9 Easy Ways to Create Your Wedding Hashtag

Need inspiration for your wedding hashtag? Here's a complete guide to designing a wedding hashtag perfect for your big day.

By Monica Mercuri

Last updated February 5, 2024

couple with wedding hashtag
Photo by Zola

The First Look ✨

  • For your wedding hashtag, start with your names and play around with sounds, rhymes, and verbs that make for a clever combo.
  • Never be afraid to ask for ideas from friends, or to go the traditional route of combining your two names with your wedding date.
  • If you get stuck, try using a hashtag generator to spark some unique, pun-filled/punny, or pop culture inspired ideas.

Once the proposal seals the deal (... or maybe even beforehand), you and your partner may have wedding hashtags on the brain. Creating a witty or sentimental phrase to label your wedding journey on social media is a cute and smart way to capture your wedding planning process—and any parties (like the engagement party, bachelorette party, or bachelor party!) along the way. For some (we’ll call them natural hashtag writers!), coming up with a unique wedding hashtag comes easily. For others, it takes a bit more brainstorming.

Do you fall in the latter category? Not to worry! We’ve created a helpful wedding hashtag guide to help you come up with the perfect wedding hashtag well before your wedding day:

Use your names.

Just because your name isn’t an established wedding-related term, it may closely resemble one. Go beyond your standard spelling or the way your name sounds to create something special.

Sounds Like

Consider all the words your names sound like. To do this, say your name at a few different speeds (slow and quick). Your name may also simply sound like common wedding terms that you’re not thinking of. Keep a list of wedding-related words close by for reference. Some examples include: Some examples include:

  • Meng or Mint - Meant
  • Leong - Long
  • Holten - Hold
  • Kress - Dress

Rhymes With

Think about what words your first and last names rhyme with. Sit with your partner and brainstorm words that rhyme with or sound similar to your names. Remember, slant rhymes count too! Some examples include: Some examples include:

  • Valess - Confess
  • Crighton - Enlightened
  • Davis - Love is
  • Laughlin - Laughing

Action Verbs

Many names translate well as action verbs. Take advantage and think of a phrase that uses the associated verb in a cute way. Some examples include: Some examples include:

  • Chase
  • Hunt
  • Ryder
  • Hope
  • Art
  • Bill
  • Drew
  • Grant
  • Rose
  • Tip
  • Will
Photo by Brandy Angel Photography Inline 1080x720 Photo Credit // Brandy Angel Photography

Ask your friends.

It’s possible that you already have a couple nickname. There’s no shame in utilizing a name previously bestowed upon you in the earlier stages of your relationship. In fact, by deciding to incorporate your nickname into a wedding hashtag, you’re adding an extra touch of personalization to your special day.

What’s Your Wedding Date?

If you’re thinking of going the more traditional route and using your two names (or future last name), use the wedding date to make it personal. Adding in an exact date also helps create a distinction between you and other couple hashtags if you and your partner have common names. Some examples include: Some examples include:

  • KnowlesWedding2020
  • SarahandSteve052020
  • EricaLovesJoe121422

Alliteration Is All You Need

You know it, we know it. Alliteration just works. It’s OK to fall back on words that help convey a message of love, marriage, and a celebration. If you and your partner can’t land on any other words or phrases that really fit, go with alliteration. To help you brainstorm, here’s a list of wedding-related words—one for each letter of the alphabet.

  • Adoringly
  • Betrothed
  • Cherished
  • Dancing
  • Ecstatic
  • Forever
  • Gracefully
  • Happily
  • Ignited
  • Joyful
  • Kept
  • Love
  • Marriage
  • Never-ending
  • Outstanding
  • Picturesque
  • Quality
  • Romance
  • Sacred
  • Together
  • Unify
  • Very
  • Wonderfully
  • Xoxo
  • Young
  • Zesty

There’s a Generator for that

If you’re still stuck on finding a hashtag that is fitting for both you and your partner (and your wedding theme!), no worries! Many online free wedding hashtag generators exist to assist you. Most programs will ask for: your first and last name, your partner's first and last name, and wedding date. Before you know it, you have a hashtag.

