Where to Get a Marriage License? \nWhere you get your marriage license depends on where you’re getting married—the office or location that handles them varies by state. Depending on your state, the location might be city hall, the clerk’s office, a designated marriage license bureau, or somewhere else unique to that area. \n\nTo learn more about your state’s marriage license requirements, check out [U.S. Marriage Laws]( \n\n## When to Get a Marriage License? \nWhen you should get your marriage license also depends on where your wedding will take place. Each state has its own set of rules for how long the license is valid (the license may expire if you do not get married and return the license to the state within a given number of days) and if there’s a waiting period. The waiting period is either the amount of time you have to wait between applying for and receiving the license, or a designated wait period between receiving the license and when you can tie the knot. \n\nAgain, [U.S. Marriage Laws]( is a great resource on this topic, but your local city hall will have the most up-to-date information. \n\n## How to Get Marriage License?\nThe process for obtaining a marriage license will vary by state (and sometimes city or county), but the process involves an submitting an application and paying a fee. Some states allow you to apply online, but most dictate that you apply in person and that both individuals be present that wish to be married. \n\n## What Do I Need to Apply for a Marriage License? \nThe exact requirements depend on the state’s individual laws, but there are a few things you can expect:\n\n- __Proof of identity (and that you are of legal age to marry)__\n - Birth Certificate\n - Social Security Card\n - Driver’s License\n - State ID\n - Military ID\n - U.S. Passport\n \n- __Proof that you are not currently married__\n - Divorce Decree, if you’re divorced \n - Death Certificate, if you are widowed\n- __Proof of citizenship (or residence)__\n - Birth Certificate\n - U.S. Passport\n - Certificate of Naturalization \n- __Payment for the application fee __\n\nConsult with your state for details on laws governing marriage age, blood test requirements, proxy, common law, and cousin marriages.\n\n*Pro Tip: Some applications may ask if you’re planning a [name change after marriage]( Make sure that you have come to a decision before you apply.* \n\n## How Much Is a Marriage License? \nFees for marriages licenses change range from $10 - $115 depending on the state, city or county where you apply. For accepted payment methods, check with your local licensing office. \n\n## Who Signs The Marriage License? \nMost states require that the marriage license be signed by both spouses, the officiant, and 1-2 witnesses, but, as we’ve mentioned before, every state is different. Be sure to ask for details when you apply for your marriage license. \n\n## Where Do I File for a Marriage License If I’m Planning a Destination Wedding?\nIf you’re planning to wed abroad, you can file for your marriage license two ways: \n\n__1. Apply in your home state and have a civil ceremony before or after the destination wedding.__ \n- Pros: \n - It’s cheaper\n - No need to file additional paperwork.\n - It’s less complicated.\n- Cons:\n - Your official wedding date will not be the day of your destination wedding.\n \n__2. Apply for a license in the country you’re getting married in, then have your marriage legally authenticated in your home state.__ \n- Pros: \n - Your official wedding date will be the same day as your destination wedding.\n- Cons:\n - It can be expensive.\n - You may have to hire translator (if the license isn’t in English).\n - It requires additional paperwork.\n - It can be complicated.\n","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Thinking about becoming a wedding officiant? Follow these 5 steps to make it official. ","title":"How to Become a Wedding Officiant","slug":"how-to-become-a-wedding-officiant","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"how to become a wedding officiant"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Find out everything you need to know about wedding officiant duties with this informative guide. Read on for more.","title":"The Duties of a Wedding Officiant","slug":"the-duties-of-a-wedding-officiant","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Wedding Officiant Duties"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Don’t miss a wedding planning detail with our complete, expert-crafted wedding checklist and timeline. Free, printable version inside!","title":"2024/25 Printable Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline - Zola","slug":"your-ultimate-wedding-planning-checklist","topic":"Wedding planning 101","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding planning checklist"},"type":"checklistPage"},{"excerpt":"Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more. ","title":"How to Change Your Name After Marriage","slug":"name-change-after-marriage","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"zola couple plans for name change "},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"A wedding registry is a personalized collection of gifts that an engaged couple has specifically chosen for their guests to shop from in order to make the wedding gifting experience simpler, easier, and more satisfying for everyone.","title":"What Is a Registry (And Why Do You Need One)?","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-registry","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding gifts from a Zola registry including copper Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Le Creuset turquoise ramekins, and a copper Vitamix blender"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn the how-to's of wedding invitation wording, plus formal and casual wedding invitation examples from the experts.","title":"Wedding Invitation Wording: A Complete How-To Guide","slug":"how-to-word-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"green and white wedding invitation on green background"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This bridal shower guide will introduce you to the basics of bridal showers: traditional bridal shower etiquette (and which of those “rules” you can break), whom to invite, what to do, and who pays for it all.","title":"A Guide to Bridal Showers","slug":"a-guide-to-bridal-showers","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"a bridal shower card labeled \"soon to be mrs.\" on the grass next to a few pastel-colored bridal shower cookies"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:52.830Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"what-to-look-for-in-wedding-planner-contracts","title":"What to Look For in Wedding Planner Contracts ","excerpt":"Everything you need to know before signing your wedding planner contract. ","publishedAt":"2021-09-29T16:03:41.079Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What to Look For in Wedding Planner Contracts"},"heroCredit":"Zola","body":"A wedding planner can be an extraordinary help to a couple planning for their wedding, but not all wedding planners are created equal! There can be tremendous variation in what exactly counts as the duties and responsibilities of a wedding planner. This is why it is important to sign a contract before you move forward with a wedding planner. The wedding planner contract will ensure that you and your wedding planner are aligned on what to expect on your big day, and that there will be no big surprises along the way.\n\n## What Wedding Planner Arrangement Do You Want\n\nThere are many different roles for a wedding planner. Some couples choose to book a wedding planner who is hired to oversee the entire event, from finding a wedding vendor to confirming the guest list. This is not the only option, though. A less encompassing arrangement might be with a wedding planner who is hired to oversee the logistics of the wedding day itself, but who is otherwise not actively part of decision making throughout the [wedding planning]( process. \n\nThe wedding planner contract is where this information is laid out, and made clear. Before you reach out to wedding planners, it might be helpful to think through what sort of arrangement would best suit your needs, and what aspects of their services you want to ensure are noted in an event planning contract.\n\n## What To Look Out For In Wedding Planner Contracts\n\nBefore you sign an event planning contract, make sure it includes the following critical pieces of information.\n\n- The time and date of the wedding\n- The signature of both partners and the wedding planner. \n\nWhile some couples might only have one person sign the contract with the wedding planner, it can be helpful to have both partners enter into the agreement, as it might stave off confusion in the event that one partner has to negotiate with the wedding planner independently.\n\nYou also want to make sure you can answer some basic questions about how the arrangement will work. These questions should be addressed in the contract:\n\n- What aspects of wedding planning are you and your partner responsible for? - Who is booking the photographer, the music, [wedding venues](, catering, florist, block of hotel rooms for your guests, and who is confirming with all the [wedding vendors]( a few weeks before? \n- Who is responsible for finding a replacement if a vendor unexpectedly cancels?\n- How many consultations, follow-ups, and revisions to the plan are included in the arrangement with the wedding planner?\n- What happens if you are unsatisfied with the event planner’s services and want to cancel the arrangement before the wedding date? \n- What happens if, for some reason, the wedding is canceled? \n- Is there an amount of notice time in which you will receive a refund, and if so, how much?\n- What is the schedule of payment, and how is the fee structured? \n- Are there any services that are not included in the fee, and are noted in the contract as additional charges? (The inclusion of surprise hidden fees is one reason why it is so important to read through any contract very carefully!)\n- Will the wedding planner be present at the wedding itself, or only be available by phone? Will he or she send an assistant?\n- By when does the contract stipulate that various aspects of the wedding planning will be confirmed? What happens if these deadlines are not met?\n\nThe wedding planner might want to include images of your wedding in their own promotional materials. While many people are comfortable with that, you can check the contract to see if this is included, and you can let them know if that is not something you are comfortable with.\n\n## Terms To Know\n\nThe wedding planner contract will likely include a few legal terms. This guide helps you understand what they mean.\n\n### Force majeure \n\nAlso known as an ‘act of God’ clause, this is the term for when circumstances prevent the fulfillment of the contract in ways completely beyond the control of either party. The force majeure clause includes natural disasters, fires, or medical emergencies.\n\n### ‘Indemnity’ and ‘Hold harmless’ \nThis is the clause that stipulates that the wedding planner is not legally responsible for the events of the wedding. If a guest, for example, eats food to which they are allergic, or runs into a glass wall, the wedding planner cannot be sued. Many couples consult with a lawyer to ensure this clause is the right choice for them, and some choose to purchase wedding insurance to cover any potential mishaps on the day.\n\n### Confidentiality \nThis clause is intended to ensure that the wedding planner agrees to keep information about your wedding private, including where it is located and how many guests are arriving.\n\nThe decision to hire a wedding planner is the right one for many couples. When booking a wedding planner, however, it is important to make sure you sign—and read—a wedding planning contract stipulates the services provided, the fee to be paid, and the timeline for such services. This guide will give you the information you need to sign your wedding planner contract with confidence.","tag":"List","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:39.547Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"name-change-after-marriage","title":"How to Change Your Name After Marriage","excerpt":"Thinking about changing your last name? Here's everything you need to know when considering a name change after marriage. Learn more. ","author":"Monica Mercuri","publishedAt":"2019-06-05T00:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"zola couple plans for name change "},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- The big day is coming up but you have one more thing to consider--changing your last name.\n- If you decide to go ahead with changing your name, there are many other factors to consider such as bank accounts, driver’s license, and insurance.\n- There are many benefits to changing your last name but it is crucial to remember that it doesn’t just stop at your marriage license. Breakdown all the other areas where you will need to notify them of your name change to avoid any messy confusion in the future.\n","body":"---\n__*Sponsored Content. We may earn compensation if you click the links or buttons below.*__\n\n---\n","tag":"How To","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"sponsorCta":{"copy":"Get Started","url":""},"sponsorName":"Née Name Change","sponsorAbout":"It's simple. You want the name change without the hassle, without a headache, and let's face it, without the wait. We get it; you got better things to do than wait in a line for hours and fill out countless (and probably outdated) applications. Here at Née Name Change, we want you to rest assured. We've got you covered! Simply provide us with your basic information, and we provide the rest. The future of name change has evolved, and we're here to prove to you just how easy it can be.\n\nWith Née Name Change you can now change your name online, instead of in-line!","sponsoredBottomContent":"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a name change—if you want. [Changing your name]( to match your spouse is a common tradition and one that actually dates back to ninth-century English common law. Back then, women were required to ditch their maiden names and take their husband’s surname after marriage. Fast forward to more modern times: There’s no law in the U.S. that demands a name change after marriage, but many married couples still choose to come together under a single family name. \n\n[Zola’s First Look Report]( surveyed 3,309 couples getting married in 2022 and found out that while a majority are planning to change their names (approximately 78%), there is 16% of today's couples choosing to keep their original names. About 4.6% of couples are going the route of hyphenating their names, and there’s even a small group of couples (a mighty .87%) changing their names to something completely different than either of their surnames. \n\nIf you’re thinking about or decided to legally change your name after your wedding, here’s everything you need to know about how to do it—and why you might want to.\n\n## The Benefits of Changing Your Name After Marriage \nThese days, the reasons to change your name lean more personally and socially acceptable than legally beneficial. Here are a few good reasons to change your name:\n\n- It creates consistency throughout the family. Many people prefer to change their names to keep the same last name running throughout the entire unit. This is especially true when children are involved. One family name can make things easier on things like vacations or school trips.\n- You don’t like your current name. Here’s your excuse to finally shed the surname that makes you cringe.\n- It’s for a religious reason. Many people change their names if they’ve converted religions or simply want to honor their spouse’s traditions. Name changes for religious reasons are quite common.\n- You love a personal touch. This may seem like a shallow reason to legally change your name, but if you’re big on monogramming and personalization ([hand towels](, anyone?), one family name makes customization easy. \n\nNote: Changing your name doesn’t only have to mean taking your partner’s name, or vice versa. There are a few different ways to change your name. You could hyphenate both your names into a joint surname (Lopez-Rodriguez, for example). Or you could try combining your names into an entirely new one (Miller + Winston = Milton). There are a number of alternative approaches so think about what’s best for you as a married couple.\n\n## Name Change Laws\nWhile there’s no law requiring a name change after marriage, there are laws that come into play if you do decide to make the switch. It’s important to note that name change laws vary by jurisdiction so it’s crucial that you check which rules and regulations apply to your specific situation. In some cases, you may have to file a formal name change petition with the court.\n\nGenerally, though, most states simply require that you meet certain residency requirements. All states require the applicant to be a resident of the state—typically for six months, but this varies—before filing for a legal name change.\n\nDepending on your state, you may need a formal name change petition and court date for the following situations:\n- A man taking his wife’s last name\n- Both partners choosing a last name different from either of theirs\n- A same-sex marriage partner changing his or her last name\n\nChanging your name isn’t typically hard to do. Just be sure to review the laws in your state ahead of time so you don’t encounter any surprises and find yourself delayed during the change process.\n\n## How to Change Your Name After Marriage \nYou probably guessed that you need your [marriage license]( to change your name. And you’re right. In fact, you need several certified copies of your marriage license and marriage certificate (request these from the county clerk where your marriage license application was filed). Some states offer both short- and long-form marriage licenses—request the long forms. Once you have those copies from the county clerk’s office, you’re ready to start the name change process.\n\n### Social Security Card\nThe first step on your name change journey should be the Social Security Administration. In many states, you can’t change the name on your license without an updated Social Security card. Here’s how to do it.\n\nBad news: You can’t apply for a new card online. Good news: A new card is free.\n\nBefore heading to your local Social Security office, gather your marriage license, a valid driver’s license or ID, and [this Social Security form]( In some cases, you may also need to show proof of citizenship by providing a certified copy of your birth certificate or passport. [Check here]( to make sure you have all the right documents. \n\nTake or mail your legal name change application and copies of your documents to your local Social Security office. \n\n### Driver’s License\nNext, it’s time to update the name on your license. Driver’s license name change requirements vary pretty significantly state-to-state. So, do your research and make sure you know exactly what legal documents you need before you head to the DMV. In most cases, you’ll need your current driver’s license, marriage certificate, new Social Security card, a form of ID, and any forms required by your state. A quick Google search for your state’s requirements should lay out everything you need to bring to your local DMV.\n\n### Bank Accounts\nOnce your Social Security card and driver’s license are updated, you’ll want to head to the bank. Visit your local branch and bring your marriage license and your updated driver’s license. Ask the bank to change your name on all of your accounts—this will make a big difference if you decide to open joint bank accounts with your new spouse. Also, request new checks, credit cards, and debit cards. Note: You might get hit with a fee for the new cards.\n\n## Everything Else \nNow that you’ve covered the major name updates, it’s time to update your name on just about everything else. Here’s a list of places you may need or want to update with your name change.\n\n- Employer/Payroll Department\n- Post Office (especially if your address has changed)\n- Utility Companies\n- Schools/Alumni Organizations\n- Landlord or Mortgage Office\n- Insurance (Home, Auto, Life)\n- Doctor’s Offices\n- Voter Registration\n- Investment Account Providers\n- Attorney (to update legal documents, including your will)\n- Passport Office\n- Airlines (transfer your miles!)\n- Subscriptions (magazines, monthly boxes, etc.)\n\nDon’t let all the steps stress you out. Changing your surname after marriage is an age-old tradition—and it stuck for a reason. If you decide to make the switch, rest assured that you’ll be able to with ease, thanks to a little bit of research.","sponsorLogoImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Née Name Change"},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-11-22T19:03:15.674Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"illinois-marriage-laws","title":"Illinois Marriage Laws","excerpt":"Illinois marriage laws can be tricky, but Zola has everything you need to say “I do” in the Land of Lincoln.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T17:03:53.400Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Illinois Marriage Laws"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- To get married in Illinois, you’ll first need to procure a marriage license through the state’s marriage license application process.\n- Illinois marriage licenses have a 24-hour waiting period and expire after 60 days. Your license will only be valid if you’re married within 60 days of the date your license is issued.\n- You do not have to be a resident to get married in Illinois, but you must get your license from the county you’re getting married in.\n- You must be at least 18 years old in order to get married in Illinois. If you’re at least 16 years old, you can get married with parental consent.","body":"Couples preparing for their upcoming nuptials in Illinois know that the world is their oyster. The diverse landscape of the state provides a cornucopia of [wedding venue]( options and wedding styles for your consideration. But before you start booking and planning, you’ll want to make sure you’re familiar with Illinois’s marriage laws. The last thing you need is an unforeseen technicality to bring your wedding daydreams to a halt.\n\nThis simple guide will help steer you through thick and thin, so you’ll be prepared for your Illinois wedding.\n\n### Marriage Laws and Requirements in Illinois\nDepending on where you tie the knot, you may have to meet different legal requirements for marriage for it to be valid. Marriage laws differ from state to state, and if you’re not familiar with the local requirements, you might find yourself in hot water. With timing and preparation being so important to most weddings, making sure you’re qualified under the government is key.\n\nLet’s review some of the familiar requirements and phrases you may come across while preparing to get married in Illinois:\n\n- __Marriage License:__ In order for your marriage to be legally binding, you’ll both need to apply for a marriage license. Without this document, you won’t be formally wed in the eyes of the law. In Illinois, you’ll need to apply to the local clerk in the county you’re getting married in to receive a valid license (we’ll go over the process in more detail later). After your wedding is officiated and your license signed and filed with the county clerk, you’ll receive a marriage certificate in return as proof of your marriage.\n\n- __Marriage License Fees:__ To apply for your license, you’ll need to pay a small processing fee to the clerk’s office. The amount varies depending on which county you’re in, but it can range from $15 to $75. Make sure you bring payment in a form the office can accept.\n\n- __Legal Age:__ You’ll both need to be at least 18 years old to get married in Illinois without parental consent. If you’re at least 16 years old and have consent from both parents to tie the knot, you can still get married in the state. In cases where there are no available parents to consent to your wedding, you can appeal to the court for judicial consent to your marriage.\n\n- __Waiting Periods:__ Many states require a waiting period between when you apply for a marriage license and when you’re actually issued one. In Illinois, you’ll need to wait 24 hours to get married.\n\n- __Expiration Dates:__ Your marriage license gives you legal approval to wed, but that permission has an expiration date. In the case of Illinois marriage licenses, you’ll have 60 days from receipt of the license to say your “I dos”—otherwise, the license will no longer be valid. Once you’ve picked a date for your wedding, you can plan a trip to the county clerk’s office with enough time to spare to walk down the aisle. \n\n- __Blood Tests:__ Many states used to require blood tests in marriage license applications in an effort to prevent venereal disease transmissions. However, that’s not the case in Illinois. So if you’re afraid of needles, you don’t have to worry about this hurdle when getting married in Illinois.\n\n- __Residency Requirements:__ You do not need to be a resident in the state of Illinois to get married there. \n\n- __Witnesses:__ Some marriage licenses require one or two witnesses to validate the union, but in Illinois, it’s not a requirement.\n\n- __Officiant Qualifications:__ Your marriage needs to be solemnized for it to be valid. All that means is that someone, usually an officiant, needs to perform the marriage ceremony marrying you to your spouse. state and federal judges (active or retired), religious officials or ministers, or even the circuit clerk can all serve as an officiant. \n\nIllinois is unique in that it doesn’t regulate officiant qualifications, so if you want your best friend to officiate your wedding, you can do it without worrying about any legal hiccups.\n\n- __Previous Marriages:__ If this isn’t the first time you’ve walked down the aisle, you’ll need to add a few more items to your to-do list to legally wed in Illinois. You’ll need to make sure any previous marriages are legally dissolved before embarking on your next. You’ll also need to provide the date your divorce was finalized when applying for a license. If you were divorced or widowed in the last six months, you may need to bring a certified copy of your divorce decree or the death record of your former spouse.\n\nFollowing all of Illinois’s laws and requirements is important if you want to avoid accidentally invalidating your marriage. After all, needing to exchange your vows again a week after your wedding because of a technicality isn’t nearly as romantic. Making sure you have all your documents in order, such as your marriage license, is essential to guaranteeing your path to happily ever after is as smooth and seamless as possible.\n\n### Illinois’s Marriage License Application Process\nUnderstanding legal processes can be mystifying for many people, but you’ll need a marriage license to get married in Illinois. The application procedure is relatively simple, and we’re here to guide you step by step so you have everything you need to wed.\n\nHere’s what you need to know to apply for a marriage license in Illinois:\n\n- __Decide Where You’re Getting Married:__ In order to get a valid marriage license, you’ll need to apply for it from the county you intend to get married in. That means that the first part of the process is actually deciding where your wedding will take place.\n\nFor any couples having trouble locking down a spot, Zola’s [wedding venue]( search is a game-changer. It makes it easy to browse by location, capacity, availability, and venue type, so you can find the perfect location within budget.\n\n- __Visit the County Clerk’s Office:__ Once you’ve landed on the location, you can look for your local county clerk [here]( Most offices don’t require appointments, but call ahead of time to confirm hours and availability before you go. Both you and your partner will need to apply in person together.\n\n- __Apply for Your Marriage License:__ Pay the marriage license fee and fill out the application. It’ll ask for some basic information, such as your names, addresses, and date of birth, as well as the names and addresses of your parents or guardians. If either of you has been married before, now’s the time to disclose that.\n\n- __Wait:__ Good things come to all who wait, and this is no different. You’ll need to wait at least 24 hours after your application to get married.\n\n- __Get Married:__ The part you’ve been waiting for. Celebrate your wedding your way—just make sure you have an officiant to conduct the ceremony. Afterward, you, your new spouse(!), and your officiant can sign the marriage license. \n\n- __File Your Signed Marriage License with the County Clerk:__ Luckily the hard part’s over for you. It’s typically your officiant’s responsibility to return the signed license to the county clerk (by hand or by mail), so your marriage can be officially registered.\n\nAnd with that, you’re all set! If your county doesn’t automatically send you a certificate after receiving your license, make sure you formally request a copy—you may need it.\n\n#### Marriage License or Marriage Certificate? Which Do I Need?\nSo what’s the difference between a marriage license and a marriage certificate? You might be confused hearing them discussed in the same breath, but that’s because you’ll need one to get the other.\n\nThink of it this way: \n\n- __Your license__ allows you to get married in the first place, so it’s for before your wedding.\n- __Your certificate__ is proof that you got married, and you receive it after you’re registered.\n\n#### Documents Required for Your Marriage License\nBefore you head over to the county clerk’s office, save yourself a second trip and make sure you have everything you need.\n\nYou’ll need:\n\n- Your names, addresses, sex, and date of birth\n- The names and addresses of your parents or guardians\n- Whether you are related to each other in any way\n- Information on any previous marriages (including proof of divorce or a death certificate in case of widowhood)\n- Valid photo ID with proof of age\n\nAcceptable forms of identification include:\n\n- Your state driver’s license\n- A state-issued identification\n- Your passport\n- Your permanent resident card\n- U.S. Armed Forces identification card\n\nDon’t forget to bring payment for the application fee. Consider calling the office beforehand to find out if they can accept cash, credit card, money orders, or checks.\n\n### Special Marriage Considerations in Illinois\nBy now you’re probably an expert on how to apply for a marriage license, but what else do you need to keep in mind when you’re getting married in Illinois? When it comes to your wedding day, it’s always a smart idea to know what’s expected. \n\nFamiliarize yourself with local regulations during the [wedding planning]( process, especially if you’re from out of town. We’ll go over some of the things you should take into consideration while planning your Illinois wedding so you can always be prepared.\n\n#### Timing Your Marriage License Application\nYou may know all the ins and outs of the marriage license process, but when should you plan to actually apply for it? \n\nSince Illinois has a 24 hour waiting period for marriage licenses, that means you’ll need to wait at least a day after the application before you’re legally allowed to wed. In some counties, you can begin the application process online, but you’ll still need to go into the physical office to complete the application.\n\nUntil you’re issued a license, your marriage won’t be legally binding. If you truly can’t wait it out, you can try appealing the court to waive the waiting period. They might make an exception if there’s a good reason.\n\n#### Timing Your Wedding Within the License’s Validity Window\nBecause Illinois’s marriage licenses have an expiration date, you’ll need to time your wedding so it takes place after the waiting period but before the license expires. Illinois’s licenses are valid for 60 days after they’re issued, so you’ll have at least two months to tie the knot. If you miss your window, you’ll need to reapply for a new license. Ideally, you should get your license about a month before your wedding.\n\nAre you struggling to juggle all the different dates and deadlines? Here at Zola, we’re big believers in being prepared for your big day. That’s why we recommend using our [free wedding checklist and timeline]( to keep track of everything that needs to get done when it needs to be done.\n\n#### You May Need to Apply for a Wedding Permit\nIllinois is home to many gorgeous historic sites and stunning skylines, so it’s no wonder some couples are tempted to take advantage of the view. If your wedding activities are taking place on public land, though, you may need to look into whether you’ll need a wedding permit. This can range from [bridesmaids’ photo]( shoots to the ceremony itself.\n\nIf you plan on making use of Illinois’s stunning public locations, make sure you do your research beforehand to avoid interruptions.\n\n#### How to File Your Marriage License After Your Vows\nAfter your officiant performs the ceremony, both you, your new spouse, and the officiant complete and sign the marriage license. Illinois doesn’t require witnesses for weddings, so that’s one less thing you have to worry about on your special day.\n\nAfter the license is completed, it's your officiant’s duty to return it to the office of the county clerk where it was issued within 10 days of your marriage. Once it’s filed with the county clerk, your marriage is officially registered, and you can request a copy of your marriage certificate. \n\nIllinois doesn’t have any special qualifications for who can serve as an officiant, so it can be anybody from your minister to your best friend. We recommend you choose someone responsible whom you can rely upon to file your marriage license promptly. Your little niece might make an adorably photogenic officiant, but she’s probably not an acceptable stewardess of a legal document.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Married in Illinois\nIf you feel like you have question after question when it comes to getting married, you’re not alone. It’s a major life event, so it makes sense you want to make sure you’re dotting Is and crossing your Ts.\n\nThat’s why we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions about Illinois marriage laws so that you’ll be able to put all your worries to rest. \n\n#### I’m a Non-resident Getting Married in Illinois. Where Should I File My Marriage License?\nAll marriage licenses in Illinois should be filed at the county clerk’s office where you got your license. It should also be the same county that you got married in, not where you live.\n\n#### When Should I Start the Marriage Application Process?\nIdeally, you should time your marriage license application about a month to six weeks before your wedding to give yourself some wiggle room. That said, the waiting period is only 24 hours, so you can wait until the last day if you’re stretched for time. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to get married within 60 days before the license expires. \n\n#### How Soon Can You Get Married After Receiving Your Marriage License?\nIllinois’s waiting period for marriage licenses is 24 hours, so you can get married as soon as that time is up.\n\n#### Why Do Marriage Licenses Expire?\nIn some states, such as Mississippi, they don’t expire, but in Illinois, you have 60 days before you’ll need to get a new license. Marriage licenses expire, so that the county can more easily keep track of new marriage records. It’s also a good idea in case the information on your license gets outdated over time, such as your age or addresses.\n\n#### Are Same-Sex Marriages Recognized in Illinois?\nYes. As of 2014, the state of Illinois has embraced love and legal marriages between all genders. Same-sex marital unions are recognized in Illinois.\n\n#### What Are Proxy Marriages, and Are They Allowed in Illinois?\nProxy marriages take place when one or both parties in the marriage are not physically present for the wedding. Sometimes they are represented by other parties. The state of Illinois does not recognize proxy weddings.\n\n#### Are Cousin Marriages Allowed in Illinois?\nWhile closely related individuals may not wed one another, first cousins can get married in Illinois if they are older than the age of 50. They could also get married if one person can prove that they are permanently sterile.\n\n#### If I am in a Civil Union, Can It Automatically Be Converted Into a Marriage?\nNo, but you can apply for a marriage license free of charge if you’re already in a civil union. You’ll be recognized as a married couple on the date of your marriage certificate though, not the date you entered the civil union.\n\n#### How Do I Get a Copy of My Marriage Certificate? \nYou can request a copy of your marriage certificate from the county clerk’s office. There may be different types of certificates available. In Chicago, for example, there are three. You could order a standard certificate or a wallet-sized one for $15. There’s also an art-quality commemorative certificate printed on canvas available for $65.\n\nYou should order at least one copy of a standard certificate for emergencies. It can act as proof of your marriage in any legal situation.\n\nThat said, a commemorative certificate is a fantastic piece for a scrapbook or wedding album. If you’re interested in making a beautiful keepsake of your wedding, [Zola’s album wizard]( can help you effortlessly design and arrange your photos and certificate into an elegant album.\n\n### With Zola, Planning Your Illinois Wedding Will Be a Breeze\nAmidst the hustle and bustle of planning a wedding, it can be easy to forget that marriage is a legal contract between you and your partner. That’s why we’re here—to help make sure that your union is legally binding and so that everything runs as smoothly as possible.\n\nBut we’re not just all about the paperwork—we enjoy linen patterns and floral arrangements as much as the next person. At Zola, we strive to be your go-to spot for all things weddings. From sending your [save the dates]( to managing your RSVPs through our [Wedding Guest List Manager](, Zola has all the tools to help you navigate your way to your beautiful wedding.","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:28.791Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Legal","slug":"legal"},"slug":"how-to-get-a-marriage-license-in-ohio","title":"How to Get a Marriage License in Ohio","excerpt":"Before you walk down the aisle in the Buckeye State, check out Zola’s guide to marriage licenses in Ohio. ","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2021-08-28T16:26:22.387Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"How to Get a Marriage License in Ohio"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- To legally get married in Ohio, you’ll first need to obtain a marriage license. Ohio couples can do this at the probate court within each county. \n- Most counties allow you to pre-register your application online to save time. Both individuals will need to be present at the court in person to receive the marriage license. \n- Applicants need to bring their social security number and a valid photo ID. The application fee differs between counties, but is generally $40 to $75. \n- There is no waiting period after you receive the license, but it is only valid for 60 days. After the ceremony, the marriage license must be returned within 30 days.","body":"In months or even days, you’ll be making your way down the aisle towards the next wonderful chapter in your life. First of all, congratulations! You’ve probably begun browsing buttercream and bouquets. Your engagement is an exciting time in your life.\n\nThere is, however, an often forgotten aspect of the [wedding planning]( process: obtaining a marriage license. You know you have to do it, but you might not know how to do it. That’s why we’ve compiled this complete guide to how to get a marriage license in Ohio. Learn about all the need-to-know Ohio marriage laws and everything else you need to add to your [courthouse wedding checklist]( to make your big day special.\n\n### Marriage License Ohio: Application Procedure\nLet’s break down how to get a marriage license in Ohio, step-by-step. The first thing to know is that both individuals in a couple must be present to receive their marriage license. What else?\n\n#### What is a Marriage License?\nA marriage license serves as your application to get married. It is a legal document that you need to obtain before marriage. When the license is signed and returned, the county will issue a marriage certificate, which serves as legal proof of marriage.\n\n#### Where Do We Get Our Marriage License in Ohio?\nOhio has 88 counties, and each of these counties has a probate court. These 88 probate courts are the only state agencies authorized to issue a marriage license. Ohio residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county in which either applicant resides, but they can get married anywhere in Ohio. Out-of-state residents must obtain their license in the county where their ceremony will take place.\n\n#### What Documents Do We Need to Get Our Marriage License in Ohio?\nYou will need several forms of documentation to apply for your marriage license. Here’s what you definitely, might, and won’t need:\n\n__You definitely need:__\n\n- A valid photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID, or visa\n\n- Social Security numbers (but not social security cards usually) \n\n__You might need:__\n\n- An affidavit from your physician stating your physical disability if you are physically incapacitated\n\n- Proof of residence in the form of a utility bill, lease, pay stub, car registration, etc. if your ID does not have your current Ohio address \n\n- A copy of a divorce decree or death certificate if you were previously married\n\n__You won’t need:__\n\n- Birth certificates\n\n#### How Much Does a Marriage License Cost in Ohio?\nThe fee for an Ohio marriage license differs between various counties. Here are the fees for several counties:\n\n- __Montgomery County:__ $75\n\n- __Miami County:__ $50\n\n- __Stark County:__ $42\n\n- __Lucas County:__ $60\n\n- __Cuyahoga County:__ $60\n\n- __Hamilton County:__ $75\n\n- __Franklin County:__ $65.\n\nBasically, budget between $40 and $80 for your marriage license fee. Is that all? Not quite. Some counties, including Miami County, Stark County, and Lucas County only accept cash. Other counties, such as Franklin county, only accept credit cards. Other counties accept a wider range of payments, including cash, money orders, cashier’s checks, and credit and debit cards. Generally, there is an additional two to three percent service fee for credit cards.\n\nSo what’s a couple to do? You can check your county’s website to confirm their fee and payment options or just bring both cash and card so all your bases are covered. You should also know that the marriage license fee is nonrefundable.\n\n#### Does Ohio Require a Blood Test to Receive a Marriage License?\nSome states require premarital blood tests to check for venereal diseases. These tests also sometimes check for serious genetic disorders. In the past, couples might not be able to get married depending on the results or would just have to disclose their results to each other. Ohio, however, doesn’t require blood tests.\n\n#### Can I Apply for My Marriage License Online?\nMost counties will allow you to start your marriage license application online by pre-registering. You’ll provide necessary personal information and receive a confirmation to bring to your in-person appointment. Applying online first will save you a lot of time.\n\n#### How Long Will It Take to Get My Ohio Marriage License?\nAccording to Miami County in Ohio, if you apply online before, you should expect to wait 20 minutes at the court to receive your marriage license. If you apply in person only, you should expect to wait up to 60 minutes.\n\n#### What Are The Probate Court Hours?\nOhio probate courts are generally open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Some courts might open 30 minutes later or close earlier on Fridays, so confirm the hours online for your respective county.\n\n#### Do I Need to Make an Appointment?\nSome counties, such as Lucas County, give marriage licenses on a first-come, first-served basis. Other counties like Miami County require an appointment, which can be made online.\n\n#### What Documents Will I Receive?\nAfter you complete your appointment, you will receive several documents:\n\n- Two forms for the officiant\n- A decorative, non-legally binding souvenir marriage license\n- General information forms \n\nThe two forms for the officiant are the most important. You will give the officiant these forms before the ceremony. The first form confirms you’ve received your marriage license. The second form is for the officiant to fill out to confirm they performed the wedding ceremony. The second form is the one that will be eventually returned. The court will provide a pre-addressed envelope to return the license in.\n\n#### Is There a Waiting Period Once I Receive My Ohio Marriage License?\nIn the past, Ohio enforced a five-day waiting period between issuing the marriage license and when the couple could officially get married, but as of 2021, there is no longer a waiting period.\n\n#### Will My Ohio Marriage License Expire?\nYes, your Ohio marriage license will expire after 60 days. If you don’t get married within 60 days of receiving it, you’ll need to restart the process and get a new license.\n\n#### How Do I File My Ohio Marriage License?\nAfter the ceremony, the officiant will need to return the marriage license to the court by mail within 30 days of performing the ceremony to verify the marriage was legally performed. Not returning a marriage license is a misdemeanor punishable by a $50 fine for officiants.\n\nOnce the license is filed, you’re legally married in the eyes of the state of Ohio. Congratulations! You will receive a certified copy of the license by mail. You can also request additional copies.\n\n#### What Can Invalidate an Ohio Marriage License Application?\nAs part of the marriage license application process, both individuals will affirm that all the information they provided is true, correct, and complete. If the license is issued based on any false information, the probate court can declare the license void.\n\n### Things to Know About the Timing of Your Ohio Marriage License\nWhen it comes to a marriage license, it’s all about the timing. In case your head is spinning with information overload, here is a brief breakdown of the timing to get and file your marriage license in Ohio.\n\n#### 120 Days Before the Ceremony\nYour wedding is four months away! Now is the perfect time to make sure you have all of the documents you will need to complete your marriage application. It’s also a good time to start perfecting your [save the dates]( or custom [wedding invitations]( with Zola. \n\n#### 60 Days Before the Ceremony\nSince an Ohio marriage license is valid for 60 days, you should obtain it about two months before the ceremony. Since there is no waiting period, you can even get your marriage license the day before or the day of your wedding, but we don’t recommend it.\n\nGive yourself a little buffer room within that 60-day window just in case you’re missing a document or it’s difficult to get an appointment.\n\n#### 30 Days After the Ceremony\nBefore you sail away into your life as a newlywed, make sure that your officiant returns the signed marriage license within 30 days of the ceremony. Ask them to turn it in as soon as possible after the ceremony to avoid any issues.\n\n### Marriage Laws Unique to Ohio\nSince every state has different marriage laws and these laws are constantly changing, it’s important to get a refresher, even if you’re confident in your nuptial knowledge.\n\n#### The Legal Age of Marriage in Ohio\nAs of 2019, the legal age of marriage in Ohio is 18 years old. Before then, girls could marry at the age of 16, and men could marry at the age of 18. Teenagers even younger could marry with judicial and parental consent.\n\nNow, there is only one exception to the minimum age of marriage. Seventeen-year-olds can marry if they meet the following requirements:\n\n- The age difference between the couple cannot be more than four years\n- The couple must undertake a 14-day waiting period\n- A juvenile court must consent to the marriage\n\n#### Who Can’t Get Married in Ohio\nLike most states, there are several groups of people who cannot legally be married in Ohio. These categories include:\n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if either applicant is under the influence of alcohol or narcotics when they appear to obtain the license.\n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if either applicant is infected with syphilis that is currently communicable or will be so in the future. \n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if the couple are nearer of kin than second cousins.\n\n- Ohio will not issue a marriage license if either individual is still legally in a previous marriage.\n\n#### Who Can Officiate a Wedding in Ohio\nThe following persons or groups can officiate a marriage in Ohio:\n\n- An ordained or licensed minister of any religious society or congregation within Ohio who is licensed to solemnize marriages\n\n- A judge of a county court in accordance with section 1907.18 of the Revised Code\n\n- A judge of a municipal court in accordance with section 1901.14 of the Revised Code\n\n- A probate judge in accordance with section 2101.27 of the Revised Code\n\n- The Mayor of a municipal corporation in any county in which the municipal corporation wholly or partly lies\n\n- The superintendent of the state school for the deaf\n\n- Any religious society in accordance with the rules of its church\n\nMinisters can become licensed through the secretary of state by presenting their credentials from their religious society or congregation. It’s important that your officiant is legally authorized. Performing a marriage without a license or authorization is a crime in Ohio.\n\nYou can access a list of authorized civil officiants through your county.\n\n#### Common-Law Marriage in Ohio\nA common-law marriage is a union in which a couple has lived together for a certain period of time and considers themselves married without going through the process of a ceremony or obtaining a marriage license. \n\nOhio stopped recognizing common-law marriage in 1991. Couples can no longer enter into common-law marriage, except under two conditions:\n\n- If the common-law marriage was validly entered into before October 1991 or\n\n- If the common-law marriage was validly entered into in another state that allows such unions\n\n#### Proxy Marriage in Ohio\nA proxy marriage is a way to legally become married if either or both individuals aren’t present. These marriages are available if an individual is in the military, out of state, or incarcerated in certain states. Ohio does not allow proxy marriages.\n\n#### Domestic Partnerships in Ohio\nA domestic partnership is another type of legally recognized union for couples who live together but are not married. Domestic partnerships were common before the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage. Ohio has no state laws regarding domestic partnerships, but certain cities allow couples to register their domestic partnership.