Wedding Hashtag Ideas

Need help coming up with your own wedding hashtag? Here are X wedding hashtag examples to get your creative wheels turning:

Creative wedding hashtags

One of the most unique and creative ways to come up with the best wedding hashtag for your wedding? Find a fun way to incorporate your last name into the hashtag itself. Some examples include:

  1. IFoundMrWright
  2. WeAreOneInAWilliams
  3. TheScottsTieTheKnot
  4. LoveScottAHoldOnMe
  5. DreamsComeTruman
  6. ToHaveAndToHolden
  7. SoonToBeStilings
  8. DreamsComeSchrute
  9. ForeverFurman
  10. FinallyFurman
  11. I’llStandByHughes
  12. SomethingOldSomethingNewman
  13. WeValessOurLove
  14. AlwaysLaughlin
  15. LoveIsDavis

Cute wedding hashtags

If you can’t find a way to work your last name into the hashtag, not to worry! There are plenty of other cute hashtag options using your first names or initials, like:

  1. #RZKindOfLove
  2. #ChrisAndBelleKissAndTell
  3. #SarahAndMitchGetHitched
  4. #CarterAndTrueSayIDo
  5. #KressSaysYes

Simple wedding hashtags

While there are lots of fun ways to personalize your wedding hashtag, there’s also zero wrong with keeping it simple! Some couples prefer more simple and straightforward hashtags, like:

  1. #BrownWedding05042023
  2. #MadelineAndTylerWedding
  3. #KatieAndSamTieTheKnot
  4. #CarlyAndChristineWedding
  5. #MeetTheMasons
  6. #MrAndMrsThomas
  7. #MrAndMrAdams
  8. #MrsAndMrsScott
  9. #TheCartersGetMarried
  10. #KennaAndDavidSayIDo

Funny wedding hashtags

Your wedding hashtag doesn’t have to be all sentimental—this is a great place to showcase some humor, too. Some examples include:

  1. #NothingRhymesWith: If your last name is long and wonky, state the obvious.
  2. #StuckWith: Why not state the obvious?
  3. #AtLast: For those couples that took the long road to engagement, this adds a touch of funny by addressing the wait.
  4. #AfterLongAdoTheySayIDo: Another funny option for couples that took some time to get to the altar.
  5. Embrace The Pun: Lean into wordplay (or ask your wittiest friend to help with this)!
  6. Connect With Pop Culture: Think of popular movies, TV shows, and characters. Apply as needed. For example:
  7. #KeepingUpWithTheKlaus
  8. #EverybodyLovesRedmond
  9. #BreakingBen
  10. #TheGreatBritishWedding
  11. #MetMyJuliet
  12. #MetMyRomeo

Photo Credit // Monique Dao Photography

Alphabetically Creative Wedding Hashtags

Just to make things easy, here’s a list of all the hashtags we covered in alphabetical order:

  1. #AfterLongAdoTheySayIDo
  2. #AlwaysLaughlin
  3. #AtLast__
  4. #BreakingBen
  5. #BrownWedding05042023
  6. #CarlyAndChristineWedding
  7. #CarterAndTrueSayIDo
  8. #ChrisAndBelleKissAndTell
  9. #DreamsComeSchrute
  10. #DreamsComeTruman
  11. #EverybodyLovesRedmond
  12. #FinallyFurman
  13. #ForeverFurman
  14. #IFoundMrWright
  15. #I’llStandByHughes
  16. #KatieAndSamTieTheKnot
  17. #KeepingUpWithTheKlaus
  18. #KennaAndDavidSayIDo
  19. #KressSaysYes
  20. #LoveIsDavis
  21. #LoveScottAHoldOnMe
  22. #MadelineAndTylerWedding
  23. #MeetTheMasons
  24. #MetMyJuliet
  25. #MetMyRomeo
  26. #MrAndMrAdams
  27. #MrAndMrsThomas
  28. #MrsAndMrsScott
  29. #NothingRhymesWith__
  30. #RZKindOfLove
  31. #SarahAndMitchGetHitched
  32. #SomethingOldSomethingNewman
  33. #SoonToBeStilings
  34. #StuckWith__
  35. #TheCartersGetMarried
  36. #TheGreatBritishWedding
  37. #TheScottsTieTheKnot
  38. #ToHaveAndToHolden
  39. #WeAreOneInAWilliams
  40. #WeValessOurLove