\n\n### Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage in Ohio\nWe know the world of marriage licenses and laws can be confusing. Hopefully, these FAQs will answer anything and everything you want (or need) to know.\n\n#### Does Ohio Require Witnesses?\nNo, Ohio does not require witnesses for the marriage ceremony.\n\n#### Do Both Applicants Need to Visit the Probate Court to Obtain the Marriage License?\nYes, both applicants will need to be present to receive their marriage license. If one of the applicants is sick or disabled, they can apply using an affidavit signed by a practicing physician within the same county where the court is located.\n\n#### Which County Should We Obtain Our Marriage License In?\nOhio residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county where either or both applicants live. Non-residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county where their wedding will take place.\n\n#### What if Either Individual Has Been Married Before?\nIf your previous marriage ended in either a divorce or annulment, you must provide:\n\n- A certified copy of the most recent divorce/annulment/dissolution decree\n- The case number of all previous marriages\n- The dates of all previous marriages\n- The county, state, and country of all previous marriages\n- The names of previous spouses\n- The names of all current children under the age of 18\n\nIf your spouse is deceased, you are not required to provide a copy of the death certificate in some counties. Other counties do require a copy of the death certificate, so confirm with your county.\n\n#### Where Can I Obtain a Copy of My Divorce Decree?\nThe Ohio Bureau of Vital Statistics does not keep marriage and divorce records. You should request a copy of your divorce decree from the county clerk in the county where your divorce was finalized.\n\n#### Where Can I Obtain a Copy of a Death Certificate?\nCertified copies of death certificates are available through the Ohio Bureau of Vital Statistics. The cost is $21.50, and these copies are available in person, online, or by mail.\n\n#### Where Can I Obtain a Copy of My Marriage Certificate?\nYou can obtain copies of your marriage certificate through the county where you filed your marriage license.\n\n#### What Happens if My Marriage License is Lost or Damaged?\nOhio will not replace a lost or damaged marriage license, so you will need to restart the application process.\n\n#### What if We Require an Interpreter?\nIf you require an interpreter because you are hearing impaired, contact your county’s probate court.\n\n#### What if We Require a Translator?\nIf either applicant does not speak English, they will need to bring a translator to acquire their marriage license. This translator must be:\n\n- At least 18 years old\n- Not related to either applicant\n- Able to provide a valid, government-issued picture ID\n\n#### What if Any of My Documents Are in a Foreign Language?\nIf any of your documents are in a foreign language, you will be required to provide a translation on the business letterhead of a professional translator in addition to the original foreign document.\n\n#### Do We Have to Change Our Surnames?\nYou are not required to [change your name]( Either spouse can:\n\n- Keep their name\n- Assume their spouse’s name\n- Adopt a new surname\n- Combine surnames\n\n#### How Do I Change My Name?\nYou should visit your county probate court in person to change your name. You will need to provide a photo ID and pay a filing fee. You will fill out a petition and then publish your name change in a local newspaper at least 30 days before your hearing.\n\nAt your hearing, the judge will ask a few questions to determine if they will accept your request. If your petition is accepted, you’ll receive a court order that you can use to notify other government agencies like the DMV or Social Security office.\n\n#### What If We Don’t Have a Wedding Date Set Yet?\nThe marriage license application might require that you provide your intended wedding date. If you don’t have an exact date, just provide an approximate date within the 60-day validity window. However, it’s always helpful to book your venue before you apply for your license (Hint: Zola’s [wedding venue]( database offers pre-screened venues in your area so you can find your dream place that’s within your budget). \n\n#### Do You Have to Be a Citizen to Get Married in Ohio?\nNo, you don’t have to be a citizen to get married in Ohio. However, you will need to provide your foreign passport and American visa.\n\n#### Are There Discounts or Waivers for the Marriage License Fee?\nNo, there are no discounts, waivers, or installment plans for the marriage license fee. You must pay in full immediately.\n\n#### Can I Get a Refund on an Expired or Unused Marriage License?\nNo, you cannot get a refund for your marriage license, even if it is expired or unused.\n\n### Everything You Need to Plan Your Ohio Wedding\nNow that you’ve figured out how to get a marriage license, it’s time to return to the fun part of wedding planning. Have you booked your [wedding vendors]( yet? \n\nZola makes the process stress-free. Find trustworthy, pre-screened vendors in our easy-to-use online inventory of vendors. Need a venue? We got you. A florist? We got you. A makeup artist? We got you.\n\nApplying for a marriage license may be confusing and even a little boring, but planning your wedding is sure to be a joy with a little help from Zola.","tag":"How-To ","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_VendorMarketplace"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Outdoor weddings are beautiful and super common. They also come with their challenges. Take on any issue with our rundown of common outdoor wedding problems and how to fix them all.","title":"How to Plan an Outdoor Wedding: 32 Tips to Avoid Hitches","slug":"10-common-outdoor-wedding-problems-and-how-to-solve-them","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"couple has outdoor wedding "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Finding the perfect wedding venue can be a challenge. We outlined a few popular types of wedding venues to help you find one that's right for you.","title":"Most Popular Types of Wedding Venues","slug":"which-type-of-wedding-venue-is-right-for-you","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Venues","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"types of wedding venues"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"For couples in search of a unique setting for their nuptials, caves can be the perfect venue. Read our guide to learn how to pull a cave wedding.","title":"Extreme Wedding Venues: Cave Wedding","slug":"extreme-wedding-venues-cave-wedding","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"How To","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":" Cave Wedding"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Your wedding centerpieces don't have to feature dramatic florals in order to be beautiful. Save money and get creative with these 29 unique centerpiece ideas for your wedding reception. ","title":"29 Unique Wedding Centerpiece Ideas You'll Say \"Yes\" To","slug":"wedding-centerpiece-ideas","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Wedding Style","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Unique Wedding Centerpiece Ideas"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"In this wedding style guide, find out why thinking about your wedding style early on will help you in your planning, and how to use Zola Inspiration to discover your own personal wedding vision. ","title":"What's Your Wedding Style? + 130 Decor Ideas","slug":"whats-your-wedding-style","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What's Your Wedding Style? "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Not quite sure who should be paying for the bridesmaid's dresses at your wedding? Read our guide to our expert advice.","title":"Who Pays for Bridesmaid’s Dresses? ","slug":"who-pays-for-bridesmaids-dresses","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Who Pays for Bridesmaid’s Dresses"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Find Vendors in Your Area","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:40:42.113Z"}],"name":"Legal","slug":"legal","description":"Find guidance on legal aspects of getting married and planning a wedding like changing your name, marriage certificates, wedding venue insurance, wedding vendor contracts and more."},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding planning tools","slug":"wedding-planning-tools"},"slug":"small-wedding-details","title":"25 Small Wedding Details You Don't Want to Forget","excerpt":"A lot of details go into a wedding. Don't forget the small wedding details! Add these often overlooked (but essential) items to your to-do list and check it twice.","author":"Monica Mercuri","publishedAt":"2019-08-22T17:03:19.557Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding couple celebrates small wedding details"},"heroCredit":"Zola","body":"When it comes to wedding planning, there are a lot of big pieces you figure out quickly. Of course, things get a bit more complicated as you start to nail down the hundreds of details that need your attention. Don’t worry! Everything is going to come together to create your dream wedding. Here are a few often-overlooked small wedding details to remember for before, on, and even after your wedding. \n\n## Top 10 Wedding Details to Remember\n\n### 1. Create a wedding website (before you send out invitations). \nYour [wedding website]( will act as a hub where your guests can get important information about your wedding day. This is where you can include all the additional info that doesn’t fit on your wedding invitations—think directions to the venue and links to your registry. Of course, you need to include the URL on your actual physical invitation, so start with the website first and foremost.\n\n### 2. Leave enough time for dress alterations.\nWedding dress alterations are a bit more involved than say tailoring a pair of pants. You may have up to three or four fittings before your day, all spaced out over a few months. Depending on your wedding timeline, plan to leave enough time to get them all done so you can have the perfect fit. \n\nOnce you [find your dress](, you’ll know right away how many alterations need to be made. Head to a seamstress soon after that to gain a clear understanding of just how much time your overall alterations will take—and plan from there.\n\n### 3. Arrange transportation.\nDepending on where your ceremony and reception take place, you may require various forms of transportation. Typical wedding transportation situations include:\n\n- Getting your wedding party from the ceremony to the photo locations to the reception\n- Getting your wedding guests to the ceremony and/or to the reception\n- Getting all your wedding guests back to accommodations post-ceremony\n\nYou may not need all these lines of transportation, but you’ll likely need at least some. Don’t forget to set up party buses, limos, or drivers for cars. If nothing else, offer to arrange Ubers and Lyfts so no one has to worry about drinking and driving. Then, be sure to include all of this transportation information on your wedding website so guests know how they’ll get to point A, B, and maybe C.\n\n### 4. Buy gifts for your wedding party.\nIt’s your day, of course, but not without the help of your loyal wedding party. It’s customary (while not required) to give small tokens of appreciation in the form of gifts for everyone in your wedding party, including the maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl, and ring bearer. Gift something practical like jewelry or socks that your wedding party members will actually wear for the ceremony. Many couples choose to gift customized items to their wedding party, too. Whatever you decide, be sure to order all gifts early enough. You want time to wrap each gift and attach a heartfelt note of thanks to go along with it. \n\n### 5. Coordinate vendor meals. \nYour vendors are going to be working away while you’re enjoying your wedding day. Ask your coordinator or venue about vendor meals ahead of time. They can usually provide boxed sandwiches or something similar so everyone will stay fed and happy. \n\n### 6. Hand out vendor tips. \nWe know you’re hyper-focused on your budget—and we’re sure you heard to budget tips for your vendors into your overall cost. Good! Get cash out or prepare checks ahead of time and put everything in clearly marked envelopes for each vendor, like your caterer, bartender, and florist (that you haven’t already tipped). Then, assign a wedding party or family member to distribute day-of.\n\n![inline PhotoByBrandyAngelPhotography](//\n*Photo Credit* // Brandy Angel Photography\n\n### 7. Check if the venue has disability access.\nYou want all your guests to arrive safely and comfortably. As you’re venue hunting, ask if each location has disability access. This will make or break an early-on decision about where you’ll host your ceremony, reception, or both. Your dream venue should be one where all your guests of all ages and abilities can easily access. \n\n### 8. Prepare a plan B for bad weather. \nIf you’re hosting an outdoor wedding, you’re in for a beautiful wedding with nature as your scenic backdrop. That said, you’re also potentially in for some elemental troubles. There are a number of outdoor wedding issues to account for and you need to be prepared with a plan B in the case of rain, or worse. Your venue and vendors should be able to assist you with coming up with a plan of action (or defense).\n\nCheck out our [guide to common outdoor wedding problems](—and their solutions, too. \n\n### 9. Add yourself to your catering order guest count.\nYou’re going to be busy, busy, busy on your wedding day, but you still need to eat! If you’re having a seated dinner, don’t forget to include yourself and your partner when you give the caterers a final headcount. Place your orders like any other wedding guest to make sure your food is ready when you need it most.\n\n### 10. Make a “Do Not Play” list for the DJ.\nIf you [chose a wedding DJ over a wedding band](, you have some extra liberty around what gets played at your wedding—and what doesn’t. Ahead of your wedding day, sit with your partner and put together a “do not play” list. Review it with your DJ and feel confident that you’ll skip the line dancing you so loathe.\n\n## More Wedding Details You Can't Miss\nStill need direction on the planning process? Here are some more little details you'll definitely want to add to your [wedding planning checklist](\n\n### 11. Organize transportation for yourselves.\nWhile you’re setting up transportation options for your guests and wedding party, don’t forget yourselves. Decide as a couple how you want to exit your ceremony and your reception. Many couples want total privacy to and from their various locations. Others may choose to leave their ceremony in a fancy car or carriage but hop on the party bus with everyone post-reception. It’s up to you entirely—just be sure to make the arrangements. \n\nAll the small wedding details may feel like a lot, but with careful planning, it will all be worth it when you see your vision come together on your big day.\n\n### 12. Book your officiant.\nIf you want your wedding to be official, you need someone who can legally marry you—or, in other words, your officiant. If you're having a friend or family member act as your officiant, make sure to let them know in advance so they have enough time to get certified—and if you're hiring an officiant, make sure to book them far before your wedding day, as many book up months ahead of time.\n\n### 13. Secure your rentals.\nSome reception venues come with everything you need to pull off your big day. But others require you to secure rentals—and if that's the case, you'll want to check that off your to-do list well before your wedding. Ask your venue what you'll need to rent (for example, linens, napkins, tables, or chairs)—and then ask if they have any rental vendors they can recommend so you can reserve what you need.\n\n### 14. Plan your accessories.\nChances are, you're not going to forget your dress. But it can be easy to forget the smaller details of your wedding style, like your shoes or jewelry. Once you pick your wedding dress, make sure to plan out your accessories and buy them in advance so they're ready to go on your big day.\n\n### 15. Buy family gifts.\nSome couples like to buy their gifts for their families as a \"thank you\" for helping with wedding planning—and if you're one of those couples, you'll want to add gift shopping to your to-do list.\n\n### 16. Pack flats for the wedding reception.\nSome people do well in heels. Others...not so much. If you struggle to walk in heels—but you're set on walking down the aisle in them—make sure to secure another, more comfortable pair of shoes for the reception (like a pair of ballet flats or sandals). That way, you can get out and enjoy the dance floor—without the discomfort of too-high heels.\n\n### 17. Order your guest book.\nMany guest books are custom made to order—so if you're planning to have a guest book at your wedding, make sure to order it well in advance.\n\n### 18. Confirm food allergies or dietary restrictions.\nMost wedding caterers will offer alternative meals for guests with allergies or dietary restrictions (for example, vegan guests)—but only if you let them know ahead of time. Make sure to collect any dietary information from your guests on their RSVP cards—and relay that information to your caterer by their deadline.\n\n![INLINE PhotoBySaraRieth-RomanticStorytelling](//\n*Photo Credit* // Sara Rieth\n\n### 19. Write (and print!) your vows.\nIf you're planning to write your own vows, you actually have to plan for it; otherwise, you may get caught up in other wedding tasks—and find yourself frantically writing your \"I do's\" the night before your big day. Schedule a few blocks of time on your calendar the month before your wedding to write your vows; then, schedule a time the [week of your wedding]( to make any necessary changes or edits. And don't forget to print out a copy!\n\n### 20. Assemble an emergency kit.\nHopefully, nothing will go wrong on your wedding day. But if it does, you want to be prepared! Assemble an emergency kit filled with items to tackle any potential wedding day mishaps, like a sewing kit, a stain remover pen, and extra deodorant.\n\n### 21. Order \"getting ready\" food.\nIf you and your bridal party are planning on getting ready together the day of your wedding, you'll want to have food on hand—and you'll want to order that food in advance. Consider getting brunch delivered—or, if that's not an option, designate a friend or family member to pick up food and bring it to your getting ready location. And don't forget drinks!\n\n### 22. Book your hotel block.\nIf you have guests coming from out of town, they're going to need hotel rooms. Many hotels will block off rooms and offer a discounted rate for weddings—so make sure to do your research, choose your hotel, and book your room block at least a few months before your wedding.\n\n### 23. Assemble welcome bags.\nYou want your out-of-town guests to be comfortable—and welcome bags are a great way to do that. The week before the wedding, carve out time to assemble welcome bags with snacks, drinks, and other wedding favors to make your guests comfortable; then, deliver the bags to the hotel and ask them to put them in your guests' rooms before they arrive.\n\n### 24. Set a point person to help with wedding photos...\nYour wedding photographer likely has a list of shots they'd like to capture on your big day—many of which involve other family members, members of the wedding party, or loved ones. But your photographer doesn't know who those people are—so you'll want to put someone (like a trusted friend) in charge of rounding up who your wedding photographer needs, when they need them.\n\n### 25. ...and to ensure nothing gets left behind.\nAt the end of your wedding, chances are, you're going to be exhausted. But you don't want to leave anything behind at the venue, so make sure to put someone (again, like a trusted friend or a wedding coordinator, if you have one) in charge of doing a sweep at the end of the night. If anything gets left behind, ask them to grab it and get it to you in the days following the wedding.\n","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:41:36.984Z"}],"name":"Wedding planning tools","slug":"wedding-planning-tools","description":"We breakdown all of the must-know wedding planning tools to help make planning your wedding seemless. Discover articles on tools that help you keep track of your budget, guest list, RSVPs, gifts, and more. Learn which tools to use and how best to use them to create the wedding you envision, stress-free."},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding planning questions","slug":"wedding-planning-questions"},"slug":"what-are-the-bridesmaid-duties","title":"The Bridesmaid Duties: A Full Breakdown","excerpt":"Being a bridesmaid means agreeing to a fairly long list of responsibilities. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of bridesmaid duties.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2018-12-18T17:46:36.309Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bridesmaid Duties"},"heroCredit":"Christggan Photography","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"Being a bridesmaid means agreeing to a fairly long list of responsibilities. As a part of the the Bride Tribe, a bridesmaid is expected to plan and attend all pre-wedding parties, help out with aspects of the wedding planning as needed, and be totally present and available to the bride on the wedding weekend. We’ve divided the list of bridesmaid duties into tasks that occur before the wedding and then actually on the big day. Every friend, sibling, or relative who’s asked to be a bridesmaid should have no trouble fulfilling her role if she follows these guidelines.\n\nPre-Wedding Bridesmaid Duties\n1. Shop (and Pay) for Bridesmaid Attire \n2. Help Plan (and Pay) for the Bridal Shower \n3. Help Plan (and Pay) for the Bachelorette Party \n4. Attend Any Other Pre-Wedding Events \n5. Book Travel & Hotel Reservations \n6. Attend the Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner \n7. Help Support the Bride Emotionally \n8. Help With Wedding Planning Tasks \n9. Buy a Wedding Present \n\nWedding Day Bridesmaids Duties\n1. Get Ready With the Bride \n2. Assist the MOH \n3. Provide Getting-Ready Snacks \n4. Be the “Bride Tribe” \n5. Participate in the Ceremony \n6. Be Photo-Ready \n7. Be Model Guests (and the Life of The Party) \n8. Maintain a Stress-Free Send-off \n\n## Pre-Wedding Bridesmaid Duties\nThese are the main duties that bridesmaids are typically expected to perform in the months and weeks leading up to the wedding:\n\n### 1. Shop (and Pay) for Bridesmaid Attire\n\n\nBridesmaids may be asked to visit a bridal shop as a group to try on and select dresses together, or each woman may be asked do her own shopping and simply send her measurements and dress pick to the bride (or to a chosen shop). If the [bridal party]( isn’t wearing matching attire, the bride may simply ask that each bridesmaid select her own outfit and share a photo to make sure it coordinates. Here are some additional tips when it comes to shopping for bridesmaid attire: \n- Whether shopping together or individually, follow the bride’s wishes with a smile on your face.\n- Be on time with your presence, your information, and/or decisions. \n- Provide supportive and sensitive feedback on the choice of bridesmaid attire *__only when requested__*. \n- Be prepared to pay for your own bridesmaid dress, jewelry, and shoes. \n\n### 2. Help Plan (and Pay for) the Bridal Shower \n\n\nThe bridal shower may be a shared responsibility among the bridesmaids, the maid of honor, or the parent(s) of the bride or groom—however, bridesmaids are expected to at the very least attend the shower, and if there are no other hosts that step forward, to help the MOH with the [shower planning]( and execution. \n\n### 3. Help Plan (and Pay for) the Bachelorette Party\n\nWhile the bulk of the bachelorette party planning usually falls to the maid of honor, the rest of the bridesmaids should lend her a hand wherever possible. This might include helping to secure travel plans, accommodations, activities, and transportation, as well as divvying up the costs between each bridesmaid so the bride’s expenses are covered.\n\n### 4. Attend Any Other Pre-Wedding Events\n\n\nWhether it’s an engagement party, a couples’ shower, or a gathering of helpers to do some wedding DIY over beers and pizza, bridesmaids are expected to attend all pre-wedding activities to the best of their abilities. \n\n### 5. Book Travel and Hotel Reservations \n\n\nBridesmaids should take care of their own transportation and accommodations for the wedding weekend. It’s a good idea to do this early on, so you can be sure your travel logistics are convenient to both the schedule and location of important events. Whenever transportation is not already provided, the bridesmaids should figure out how they’ll get from place to place during the festivities.