Do’s and Don’ts When Creating a Wedding Hashtag Ideas

There are some things you’ll want to do when coming up with your wedding hashtag—and some things you’ll want to avoid.

Do’s and don’ts to keep in mind include:


  • Be creative. You want your wedding hashtag to be unique and memorable. So be creative with your ideas!

  • Have fun. Your wedding hashtag shouldn’t be a cause of stress. Have fun with the process! Brainstorm ideas with your partner and see who can come up with the funniest, silliest hashtag ideas.

  • Get your partner’s approval. Even if your partner isn’t involved in brainstorming hashtags, you’ll want to get their approval before you actually choose one; that way, you can make sure you both like it before you start incorporating it into your wedding.


  • Be inconsiderate. Some people love a funny or tongue-in-cheek wedding hashtag like #MarriedAtLast. But for others, it might hurt their feelings or embarrass them in front of wedding guests. When thinking of wedding hashtags, make sure to be considerate of your partner.

  • Steal someone else’s hashtag. If a friend or acquaintance had a wedding hashtag you loved, you may be tempted to take it for yourself. But if it’s a unique or personal wedding hashtag, don’t use it without their permission.

  • Be too generic. The whole point of a wedding hashtag is to make it easier to find wedding-related photos on social media. So don’t be too generic; otherwise, it will pull up all the photos of other couples that used that hashtag as well.

Ways to Encourage Guests to Use the Wedding Hashtag

Choosing the best wedding hashtag is the first part of the process. But then, you have to get your guests to actually use the hashtag!

Here are a few tips to ensure your guests actually use your wedding hashtag:

  • Tell them early and often. Include your wedding hashtag—and how to use it—on all of your wedding materials, including your Save The Dates, wedding website, and wedding invitations. Letting people know about your hashtag early and often will get them more familiar with it—and will increase the likelihood they’ll use it.

  • Put it on display. If wedding guests see your hashtag at the wedding, they’ll be more likely to use it to post photos. So make sure it’s on display in a variety of places—including on your wedding programs, wedding signs, and at your photo booth.

  • Ask them. If you want your wedding guests to use your wedding hashtag, just ask them! If the bride and/or groom don’t want to be responsible for getting guests to use the hashtag, they can also assign people (like the maid of honor and/or best man) to act as “wedding hashers,” gently reminding guests throughout the reception to use the hashtag.

Wedding Hashtag Tips

Once you’ve selected and decided upon your future wedding hashtag, there are some basic guiding principles you have to make sure it sticks. Here’s how to make your hashtag a hit:

  • Make it unique: You don’t want your photos mixing up with others on social media.

  • Intro it early on: Put your wedding hashtag on your invitations and wedding stationery, post it showers and other pre-wedding parties, print it on your programs, and definitely display it around your wedding venue.

  • Add it to your wedding website. Your wedding website is where wedding guests go to get wedding details—making it the perfect place to share your hashtag.

  • Display it around your wedding venue. If you want guests to tag wedding photos with your hashtag, you want to make sure to have plenty of reminders all over your wedding ceremony and reception. Print it on your program, add it to wedding signs (like your welcome sign and table number signs), incorporate it into wedding decor...the more guests see it, the more likely they’ll be to use it!

  • Incorporate it into your photo booth. Guests love to make their way over the the photo booth, so make sure your hashtag is on display nearby. You could even print your hashtag on your photo booth props!

  • Include it with/on your wedding favors. Guests may take a lot of photos at your wedding—but not actually post them. Adding your hashtag to your wedding favors, which go home with guests, is a great way to make sure your friends and family remember to post their photos—and that your hashtag is trending in the days following your wedding.

Make it funny.

Your wedding hashtag doesn’t have to be all sentimental—this is a great place to showcase some humor, too. Some examples include:

  • NothingRhymesWith: If your last name is long and wonky, state the obvious.
  • StuckWith: Why not state the obvious?
  • AtLast: For those couples that took the long road to engagement, this adds a touch of funny by addressing the wait.
  • Embrace The Pun: Lean into wordplay (or ask your wittiest friend to help with this)!
  • Connect With Pop Culture: Think of popular movies, TV shows, and characters. Apply as needed. For example: #KeepingUpWithTheKlaus or #EverybodyLovesRedmond
Photo by Monique Dao Photography Inline 1080x720 Photo Credit // Monique Dao Photography

Alliteration is all you need.

You know it, we know it. Alliteration just works. It’s OK to fall back on words that help convey a message of love, marriage, and a celebration. If you and your partner can’t land on any other words or phrases that really fit, go with alliteration. To help you brainstorm, here’s a list of wedding-related words—one for each letter of the alphabet.

  • Adoringly
  • Betrothed
  • Cherished
  • Dancing
  • Ecstatic
  • Forever
  • Gracefully
  • Happily
  • Ignited
  • Joyful
  • Kept
  • Love
  • Marriage
  • Never-ending
  • Outstanding
  • Picturesque
  • Quality
  • Romance
  • Sacred
  • Together
  • Unify
  • Very
  • Wonderfully
  • Xoxo
  • Young
  • Zesty

There’s a generator for that.

If you’re still stuck on finding a hashtag that is fitting for both you and your partner, no worries! Many online free wedding hashtag generators exist to assist you. Most programs will ask for: your first and last name, your partner's first and last name, and wedding date. Before you know it, you have a hashtag.

Wedding Hashtag Tips

Once you’ve selected and decided upon your future wedding hashtag, there are some basic guiding principles you have to make sure it sticks. Here’s how to make your hashtag a hit:

  • Make it unique: You don’t want your photos mixing up with others on social media.
  • Capitalize each word: This helps with readability.
  • Intro it early on and then keep doing it: Put your wedding hashtag on your invitations, post it showers and other pre-wedding parties, print it on your programs, and definitely display it around your reception venue.

A wedding hashtag makes it easy to share and compile all of the social media photos and moments on and leading up to your big day. Don't stress over it too much—just keep it unique and perssonal.