\n\n### 6. Attend the Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner\n\n\nBridesmaids should be present at both the ceremony rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. Not only is this a practical concern—everyone involved in the ceremony needs to know where to assemble, enter, exit, and where to sit or stand during the service—but as a member of the bride’s support crew, she’ll need you there during these final moments of preparation before the big day. \n\n### 7. Help Support the Bride Emotionally\n\n\nAs her best friends, siblings, relatives, and just generally the people she wants surrounding her on this huge life decision, bridesmaids carry the role of being the bride’s emotional rock. Wedding planning can come with its fair amount of stress, so bridesmaids should check in with her throughout the process, ask what she needs, and do their best to thoughtfully and sensitively support her feelings. \n\n### 8. Help With Wedding Planning Tasks\n\n\nWhile bridesmaids are not wedding coordinators, florists, caterers, or cake bakers, they might be asked to help with certain smaller wedding planning tasks within reason. Activities such as stuffing envelopes, alphabetizing escort cards, getting hands-on with some easy DIY projects, or even making trips with the bride to pick out rentals or attend her hair and makeup trial are tasks where the bridesmaids can lend a hand.\n\n### 9. Buy a Wedding Present\n\n\nAs with any other wedding guest, bridesmaids should buy a wedding gift for the couple off of their [Wedding Registry]( and have it shipped to their address before the wedding. The only time this expectation may be removed is if you’re serving as a bridesmaid at a destination wedding and your presence (i.e. travel expenses) are considered gift enough. Going in on a big-ticket [group gift]( with all of the bridesmaids can be a fun way to give the couple somthing they really want! \n\n## Wedding Day Bridesmaid Duties\nOn the big day, bridesmaids help ensure everything goes smoothly for the bride, her maid of honor, and the majority of the wedding guests. Here’s how: \n\n### 1. Get Ready With the Bride\n\n\nBridesmaids should plan on showing up at the designated getting-ready location on time, with all of their gear (bridesmaid attire, shoes, jewelry, makeup, undergarments, etc.) in hand. Besides getting themselves aisle-ready, the bridesmaids should do whatever they can to assist the bride during this time, such as: \n- Keeping her smiling, laughing, calm, and collected\n- Answering any incoming texts, calls, or logistical questions for her \n- Making sure she eats something and stays hydrated \n- Pouring celebratory bubbly for everyone to enjoy \n- Keeping hair and/or makeup appointments on track \n- Helping her into her dress\n- Assisting her with her shoes, jewelry, or veil\n\n### 2. Assist the MOH\n\n\nThe maid of honor has a pretty big job on the wedding day. Bridesmaids should serve as her right-hand ladies, helping out with whatever tasks are needed—whether that’s making a last-minute run to the drugstore, coordinating with the photographer or wedding planner, or providing (and keeping track of) a wedding day emergency kit. \n\n### 3. Provide Getting-Ready Snacks\n\n\nIf no other arrangements have been made for getting-ready sips and snacks, the bridesmaids should take it upon themselves to provide these treats. Everyone—from the bride to her mother to even the photographer and beauty stylists—will appreciate the gesture and benefit from some food and drink throughout the busy day.\n\n### 4. Be the “Bride Tribe”\n\n\nBridesmaids should embody the concept of being the support crew for the bride and the maid of honor in all ways during the big day. They can also serve as a point of contact for guests and vendors when it’s helpful. Here are some tasks the bridesmaids can cover to be of service:\n- Double-check that all members of the wedding party and any special family members have their personal flowers (bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, flower crowns, or toss petals). Assist with pinning on boutonnieres or other floral accessories as needed.\n- Help guests navigate the venue, such as directing them to parking areas, bathrooms, handicap access, exits, and if applicable, the bar or refreshments station.\n- Standing near the gift table, guest book, or wedding favors to help direct and facilitate guests’ participation. \n\n### 5. Participate in the Ceremony\n\n\nBridesmaids should be in place at the ceremony venue on time, (most likely hidden out of sight), and ready for their cues to process down the aisle. Keep chatter to a minimum and be respectful of the planner, officiant, or whomever is running the show. During the actual ceremony, be sure to hit your rehearsed mark, fulfill any other roles you’ve been assigned during the actual service, and then process out of the ceremony according to plan. \n\n### 6. Be Photo-Ready\n\n\nIf the wedding party didn’t pose for photographs with the happy couple before the ceremony, typically these group photos occur right after the ceremony at the beginning of the cocktail hour. Rather than dispersing into the crowd, bridesmaids should stick together and be ready to follow the photographer’s commands—gathering stray folks for these shots can be tiresome, not to mention steal precious minutes away from the couple’s ability to enjoy their cocktail hour. \n\n### 7. Be Model Guests (and the Life of The Party)\n\n\nBridesmaids should mingle and chat with other guests, enjoy the food and drinks offered, sit down at their dinner table when asked, participate in guest-related activities like signing the guestbook or visiting the photo booth, listen to, applaud, and/or give any speeches (that have been pre-arranged), witness the special dances, and boogie down (tastefully) when it’s dance floor time.\n\n### 8. Maintain a Stress-Free Send-off\n\n\nFinally, bridesmaids should help the maid of honor, coordinator, or the couple’s parents assemble any items than need to be transported out of the reception venue at the end of the night. These packables might include: \n- Any getting-ready clothing or gear \n- Extra/unused ceremony programs, favors, or sparklers \n- Leftover alcohol \n- Any decor or signage that was personally provided (not rented) \n- The bride and/or bridesmaids’ bouquets\n- Wedding cards and gifts\n- The guest book\n- Special toasting flutes, cake servers, or cake plate\n- A basket of late-night leftovers (packaged by the caterer)\n- The top tier of the wedding cake\n- A few slices of late-night wedding cake (packaged by the caterer)\n- The bride and/or groom’s wedding attire, if they’ve changed into getaway clothes\n\nIn addition to making sure the above items leave the venue in the right vehicle(s), bridesmaids can lend a hand with these final logistical tasks: \n- Make sure all guests make it onto the right shuttle buses, find their cars, or otherwise make it safely out of the venue.\n- Hand out pre-addressed tip envelopes to the vendors.\n- Make sure the bride and/or groom’s overnight bags make it to their wedding night hotel room. \n- Organize guests to the after-party, if there is one. \n","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"What's the difference between a wedding party & a bridal party? Learn more & get expert planning tips to help you prepare for the big day.","title":"Bridal Party vs. Wedding Party: What's the Difference? ","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-party-and-do-you-need-one","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"formal portrait of wedding party. Bride and bride maids with bouquet are sitting on stair in the front , Groom and groom men are standing at the back"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"You want to include everyone in your wedding party, but you know you can't. If you're having a hard time deciding who and how many, here's exactly how to figure out how many people should be in your wedding party.","title":"How Many People Should Be In Our Wedding Party?","slug":"how-many-people-in-wedding-party","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"indian couple gets married with wedding party"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Explore creative ideas to plan the perfect bachelorette party weekend. Get tips on how to plan the guest list, budget, itinerary, and more.","title":"A Guide to Bachelorette Parties","slug":"a-guide-to-bachelorette-parties","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"bride in white silk robe laughing with bridesmaids in mint green bride tribe tank tops"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Get all your questions about bachelor parties—from who is responsible for planning to what to do—in this comprehensive guide. ","title":"A Guide to Bachelor Parties","slug":"a-guide-to-bachelor-parties","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"groom and groomsmen"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"A wedding registry is a personalized collection of gifts that an engaged couple has specifically chosen for their guests to shop from in order to make the wedding gifting experience simpler, easier, and more satisfying for everyone.","title":"What Is a Registry (And Why Do You Need One)?","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-registry","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding gifts from a Zola registry including copper Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Le Creuset turquoise ramekins, and a copper Vitamix blender"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn the how-to's of wedding invitation wording, plus formal and casual wedding invitation examples from the experts.","title":"Wedding Invitation Wording: A Complete How-To Guide","slug":"how-to-word-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"green and white wedding invitation on green background"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This bridal shower guide will introduce you to the basics of bridal showers: traditional bridal shower etiquette (and which of those “rules” you can break), whom to invite, what to do, and who pays for it all.","title":"A Guide to Bridal Showers","slug":"a-guide-to-bridal-showers","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"a bridal shower card labeled \"soon to be mrs.\" on the grass next to a few pastel-colored bridal shower cookies"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"The cost of a wedding cake will depend on factors like size, shape, & decor. Read our guide to gain insights on the average cost of a wedding cake this year.","title":"How Much Does the Average Wedding Cake Cost in 2025?","slug":"a-guide-to-wedding-cake-costs","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Graphic of pink wedding cake with heart cake topper and price tag"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Dress to impress! Your go-to guide for wedding guest attire, from formal to casual. Find the perfect look for every dress code and celebration.","title":"Wedding Guest Attire: A Guide to Every Dress Code","slug":"what-to-wear-to-a-wedding","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding guests laughing with bride at wedding receptions"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:45:19.350Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding planning questions","slug":"wedding-planning-questions"},"slug":"choosing-your-wedding-month","title":"How to Choose The Best Wedding Month ","excerpt":"Choosing your wedding month and date is a crucial first step in the wedding planning process. Here's how to decide on the best time of the year to get married. ","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2019-06-13T15:54-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"best month for wedding"},"heroCredit":"Unsplash","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"Choosing your wedding month and date is a crucial first step in the wedding planning process, along with choosing your venue, photographer, and caterer. The time of year in which you decide to get married will dictate a lot of your subsequent planning, and will stick with you for the rest of your life (hello, anniversary). \n\n## What is the Best Month for a Wedding? \nJune, September, and October are considered the best months for a wedding. June, traditionally, is the most popular month to get married, simply because of the mild weather. With that being said, there’s no wrong time to get married to the love of your life (though it does help to have good weather). \n\nIn most parts of the country, the late spring through early fall months are typically thought of as “wedding season,” but there is so much more to it than that. Let’s walk through the year and look at the pros and cons of each potential wedding month.\n\n__Note__: Keep in mind that while season matters greatly, geography is a factor as well. We have broken the seasons down very generally below, but even still, a winter wedding in the Florida Keys is going to differ drastically from a winter wedding in Lake Tahoe, where the cold weather and snow hazards will be much greater. Be sure to factor in your location when picking your perfect wedding month.\n\n## Spring\n. . . . . . . . . . .\n\n### March, April, May\n\nMarch comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. April showers bring May flowers. These are the traditional sayings that correlate with the spring months that we love so dearly. Emerging from the cold of winter, spring is such a welcoming time to host your special day. Without many calendar conflicts (St. Patrick’s Day, Passover, and Easter are the only holidays in the spring), your spring wedding should see good attendance. And after the drab, loneliness of winter, your friends will probably be busting at the seams to get out and celebrate with you.\n\nA spring wedding is a gamble, though, simply because the weather is so unpredictable. Will it be sunny and warm, or is a cold snap going to hit? Even still, the gamble may pay off if you can land one of those quintessential warm, flowery days. In April and May especially, you might begin to encounter increased pricing and competition with other brides for vendors and venues as “the season” set in. We’re talking: wedding season.\n\n![Colin-Lyons-Photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Colin Lyons Photography](*\n\n![3-2](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Pauline Conway Photography](*\n\n![4-2](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Sarah and Rachel](*\n\n![onelove-photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [onelove photography](*\n\n![michelle-jones-photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Michelle Jones Photography](*\n\n## Summer\n. . . . . . . . . .\n\n### June, July, August\n\nWedding season is in full swing by mid-May, with June being traditionally the most popular wedding month. These hot months offer long days and vacation time. Many of your wedding guests will be able to get away from their lives to attend your ceremony thanks to more relaxed work schedules and school breaks. Far removed from the winter holidays, your guests are more likely to have a little extra room in their budgets for travel and wedding gifts. With an abundance of flowers and fruits in season, a summer wedding allows for countless floral options and your pick of delicious produce.\n\nHowever, these sunny wedding months are not quite that simple. Rising temps is definitely something to take into account, especially if you’re planning an outdoor ceremony. While it may look like a glorious day outside, if it is 100 degrees, you are going to be one sweaty bride with a bunch of hot and sticky guests. You can also just go ahead and count on venues and vendors being harder to book with steeper prices because of peak wedding season competition. Finally, vacation plans or other weddings may conflict with yours when it comes to your guests’ attendance.\n\n![sera-petras-photography-1](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Sera Petras Photography](*\n\n![10-1](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [JoPhoto](*\n\n![loved-memories-photography-videography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Loved Memories Photography & Videography](*\n\n![11-1](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Limelight Photography](*","body2":"## Fall\n. . . . . . . . . .\n\n### September, October, November\nOh [fall weddings](, how loved you are! There is something so magical about the changing of the leaves and the cool, crisp air. A fall wedding month will make for cooler temperatures, happier party guests, and less bugs. And with a plethora of pumpkins, there are some very festive and unique [wedding themes]( to embrace.\n\nIn these autumn wedding months, possible conflicts include the beginning of a new school year, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. There are also fewer flowers in season, so you may have to be willing to re-imagine your ideal floral arrangements. And if you and your partner are football fanatics, a fall wedding month might prove difficult to schedule around big game days. What if you accidentally plan your wedding for the most important match-up of the season?\n\n![FALL-PIC-Nick-Davis-Photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Nick Davis Photography](*\n\n![13-1](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [JoPhoto](*\n\n![B.-Dembowski-Images](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [B. Dembowski Photography](*\n\n![suzanne-karp-photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Suzanne Karp Photography](*\n\n![megan-rolfe-photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Meghan Rolfe Photography](*\n\n## Winter\n. . . . . . . . . . .\n\n### December, January, February\nA winter wedding month can be a hidden gem. Gleaming fireplaces, evergreen trees, snowy winter landscapes, less wedding competition (and thus the ability to negotiate prices), and more vendor/venue availability make a winter wedding very appealing for couples. There is something so romantic about wrapping up in warm blankets in front of an early sunset and clinging to each other for warmth.\n\nBut for all of the pros, there are still some cons to a winter soirée. Depending on the location of your wedding, getting snowed in (or out) could be a factor for outdoor wedding venues. There is less green outside, making for less picturesque landscapes that might force your wedding photos indoors. And… Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Years. While these holidays are considered “the most wonderful time of the year,” they can create many conflicts for your special day. Traveling can be more expensive and difficult around the holidays, not to mention that money will most likely be a bit tighter for people, too.\n\n![17](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Jennings King Photography](*\n\n![dana-widman-photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Dana Widman Photography](*\n\n![Beautiful Winter Wedding Color Schemes](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Felicia Marti Photography](*\n\n![modern-wedding-photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Modern Wedding Photography](*\n\n![Heather-Erson-Photography](//\n\n*Photo Credit || [Heather Erson Photography](*\n\nHave you fallen in love with your perfect wedding month yet? Once you make a decision, be sure to put the date into your [Zola Weddings Checklist]( so you can get a whole bunch (or just a few) customized planning reminders up until the big day. Happy planning!\n","tag":"Getting Started","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_RealWeddings"}},"widget2":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Seasons_Quiz"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"How does one go about choosing a wedding venue? Here's the rundown on one of the first tasks you’ll need to accomplish after saying “yes!”","title":"10 Tips to Pick the Perfect Wedding Venue","slug":"how-to-choose-a-wedding-venue","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bridge and groom in front of the church"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Weddings are fun, but planning them can be stressful. Here are practical ways to deal with wedding planning stress.","title":"5 Effective Ways to Fight Wedding Planning Stress","slug":"ways-to-fight-wedding-planning-stress","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"woman using zola for wedding planning stress"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ve outlined the steps on how to make a guest list, and trim it, below. ","title":"How to Make a Wedding Guest List","slug":"how-to-make-a-wedding-guest-list","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola invitation suite and save the date on marble countertop"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Craft your dream wedding website effortlessly with Zola's step-by-step guide. Showcase your love story and details in style. Start creating today!","title":"How to Create Your Wedding Website: 10 Simple Steps ","slug":"how-to-make-a-wedding-website","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola wedding website as seen on a laptop computer"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"You're engaged—congrats! To help you ease into wedding planning, we’re here with a list of the very first things you should do once you get engaged. ","title":"The First 10 Things to Do When Planning a Wedding","slug":"the-first-10-things-to-do-when-planning-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"woman and man just after getting engaged in front of a sunset in a green field about to kiss"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Don’t miss a wedding planning detail with our complete, expert-crafted wedding checklist and timeline. Free, printable version inside!","title":"2024/25 Printable Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline - Zola","slug":"your-ultimate-wedding-planning-checklist","topic":"Wedding planning 101","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding planning checklist"},"type":"checklistPage"},{"excerpt":" ","title":"Who Pays For The Wedding? Everything You Need To Know","slug":"who-should-pay-for-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Asian family with bride and groom looking down at a paper and smiling"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-06-03T02:06:19.435Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding planning questions","slug":"wedding-planning-questions"},"slug":"a-guide-to-tipping-wedding-vendors","title":"How Much To Tip Wedding Vendors","excerpt":"Confused on how much to tip wedding vendors, which vendors to tip, and when to distribute tips? Fear not: explore our guide for tipping wedding vendors.","publishedAt":"2019-01-17T20:06:32.436Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"how much to tip wedding vendors and venue coordinator"},"heroCredit":"Lovesome Photography","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"You’ve signed the last check, paid the last deposit, purchased the final items, and settled up all the remaining balances…your wedding has been paid for! Or—has it? In the grand scheme of budgeting for your wedding, don’t forget to factor in funds for tipping wedding vendors. While not all vendors expect to be tipped for their services—instead choosing to make their prices reflect all the payment they feel they need—for some it’s an expectation to follow tipping etiquette in the wedding industry. Confused on which vendors to tip, how much you should tip each type of vendor, and when to distribute tips? Fear not: here’s a guide on tipping vendors.\n\n## Wedding Vendor Tipping Pointers\n\n1. Tips are a great way to show vendors your appreciation for their hard work at your wedding and may even be an unexpected surprise. You can also tip when you feel you’ve received extraordinary service.\n2. Check your contracts to be sure that gratuity has not already been included in the price.\n3. Generally speaking, you do not need to tip the owners of large businesses (just their employees). Small business owners, on the other hand, should be considered for tipping based on the quality of service you feel you’ve received.\n4. Tip or no tip, writing a thank you note to vendors who provided you with great service is always a thoughtful gesture and highly appreciated—as is leaving them positive reviews on wedding planning websites like [Zola for Vendors](\n\n### Who's responsible for tipping?\n\nWhen it comes to tipping wedding vendors, the responsibility for providing the tip can sometimes be a point of confusion, especially if someone else is covering the cost of the wedding. In the scenario where the bride's parents or another party are paying for the wedding, it is generally considered thoughtful and appropriate for your as the couple to handle the tipping on their own. \n\nTipping vendors is a gesture of appreciation for their hard work and dedication in making the wedding day special. Even if someone else is funding the event, you've likely been involved in selecting and working with the vendors throughout the planning process, making it fitting that they express their gratitude through tipping. By taking on this responsibility, you can ensure that the vendors who contributed to your big day are properly acknowledged and thanked for their efforts.\n\n## How Much to Tip Wedding Vendors (by Vendor Type)\n\nWhile your tip should depend on your wedding budget and level of satisfaction & a few other factors, here are some quick guidelines on how to tip your wedding vendors, with additional protocol & tips below:\n\n- Photographers & Videographers: 10% of the total package cost if opting for a percentage, or $50-$100 per person\n- Wedding coordinator/planners: 10-20% of the total bill (up to $500)\n- Wedding Venue Coordinator/Catering Captain: $250-500, or 15-20% of the food and drink bill\n- Officiant: $50-$100\n- Ceremony Musicians: $15-$20 per musician\n- Florist: $50-100\n- Hairstylist & Makeup Artist: 15-20% of total\n- Transportation: 15-20%\n- Wedding Band: $25-$50 per musician\n- Wedding DJ: 10-20% of total\n- Reception Waitstaff: 15-20% of labor costs on food & drink bill\n- Reception Bartender: 10% of the total bill\n- Delivery Personnel: $5-$10 per person\n\n### Wedding [Photographer(s)]( and [Videographer(s)](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional; consider tipping second shooters or staff beyond the business owner(s).