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planning 101","slug":"wedding-planning-101"},"subtopic":{"name":"Wedding decorations","slug":"wedding-decorations"},"slug":"9-easy-ways-to-create-your-wedding-hashtag","title":"9 Easy Ways to Create Your Wedding Hashtag","excerpt":"Need inspiration for your wedding hashtag? Here's a complete guide to designing a wedding hashtag perfect for your big day.","author":"Monica Mercuri","publishedAt":"2019-08-05T18:34:53.701Z","heroImage":{"src":"//images.ctfassets.net/77l22z9el0aa/23UVWEQPhMa4e3bqlKEXQj/30624e2537f56014b66d9109d45a464f/Hero_New__1_.jpg","altText":"couple with wedding hashtag"},"heroCredit":"Zola","tldr":"## The First Look ✨ \n\n- For your wedding hashtag, __[start with your names](https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/9-easy-ways-to-create-your-wedding-hashtag#start)__ and play around with sounds, rhymes, and verbs that make for a clever combo.\n- Never be afraid to __[ask for ideas from friends](https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/9-easy-ways-to-create-your-wedding-hashtag#friends)__, or to go the traditional route of combining your two names with your wedding date.\n- If you get stuck, try using __[a hashtag generator](https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/9-easy-ways-to-create-your-wedding-hashtag#generate)__ to spark some unique, pun-filled/punny, or pop culture inspired ideas.","body":"Once the [proposal seals the deal](https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/how-to-announce-your-engagement) (... or maybe even beforehand), you and your partner may have wedding hashtags on the brain. Creating a witty or sentimental phrase to label your [wedding journey on social media](https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/9-savvy-ways-to-use-social-media-at-your-wedding) is a cute and smart way to capture your wedding planning process—and any parties (like the engagement party, bachelorette party, or bachelor party!) along the way. For some (we’ll call them natural hashtag writers!), coming up with a unique wedding hashtag comes easily. For others, it takes a bit more brainstorming.\n\nDo you fall in the latter category? Not to worry! We’ve created a helpful wedding hashtag guide to help you come up with the perfect wedding hashtag well before your wedding day:\n\n## Use your names.\n \nJust because your name isn’t an established wedding-related term, it may closely resemble one. Go beyond your standard spelling or the way your name sounds to create something special.\n\n### Sounds Like \nConsider all the words your names sound like. To do this, say your name at a few different speeds (slow and quick). Your name may also simply sound like common wedding terms that you’re not thinking of. Keep a list of wedding-related words close by for reference. Some examples include:\nSome examples include:\n- __Meng or Mint - Meant__ \n- __Leong - Long__\n- __Holten - Hold__\n- __Kress - Dress__\n\n### Rhymes With\nThink about what words your first and last names rhyme with. Sit with your partner and brainstorm words that rhyme with or sound similar to your names. Remember, slant rhymes count too! Some examples include:\nSome examples include:\n- __Valess - Confess__\n- __Crighton - Enlightened__\n- __Davis - Love is__\n- __Laughlin - Laughing__ \n\n### Action Verbs\nMany names translate well as action verbs. Take advantage and think of a phrase that uses the associated verb in a cute way. Some examples include:\nSome examples include:\n- __Chase__\n- __Hunt__\n- __Ryder__\n- __Hope__\n- __Art__\n- __Bill__\n- __Drew__\n- __Grant__\n- __Rose__\n- __Tip__\n- __Will__\n\n![Photo by Brandy Angel Photography Inline 1080x720](//images.ctfassets.net/77l22z9el0aa/3u1JzDSb4u9YsMewzZAmHI/718a469c0799c3052c3171641a8f242c/Photo_by_Brandy_Angel_Photography_Inline_1080x720.jpg)\n*Photo Credit* // Brandy Angel Photography\n\n## Ask your friends.\n \nIt’s possible that you already have a couple nickname. There’s no shame in utilizing a name previously bestowed upon you in the earlier stages of your relationship. In fact, by deciding to incorporate your nickname into a wedding hashtag, you’re adding an extra touch of personalization to your special day.\n\n## What’s Your Wedding Date?\nIf you’re thinking of going the more traditional route and using your two names (or future last name), use the __[wedding date](https://zola.app.link/adPFiDyN71)__ to make it personal. Adding in an exact date also helps create a distinction between you and other couple hashtags if you and your partner have common names. Some examples include:\nSome examples include: \n- __KnowlesWedding2020__\n- __SarahandSteve052020__\n- __EricaLovesJoe121422__\n\n## Alliteration Is All You Need\nYou know it, we know it. Alliteration just works. It’s OK to fall back on words that help convey a message of love, marriage, and a celebration. If you and your partner can’t land on any other words or phrases that really fit, go with alliteration. To help you brainstorm, here’s a list of wedding-related words—one for each letter of the alphabet.\n\n- Adoringly\n- Betrothed\n- Cherished\n- Dancing\n- Ecstatic\n- Forever\n- Gracefully\n- Happily\n- Ignited\n- Joyful\n- Kept\n- Love\n- Marriage\n- Never-ending\n- Outstanding\n- Picturesque\n- Quality\n- Romance\n- Sacred\n- Together\n- Unify\n- Very\n- Wonderfully\n- Xoxo\n- Young\n- Zesty\n\n## There’s a Generator for that\nIf you’re still stuck on finding a hashtag that is fitting for both you and your partner (and your wedding theme!), no worries! Many online free wedding hashtag generators exist to assist you. Most programs will ask for: your first and last name, your partner's first and last name, and wedding date. Before you know it, you have a hashtag.\n\n## Wedding Hashtag Ideas\nNeed help coming up with your own wedding hashtag? Here are X wedding hashtag examples to get your creative wheels turning:\n\n### Creative wedding hashtags\nOne of the most unique and creative ways to come up with the best wedding hashtag for your wedding? Find a fun way to incorporate your last name into the hashtag itself. Some examples include:\n\n1. IFoundMrWright\n2. WeAreOneInAWilliams\n3. TheScottsTieTheKnot\n4. LoveScottAHoldOnMe\n5. DreamsComeTruman\n6. ToHaveAndToHolden\n7. SoonToBeStilings\n8. DreamsComeSchrute\n9. ForeverFurman\n10. FinallyFurman\n11. I’llStandByHughes\n12. SomethingOldSomethingNewman\n13. WeValessOurLove\n14. AlwaysLaughlin\n15. LoveIsDavis\n\n### Cute wedding hashtags\nIf you can’t find a way to work your last name into the hashtag, not to worry! There are plenty of other cute hashtag options using your first names or initials, like:\n\n16. #RZKindOfLove\n17. #ChrisAndBelleKissAndTell\n18. #SarahAndMitchGetHitched\n19. #CarterAndTrueSayIDo\n20. #KressSaysYes\n\n### Simple wedding hashtags\nWhile there are lots of fun ways to personalize your wedding hashtag, there’s also zero wrong with keeping it simple! Some couples prefer more simple and straightforward hashtags, like:\n\n21. #BrownWedding05042023\n22. #MadelineAndTylerWedding\n23. #KatieAndSamTieTheKnot\n24. #CarlyAndChristineWedding\n25. #MeetTheMasons\n26. #MrAndMrsThomas\n27. #MrAndMrAdams\n28. #MrsAndMrsScott\n29. #TheCartersGetMarried\n30. #KennaAndDavidSayIDo\n\n### Funny wedding hashtags\nYour wedding hashtag doesn’t have to be all sentimental—this is a great place to showcase some humor, too. Some examples include:\n\n31. __#NothingRhymesWith__: If your last name is long and wonky, state the obvious.\n32. __#StuckWith__: Why not state the obvious?\n33. __#AtLast:__ For those couples that took the long road to engagement, this adds a touch of funny by addressing the wait.\n34. __#AfterLongAdoTheySayIDo:__ Another funny option for couples that took some time to get to the altar.\n35. __Embrace The Pun:__ Lean into wordplay (or ask your wittiest friend to help with this)!\n36. __Connect With Pop Culture:__ Think of popular movies, TV shows, and characters. Apply as needed. For example: \n37. #KeepingUpWithTheKlaus\n38. #EverybodyLovesRedmond\n39. #BreakingBen\n40. #TheGreatBritishWedding\n41. #MetMyJuliet\n42. #MetMyRomeo\n\nPhoto Credit // Monique Dao Photography\n\n### Alphabetically Creative Wedding Hashtags\nJust to make things easy, here’s a list of all the hashtags we covered in alphabetical