\n- __Amount:__ Although not required, consider tipping wedding photographers and videographers 10% of the packgae cost or $50-$100 per person. You could also provide a good review as another nice gesture for their photography services. \n- __Timing:__ At the end of the reception.\n\n### [Wedding Planner](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional; about 50% of couples tip.\n- __Amount:__ Although wedding planners don’t expect a tip, if you’d like to show your appreciation for examples of exceptional service, consider offering a tip that’s 10-20% of the total bill (up to $500).\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the reception, or mail it after the honeymoon.\n\n### Wedding Venue Coordinator/[Catering Captain](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Expected, based on contract. If service fee is not included, tip according to below.\n- __Amount:__ Wedding venue coordinators and catering captains should be tipped $250-500, or 15-20% of the food and drink bill.\n- __Timing:__ If included in the contract, the final bill is due before the wedding. If not, at the end of the reception.\n\n### Officiant\n\n- __Protocol:__ Expected, depending on officiant. If s/he works for a church or synagogue, you might consider making a donation to that institution additionally.\n- __Amount:__ A wedding officiant should be tipped around $50-100 for the officiant alone, depending on how much time they’ve spent with you pre-ceremony. Consider a $100-500 donation to the religious institution.\n- __Timing:__ Prior to the wedding (when paying the ceremony service fee), or after the rehearsal.\n\n### [Ceremony Musicians](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional; consider the complexity of their setup and/or performance.\n- __Amount:__ Consider tipping each ceremony musicians $15-20 per musician.\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the wedding ceremony.\n\n### [Florist](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional or not expected, unless you really loved their work and service.\n- __Amount:__ Consider tipping your wedding florist $50-$100 of your total floral bill.\n- __Timing:__ Include a separate check with the final invoice, or mail it after the -honeymoon.\n\n### [Hair & Make-up Artist(s)](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Expected\n- __Amount:__ Wedding hair and make-up artists should be tipped 15-20% of your total charge (just like at a salon!). You can discuss with your wedding party whether on not you plan to cover this cost or if they're expected to.\n- __Timing:__ At the end of their service.\n\n### Transportation\n\n- __Protocol:__ Expected (but may be already included in the contract).\n- __Amount:__ Wedding transportation staff should be tipped 15-20% of your total bill.\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the night or after the final ride.\n\n### [Wedding Band](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional; consider their overall performance and responsiveness to your requests.\n- __Amount:__ Consider tipping your wedding band $25-$50 per musician\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the reception.\n\n### [Wedding DJ](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional; consider their overall quality and responsiveness to your requests.\n- __Amount:__ Although not required, consider tipping your wedding DJ 10-20%.\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the reception.\n\n### [Reception Waitstaff](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional, based on contract (check to see if a service fee is included). Tip on top of service fee only for exceptional service.\n- __Amount:__ Consider tipping your wedding reception waitstaff 15-20% of labor costs on your food and drink bill. Reach out to the your lead caterer or catering captain to determine the best way to ensure each person you plan to give a tip recieves theirs.\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the reception (or during set-up, to encourage great service).\n\n### [Reception Bartender](\n\n- __Protocol:__ Optional, based on contract (check to see if a service fee is included). Tip on top of service fee only for exceptional service. \n- __Amount:__ Consider tipping your wedding reception bartender 10% of the total liquor bill.\n- __Timing:__ At the end of the reception (or during set-up, to encourage great service).\n\n### Delivery Personnel (Wedding Cake, Rentals, Flowers, Etc.)\n\n- __Protocol:__ Expected\n- __Amount:__ Wedding delivery personnel should be tipped $5-$10 per person\n- __Timing:__ Leave cash envelopes with the coordinator or catering manager (whomever will be on site overseeing delivery and setup) to distribute the tip(s).\n\n## How to Deliver Tips \n\nIt is essential to consider streamlining the process, especially amidst the bustling activities of the big day. One solution to designate a member of the wedding party, such as the best man or maid of honor, to take charge of distributing tips. This delegation allows the couple to fully immerse themselves in the joyous occasion, free from concerns about managing tipping logistics. This arrangement becomes particularly advantageous if the couple plans a grand exit, as they won't be burdened with carrying envelopes while making their departure. By entrusting a trusted individual with the task, the vendors' hard work receives the appropriate appreciation, contributing to a harmonious and memorable celebration for all involved parties.\n","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"The cost of a wedding cake will depend on factors like size, shape, & decor. Read our guide to gain insights on the average cost of a wedding cake this year.","title":"How Much Does the Average Wedding Cake Cost in 2025?","slug":"a-guide-to-wedding-cake-costs","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Graphic of pink wedding cake with heart cake topper and price tag"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"How does one go about choosing a wedding venue? Here's the rundown on one of the first tasks you’ll need to accomplish after saying “yes!”","title":"10 Tips to Pick the Perfect Wedding Venue","slug":"how-to-choose-a-wedding-venue","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bridge and groom in front of the church"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Nervous about choosing your wedding colors? Don’t be: we’ve outlined some basic steps you can take to choose a wedding color palette that matches your vision and expresses your personality as a couple. ","title":"How to Choose Your Wedding Colors (+ Color Palette Ideas)","slug":"how-to-choose-your-wedding-colors","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding color palettes"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"A wedding registry is a personalized collection of gifts that an engaged couple has specifically chosen for their guests to shop from in order to make the wedding gifting experience simpler, easier, and more satisfying for everyone.","title":"What Is a Registry (And Why Do You Need One)?","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-registry","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding gifts from a Zola registry including copper Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Le Creuset turquoise ramekins, and a copper Vitamix blender"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn the how-to's of wedding invitation wording, plus formal and casual wedding invitation examples from the experts.","title":"Wedding Invitation Wording: A Complete How-To Guide","slug":"how-to-word-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"green and white wedding invitation on green background"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This bridal shower guide will introduce you to the basics of bridal showers: traditional bridal shower etiquette (and which of those “rules” you can break), whom to invite, what to do, and who pays for it all.","title":"A Guide to Bridal Showers","slug":"a-guide-to-bridal-showers","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"a bridal shower card labeled \"soon to be mrs.\" on the grass next to a few pastel-colored bridal shower cookies"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Dress to impress! Your go-to guide for wedding guest attire, from formal to casual. Find the perfect look for every dress code and celebration.","title":"Wedding Guest Attire: A Guide to Every Dress Code","slug":"what-to-wear-to-a-wedding","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding guests laughing with bride at wedding receptions"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:46:08.828Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding planning questions","slug":"wedding-planning-questions"},"slug":"what-is-a-wedding-party-and-do-you-need-one","title":"Bridal Party vs. Wedding Party: What's the Difference? ","excerpt":"What's the difference between a wedding party & a bridal party? Learn more & get expert planning tips to help you prepare for the big day.","author":"Emily Forrest","publishedAt":"2018-12-18T17:01:19.590Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"formal portrait of wedding party. Bride and bride maids with bouquet are sitting on stair in the front , Groom and groom men are standing at the back"},"heroCredit":"Zola","heroCreditUrl":"","tldr":"## The First Look ✨\n\n- A wedding party is the group of people chosen by the couple to support them from engagement to marriage. \n- Siblings, close family members, and best friends are often chosen to be part of the wedding party.\n- The bridal party is the group chosen by the bride to support her on the wedding day.\n- Some members of the wedding party have specific roles, like the best man who might be expected to plan the bachelor party, or the maid of honor who is often expected to plan the bridal shower and bachelorette party.\n","body":"A wedding party is a group of people chosen by the couple to support and celebrate them throughout their journey from engagement to marriage. The people chosen to be in a wedding party are typically close friends and family members of the bride(s) or groom(s). They are responsible for certain duties, both before and during the big day. Some of these wedding party duties include: \n\n- Planning pre-wedding activities such as showers and bachelor/bachelorette parties.\n- Helping the bride and/or groom get dressed and ready on the big day.\n- Participating in the ceremony by standing nearby after the bride’s grand entrance until after the couple exchanges their vows.\n- Historically, members of the wedding party would be the witnesses to a marriage, and would sign off on any sort of legal documentation necessary. \n\n## What’s the Difference Between a Wedding Party and a Bridal Party? \n- A __wedding party__ is the term for the entire group of people who participate in the ceremony alongside the couple—the maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and any children such as the flower girl or ring bearer. \n- The __bridal party__, is just the group chosen by the bride to support her on the wedding day. \n\nTraditionally, bridal party members are made up of only women. However, as more and more couples are choosing to do things in their own way, the bride is no longer confined to choosing just women to be in her support crew. Thus the term “wedding party” (or even “commitment crew”) is the more modern, all-inclusive term used to describe the people chosen by the couple to surround and support them on their special day. \n\n## Who Should Be in My Wedding Party?\nThere are three categories of people who are usually included in the wedding party:\n1. __Siblings:__ Any siblings, including step-siblings or future siblings-in-law, are often first on the wedding party list. \n2. __Close family:__ Cousins or other relatives near in age to the couple are also often a good fit for the wedding party.\n3. __Best friends:__ The bride and/or groom’s dearest pals are another good choice for the wedding party—but they should be friends that have, or will, stand the test of time. Keep in mind these are the people that will be in your wedding photos forever!\n\n## Traditional Wedding Party Roles\nAt weddings with a \"head table,\" the wedding party sits with the bride and/or groom. With a \"sweetheart table\", the couple is seated separately from their wedding party, but their closest friends and family are still in close proximity.\n\nHere’s a quick breakdown of the titles and roles you’ll find in a traditional wedding party, as well as lengthier explanations for what each of these roles are expected to do. \n\n- *__Pro Tip:__ While these are the textbook divisions of matrimonial labor, however you choose to assign responsibilities is completely up to you and your partner. If you want to plan your own bachelorette party, skip it entirely, or skip having a wedding party for that matter, do what feels right for you. However you seek outside support during your wedding planning, make sure you articulate nicely and clearly what you need from each of the important people in your life so that they can help you have the meaningful, important day you’re hoping for.*\n\n### Quick Look at Traditional Wedding Party Roles\n- Best Man: the groom’s main dude. \n- Groomsman: the groom’s auxiliary dudes.\n- Maid of Honor: the bride’s main lady.\n- Matron of Honor: the bride’s main lady, but she’s married.\n- Bridesmaid: the bride’s auxiliary ladies.\n- Junior Bridesmaid or Junior Groomsman: usually tween-age family members or children of the bride and groom’s closest\n- Flower girl or boy: usually somewhere between the ages of 3 and 12; petal-tossers.\n- Ring Bearer: usually somewhere between the ages of 3 and 12; ring or sign holder.","body2":"### Detailed Look at Traditional Wedding Party Roles\n- __Best Man:__ A close friend of the groom, the best man is predominantly responsible for the social aspect of the groom’s wedding party. He is expected to:\n - Plan the [bachelor party](\n - Attend the wedding rehearsal \n - Help keep the groomsmen on time throughout the big day.\n - Help out the groom and make sure he has everything he needs.\n - Assist with things like handing out programs to wedding guests or ushering before the ceremony.\n - Serve as keeper of the wedding rings (including handing them over at the correct moment during the wedding ceremony).\n - [Give a speech]( during the reception.\n - Share in the regular groomsmen’s responsibilities.\n\n- __Maid or Matron of Honor:__ Traditionally, the maid (or matron) of honor attends all pre-wedding events that the bride attends. Here are the maid of honor’s expected duties: \n - Help plan or host the bridal party luncheon.\n - Attend the wedding rehearsal.\n - Help plan or host the [bridal shower]( \n - Help plan or host the [bachelorette party](\n - Make sure all the bridesmaids are ready with their bridesmaid dress, hair, with hair and makeup and on time on the wedding day.\n - Provide refreshments during getting-ready hours.\n - Hold the bride’s bouquet during portions of the ceremony.\n - Help the bride navigate the bathroom in her dress.\n - Bustle the bride’s wedding dress before the reception.\n - Give a speech during the reception.\n - Shares in the regular bridesmaids’ responsibilities. \n\n- __Bridesmaids & Groomsmen:__ These wedding attendants share many of the same duties. Both bridesmaids and groomsmen are expected to: \n - Attend—and perhaps even plan—pre-wedding events such as the engagement party, bachelor or bachelorette parties, wedding showers, and wedding rehearsals.\n - Buy appropriate wedding attire and accessories.\n - Buy the couple a wedding gift.\n - Get ready with the bride or groom on the wedding day.\n - Process down the aisle and/or stand next to the couple.\n - Act as stand-in hosts as needed during the reception.\n - Hit the dance floor when requested.\n - Occasionally give a speech at the wedding reception.\n\n- __Parents of the Bride(s) or Groom(s):__ Traditionally, the bride’s parents and/or groom’s parents are expected to be involved in both the wedding planning, wedding rehearsals, and the actual wedding day itself, and may also share financial responsibility for part or all of the wedding. The parents of the bride and groom typically: \n - Serve as point people for extended or out-of-town families.\n - Serve as point people for guests who need extra assistance during the wedding ceremony and reception.\n - Some or all of the parents will give a toast at the rehearsal dinner and wedding reception, welcoming their new child-in-law and celebrating the union of their two families.\n\n - __Mother of the Bride:__ The bride’s mother can serve a similar role to the MOH in that she provides an extra level of support throughout the wedding planning process. Mothers of the bride usually help shop for the wedding dress, the bride’s necklace, costumes, and other important garments; she may also have a hand in planning the bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, and possibly a bridal luncheon for the bridal party and close female family members. On the wedding day, she helps the bride get ready, may walk her daughter down the aisle, and participate in the first dances. \n\n - __Mother of the Groom:__ The groom’s mother may perform some or all of the above functions, though she usually plays a slightly smaller role than the mother of the bride. The mother of the groom takes part in the mother-son dance.\n\n - __Father of the Bride:__ The bride’s father typically plays a smaller role in the run-up to the wedding, but has several duties on the day of the wedding. Some families choose to have a “first look” with the father of the bride, which allows the bride and her dad to spend some quality time together before the ceremony. The father of the bride often walks his daughter down the aisle and “gives her away” at the altar, either by himself or with the mother of the bride. He will also take part in the father-daughter dance.\n\n - __Father of the Groom:__ The groom’s father’s role is often even more limited, though in recent years more and more grooms have included their fathers as members of their wedding party or even asked their dads to serve as their best men. \n\n- __Other Family and Friends:__ Between (step)parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, you might have a whole horde of family knocking down your door to celebrate you and your partner on your special day...and that’s not even counting all your dear friends. Whether to choose to have a wedding party or not, you can find ways to expand your VIP roster by honoring your loved ones with specific roles or responsibilities. Here are a few ideas (feel free to get creative with titles):\n - Ceremony reader \n - Ceremony musician or singer\n - Ceremony greeter who hands out programs\n - Ceremony usher\n - Guest book attendant \n - Wedding officiant\n - Wedding Dj\n\n## Do You Need to Have a Wedding Party?\nThe short answer is no—having a wedding party is definitely not a requirement if it doesn’t feel right to you and your partner. There are plenty of reasons why a couple might not want any wedding party members: perhaps they have too many friends and family to choose from and don’t want to make tough choices, or perhaps they would prefer to have just the two of them up at the altar for a more intimate moment. If you’re eloping, having a very small wedding, or if this is not your first time getting married, having a wedding party might feel unnecessary. The choice to have a wedding party—and if so, who those people are—is totally up to you.","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_RealWeddings"}},"widget2":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Being a bridesmaid means agreeing to a fairly long list of responsibilities. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of bridesmaid duties.","title":"The Bridesmaid Duties: A Full Breakdown","slug":"what-are-the-bridesmaid-duties","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bridesmaid Duties"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"You want to include everyone in your wedding party, but you know you can't. If you're having a hard time deciding who and how many, here's exactly how to figure out how many people should be in your wedding party.","title":"How Many People Should Be In Our Wedding Party?","slug":"how-many-people-in-wedding-party","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Advice","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"indian couple gets married with wedding party"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Explore creative ideas to plan the perfect bachelorette party weekend. Get tips on how to plan the guest list, budget, itinerary, and more.","title":"A Guide to Bachelorette Parties","slug":"a-guide-to-bachelorette-parties","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"bride in white silk robe laughing with bridesmaids in mint green bride tribe tank tops"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Get all your questions about bachelor parties—from who is responsible for planning to what to do—in this comprehensive guide. ","title":"A Guide to Bachelor Parties","slug":"a-guide-to-bachelor-parties","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"groom and groomsmen"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"A wedding registry is a personalized collection of gifts that an engaged couple has specifically chosen for their guests to shop from in order to make the wedding gifting experience simpler, easier, and more satisfying for everyone.","title":"What Is a Registry (And Why Do You Need One)?","slug":"what-is-a-wedding-registry","topic":"Registry & gifts","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding gifts from a Zola registry including copper Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Le Creuset turquoise ramekins, and a copper Vitamix blender"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Learn the how-to's of wedding invitation wording, plus formal and casual wedding invitation examples from the experts.","title":"Wedding Invitation Wording: A Complete How-To Guide","slug":"how-to-word-wedding-invitations","topic":"Invites & paper","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"green and white wedding invitation on green background"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"This bridal shower guide will introduce you to the basics of bridal showers: traditional bridal shower etiquette (and which of those “rules” you can break), whom to invite, what to do, and who pays for it all.","title":"A Guide to Bridal Showers","slug":"a-guide-to-bridal-showers","topic":"Parties & events","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"a bridal shower card labeled \"soon to be mrs.\" on the grass next to a few pastel-colored bridal shower cookies"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"We’ll walk you through the steps of online wedding planning, highlighting all of Zola’s incredibly easy and intuitive online wedding planning tools that’ll make planning for the big day more fun and less frustrating.","title":"How to Plan a Wedding: A Step-by-Step Guide","slug":"how-to-plan-a-wedding","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola online wedding planning tools as seen on mobile, desktop, and tablet"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"The cost of a wedding cake will depend on factors like size, shape, & decor. Read our guide to gain insights on the average cost of a wedding cake this year.","title":"How Much Does the Average Wedding Cake Cost in 2025?","slug":"a-guide-to-wedding-cake-costs","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Graphic of pink wedding cake with heart cake topper and price tag"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Dress to impress! Your go-to guide for wedding guest attire, from formal to casual. Find the perfect look for every dress code and celebration.","title":"Wedding Guest Attire: A Guide to Every Dress Code","slug":"what-to-wear-to-a-wedding","topic":"Fashion & beauty","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"wedding guests laughing with bride at wedding receptions"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:45:23.818Z"}],"name":"Wedding planning questions","slug":"wedding-planning-questions","description":"Lots of questions come up when planning a wedding. Find answers to all of your wedding planning questions in these articles. From which vendors to tip to most common wedding etiquette questions to how to write thank-you cards, our experts guide you through."},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding decorations","slug":"wedding-decorations"},"slug":"wedding-themes","title":"75 Wedding Themes to Inspire Every Type of Couple","excerpt":"Looking for wedding themes to suit your personality and style? Zola has you covered with 75 of the best wedding theme ideas from classic to artsy to seriously unique.","author":"Jane Chertoff and Georgie Darling","publishedAt":"2023-12-20T00:00-05:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Grid of different wedding styles - glitz and glam, tropical, rustic, summer camp."},"heroCredit":"Zola","heroCreditUrl":"","tldr":"## Inside this article \n\n- The 25 most popular wedding themes\n- Do I need a theme for my wedding?\n- How do I choose a wedding theme?\n- 50 more wedding theme ideas","body":"The perfect wedding theme awaits you!\n\nChoosing your wedding theme is one of the most exciting parts of planning your big day. But with so many to choose from, where do you start? \n\nSure, you could keep it simple with a non-themed wedding. \n\nOr you could branch out with wedding aesthetics that perfectly match your personality and style. We’ve put together an extensive list of different wedding themes that can be tailored to all sorts of couples, tastes, and budgets. \n\nRead on for 75 of the most popular wedding themes, complete with visual inspo and decor tips to help you plan your own wedding day.