order:\n\n1. #AfterLongAdoTheySayIDo\n2. #AlwaysLaughlin\n3. #AtLast__\n4. #BreakingBen\n5. #BrownWedding05042023\n6. #CarlyAndChristineWedding\n7. #CarterAndTrueSayIDo\n8. #ChrisAndBelleKissAndTell\n9. #DreamsComeSchrute\n10. #DreamsComeTruman\n11. #EverybodyLovesRedmond\n12. #FinallyFurman\n13. #ForeverFurman\n14. #IFoundMrWright\n15. #I’llStandByHughes\n16. #KatieAndSamTieTheKnot\n17. #KeepingUpWithTheKlaus\n18. #KennaAndDavidSayIDo\n19. #KressSaysYes\n20. #LoveIsDavis\n21. #LoveScottAHoldOnMe\n22. #MadelineAndTylerWedding\n23. #MeetTheMasons\n24. #MetMyJuliet\n25. #MetMyRomeo\n26. #MrAndMrAdams\n27. #MrAndMrsThomas\n28. #MrsAndMrsScott\n29. #NothingRhymesWith__\n30. #RZKindOfLove\n31. #SarahAndMitchGetHitched\n32. #SomethingOldSomethingNewman\n33. #SoonToBeStilings\n34. #StuckWith__\n35. #TheCartersGetMarried\n36. #TheGreatBritishWedding\n37. #TheScottsTieTheKnot\n38. #ToHaveAndToHolden\n39. #WeAreOneInAWilliams\n40. #WeValessOurLove\n\n## Do’s and Don’ts When Creating a Wedding Hashtag Ideas\nThere are some things you’ll want to do when coming up with your wedding hashtag—and some things you’ll want to avoid.\n\nDo’s and don’ts to keep in mind include:\n\n### Do’s\n- __Be creative.__ You want your wedding hashtag to be unique and memorable. So be creative with your ideas!\n\n- __Have fun.__ Your wedding hashtag shouldn’t be a cause of stress. Have fun with the process! Brainstorm ideas with your partner and see who can come up with the funniest, silliest hashtag ideas.\n\n- __Get your partner’s approval.__ Even if your partner isn’t involved in brainstorming hashtags, you’ll want to get their approval before you actually choose one; that way, you can make sure you both like it before you start incorporating it into your wedding.\n\n### Don’ts\n- __Be inconsiderate.__ Some people love a funny or tongue-in-cheek wedding hashtag like #MarriedAtLast. But for others, it might hurt their feelings or embarrass them in front of wedding guests. When thinking of wedding hashtags, make sure to be considerate of your partner.\n\n- __Steal someone else’s hashtag.__ If a friend or acquaintance had a wedding hashtag you loved, you may be tempted to take it for yourself. But if it’s a unique or personal wedding hashtag, don’t use it without their permission.\n\n- __Be too generic.__ The whole point of a wedding hashtag is to make it easier to find wedding-related photos on social media. So don’t be too generic; otherwise, it will pull up all the photos of other couples that used that hashtag as well.\n\n## Ways to Encourage Guests to Use the Wedding Hashtag\nChoosing the best wedding hashtag is the first part of the process. But then, you have to get your guests to actually use the hashtag!\n\nHere are a few tips to ensure your guests actually use your wedding hashtag:\n\n- __Tell them early and often.__ Include your wedding hashtag—and how to use it—on all of your wedding materials, including your Save The Dates, wedding website, and wedding invitations. Letting people know about your hashtag early and often will get them more familiar with it—and will increase the likelihood they’ll use it.\n\n- __Put it on display.__ If wedding guests see your hashtag at the wedding, they’ll be more likely to use it to post photos. So make sure it’s on display in a variety of places—including on your wedding programs, wedding signs, and at your photo booth.\n\n- __Ask them.__ If you want your wedding guests to use your wedding hashtag, just ask them! If the bride and/or groom don’t want to be responsible for getting guests to use the hashtag, they can also assign people (like the maid of honor and/or best man) to act as “wedding hashers,” gently reminding guests throughout the reception to use the hashtag.\n\n## Wedding Hashtag Tips\nOnce you’ve selected and decided upon your future wedding hashtag, there are some basic guiding principles you have to make sure it sticks. Here’s how to make your hashtag a hit:\n\n- __Make it unique:__ You don’t want your photos mixing up with others on social media.\n\n- __Intro it early on:__ Put your wedding hashtag on your invitations and wedding stationery, post it showers and other pre-wedding parties, print it on your programs, and definitely display it around your wedding venue.\n\n- __Add it to your wedding website.__ Your wedding website is where wedding guests go to get wedding details—making it the perfect place to share your hashtag.\n\n- __Display it around your wedding venue.__ If you want guests to tag wedding photos with your hashtag, you want to make sure to have plenty of reminders all over your [wedding ceremony](https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/a-guide-to-wedding-ceremony-programs) and reception. Print it on your program, add it to wedding signs (like your welcome sign and table number signs), incorporate it into wedding decor...the more guests see it, the more likely they’ll be to use it!\n\n- __Incorporate it into your photo booth.__ Guests love to make their way over the the photo booth, so make sure your hashtag is on display nearby. You could even print your hashtag on your photo booth props!\n\n- __Include it with/on your wedding favors.__ Guests may take a lot of photos at your wedding—but not actually post them. Adding your hashtag to your wedding favors, which go home with guests, is a great way to make sure your friends and family remember to post their photos—and that your hashtag is trending in the days following your wedding.","body2":"## Make it funny. \nYour wedding hashtag doesn’t have to be all sentimental—this is a great place to showcase some humor, too. \nSome examples include:\n- __NothingRhymesWith:__ If your last name is long and wonky, state the obvious.\n- __StuckWith:__ Why not state the obvious?\n- __AtLast:__ For those couples that took the long road to engagement, this adds a touch of funny by addressing the wait.\n- __Embrace The Pun:__ Lean into wordplay (or ask your wittiest friend to help with this)!\n- __Connect With Pop Culture:__ Think of popular movies, TV shows, and characters. Apply as needed. For example: #KeepingUpWithTheKlaus or #EverybodyLovesRedmond\n\n![Photo by Monique Dao Photography Inline 1080x720](//images.ctfassets.net/77l22z9el0aa/IggBqMbHV9QSQj6wDsBox/60be448628aa9b4a4192e55d74de10ae/Photo_by_Monique_Dao_Photography_Inline_1080x720.jpg)\n*Photo Credit* // Monique Dao Photography\n\n### Alliteration is all you need.\nYou know it, we know it. Alliteration just works. It’s OK to fall back on words that help convey a message of love, marriage, and a celebration. If you and your partner can’t land on any other words or phrases that really fit, go with alliteration. To help you brainstorm, here’s a list of wedding-related words—one for each letter of the alphabet.\n- Adoringly \n- Betrothed \n- Cherished\n- Dancing\n- Ecstatic \n- Forever\n- Gracefully \n- Happily \n- Ignited \n- Joyful\n- Kept \n- Love\n- Marriage \n- Never-ending\n- Outstanding\n- Picturesque \n- Quality \n- Romance\n- Sacred\n- Together\n- Unify\n- Very\n- Wonderfully \n- Xoxo\n- Young \n- Zesty \n\n## There’s a generator for that.\n \nIf you’re still stuck on finding a hashtag that is fitting for both you and your partner, no worries! Many online free wedding hashtag generators exist to assist you. Most programs will ask for: your first and last name, your partner's first and last name, and wedding date. Before you know it, you have a hashtag. \n\n## Wedding Hashtag Tips\nOnce you’ve selected and decided upon your future wedding hashtag, there are some basic guiding principles you have to make sure it sticks. Here’s how to make your hashtag a hit:\n- __Make it unique:__ You don’t want your photos mixing up with others on social media.\n- __Capitalize each word:__ This helps with readability.\n- __Intro it early on and then keep doing it:__ Put your wedding hashtag on your invitations, post it showers and other pre-wedding parties, print it on your programs, and definitely display it around your reception venue. \n\nA wedding hashtag makes it easy to share and compile all of the social media photos and moments on and leading up to your big day. Don't stress over it too much—just keep it unique and perssonal.","tag":"Inspiration","widget1":{"marketingModule":{"tag":"EA_Masterbrand"}},"nextUp":[{"excerpt":"Create a beautiful, shareable free wedding website that will keep all your information in one place and make you and your SO's life easier.","title":"How to Build a Wedding Website: Guide + Tips","slug":"make-wedding-website","topic":"Wedding planning 101","tag":"Inspiration","heroImage":{"src":"//images.ctfassets.net/77l22z9el0aa/1ivfWCLfICZzRAlSL2XROu/d275878391dec1bf789fae38c8c5d62b/7-Reasons-to-Make-a-Wedding-Website.jpg","altText":"free wedding websites on zola.com"},"type":"articlePage"},{"excerpt":"Social media has turned weddings from guest-only experiences to larger broadcasts for loved ones (or wedding-loving strangers). 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