\n\n## 25 most popular themes for weddings\n \nBefore we jump into all the types of wedding themes to choose from — whether you're classic or creative, glam or vintage, alternative or boho-inspired — we’ve rounded up some of the most popular wedding themes for today's soon-to-be-married couples:\n\n1. __Formal Contemporary__\n![venue](//\nStick to the basics with this upscale wedding theme that uses modern design elements. Draped fabrics, crystal chandeliers, and tall centerpieces will bring this sophisticated look together.\n\n2. __Classic Glam__\n![gabriella-clare-marino-lcGz6gZsSsk-unsplash](//\nA classic glam affair is dazzling and over the top, with luxurious details from the venue to the decor. Monochromatic color palettes are popular, with metallics mixed in to add glitz and glamor.\n\n3. __Natural__\n![3](//\nConsider an open-air courtyard to celebrate the beauty of nature throughout your wedding day. Eco-friendly wedding details such as edible favors and a sustainable exit help add detail to your natural wedding vibe.\n\n4. __Winter Wonderland__\nYour winter wedding celebration can glisten like snow with a winter wonderland theme. Use sparkles, snowflakes, and holiday decorations to achieve this dreamy aesthetic.\n\n5. __Full Bloom__\n![5](//\nIn spring, all the flowers are in bloom—and you can use those vibrant bouquets as inspiration for your wedding theme. Incorporate fresh spring flowers into every element of your wedding decor — from elaborate table arrangements to a floral arbor.\n\n6. __Modern Minimalist__\n![6](//\nLess is more with this simplistic theme that uses shapes, geometry, and small pops of color to come to life. You could even take it one step further, with a black and white wedding theme.\n\n7. __Mid-century Modern__\nEmbrace this retro (yet still modern) design style in your wedding decor with clean lines, sleek wooden textures, retro tablescapes and burnt orange furniture.\n\n8. __Art Deco__\n![8](//\nCelebrate the timeless elegance of the roaring ’20s with gold decor, sparkling sequins, feathers, and lots of bubbly. Use a wedding style color scheme of white, gold, and black for a sophisticated art deco design.\n\n9. __Classic Romance__\n![9](//\nThis timeless wedding theme comes with a soft, delicate palette of pinks and golds and traditional table decor such as bouquets made of roses and peonies. To set the romantic mood, provide candlelight and intimate seating for your guests.\n\n10. __Vineyard Chic__\nWine enthusiasts can make bubbly an important part of their wedding day with a vineyard chic celebration. To bring your vision to life, consider hosting your ceremony and reception at an actual vineyard and using wine bottles and corks as creative decor.\n\n11. __Botanical Theme__\n![11](//\nIf you plan to play up florals on your wedding day, consider a botanical wedding theme. This upscale garden party theme is luxe and sophisticated, and typically features metallic palettes and opulent floral displays. Send a floral save the date, wedding invitation, and wedding paper to match your wedding theme decor.\n\n12. __Rustic__\n![pablo-lancaster-jones-eIm1bSLSBSk-unsplash](//\nFor a rustic theme—which is popular with outdoor weddings—play up natural elements or homey decor (like plenty of greenery and mason jar floral arrangements).\n\n13. __Vintage Travel__\n![23](//\nAdventure seekers will love decorating for this theme that uses antique globes, postcards, and other vintage travel pieces as creative decor. Celebrate your wanderlust as you embark on the greatest journey of all.\n\n14. __Art History__\n![sara-darcaj-oXJ2SGSvZZs-unsplash](//\nFor a tasteful and refined affair, consider a theme that commemorates art history throughout its decor and design. A museum or small art gallery is the perfect setting for this eventful art lesson.\n\n15. __Country__\n![15](//\nBreak out the cowboy boots and country music at a ranch-style wedding. You can even incorporate ranch activities like hayrides and horseback rides if your venue allows it.\n\n16. __Shabby Chic__\n![16](//\nThis rustic-meets-vintage wedding style is all about romantic, soft textures and warm colors. Take something old and make it new again by decorating with antique centerpieces and light fixtures.\n\n17. __Tropical__\n![17](//\nYou don’t have to get married on the beach to embrace the island vibe. Use lush palms, exotic flowers, and conch shells to pull together a tropical wedding, and encourage guests to get into theme with resort wear.\n\n18. __Nautical__\nIf your ideal honeymoon is something water-based, a nautical theme might be the best choice for you. Anchor your love in place with a wedding theme that celebrates the high seas. Dress your celebration up with blue hues, breezy linens, and delicious seafood stations.\n\n19. __Beach__\n![19](//\nIf you’re dreaming of getting married barefoot, toes in the sand, then a beach wedding is for you! Embrace the shoreline with your decor and bouquet with a wedding arch made of dried poms.\n\n20. __Tea Party__\nHost a vintage tea party for a daytime wedding celebration that’s both casual and cute. Serve snacks on fine China, have bridesmaids carry parasols, and don’t forget delicate touches of lace in your vintage wedding invitations and decor.\n\n21. __Royal Wedding__\n![21](//\nThis is one of those wedding party themes that takes inspo from the experts. Channel the grace of Meghan Markle and the tradition of the British royal family with this romantic wedding theme. Myrtle flowers, London artwork, tiaras, and tea help make this look authentically chic.\n\n22. __French Countryside__\n![22](//\nIf you’re getting married at a chateau-style venue, consider saying “I do” the French way. This wedding theme mixes opulence with rustic chic. Make sure to bring lots of lavender, macarons, and baguettes baked with love.\n\n23. __Fall Foliage__\n![12](//\nUse the colors of fall to inspire your wedding style—think maroon, gold, and forest green.\n\n24. __Masquerade__\nWhether you’re channeling Venice or Mardi Gras, this fun and festive wedding theme is heavy on glitz, glamour, and mystery. You can even ask guests to join in on the fun with thematic masks. \n\n25. __Alice in Wonderland__\nTake your guests down a rabbit hole with this themed garden party idea. Bring the look together with eclectic touches such as clocks, cards, pocket watches, and pastels.\n\n## Do I need a theme for my wedding? \n \n\nThough having one isn't mandatory, having a wedding theme can help you decide on the style of your dress and bridesmaid dresses, the wedding cake/food you serve, the design of your [wedding website]( and invitations, the color of your flowers and more. Having a wedding theme can also help you create more cohesion with your other pre-wedding events—for example, connecting your wedding theme with your [bachelorette party theme](\n\n## How do I choose a wedding theme?\n \n\nIf you’re looking for wedding inspiration, you’ve come to the right place! Regardless of whether you are planning a fall wedding or spring wedding, there are plenty of unique wedding reception themes for you and your partner to choose from. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite wedding theme ideas that will provide inspiration for every type of couple, from book lovers to outdoor enthusiasts and more!\n\n## 50 more themes for weddings\n \nLooking for something a little more outside-the-box when it comes to your wedding theme? Read on for 50 more themes for weddings, inspired by art, culture, travel, movies and more.\n\n### Classic wedding themes with a twist\n\nIf you're a traditional, classic person, chances are you're going to gravitate towards traditional, classic wedding themes.\n\nBut \"classic\" and \"traditional\" certainly don't need to translate to \"boring!\" There are plenty of different ways to make these wedding themes unique and exciting, and an expression of your style as a couple:\n\n### Classic modern wedding themes\n\n26. __Preppy:__ Your country club wedding is the perfect stage for a preppy wedding theme. Combine bright accents and modern patterns together for a bold and flirty design in your modern [save the dates](, [invitations](, and [decor](\n\n27. __Feminine Maximalist:__ More is more with this colorful and bold wedding theme that plays up dramatic displays and quirky touches. Make your maximalism pretty in pink with cascading florals and bright embellishments.\n\n![wedding-themes-modern](//\nSources: [Mariah Naella]( | [Kate Merrill Photography]( | [J Wiley Photography]( | [Captured Frames]( \n\n### Classic glamorous wedding themes\n\n28. __Chic Estate:__ Old world glam takes center stage on the sprawling estate lawn during your ceremony and reception. Dress up your wedding tent with linens, lights, and floating florals for a look that’s elegant and refined.\n\n29. __Renaissance:__ Take your love back in time with this historical wedding theme. Consider replacing the traditional bridal dress with a medieval gown and serving up a menu full of ancient spices.\n\n### Classic rustic wedding themes\n\n30. __Farm-to-Table__: Make food the focal point of your day by creating an outdoor ambiance using organic decor and fresh menu offerings. Try an earthy palette and [centerpieces]( that feature fruits and vegetables.\n\n31. __Southern Charm__: Peach cobbler and citrus are just some of the fixings to serve at your Deep South-inspired celebration. Play up feminine details and casual elegance in your ceremony and reception.\n\n![wedding-themes-rustic](//\nSources: [Stacey Able Photography]( | [Mango Studios]( | [Lara Hotz]( | [Nichols Photographers]( \n\n### Classic destination wedding themes\n\n32. __Grecian:__ Host a wedding worthy of the gods by adorning your venue in drapes, vines, and earthy colors. Gold accents and greenery can help make the white and cream drapery pop.\n\n33. __Midnight in Paris__: You don’t have to go all the way to France to have a dazzling Parisian wedding celebration. Go full 1920s glam or create a more subtle vibe using nostalgic touches such as books written by Hemmingway as centerpiece decor.\n\n## Creative wedding themes\n\nWant to embrace a more bespoke vibe for your wedding? Then creative wedding themes might be just what you've been looking for. Think outside of the box while planning your dream wedding with these unique, creative wedding themes:\n\n### Creative seasonal wedding themes\n\n34. __Summer glamp:__ Go glamping for a laid-back camp-themed wedding with a touch of glamour. Elevate a barn or backyard venue with feminine furniture and festive food stations for a summer camp experience like no other.\n\n35. __Midsummer:__ Celebrate the Swedish Midsummer holiday with a summertime ceremony that is centered around florals. Host a daytime picnic where you and your guests relax in the sun while making flower crowns and wreaths.\n\n### Creative modern wedding themes\n\n36. __Postmodern industrial:__ Revitalize an unexpected venue space such as an old factory or abandoned warehouse with a gritty and contemporary spin by using sharp lines and sleek accents. This theme looks to the future of design so have some fun picturing what your postmodern world looks like.\n\n37. __Geode:__ This glittering gemstone wedding theme really rocks. Incorporate agate place cards, a geode cake design, and other stone accents to achieve this look.\n\n38. __Pop art:__ If you’re looking for a bright wedding theme that always stays relevant, throw a pop art wedding. This style, made famous by artist Andy Warhol, mixes pop culture items with more traditional pieces for a look that’s anything but boring.\n\n### Creative glamorous wedding themes\n\n39. __Desert chic:__ Achieve an earthy glam aesthetic—with a boho touch—by mixing elevated bohemian elements with desert plants. This is perfect for a summer wedding theme in the western heat. Send guests home with a succulent wedding favor to complete the theme.\n\n40. __Breakfast at Tiffany’s:__ Your wedding palette can’t get more luxurious than Tiffany Blue. This classy wedding theme will embody the late great Audrey Hepburn, so play up her timeless style with white and black fashion accessories.\n\n![wedding-themes-vineyard](//\n\n### Creative rustic wedding themes\n\n41. __Kentucky Derby:__ This upscale country wedding theme is perfect for spring weddings. Bring southern glitz and glamour into your day with derby favorites like chic hats, mint juleps, and of course, horses!\n\n42. __Patriotic:__ If you, your spouse, or someone you love has served, consider paying homage to their sacrifice with red, white, and navy blue wedding details. You can encourage veterans and service members to come dressed in uniform.\n\n### Creative vintage wedding themes\n\n43. __The Beatles:__ All You Need Is Love, and what better way to prove it, than with a Beatles-themed wedding? Get creative with a songwriting guestbook or tables named after your favorite songs. \n\n44. __1950s:__ Take it back to happy days with a retro rock-a-billy wedding. Wear a tea length wedding gown and perfectly coiffed hair to achieve the aesthetic, and set up a photo booth to capture all the fun.\n\n45. __Elvis elopement:__ Elope like you’re in Las Vegas, complete with your own Elvis Presley officiant. You can keep it casual with this vintage style ceremony.\n\n46. __Fantasy of flight:__ If you’re an aviation enthusiast, consider celebrating the fantasy of flight on your wedding day. Pick a former airport hangar as your venue, and have fun with vintage photography of famous journeys in the air.\n\n47. __Theatre:__ If you and your partner are film buffs, consider hosting your wedding at a historical theater. Make movie magic part of your day with popcorn, a film screening, and touches of old Hollywood glamor.\n\n48. __Peacock:__ Channel the glamor of 1920s lounges with a peacock wedding theme. This mod, chic wedding style uses the beautiful shades of peacock feathers to bring together the ceremony and reception details.\n\n![wedding-themes-vintage](//\n\n### Creative storybook wedding themes\n\n49. __Harry Potter:__ If you’ve ever dreamed of traveling to Hogwarts, a magical ball might be the wedding theme for you. Break out your wand, spell books, and chocolate frogs and throw a party that would make Potter proud.\n\n50. __A Midsummer Night’s Dream:__ Host a magical Shakespearean-inspired wedding in the height of summer — think fairy lights and greenery at a post-sunset celebration that’s heavy on the romance and wine.\n\n51. __Romantic Fairytale:__ Plan an upscale fairytale wedding that’s rich in romantics. Use a pink and white color palette for a dreamy aesthetic and add tasteful touches to your reception decor.\n\n52. __Great Gatsby:__ Celebrate the Jazz Age with a Gatsby-inspired party featuring diamonds, feathers, and glamorous accents — don’t forget the champagne towers and fringe.\n\n53. __Twilight:__ Edward and Bella knew a thing or two about love. Channel the infamous Twilight wedding outdoors with dangling florals and wooden furniture.\n\n54. __Enchanted Forest:__ Earthy couples can embrace the mystique of the forest with this wedding theme that features twinkling lights, hanging moss, and greenery vines.\n\n55. __Secret Garden:__ Take a page from the English novel and host a wedding inspired by the cozy and lush charm of a British garden.\n\n56. __Disney:__ Inspire childlike wonder with a Disney-themed wedding. Whether you focus on one story, such as Cinderella, or mix in elements from multiple fairytales, this theme is sure to evoke nostalgia in your guests. These [Disney-inspired Save the Dates]( and invitations come with free, Disney-themed wedding websites, too.\n\n![wedding-themes-storybook](//\nSources: [Stephanie Weber Photography]( | [Nirav Patel]( | [Abigail Malone]( | [Arte De Vie]( and [Blue Gardenia Events ](\n\n### Creative destination wedding themes\n\n57. __Bali Vibes:__ Even if you’re not saying “I do” with your toes in the sand, a Bali-themed wedding complete with rattan decor, vibrant flowers, and tropical floral decor will have you feeling the sunshine on your back on your special day.\n\n58. __Aloha Brunch:__ Host a Hawaiian-inspired luau during the day so you can take advantage of the sunshine and vibrant colors. The morning reception opens up new menu offerings like banana pancakes and mimosas.\n\n59. __Jungalow:__ What is a Jungalow wedding? Jungalow designer Justina Blakeney describes this design style as wild, cozy, and homey, with boho touches and lots of plants—perfect for a more bohemian wedding.\n\n60. __Yacht:__ This is not your average wedding on the water. Take your nautical up a notch with an upscale, black-tie wedding on (or inspired by) a yacht!\n\n61. __Under the Sea:__ Hold your under-the-sea nuptials at an aquarium so you can say “I do” alongside creatures of the deep. Decorate with turquoise, coral centerpieces, and sand dollars.\n\n62. __Rainforest:__ If you’re interested in hosting a private, tranquil affair, consider a rainforest-themed wedding. Pick a destination with rich, natural landscapes, send a destination wedding save the date, and play up the greenery decor.\n\n63. __Yoga Retreat:__ Enter marriage with a cleansed mind and spirit. You and your guests can reach a Zen state through meditation during the ceremony. Then dress up your reception with yoga-inspired relics and handwoven blankets.\n\n64. __Safari:__ If you and your spouse are animal lovers, consider a safari wedding theme. Embrace natural tones mixed with animal prints for an eclectic, bush-inspired vibe.\n\n### Creative alternative wedding themes\n\n65. __Rock ‘n Roll:__ Get inspired by rock stars from decades past with a wedding theme that celebrates your love for music, fashion, and eclectic decor. You can rock n’ roll all wedding night, and then party every day with your spouse from here on after!\n\n66. __Festival:__ If you and your partner love music festivals, consider a festival wedding where guests camp onsite, rock floral crowns, and dance into the night\n\n67. __Carnival:__ Be kids for the day with this wedding theme that lets you relive your childhood. Incorporate playful touches such as balloons, circus tents, and fair food.\n\n68. __Gothic:__ A castle-like venue is the perfect setting for a gothic affair. Consider ditching the white wedding dress in favor of something more thematic and don’t forget to light up lots of candelabras.\n\n69. __Steampunk:__ This chic and sexy wedding theme is reminiscent of the steam-powered aesthetics of the Victorian era. Have some fun with your wedding day outfit and encourage guests to get into the theme, too!\n\n70. __Celestial:__ If your love burns as bright as the stars in the galaxy, consider a celestial wedding to celebrate the sky. Star-crossed lovers can get decor inspiration and color palettes from astronomy, stars, and outer space with this out-of-this-world wedding theme.\n\n71. __Mountain:__ If you’re a morning person and/or lover of the outdoors, how about a hiking-themed wedding that has your guests up and active at dawn? Play up the hiking theme after your intimate, mountainside ceremony with a celebratory brunch reception.\n\n72. __Halloween:__ If you’re getting married in the fall, take advantage of the spooky season’s deep color palette and popular accessories such as pumpkins, smoke, and crystal balls.\n\n73. __Murder mystery:__ While you have everyone all dressed up, why not throw a murder mystery (and some funky accents) into the mix? Perfect for couples who love games, this wedding theme can be incorporated into the decorations, entertainment, and menu.\n\n74. __Game of Thrones:__ Winter is coming to your wedding with this theme straight from Winterfell. Let your wedding party get into character with faux fur, tiaras, and thick braids.\n\n75. __Superhero:__ Celebrate your favorite comics with a superhero wedding theme. Think a photo booth with props and costumes, a superhero trivia game, or cake toppers with your favorite characters.\n\nAfter you’ve found a wedding theme that will reflect you and your partner’s style, it’s time to start wedding planning. Shop for thematic save-the-dates, invitations, and decor elements on Zola’s [Wedding Boutique](\n\n![wedding-themes-alternative](//\n\nSources: [Uriel Photography]( | [Michelle Edgemont]( | [Nichols Photographers]( \n","tag":"Wedding Style","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"In this wedding style guide, find out why thinking about your wedding style early on will help you in your planning, and how to use Zola Inspiration to discover your own personal wedding vision. ","title":"What's Your Wedding Style? + 130 Decor Ideas","slug":"whats-your-wedding-style","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"What's Your Wedding Style? "},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"From unique venues to creative menus, Zola has the ultimate guide to having a unique rehearsal dinner.","title":"Unique Rehearsal Dinner Ideas","slug":"unique-rehearsal-dinner-ideas","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"List","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Unique Rehearsal Dinner Ideas"},"type":"articlePage"}],"featured":[{"excerpt":"How does one go about choosing a wedding venue? Here's the rundown on one of the first tasks you’ll need to accomplish after saying “yes!”","title":"10 Tips to Pick the Perfect Wedding Venue","slug":"how-to-choose-a-wedding-venue","topic":"Venues & vendors","tag":"How-To ","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Bridge and groom in front of the church"},"type":"articlePage"}],"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:51:26.817Z"},{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding decorations","slug":"wedding-decorations"},"slug":"mason-jar-cocktail-kits","title":"DIY Mason Jar Cocktail Kits Your Guests Will Adore","excerpt":"Putting together party favors for your wedding or bachelorette party can quickly get overwhelming. These mason jar cocktail kits are the perfect solution to showing you care without too much fuss. \n","publishedAt":"2019-07-22T16:20:34.333Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Mason-jar-cocktails"},"heroCredit":"Zola","heroCreditUrl":"","body":"Putting together favors for your wedding or bachelorette party is the perfect way to show your appreciation for your [friends and family]( Even so, when it comes down to actually giving a gift to each attendee, things can get overwhelming quick. \n\nSo, we put together these DIY mason jar cocktail kits. Whether you’re a margarita maven or cider connoisseur, these kits are a super simple way to make your guests feel warm and welcome (we mean before putting them to use!) Keep reading to learn how to make the cocktail kits or skip to all the recipes below. \n\n## How to Make a Mason Jar Cocktail Kit\n\nBefore you start, make sure to get an [accurate count]( of the number of guests you expect to attend. It also never hurts to have a few extra. Then, gather your materials:\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-materials](//\n\n- __Mason jar__: You can go large or small, but at least a pint or quart-sized jar will be perfect for most cocktails.\n- __Straw:__ Match the straw with the cocktail, or provide a straw in a contrasting color for a vibrant pop.\n- __Scissors__: You'll need scissors to cut the twine or string, as well as any gift tags you may attach.\n- __Twine__: Use twine, string, yarn, or even a ribbon (for a more refined look) to tie on the tag and mini liquor bottles.\n- __Drink tag__: Attach a tag to thank guests for coming, and let them know how to make their kits. We made printable tags for you! \n- __Mixers__: Some drinks will only require one ingredient, while others may need extras like simple syrup or tabasco. Depending on your cocktail, you may have to get creative to fit everything in the jar. \n- __Liquor__: The smallest bottle you can find at the store, typically 1.7 oz or about 50ml will be just the right size to tie on the outside of your kit.\n\n### Step 1: Add some small accents like paper filling or confetti for a stylish flair. \n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-step-1](//\n \n### Step 2: Place your mixer and any extra ingredients like Tabasco inside the jar\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-step-2](//\n\n### Step 3: Insert the straw, securing it in a position where it will stay put. \n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-step-3](//\n\n### Step 4: Attach a gift tag around the grooves of the jar and tie a knot.\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-step-4](//\n\n### Step 5: Hold your liquor to the knot and tie it just below the cap.\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-step-5](//\n\n### Step 6: Admire!\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-blissful-mary](//\n\nIt's that simple. Just repeat the process for the number of guests, and you'll have charming party favors for everyone in no time.\n\nTry out your personal favorite cocktail, or keep reading for more mason jar cocktail kit recipe ideas:\n\n## Bubbling Bride\n\nThis lime-less take on a Moscow Mule is perfect the perfect sparkling drink for an outdoor wedding. The light flavor and fizz of the ginger beer will be a welcome refreshment on a warm afternoon. For a clever ode to this cocktail’s usual copper mug, try tying in a copper straw. \n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-bubbling-bride](//\n\nWhat you’ll need: \n- Mason jar\n- Copper straw\n- Scissors\n- Twine\n- Drink tag\n- Ginger beer\n- 1.7 oz mini vodka\n\n__Mix it up:__ Not a fan of vodka? You can swap out the liquor for any other. Tequila makes a Mexican Mule, and bourbon makes a Kentucky Mule. Gin and whiskey also work! For a refined flair, try adding sprigs of lavender and a little container of lavender simple syrup. \n\nFor a bit more of a splash, you can include a powdered drink flavor packet. Cranberry and watermelon work especially well!\n\n## Apple of My Eye\n\nPlanning a winter occasion? Warm your guest’s hearts and hands with these spiked hot apple cider kits. Throw in a cinnamon stick, and you have the perfect cool-weather treat or [groomsmen gift]( \n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-apple-of-my-eye](//\n\nWhat you'll need: \n- Mason jar\n- Straw\n- Scissors\n- Twine\n- Cinnamon stick\n- Drink tag\n- 1.7 oz spiced rum\n- Hot apple cider packet\n\n__Mix it up__: Supply a bit of caramel flavoring, and you have yourself the liquid equivalent of a candied apple. Another fall favorite, maple syrup also pairs well with hot apple cider, lending it a decadent spin.\n\n## Blissful Mary\n\nStart your union off right with this uncomplicated take on a Bloody Mary. Still packed with plenty of spice, this kit is sure to impress even the most discerning guest. The jar contains everything you need to achieve this satisfying cocktail, with way less prep.\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-blissful-mary](//\n\nWhat you'll need: \n- Mason jar\n- Straw\n- Scissors\n- Twine\n- Drink tag\n- Mini tabasco\n- V8 vegetable juice\n- 1.7 oz mini vodka\n\n__Mix it up:__ As garnishes go, the bloody mary has seen it all. From celery to bacon, to full-on burgers, this cocktail goes great with anything savory. Swap the tabasco for Sriracha for a Thai twist. \n\nTo transform this cocktail into a tropical treat, skip the heavy V8 vegetable juice and pick up V8 Splash instead. Pair it with a little bottle of Malibu and your guests will be able to hear the ocean in their jars. \n\n## Mason Mar-jar-ita\n\nNothing beats the sweet and sour combo of a tasty margarita. This margarita in a jar will fit right in at a springtime party or wedding. \n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-mar-jar-rita](//\n\nWhat you'll need:\n- Mason jar\n- Straw\n- Scissors\n- Twine\n- Drink tag\n- 8 oz margarita mix can\n- 1.7 oz tequila\n\n__Mix it up__: As one of the most re-mixed drinks around, there’s no shortage of creative ways to do something new. Shake things up by adding some flavor packets in strawberry or raspberry.\n\n## Pop the Question\nIf you’re a fan of brunch drinks, this Bellini-inspired cocktail is perfect for you. These are the perfect favor for a bachelorette party or girl’s day. Just pop the tab on some sparkling wine, add in peach-flavored vodka, and you and your besties can enjoy a bubbly beverage any time of day.\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-pop-the-question](//\n\nWhat you'll need:\n- Mason jar\n- Straw\n- Scissors\n- Twine\n- Drink tag\n- Can of sparkling wine\n- 1.7 oz Peach flavored vodka\n\n__Mix it up__: Here’s the secret to sparkling wine: you can add any juice to it (or none!). Substitute the vodka for orange juice,pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, or peach juice. If you prefer bubbly beverages, swap the white wine for champagne or rosé!\n\n## Cocktail Kit Gift Tags\n![mason-jar-cocktails-all](//\n\nAfter you’ve collected your ingredients, packaged everything, and tied it all in a nice bow, there’s still something missing: gift tags. Take your mason jar to the next level with a gift tag that lets your guests know how much you [care about them](!\n\nWe went ahead and made them for you!\n\n\"mason-jar-cocktails-download-button\"

\n\n\n## Cocktail Recipes\n\nIf your wedding or party date is still far off, save a copy of these recipes so you can whip them up when it's time. They make a great touch for backyard or birthday parties, or even just as a personal treat. Here are all the recipes again below:\n\n![mason-jar-cocktails-infographic](//","tag":"Food + Drink","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-02-05T16:51:48.084Z"}],"name":"Wedding decorations","slug":"wedding-decorations","description":"Planning your wedding decorations and theme just might be the best part. Whether you're searching for beautiful ceremony backdrops, color palette inspo, or unique and trendy ideas, you'll find the inspiration you need to create a picture-perfect celebration."},{"featuredArticles":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding day","slug":"wedding-day"},"slug":"heres-exactly-what-to-put-in-your-wedding-welcome-bags","title":"12 Tips on What to Put in Your Wedding Welcome Bags","excerpt":"Greet your guests with thoughtfully curated wedding welcome bags. Find perfect favors & essentials to delight your guests as they join your celebration.","publishedAt":"2024-12-01T12:00-04:00","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"Zola image of blue wedding bag with tissue paper and a heart on front"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"__Inside this article:__ \n- Why have wedding welcome bags?\n- Ideas on what to put in wedding welcome bags\n- How to package wedding welcome bags\n- When to give out wedding welcome bags\n- Zola's expert tips on personalizing your wedding welcome bags\n- Who should receive a welcome basket?\n","body":"__TLDR:__\n- Practical things like snacks, water bottles, and a local map all add interest to wedding gift baskets.\n- You can use totes, boxes, or baskets to hold your wedding welcome bag items.\n- For out-of-town guests, have their welcome gifts ready as soon as they arrive—even waiting in their hotel room to surprise them.\n\n## Why have wedding welcome bags? \n\nWedding welcome bags are a great way to warmly greet [wedding guests]( as soon as they arrive at your festivities. These gift bags let family and friends know that you’re grateful they’re able to share your special weekend with you. Plus, wedding welcome bags are filled with items that will make guests’ experiences as comfortable—and memorable—as possible. \n\nAccording to McKenna Folmar, wedding planner at [Events by McKenna](, welcome gifts can make your guests feel appreciated. \"Wedding welcome bags are a delightful way to greet your guests, especially those who have traveled to join in your special day,\" she says. \"They offer a warm, personalized touch that can make your loved ones feel appreciated right from the start.\"\n\nIt's no wonder that welcome bags are particularly popular for [destination weddings](, but they’re also super common for local celebrations. They're a nice surprise for your wedding guests that can be waiting for them in their hotel room upon arrival. \"Wedding welcome bags are more than just a thoughtful gesture; they’re a chance to make your guests feel taken care of and excited for the weekend ahead,\" says Folmar. \n\nRead on for our tips on how to build and how to package your wedding welcome bags—and when you should give them out to guests. \n\n## Ideas on what to put in wedding welcome bags \n\nAccording to Folmar, the essentials are always a great place to start. She says, \"These are items that not only show thoughtfulness but also help make your guests’ experience smooth and enjoyable.\"\n\n### 1. Welcome note\nWhat would a wedding welcome bag be without a welcome note? Your note doesn’t need to be long—a simple, meaningful message is all that’s necessary. [Handwritten notes]( are always appreciated, but if time doesn’t permit, try to at least sign your names in ink. Don’t forget to include your wedding hashtag at the bottom of the note, too, or any other [social callouts]( you want to make. \n\n[Forever Moments]( wedding planner, Brittany Poole also added her insight. \"I highly recommend a hand written note for each bag,\" she says. Having the personalized touch of showing appreciation and adding specific anecdotes can make your guests feel extra special.\n\n![Wedding Welcome Bag Notes](//\n\n### 2. Itinerary\nEven the simplest wedding needs a plan. \"Including a simple wedding weekend itinerary ensures your guests are informed and know where they need to be and when,\" says Folmar. \"This can be especially helpful for out-of-town guests who may not be familiar with the area.\" For getaways or multi-day events, a detailed itinerary is crucial. Letting guests know where they need to be and when saves them from texting or calling you, or continuously logging onto your [wedding website]( \n\n### 3. Map\nIf you’re hosting a destination or an out-of-town wedding, include a map of the area and suggestions of things to do. \"Providing a small guide to the area with maps, restaurant recommendations, or must-see attractions can help guests make the most of their time, especially if they have some downtime during the weekend,\" says Folmar. \n\n### 4. Contact list\nWe recommend also including a list of contacts. You can add local emergency numbers and the names and numbers of the best people to reach out to for any questions—you and your fiance will havé enough going on.\n\n### 5. Snacks\nIt’s not a welcome bag if there’s no food. Well, it can be, but your guests will be happy to have their favorite snacks. Folmar says, \"Go-to snacks like granola bars, nuts, pretzels, or candy offer a little something for guests to munch on in between meals.\" \n\nThe welcome bag snack is also a great time to showcase a local treat, like homemade caramel squares or fresh shortbread cookies from a popular bakery. \"If you want to get a bit fancier, local specialties like artisan chocolates or regional treats are a fun way to elevate this standard,\" adds Folmar.\n\n![BluePhotoNYC InlineImage 1080x720](//\n*Photo Credit* // Blue Photo NYC\n\n### 6. Water bottle—or two\nThis is a necessary staple. If your guests are staying in a hotel, they may not feel comfortable drinking tap water. Offer water bottles that they can bring with them to events or can graciously grab the morning after your reception. It’s a wedding after all—people will be celebrating. Folmars insight? \"Whether guests are just arriving after a long journey or getting ready for a day of wedding festivities, having a bottle of water is always appreciated,\" she reveals.\n\n### 7. Mints\nWeddings are basically mixers for your guests. It’s a lot of small talk with a lot of people. Add in [passed hors d'oeuvres]( and things can get, well, stale. Keep everyone fresh with a small pack of mints. Add a tin of your favorite mints and guests can throw them in their clutches or suit jackets for the night. \n\n### 8. Something personal \nYour wedding welcome bag should be an extension of you and your partner. So, add a memento that’s reflective of your relationship. If you’re a huge tea lover, give guests a bag of your favorite kind. If your partner has a notorious sweet tooth, include their favorite [chocolate bar]( If you two are famous for your homemade jam, gift everyone a small jar. Include a little note or label to explain the item’s significance. \n\n\"Personalized items such as monogrammed tote bags, candles, or even custom koozies give your guests a little something to remember the weekend by,\" says Folmar. \"These extras show thoughtfulness and add an element of surprise.\"\n\n![vahdam-teas-set](//\n\n### 9. Single-serving alcohol\nHelp guests get the [party started]( with a cute mini bottle of champagne, a can of a local craft beer, or a sparkling rosé. You can also gift a mini liquor bottle and a small mixer. For example, a nip of gin and a can of flavored tonic will set the evening off—or end it—right. Throw in a colorful paper straw and bottle openers for a decorative touch.\n\n### 10. Beach towels\nHaving a waterside destination wedding? Your guests will love the idea of having a beach towel to take to the beach or pool. Destination wedding welcome bags are extremely fun for couples to curate. Just choose items that will aid your out of town guests throughout your wedding weekend. Gifts + a [beach wedding]( always equals a win in our book.\n\n### 11. Hangover kit\nHaving an open bar? Include a hangover kit in your welcome baskets. \"Hangover kits are both practical and fun,\" suggests Folmar. \"A mini hangover kit could include items like Advil, mints, an eye mask, and a hydrating drink or electrolyte powder to help your guests feel their best after a night of celebrating.\"\n\n### 12. Seasonal items\nBordering on the practical, include season-specific items for the comfort of your guests. \"For summer weddings, sunscreen, bug spray, and fans are great additions,\" recommends Folmar. \"In the fall or winter, think about including cozy extras like a small blanket or hand warmers.\"\n\n## How to package wedding welcome bags \nPackage your wedding welcome bags in a way that showcases your [wedding’s theme]( and your personality. If you’re getting hitched waterfront, for example, you may want a nautical-style tote with a rope handle. If your wedding is in a country garden, think floral-print paper bags with pastel ribbon. \n\n### 1. Gift bags\nVellum or craft paper bags are easy to personalize and decorate—and they’re budget-friendly. They also make packing and bringing them to your guests’ accommodations easy. Use a stamp or customized sticker to label each bag with your and your partner’s name and wedding date.\n\nIf you want something more playful, brand each bag with the [wedding hashtag]( Add tissue paper on top, and tie a ribbon around the bag’s handles to seal the gift. \n\n![Unsplash InlineImage 1080x720 (1)](//\n*Photo Credit* // Unsplash\n\n### 2. Tote bags\nTote bags are a take-home souvenir in and of themselves. This option may be better for smaller weddings as it’s definitely an expensive choice. You can go classic with a standard plain tote, or personalize the bags with a custom design or message. You can customize the bags with your couple monogram, your names, or just your wedding date and location. \n\n### 3. Baskets\nUnless they're collapsible, baskets may not be practical for a destiation wedding or guests who are flying. However, if you're willing to thrift and wash your baskets, this can be an economical way to provide something beautiful to house your wedding welcome present fo guests who are within driving distance.\n\n### 4. Boxes\nLike craft paper bags, paper or cardboard [wedding welcome]( boxes are easy to assemble and recycle—which is ideal for guests traveling light. Give a box the same treatment you would give a bag. Add a custom sticker, fill it with tissue paper, and add your items. It’s important to get a box that’s sturdy enough to hold your bag contents, too. \n\n![Wedding Welcome Box Ideas](//\n\n### 5. Burlap bags\nLove burlap? Instead of including it in your wedding decor, put your items inside of burlap bags complete with gift tags welcoming your friends and family. What to put in your welcome bag is as important as what you put it in, too. Bags made of burlap are also sturdy and pack well, meaning they're perfect for destination weddings. Your guests can use the bag for packing well beyond the wedding day.\n\n## When to give out wedding welcome bags \n\n### If you’re having a destination wedding…\nIf guests are coming from out of town at various times, it’s best to have their wedding welcome bag ready for them as soon as they arrive. \"Most couples opt to have the welcome bags delivered to the guests’ hotels,\" says Folmar. \"Coordinate with the hotel staff to have the bags placed in the guests' rooms or handed out at check-in. This way, your guests can enjoy them as soon as they arrive.\"\n\nIf possible, arrange for the bags to be ready in their rooms (if everyone is staying at the same accommodation), or have them handed out at check-in. Ask your wedding party to help organize this.\n\nThings to consider: If you’re traveling far for your [destination wedding](, you want to either have your wedding bags shipped to your location ahead of time or packed carefully and transported by your wedding party. Since it’s easy for things to get moved around or damaged in transit, don’t assemble the bags until you’ve arrived. \n\n### If you’re having a local wedding…\nIt’s pretty typical to have welcome bags ready at the various hotels or other guest [accommodations]( However, if your wedding is small or most of your guests are traveling from their homes day-of, you can also have welcome bags on display in a designated area of your venue.\n\n\"If you’re hosting a welcome party or rehearsal dinner, distributing the bags there ensures all your guests receive them at once and sets the tone for the weekend,\" advises Folmar. You can arrange gifts on a front table, stack on a decorative shelf, or have members of the [wedding party]( hand them out to each guest as they arrive.\n\n![Wedding Welcome Gift Box Ideas](//\nPhoto by Wijdan Mq on Unsplash\n\n## Zola's expert tips on personalizing your wedding welcome bags \n\nBeyond learning what to put in wedding welcome bags, you may also be wondering how to infuse your personality while designing gifts that really speak to your guests. Here are a few ideas from our expert team on personalizing your welcome gifts.\n- Use your wedding website to query your guests on what they like. If you're putting together snacks or drinks, you can surprise them with their favorites.\n- Also, make note if your guests have any allergies. Special diets, such as lactose-free or gluten-free, should be noted on their responses, and you can use this insight to curate the perfect goodie baskets.\n- Get ultra-personal by providing monogrammed items. An initialed travel beauty bag or personalized dish towel can add a specialty touch.\n- Have favorite products? Include them in your welcome goodie baskets. If you found an amazing natural suncreen, soothing lip balm, or game that's a surefire hit, put it inside. \n\nPoole suggests polling your guests beforehand to further curate your welcome gifts. \"Because I always recommend the couple ask their guests about any food allergies/dietary restrictions in the RSVP, the couple will also have that information to provide any alternatives to the original food/beverage selections for those specific guests,\" she adds. Poole also notes that adding his and hers food and beverages can further hone your selections. \n\nLastly, Poole recommends adding a location-specific gift to your welcome baskets. \"I tell the couple to include some type of location-based gift such as a keychain or cup,\" she adds. \"One of my bride's welcome bags had a Starbucks mug with the city they were getting married in.\" How thoughtful!\n\nFolmar also has ideas for locally-sourced treats. \"Incorporating items that highlight the location of your wedding adds a unique touch,\" she says. \"Hosting your wedding in California? Include local wine or a pack of gourmet almonds. For a wedding in New Orleans? Maybe some beignets or chicory coffee would be perfect.\"\n\n## Who should receive a welcome basket? \nOf course, wedding welcome bags aren’t required for all weddings (budgets are important, we get it!), they are a thoughtful addition that really adds to the guest experience. However, if you choose to have them, there is a bit of protocol to follow.\n\n\"As for etiquette, it’s recommended to provide welcome bags for all your out-of-town guests,\" advises Folmar. \"If budget allows, you may even consider including local guests, especially if they’re staying overnight at the hotel or attending the full weekend of events.\"\n\nAre you looking for more ways for your wedding guests to feel comfortable? Learn how to keep your guests informed about [changes to your big day]( and briefing them on [what they should wear](, Zola has all the answers you need.","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"stickyCta":{"copy":"Start Planning With Zola","url":""},"updatedAt":"2024-12-01T22:47:10.307Z"}],"name":"Wedding day","slug":"wedding-day","description":"Advice to make your wedding day go smoothly from start to finish. From ceremony timelines to wedding favor ideas to writing your vows, our experts help you plan the perfect wedding day."}],"featured":[{"type":"articlePage","topic":{"name":"Wedding planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding planning tools","slug":"wedding-planning-tools"},"slug":"wedding-planning-guide","title":"Wedding Planning 101: Ultimate Guide to Planning a Wedding","excerpt":"Your guide to planning a wedding from start to finish. Learn about all of our free wedding planning tools and so much more to help you on this journey!","publishedAt":"2023-12-07T16:53:05.833Z","heroImage":{"src":"//","altText":"bride and groom under veil"},"heroCredit":"Unsplash","tldr":"## Inside this article\n\n- Wedding Planning Timeline\n- Wedding Planning Checklists & Glossary\n- Creating a Wedding Budget\n- Choosing a Wedding Venue\n- Making a Wedding Website\n- Wedding Planning Tools\n- Selecting Your Wedding Vendors\n- Wedding Decor & Themes\n- Legal To-Dos\n- Wedding Planning Questions\n- Real Weddings","body":"You’re in love, you’re engaged, and you’re seeing the world through rosé-tinted glasses of celebratory champagne. Cheers! We are SO here for this. And you know what else we’re here for? You, planning your special day like a total pro. We know what you’re thinking: Can I really plan my own wedding? Between the vendors, the invitations, and the décor, wedding planning seems like a massive undertaking.\n\nTrust us on this one, though: You can [plan your own wedding]( Whether you want to save money or simply enjoy creative projects, wedding planning can be a fulfilling experience. Couples just like you do it every day. It doesn’t even have to be overwhelming with the right organizational tools and timelines — and don't worry, we've got you covered on both counts. Our handy wedding planning guide will help you handle all the to-dos before “I do!”\n\n## Wedding Planning Timeline\n \n\nBefore you plan your wedding, you need to plan for planning your wedding. And no, that’s not as crazy as it sounds! In fact, creating an outline of important tasks, dates, and deadlines will keep your stress levels low and your productivity high throughout the planning process. Then again, why create one yourself when we’ve already done it for you? Allow us to introduce our definitive [wedding planning timeline](\n\nOur printable checklist breaks down all your important milestones by month and effectively walks you through two years’ worth of wedding planning, from your first kiss as fiancés to your last wedding day dance. We’ve ensured that all major events are included, and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment with every checked-off item. Sticking to a schedule truly makes all the difference.\n\nWhile you’re at it, create a timeline for your wedding day (or wedding weekend, if you’re doing the traditional rehearsal dinner and morning-after brunch). It can be as detailed as you like, but we recommend planning your wedding by the hour. The more effort you put into outlining events, the easier it will be to relax and enjoy them. For a breakdown of a standard wedding day’s events including tips and time estimates, check out our [wedding weekend timeline](\n\n## Wedding Planning Checklists & Glossary\n \nWhen you’re planning a wedding, keeping track of tasks is almost as important as completing them. Our [wedding planning checklist]( will help you stay organized and send you friendly reminders to ensure you never miss a deadline. You can even delete, edit, and add tasks as your wedding plans evolve. Oh, and it’s free — regardless of whether you register through our [online store]( or use our [stationery]( Consider it an engagement gift from Zola to you.\n\nAside from regularly checking in with your checklist, you may want to brush up on some wedding planning language. In the world of weddings, “charger” and “train” may not mean what you think they mean. Our [glossary of wedding planning terms]( covers common words you’re bound to hear during the hustle and bustle of orchestrating your nuptials, so you’re not left scratching your head after a call with that caterer (or that pun we just made).\n\n## Creating a Wedding Budget\n \nIt’s tempting to dive right into visiting venues, hunting for the perfect attire, and curating your reception playlist — but first, budget! While it’s not the most romantic aspect of wedding planning, tackling financial details is one of the first things you should do. Why? Because weddings can be expensive.\n\nThe operative word here is “can.” They don’t have to be expensive. In fact, it’s completely possible to plan a dreamy wedding for way, way less than the average cost of $29,195[1]. If you’re wondering [how to plan a wedding on a budget](, you’ve come to the right place. And once we get budgeting out of the way, we promise we’ll move on to the fun stuff!\n\nTo determine your budget, ask yourself a few important questions:\n\n- __Who’s footing the bill?__ If you’re paying for the wedding yourself, you know how much money you want to spend — but remember to clearly communicate with your partner to make sure there are no surprises. If you’re expecting contributions from family members, you’ll want to determine exactly how much they’re willing to spend before you make any assumptions (or deposits).\n\n- __What’s the best use of my funds?__ Once you’ve figured out how much money you have to spend, it’s time to decide how you’ll spend it. Not only does budgeting help you manage your expectations (and save you the disappointment of realizing you can’t afford that $10,000 ballgown), but it also encourages you to prioritize your purchases. Do you care more about your location or your attire? Your guest list or your dinner menu? The occasional tough choice must be made, but remember, it’s all about what will ultimately make you happiest.\n\n- __How can I save money?__ If your budget is tight, there are countless ways you can save money. Get married on a weekday, snag that wedding dress at a sample sale or trunk show, or skip fancy wedding invitations and provide a simple liner that directs guests to your website. Pro tip: Sometimes it’s as simple as removing the word “bridal” from the equation — for instance, a bridal bouquet will cost more than regular flowers and a bridal hairstyle will be far more expensive than your standard blowout.\n\nIn addition to answering all of the above, determine how much of your budget you’ll allocate to each wedding expense and monitor your spending with a [wedding budget calculator]( like this. The wedding venue will likely be your biggest investment, so determine how much you’re willing to spend on your event space and then divide your remaining funds among other major expenses like catering, wedding rings, photography, flowers, and music. And speaking of your wedding venue…\n\n__Expert Advice:__ We make budgeting fun and stress-free. Find all of our articles about [Wedding Budgets]( here.\n\n## Choosing a Wedding Venue\n \nAside from choosing to get married, choosing where to get married is one of the biggest wedding decisions you’ll make. Your venue quite literally sets the scene for your special day. It should fit your carefully set budget, work with your schedule, and reflect your personal style — suffice to say, there’s a lot to consider. Fortunately, Zola makes it easy to discover, contact, and [book venues online]( We also have a few [tips for choosing your wedding venue](\n\n- __Decide what you want.__ Easier said than done, we know, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Set a time to sit down with your fiancé and bounce ideas back and forth. First off, decide whether you want to have your ceremony and reception at the same location. If not, you'll need to search for two venues. Then, try to picture your dream wedding. Does the ceremony take place in a country club or in a church? Are you after a bohemian or black-tie affair? Think about how you want your wedding to look and feel, and let that be your guide.\n- __Consider your guests.__ It’s a fact: Your wedding venue will impact your guest list. Not just due to its capacity, but due to its location. Weddings are expensive for your guests, too, and selecting a faraway venue will inevitably result in fewer attendees. A destination wedding can be a great way to guarantee a more intimate ceremony. If you’d like a good turnout, keep it local so your guests don’t have to shell out for accommodation.\n- __Start researching.__ Familiarize yourself with the areas you’re considering and the average venue rates in those areas. Once you’ve narrowed down your search to a few venues, gather information about those specific venues like their capacity, amenities, and whether onsite services are provided.\n- __Explore alternatives.__ It’s possible to forgo an official venue altogether. Say your parents have a lovely backyard or your aunt has a lake house you’ve always adored. If they’re willing to let you set up shop for the day, you’ve just scored yourself a free venue! Many public parks and beach spots in the U.S. are also available for events; you’ll pay a fee, but it’ll be much less than the cost of a standard venue.\n- __Schedule tours.__ This is the fun part. When you start visiting venues, it starts feeling real. Make a day of it with your significant other and a couple of close friends or your parents (especially if they’re helping you pay for it). Accept their input, but follow your instincts. If a wedding venue doesn’t feel like the one, it probably isn’t.\n- __Ask questions.__ Before your venue visit, assemble a list of questions to ask your tour guide. During your tour, take notes and photos. They’ll come in handy when you reflect on the experience later. Most venues offer wedding venue floor plans, which can be customized to illustrate your wedding and help you envision your wedding in the space.\n- __Scope out the surrounding area.__ Get to know the areas surrounding your top venues. If guests will be traveling to your wedding, check out nearby hotel and vacation rental options so you’ll have suggestions for them.\n- __Weigh your options.__ Once you've visited a few venues and chosen your favorites, it's time to compare and contrast. A pro/con list can be helpful here! Consider the venue price, space, whether it fits your vision, and how it made you feel.\n- __Book your venue.__ Some popular wedding venue locations are booked out years in advance, so you’ll want to secure your spot sooner rather than later. We’d recommend doing this at least nine months before your wedding or perhaps even further in advance if you’re getting married during a popular wedding month (May through October).\n\nThe decision is a big one — but once you choose your wedding venue, other aspects of your wedding will start falling into place. The time of day you want to get married, whether you’ll have an indoor or outdoor wedding, and where you’ll take your photos will become clearer once you can visualize your location. Your next step? Make a wedding website so your guests can start planning, too!\n\n__Expert Advice:__ See all of our articles on [Choosing a Wedding Venue]( for more insight into the process!\n\n## Making a Wedding Website\n \nOnce you’ve set the date, booked your venue, and prepped your [save the dates](, it’s time to create a website. Ideally, you’ll do this about six to eight months before your wedding. A wedding website serves as a hub for you and your guests. It’s where your invitees can go to RSVP, check out your wedding details, peruse your registry, and “aww” at your engagement photos. It’s also where you can go to review your RSVPs, update your event and registry information, and “aww” at your own engagement photos (don’t worry, we all do it).\n\nIn this modern world, a website is a pretty essential component of a wedding.\n\nThe good news? You don’t need to be a web designer to make a wedding website. You don’t even need to be creatively inclined. At least, not with us by your side! With tons of templates and a user-friendly interface, our [wedding website builder]( makes it easy to create a professional, beautiful website in no time at all. \nHere’s how:\n\n- __Step 1: Pick your platform.__ It doesn’t have to be Zola…but for the sake of this how-to, let’s say it is. Our website builder isn’t just accessible — it’s also free! Your budget can thank us later.\n- __Step 2: Select a template.__ Did we mention we have more than 200 customizable templates? Whether you’re after classic elegance, modern minimalism, or flirty florals, you’re bound to spot a style that makes you smile — and matches your wedding invitations and save the dates, too.\n- __Step 3: Choose your domain name.__ Play it straight or get creative while brainstorming a web address that represents you as a couple. Just make sure it’s available before you get attached! Once you’ve locked down a domain name, you can direct guests to your website on your save the dates.\n\nNext up, personalize the site with information about your wedding. Your website is the perfect place to add all those details that won't quite fit on the official wedding invitation. Here are a few things you’ll want to include:\nThe basics. List the date, time, and place each of your wedding events will occur.\n\n- __The attire.__ State your wedding dress code (or lack thereof). Those considering heels might appreciate a heads-up if they’ll be walking on sand or uneven terrain.\n- __Your registry.__ Tell your guests whether you’re accepting gifts or charitable donations for your wedding; if you are, include a link to your gift registry. For seamless integration, [create your wedding registry with Zola](\n- __Your story.__ This is optional, but it’s also pretty fun. Create an “About Us” page that tells your love story alongside favorite photos or a timeline of your relationship.\n- __RSVP information.__ Most invitees will appreciate the option to quickly RSVP online. Digital RSVPs are eco-friendly, more affordable, and easier for you to manage. However, some older invitees may prefer RSVPing by mail. When in doubt, give your guests the online option while also including a card with the invitation.\n- __Travel information.__ Provide helpful information regarding accommodation (like whether you’ve reserved a block of hotel rooms) and transportation (like whether you’re providing shuttles from the ceremony to the reception).\n- __Little details.__ Include any important notes about your reception and ceremony — for instance, whether children are welcome.\n\nAt this point, all that’s left to do is proofread, check your links, and publish your site! You can decide whether to make your site public or keep it password-protected for guests. Just make sure your site goes live before you send your save the dates. Ready to get started? For a 10-step guide to creating the perfect website, visit our [wedding website planning guide](\n\n__Expert Advice:__ Check out all of our articles on [Wedding Websites]( here.\n\n## Wedding Planning Tools\n \nUnless you’re an event planner by trade, planning a wedding will likely be the most significant endeavor of your (un)professional career. You’ll need more than the standard to-do list and a few scattered notes on your phone. Luckily, organizational [wedding planning tools]( aren’t hard to come by. We’ve created quite a few wedding planning tools for you, all of which are guaranteed to make planning easier.\n\nWe’ve already covered our [wedding planning checklist]( and [wedding website builder]( — two of the greatest wedding planning tools in existence, if we may be so dramatic — and we’re not ones to repeat ourselves. So. Moving on to the rest!\n\n__Wedding Registry Creator__\n\nOnce upon a time, building a wedding registry meant wandering through department stores with a little contraption that beeped when you aimed it at barcodes. Today, you can still totally do that, but you can also assemble an online wedding registry from the comfort of your own couch.\n\nOur [wedding registry]( allows you to quickly add items from thousands of top brands or select things from other stores of your choosing. You can browse items by category or a curated collection like \"At Home Spa\" or \"Build Your Bar.\" Already have enough stuff? Shift your focus to experiences and register for zero-fee cash gifts or gift cards for Airbnb, hotels, airlines, and more. Your registry will automatically update when a gift has been purchased, so you won’t end up with two toasters (unless you want two toasters). We’re not here to judge.\n\nBonus: After your wedding, we give you a 20% discount off of anything that’s left on your registry — and that offer stands for six months! Talk about a honeymoon phase.\n\n__Guest List Tracker__\n\nCreating a wedding guest list often leads to overthinking. Our [guest list tracker]( gives you a sense of control, even if you still can't decide whether to invite your college roommate who always wishes you a happy birthday even though you haven’t seen each other in years.\n\nAdd individual guests, couples, or families along with their addresses, contact information, and RSVP status. You can also specify how you’re related to your invitees and whether they’re definitely, maybe, or definitely maybe invited. Once you’ve added all your guests to the tracker, you can collect missing addresses, order free addressing for your save the dates and invitations, and enjoy automatic synchronization with your online RSVP list.\n\n__Seating Chart Organizer__\n\nOnce you’ve got your guest list sorted, it’s time to figure out where everyone will sit. Creating a seating chart isn’t inherently difficult, but you do have to wait until all your guests RSVP to finalize the seating arrangements. There’s not much you can do about that (aside from sending a friendly RSVP reminder via our guest list tracker), but you can remove all other stressful aspects from the equation!\n\nOur [seating chart tool]( is super straightforward. Simply navigate to your wedding event on our website and click “Create Seating Chart.” From there, enter the number of tables and chairs. This is where your online list of RSVPs comes in handy — the names of all your attendees are accessible directly from the seating chart tool, so all you have to do is assign a seat to each person. You can also edit your seating chart as much as necessary.\n\n__Expert Advice__\n\nWe’ve got your back. [Expert advice]( is just another way we're proving it. Here, you’ll find in-depth articles, advice, tips and tricks, and access to Team-Z (aka your own personal wedding advisors, available via [email](, [Instagram](, [TikTok](, and [Coffee Chats]( Browse topics like décor, honeymoon, and invites, and get the inside scoop on wedding trends from our seasoned pros.\n\nWhile we're on the subject of experts, it's time to select your wedding vendors.\n\n## Selecting Your Wedding Vendors\n \nHello, cake tastings! Vendors are the experts who bring the goods (and goodies) to your wedding. Your vendors will be an integral part of your big day, so approach the selection process with clear expectations — and an appetite, for the aforementioned cake tastings. Before you start, solemnly swear you’ll stick to your budget and make sure you’re aware of any vendor restrictions your venue might have.\n\nAnother important part of selecting wedding vendors is [developing a request for proposal]( No, not that kind of proposal! Also known as an RFP, this is a document that includes your wedding date, budget, expectations, and other important details about what you want from a specific vendor. When the vendor receives your request, they'll send you a proposal detailing what they can (and cannot) do for your big day. And when you use Zola to inquire with vendors, we provide the questions you should ask to get the answers you need.\n\nOn average, couples hire a whopping 15 vendors for their big day. Do you need that many? Absolutely not — but you’ll probably want to consider the following:\n\n- __Catering.__ When [choosing a caterer](, you’ll want to consider the type of meal service that suits your wedding. Sit-down service is the formal option, whereas buffet-style cultivates a more relaxed, “serve yourself” atmosphere. \n- __Desserts.__ The [wedding cake]( is a classic, but there are tasty alternatives. Pies, cupcakes, cookies, pastries, doughnuts, all of the above…anything goes!\n- __Bar and beverage.__ A *full* [bar]( is neither expected nor necessary, but your guests will appreciate an open bar if you can afford it. Provide a limited menu featuring a couple of specialty cocktails and a few classic standbys.\n- __Florists.__ [Flowers]( and weddings go together like you and your fiancé. From bouquets and boutonnières to centerpieces and walkways, a floral flourish is always welcome!\n- __Photographer and/or videographer.__ Hire a [photographer](, a [videographer](, or both to capture the magic of your wedding day.\n- __Band or DJ.__ A live [band or a DJ]( is essential for most couples — especially if a dance party is on the agenda. \n- __Beauty.__ Whether you want an intricate updo and makeup or help with styling and selecting the perfect accessories, a [beauty professional]( (or entire glam squad) will make sure you’re photo-ready on your big day.\n- __Officiant.__ As the person who guides you through your vows, an officiant plays a pretty important role at your wedding. Many couples enlist a family member or friend to perform this duty, while others hire a seasoned professional.\n- __Day-of coordinator.__ Don’t worry, you can still say you planned your own wedding even if you hire a [day-of coordinator]( All the plans are 100% yours! A day-of coordinator is merely there on the day of your wedding to ensure all your carefully laid plans are flawlessly executed. Not to mention, they’ll handle any last-minute issues that arise so you can relax, enjoy, and get hitched without a hitch.\n\nMake sure you meet potential vendors for trial runs, taste tests, and vibe checks. They should provide clear pricing, tell you exactly what’s included in their packages, and answer any questions. Traditionally, you’ll tip the drivers, valets, bartenders, cake bakers, catering staff, musicians, attendants, and delivery people on the day of your wedding. If you don’t see mention of a tip in their contract, it doesn’t hurt to ask what's expected.\n\nIf you’re searching for wedding vendors in a big city, narrowing down the options can feel a lot like resisting your favorite dessert: practically impossible. That’s why we feature favorite vendors on our [Wedding Venues and Vendors]( page. Shuffle through vendors in your area or take a quick quiz to find your best match. And remember: Only commit to vendors you genuinely love.\n\n## Wedding Decor & Themes\n \nYour wedding décor is what makes your venue yours. It’s what unites all the little details and transforms your wedding into a cohesive, one-of-a-kind celebration. That said, with so many options and trends, settling on one style can be tricky.\n\n__Find Your Style__\n\nNot sure where to start? Imagine your ideal venue. If you want to say your vows in a restored barn surrounded by sun-kissed meadows, a rustic theme could be your thing. See yourself dancing the night away in a swanky hotel? A formal, chic aesthetic may fit the bill. Other tried-and-true wedding décor styles are modern, vintage, whimsical, romantic, holiday/seasonal, and beachy/tropical.\n\nNote that while all weddings will have a style of décor, not all weddings will have a theme.\n\n__Lean Into a Theme__\n\nA theme can guide your décor in the same way your venue can, and many couples who have their hearts set on a theme will choose their venue to suit it, not vice versa. Movies, books, time periods, and locations are all popular sources of inspiration, and you’re bound to find something you like on our extensive list of [75 wedding themes](\n\n__Start Decorating__\nOnce you find your style or settle on a theme, you’ll find it much easier to start decorating. Every wedding is different, but décor generally includes the following:\n\n- Lighting\n- Table numbers and place cards\n- Guest book\n- Signage\n- Centerpieces\n- Florals\n- Aisle runner and markers\n- Dessert display\n- Altar arrangements\n- Menu\n- Table linens and tableware\n\nOur [wedding décor checklist]( will ensure you don’t miss a thing!\n\n__Get Inspired__\n\nTo explore beautiful wedding dresses, unique theme ideas, classy charcuterie spreads, DIY hacks, and more, try Pinterest. It’s an endlessly scrollable source of wedding inspiration that lets you pin your favorite images and create as many aspirational mood boards as your heart desires. To really hone your vision, head to Zola's Real Weddings. (More on that later!)\n\nWhen it comes to wedding décor, we have only one rule: Your chosen wedding décor and theme should speak to you and your partner. No exceptions!\n\nFor now, onto an aspect of wedding planning that doesn’t allow for quite so much creative freedom.\n\n__Expert Advice: __See all of our [Wedding Decor & Inspiration]( articles for the best wedding decor ideas.\n\n## Legal To-Dos\n \nThis is where making it official gets really official. Yes, it often feels like you’re planning one big party, but that doesn’t mean you can leave your t’s uncrossed (or your vendor contracts unsigned). Read on for a few legal to-dos:\n\n1. __Get a marriage license.__ Note that we said license, not certificate! You must obtain your marriage license prior to your wedding in order to receive your marriage certificate after your wedding. The process may differ depending on your location, so visit your state’s government website for specifics.\n2. __Complete vendor contracts.__ Your florist may feel like an old friend, but it’s in your best interest to get a signed [contract]( after enlisting their services. This allows you recourse in the event that *gasp* flowers are nowhere to be found on your wedding day.\n3. __Get liability insurance.__ Many wedding venues require you to sign a liability release when booking your wedding. That means that if anything goes wrong, you’re on the hook. In our world, all wedding days would be perfect days…but it’s good sense to protect yourself from unfortunate accidents with [liability insurance](, just in case.\n4. __Change your name…__ that is, if you’re [changing your name after marriage]( And if you are, we’ve got one made-up word for you: HitchSwitch. This service lets you skip the lines and change your name online in three simple steps. Queue-free is the way to be! \n5. __Discuss a prenup.__ Prenups aren’t for everyone, but they aren’t just for celebrities either. A prenup can protect both you and your soon-to-be spouse in the event of a divorce, and it's prudent if either of you has significant assets.\n\nYou should consider doing all of the above tasks, but definitely don’t skip the first three! What’s a bit of paperwork when it’s getting you one step closer to the best day of your life?\n\n## Wedding Planning Questions\n \nThroughout the process of planning your wedding, you’re bound to have many, many questions. We’ve organized a few pertinent ones for you to ask your venue, your vendors, and yourself.\n\n__Ask Your Venue__\n\n- What are the event space options?\n- How much is your deposit and rental rate?\n- How many hours will I have the space?\n- What services are included in my booking?\n- Can I bring in my own vendors?\n- What’s your parking situation?\n- When can I book?\n- What happens if I have to cancel?\n\n__Ask Your Vendors__\n\n- Can I see samples of your previous work?\n- Based on my budget, what services would you suggest for me?\n- How many weddings have you done?\n- What’s your cancellation policy?\n- Is a tip included in your contract?\n\n__Ask Yourself__\n\n- Am I clearly communicating with my partner throughout this process?\n- Am I staying true to my wedding vision when possible and compromising when necessary?\n- Am I making the most of all my resources?\n- Am I making time to connect with my partner and not talk about wedding planning?\n\nLucky for you, you're planning a wedding in the age of the internet. If you have a wedding planning question, it’s likely already been asked and answered on a wedding forum. Wedding-specific discussion threads and blogs can be a great resource for wedding planning because you can learn from the struggles and successes of other couples. You can also join our [Zola Community]( on Facebook, where newlyweds often share detailed recaps of their big days and the lessons they learned while planning their own weddings.\n\nAnd it goes without saying, but you can always ask us anything! Team-Z lives to answer your wedding questions. Email us at with what’s on your mind or visit the [Advisor page]( for more details!\n\n## Real Weddings\n \n[Real Weddings]( is the destination for engaged couples planning a wedding and searching for vendors. We created this platform so you can get inspired by the real weddings of couples like you!\n\nYou’ll find professional wedding photos, decked-out venues, magical fairyland dance floors, on-trend wedding cakes…we could go on and on, and you will too. Of course, that’s not to say there are no organizational features — you know us better than that by now. Our gallery can be searched by keyword and filtered by season, style, venue type, location, and color.\n\nThe best part? All the stunning images you see on Real Weddings feature real vendors. As in, best-in-class vendors that you can hire for your own wedding, tagged for your convenience. Simply glance to the right of your favorite photos and click on a vendor to view their Zola profile, complete with:\n\n- Verified reviews from Zola users\n- Rates\n- A gallery of their work\n- Biography\n- Location\n- Summary of services\n- Contact and social media information\n\nYou can either reach out right away or save them to your favorites list for later.\n\nFun fact: We’re always accepting new submissions from wedding photographers. If you ask yours to send us photos from your wedding, your special day can earn a place in the Real Weddings gallery.\n\n__Summary__\n\nWedding planning is only as complicated as you make it.\n\nYour wedding can be big or small, simple or extravagant. What's important is that you stick to your budget, mind those checklists, and cultivate a wedding day atmosphere that makes you happy.\n\nAfter all, once the planning is complete and you're walking down that beautifully decorated aisle as your loved ones cheer, all that really matters is the person you’re walking toward.\n\nWe may be biased, but Zola is an invaluable one-stop shop for all your wedding planning needs. Once you pop the question or say yes, hop onto our website and [create a free account](\n\nFrom there, you’ll have access to all the tools, checklists, expert advice, and other wedding planning necessities we just explored. The best part? We’ll even help you figure out what to do with all those [wedding leftovers]( and send thank-you notes to your guests and gift-givers. Planning your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, and we're here for you every step of the way!\n\n__FAQs__\n\n__Where do I start with the wedding planning process?__\n\nStart with the wedding planning basics: your budget, checklist, vision, and \nvenue. \n\n__What wedding planning tools should I use?__\n\nZola! Yes, that’s us. Here’s everything you’ll need: wedding planning [checklist](, budget tracker, [registry creator](, wedding website creator, venue and vendor marketplace, invitation shop, [guest list tracker](, [seating chart organizer](, and [expert advice](\n\n__What are all the steps in the wedding planning journey?__\n\nThe main steps of wedding planning include budgeting, creating a guest list and seating chart, sending invitations, creating a registry, finding a venue and vendors, making a wedding website, getting your marriage license, and putting together a timeline and checklists to keep track of everything. Check out our [15-step wedding planning guide]( for more!\n\n__How can I simplify wedding planning?__\nA simple wedding isn’t as elusive as it seems, and organization is key to streamlining your wedding planning process. If things start feeling too complicated, regroup and scale back. Ultimately, your wedding day is about marrying the one you love. 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